 * Fallback detection scans the list of Discworld 2 targets to see if it can detect an installation
 * where the files haven't been renamed (i.e. don't have the '1' just before the extension)
const ADGameDescription *TinselMetaEngine::fallbackDetect(const Common::FSList &fslist) const {
	Common::String extra;
	FileMap allFiles;
	SizeMD5Map filesSizeMD5;

	const ADGameFileDescription *fileDesc;
	const Tinsel::TinselGameDescription *g;

	if (fslist.empty())
		return NULL;

	// TODO: The following code is essentially a slightly modified copy of the
	// complete code of function detectGame() in engines/advancedDetector.cpp.
	// That quite some hefty and undesirable code duplication. Its only purpose
	// seems to be to treat filenames of the form "foo1.ext" as "foo.ext".
	// It would be nice to avoid this code duplication.

	// First we compose a hashmap of all files in fslist.
	for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
		if (file->isDirectory()) {
			if (!scumm_stricmp(file->getName().c_str(), "dw2")) {
				// Probably Discworld 2 subfolder on CD, so add it's contents as well
				Common::FSList files;
				if (file->getChildren(files, Common::FSNode::kListAll)) {
					Common::FSList::const_iterator file2;
					for (file2 = files.begin(); file2 != files.end(); ++file2) {
						if (file2->isDirectory())

						Common::String fname = file2->getName();
						allFiles[fname] = *file2;

		Common::String tstr = file->getName();

		allFiles[tstr] = *file;	// Record the presence of this file

	// Check which files are included in some dw2 ADGameDescription *and* present
	// in fslist without a '1' suffix character. Compute MD5s and file sizes for these files.
	for (g = &Tinsel::gameDescriptions[0]; g->desc.gameid != 0; ++g) {
		if (strcmp(g->desc.gameid, "dw2") != 0)

		for (fileDesc = g->desc.filesDescriptions; fileDesc->fileName; fileDesc++) {
			// Get the next filename, stripping off any '1' suffix character
			char tempFilename[50];
			strcpy(tempFilename, fileDesc->fileName);
			char *pOne = strchr(tempFilename, '1');
			if (pOne) {
				do {
					*pOne = *(pOne + 1);
				} while (*pOne);

			Common::String fname(tempFilename);
			if (allFiles.contains(fname) && !filesSizeMD5.contains(fname)) {
				SizeMD5 tmp;
				Common::File testFile;

				if (testFile.open(allFiles[fname])) {
					tmp.size = (int32)testFile.size();
					tmp.md5 = computeStreamMD5AsString(testFile, detectionParams.md5Bytes);
				} else {
					tmp.size = -1;

				filesSizeMD5[fname] = tmp;

	ADGameDescList matched;
	int maxFilesMatched = 0;

	// MD5 based matching
	for (g = &Tinsel::gameDescriptions[0]; g->desc.gameid != 0; ++g) {
		if (strcmp(g->desc.gameid, "dw2") != 0)

		bool fileMissing = false;

		if ((detectionParams.flags & kADFlagUseExtraAsHint) && !extra.empty() && g->desc.extra != extra)

		bool allFilesPresent = true;

		// Try to match all files for this game
		for (fileDesc = g->desc.filesDescriptions; fileDesc->fileName; fileDesc++) {
			// Get the next filename, stripping off any '1' suffix character
			char tempFilename[50];
			strcpy(tempFilename, fileDesc->fileName);
			char *pOne = strchr(tempFilename, '1');
			if (pOne) {
				do {
					*pOne = *(pOne + 1);
				} while (*pOne);

			Common::String tstr(tempFilename);

			if (!filesSizeMD5.contains(tstr)) {
				fileMissing = true;
				allFilesPresent = false;

			if (fileDesc->md5 != NULL && fileDesc->md5 != filesSizeMD5[tstr].md5) {
				fileMissing = true;

			if (fileDesc->fileSize != -1 && fileDesc->fileSize != filesSizeMD5[tstr].size) {
				fileMissing = true;

		if (!fileMissing) {
			// Count the number of matching files. Then, only keep those
			// entries which match a maximal amount of files.
			int curFilesMatched = 0;
			for (fileDesc = g->desc.filesDescriptions; fileDesc->fileName; fileDesc++)

			if (curFilesMatched > maxFilesMatched) {
				maxFilesMatched = curFilesMatched;

				matched.clear();	// Remove any prior, lower ranked matches.
				matched.push_back((const ADGameDescription *)g);
			} else if (curFilesMatched == maxFilesMatched) {
				matched.push_back((const ADGameDescription *)g);

	// We didn't find a match
	if (matched.empty())
		return NULL;

	return *matched.begin();
static void detectGames(const Common::FSList &fslist, Common::List<DetectorResult> &results, const char *gameid) {
	DescMap fileMD5Map;
	DetectorResult dr;

	// Dive one level down since mac indy3/loom has its files split into directories. See Bug #1438631
	composeFileHashMap(fslist, fileMD5Map, 2, directoryGlobs);

	// Iterate over all filename patterns.
	for (const GameFilenamePattern *gfp = gameFilenamesTable; gfp->gameid; ++gfp) {
		// If a gameid was specified, we only try to detect that specific game,
		// so we can just skip over everything with a differing gameid.
		if (gameid && scumm_stricmp(gameid, gfp->gameid))

		// Generate the detectname corresponding to the gfp. If the file doesn't
		// exist in the directory we are looking at, we can skip to the next
		// one immediately.
		Common::String file(generateFilenameForDetection(gfp->pattern, gfp->genMethod));
		if (!fileMD5Map.contains(file))

		// Reset the DetectorResult variable
		dr.fp.pattern = gfp->pattern;
		dr.fp.genMethod = gfp->genMethod;
		dr.game.gameid = 0;
		dr.language = gfp->language;
		dr.extra = 0;

		//  ____            _     _
		// |  _ \ __ _ _ __| |_  / |
		// | |_) / _` | '__| __| | |
		// |  __/ (_| | |  | |_  | |
		// |_|   \__,_|_|   \__| |_|
		// PART 1: Trying to find an exact match using MD5.
		// Background: We found a valid detection file. Check if its MD5
		// checksum occurs in our MD5 table. If it does, try to use that
		// to find an exact match.
		// We only do that if the MD5 hadn't already been computed (since
		// we may look at some detection files multiple times).
		DetectorDesc &d = fileMD5Map[file];
		if (d.md5.empty()) {
			Common::SeekableReadStream *tmp = 0;
			bool isDiskImg = (file.hasSuffix(".d64") || file.hasSuffix(".dsk") || file.hasSuffix(".prg"));
			if (isDiskImg) {
				tmp = openDiskImage(d.node, gfp);

				debug(2, "Falling back to disk-based detection");
			} else {
				tmp = d.node.createReadStream();

			Common::String md5str;
			if (tmp)
				md5str = computeStreamMD5AsString(*tmp, kMD5FileSizeLimit);
			if (!md5str.empty()) {

				d.md5 = md5str;
				d.md5Entry = findInMD5Table(md5str.c_str());

				dr.md5 = d.md5;

				if (d.md5Entry) {
					// Exact match found. Compute the precise game settings.
					computeGameSettingsFromMD5(fslist, gfp, d.md5Entry, dr);

					// Print some debug info
					int filesize = tmp->size();
					if (d.md5Entry->filesize != filesize)
					debug(1, "SCUMM detector found matching file '%s' with MD5 %s, size %d\n",
						file.c_str(), md5str.c_str(), filesize);

					// Sanity check: We *should* have found a matching gameid / variant at this point.
					// If not, then there's a bug in our data tables...
					assert(dr.game.gameid != 0);

					// Add it to the list of detected games

			if (isDiskImg)
			delete tmp;

		// If an exact match for this file has already been found, don't bother
		// looking at it anymore.
		if (d.md5Entry)

		//  ____            _     ____
		// |  _ \ __ _ _ __| |_  |___ \ *
		// | |_) / _` | '__| __|   __) |
		// |  __/ (_| | |  | |_   / __/
		// |_|   \__,_|_|   \__| |_____|
		// PART 2: Fuzzy matching for files with unknown MD5.

		// We loop over the game variants matching the gameid associated to
		// the gfp record. We then try to decide for each whether it could be
		// appropriate or not.
		dr.md5 = d.md5;
		for (const GameSettings *g = gameVariantsTable; g->gameid; ++g) {
			// Skip over entries with a different gameid.
			if (g->gameid[0] == 0 || scumm_stricmp(gfp->gameid, g->gameid))

			dr.game = *g;
			dr.extra = g->variant; // FIXME: We (ab)use 'variant' for the 'extra' description for now.

			if (gfp->platform != Common::kPlatformUnknown)
				dr.game.platform = gfp->platform;

			// If a variant has been specified, use that!
			if (gfp->variant) {
				if (!scumm_stricmp(gfp->variant, g->variant)) {
					// perfect match found

			// HACK: Perhaps it is some modified translation?
			dr.language = detectLanguage(fslist, g->id);

			// Add the game/variant to the candidates list if it is consistent
			// with the file(s) we are seeing.
			if (testGame(g, fileMD5Map, file))