NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: computeWeightFunction(const FloatArray &src, const FloatArray &coord)
    return computeWeightFunction( src.distance(coord) );
MisesMatNl :: modifyNonlocalWeightFunctionAround(GaussPoint *gp)
    MisesMatNlStatus *nonlocStatus, *status = static_cast< MisesMatNlStatus * >( this->giveStatus(gp) );
    std :: list< localIntegrationRecord > *list = this->giveIPIntegrationList(gp);
    std :: list< localIntegrationRecord > :: iterator pos, postarget;

    // find the current Gauss point (target) in the list of it neighbors
    for ( pos = list->begin(); pos != list->end(); ++pos ) {
        if ( pos->nearGp == gp ) {
            postarget = pos;

    Element *elem = gp->giveElement();
    FloatArray coords;
    elem->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, * ( gp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) );
    double xtarget = coords.at(1);

    double w, wsum = 0., x, xprev, damage, damageprev = 0.0;
    Element *nearElem;

    // process the list from the target to the end
    double distance = 0.; // distance modified by damage
    xprev = xtarget;
    for ( pos = postarget; pos != list->end(); ++pos ) {
        nearElem = ( pos->nearGp )->giveElement();
        nearElem->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, * ( ( pos->nearGp )->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) );
        x = coords.at(1);
        nonlocStatus = static_cast< MisesMatNlStatus * >( this->giveStatus(pos->nearGp) );
        damage = nonlocStatus->giveTempDamage();
        if ( pos != postarget ) {
            distance += ( x - xprev ) * 0.5 * ( computeDistanceModifier(damage) + computeDistanceModifier(damageprev) );

        w = computeWeightFunction(distance) * nearElem->computeVolumeAround(pos->nearGp);
        pos->weight = w;
        wsum += w;
        xprev = x;
        damageprev = damage;

    // process the list from the target to the beginning
    distance = 0.;
    for ( pos = postarget; pos != list->begin(); --pos ) {
        nearElem = ( pos->nearGp )->giveElement();
        nearElem->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, * ( ( pos->nearGp )->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) );
        x = coords.at(1);
        nonlocStatus = static_cast< MisesMatNlStatus * >( this->giveStatus(pos->nearGp) );
        damage = nonlocStatus->giveTempDamage();
        if ( pos != postarget ) {
            distance += ( xprev - x ) * 0.5 * ( computeDistanceModifier(damage) + computeDistanceModifier(damageprev) );
            w = computeWeightFunction(distance) * nearElem->computeVolumeAround(pos->nearGp);
            pos->weight = w;
            wsum += w;

        xprev = x;
        damageprev = damage;

    // the beginning must be treated separately
    pos = list->begin();
    if ( pos != postarget ) {
        nearElem = ( pos->nearGp )->giveElement();
        nearElem->computeGlobalCoordinates( coords, * ( ( pos->nearGp )->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) );
        x = coords.at(1);
        nonlocStatus = static_cast< MisesMatNlStatus * >( this->giveStatus(pos->nearGp) );
        damage = nonlocStatus->giveTempDamage();
        distance += ( xprev - x ) * 0.5 * ( computeDistanceModifier(damage) + computeDistanceModifier(damageprev) );
        w = computeWeightFunction(distance) * nearElem->computeVolumeAround(pos->nearGp);
        pos->weight = w;
        wsum += w;
