/* The main function */
main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* Generate the grids and populate them with the same set of random values. */
	GRID_STRUCT *grid_1 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); 
	GRID_STRUCT *grid_2 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); 
	GRID_STRUCT *grid_3 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); 

	grid_1->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION;
	grid_1->num_elements = grid_1->dimension * grid_1->dimension;
	grid_2->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION;
	grid_2->num_elements = grid_2->dimension * grid_2->dimension;
	grid_3->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION;
	grid_3->num_elements = grid_3->dimension * grid_3->dimension;

 	create_grids(grid_1, grid_2, grid_3);

	/* Compute the reference solution using the single-threaded version. */
	printf("Using the single threaded version to solve the grid. \n");
	int num_iter = compute_gold(grid_1);
	printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter);

	/* Use pthreads to solve the equation uisng the red-black parallelization technique. */
	printf("Using pthreads to solve the grid using the red-black parallelization method. \n");
	num_iter = compute_using_pthreads_red_black(grid_2);
	printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter);

	/* Use pthreads to solve the equation using the jacobi method in parallel. */
	printf("Using pthreads to solve the grid using the jacobi method. \n");
	num_iter = compute_using_pthreads_jacobi(grid_3);
	printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter);

	/* Print key statistics for the converged values. */
	printf("Reference: \n");

	printf("Red-black: \n");
	printf("Jacobi: \n");

    /* Compute grid differences. */
    compute_grid_differences(grid_1, grid_2, grid_3);

	/* Free up the grid data structures. */
	free((void *)grid_1->element);	
	free((void *)grid_1); 
	free((void *)grid_2->element);	
	free((void *)grid_2);

	free((void *)grid_3->element);	
	free((void *)grid_3);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	float a = LEFT_ENDPOINT;
	float b = RIGHT_ENDPOINT;

	pthread_t threadManager;
	pthread_t workerThread[NUM_THREADs];
	threadArgs *tThread;

	/* single threaded timing start */
	clock_t start = clock(), diff;
	double reference = compute_gold(a, b, n, func);
	printf("Reference solution computed on the CPU = %f \n", reference);
	diff = clock() - start;
	int msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("Time taken %d milliseconds\n", msec%1000);	
	/* single threaded timing end  */

	int i;

	tThread = (threadArgs *) malloc(sizeof(threadArgs));
	tThread -> a = a;
	tThread -> b = b;
	tThread -> n = n;
	tThread -> h = (b-a)/(float)n;
	tThread -> f = func;

	clock_t start2 = clock(), diff2;

	for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADs; i++){

		if(pthread_create(&workerThread[i], NULL, compute_using_pthreads, (void *) tThread) != 0){
			printf("Error within pthread_create.\n");
			return -1;
	double *trapInt;
	double sum = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADs; i++){
		pthread_join(workerThread[i], &trapInt);
		sum += *trapInt;
	sum = sum/NUM_THREADs;
	diff2 = clock() - start2;	
	int msec2 = diff2 * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;	

	printf("Pthreads compution solution: %f\n", sum);
	printf("Time taken %d milliseconds\n",(msec2%1000)/NUM_THREADs);
	pthread_exit((void *) threadManager);
//! Generate the histogram on Single Threaded CPU and Then PTHREADS and Check for Correctness
void run_test(int num_elements, int num_threads) 
	float diff;
	int i; 
	int *reference_histogram = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * HISTOGRAM_SIZE); // Space to store histogram generated by the CPU
	int *histogram_using_pthreads = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * HISTOGRAM_SIZE); // Space to store histogram generated by the GPU

	// Allocate memory for the input data
	int size = sizeof(int) * num_elements;
	int *input_data = (int *)malloc(size);
	// Randomly generate input data. Initialize the input data to be integer values between 0 and (HISTOGRAM_SIZE - 1)
	srand(time(NULL)); // add this for real randomness
	for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
		input_data[i] = floorf((HISTOGRAM_SIZE - 1) * (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX));

	printf("Creating the reference histogram. \n"); 
	// Compute the reference solution on the CPU
	struct timeval start, stop;	
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

	compute_gold(input_data, reference_histogram, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);

	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	printf("CPU run time = %0.10f s. \n", (float)(stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));
	// check_histogram(reference_histogram, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);
	// Compute the histogram using pthreads. The result histogram should be stored on the histogram_using_pthreads array
	printf("Creating histogram using pthreads. \n");

	struct timeval pstart, pstop;	
	gettimeofday(&pstart, NULL);
	compute_using_pthreads(input_data, histogram_using_pthreads, num_elements, num_threads, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);
	gettimeofday(&pstop, NULL);
	printf("Pthreads run time = %0.10f s. \n", (float)(pstop.tv_sec - pstart.tv_sec + (pstop.tv_usec - pstart.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));
	// check_histogram(histogram_using_pthreads, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);

	// Compute the differences between the reference and pthread results
	diff = 0.0;
	for(i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++)
		diff = diff + abs(reference_histogram[i] - histogram_using_pthreads[i]);

	printf("Difference between the reference and pthread results: %f. \n", diff);
	// cleanup memory

int main(void) 
	float a = LEFT_ENDPOINT;
	float b = RIGHT_ENDPOINT;
	float h = (b-a)/(float)n; // Height of each trapezoid  
	printf("The height of the trapezoid is %f \n", h);

	double reference = compute_gold(a, b, n, h);
   printf("Reference solution computed on the CPU = %f \n", reference);

	/* Write this function to complete the trapezoidal on the GPU. */
	double pthread_result = compute_using_pthreads(a, b, n, h);
	printf("Solution computed using pthreads = %f \n", pthread_result);
run_test(int num_elements) 
	float diff;
	int i; 

    /* Allocate memory for the histrogram structures. */
	int *reference_histogram = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * HISTOGRAM_SIZE);
	int *histogram_using_pthreads = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * HISTOGRAM_SIZE); 

	/* Generate input data---integer values between 0 and (HISTOGRAM_SIZE - 1). */
    int size = sizeof(int) * num_elements;
	int *input_data = (int *)malloc(size);

	for(i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
		input_data[i] = floorf((HISTOGRAM_SIZE - 1) * (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX));

    /* Compute the reference solution on the CPU. */
	printf("Creating the reference histogram. \n"); 
	struct timeval start, stop;	
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

	compute_gold(input_data, reference_histogram, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);

	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	printf("CPU run time = %0.2f s. \n", (float)(stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));
	check_histogram(reference_histogram, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE); 
	/* Compute the histogram using pthreads. The result histogram should be stored in the 
     * histogram_using_pthreads array. */
	printf("Creating histogram using pthreads. \n");
	compute_using_pthreads(input_data, histogram_using_pthreads, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE);
	/* check_histogram(histogram_using_pthreads, num_elements, HISTOGRAM_SIZE); */

	/* Compute the differences between the reference and pthread results. */
	diff = 0.0;
    for(i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++)
		diff = diff + abs(reference_histogram[i] - histogram_using_pthreads[i]);

	printf("Difference between the reference and pthread results: %f. \n", diff);
	/* cleanup memory. */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if(argc != 2){
		printf("Usage: vector_dot_product <num elements> \n");
	int num_elements = atoi(argv[1]); // Obtain the size of the vector 

	/* Create the vectors A and B and fill them with random numbers between [-.5, .5]. */
	float *vector_a = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * num_elements);
	float *vector_b = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * num_elements); 
	srand(time(NULL)); // Seed the random number generator
	for(int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++){
		vector_a[i] = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
		vector_b[i] = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
	/* Compute the dot product using the reference, single-threaded solution. */
	struct timeval start, stop;	
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	float reference = compute_gold(vector_a, vector_b, num_elements); 
	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

	printf("Reference solution = %f. \n", reference);
	printf("Execution time = %fs. \n", (float)(stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));

	/* Compute the dot product using the multi-threaded version. */
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	float result = compute_using_pthreads(vector_a, vector_b, num_elements);
	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

	printf("Pthread solution = %f. \n", result);
	printf("Execution time = %fs. \n", (float)(stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));

	/* Free memory here. */ 
	free((void *)vector_a);
	free((void *)vector_b);

// Program main
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	// Matrices for the program
	Matrix  A; // The input matrix
	Matrix  U_reference; // The upper triangular matrix computed by the reference code
	Matrix 	U_mt; // The upper triangular matric computed by the openmp code
	// Initialize the random number generator with a seed value 
	// Check command line arguments
	if(argc > 1){
		printf("Error. This program accepts no arguments. \n");
	// Allocate and initialize the matrices
	A  = allocate_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE, 1); // Allocate and populate a random square matrix
	U_reference = allocate_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE, 0);  // Allocate space for the reference result
	U_mt = allocate_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE, 0); // Allocate space for the multi-threaded result

	// Copy the contents of the A matrix into the U matrices
	for (int i = 0; i < A.num_rows; i ++){
		for(int j = 0; j < A.num_rows; j++){
			U_reference.elements[A.num_rows*i + j] = A.elements[A.num_rows*i + j];
			U_mt.elements[A.num_rows*i + j] = A.elements[A.num_rows*i + j];

	printf("Performing gaussian elimination using the reference code. \n");
	struct timeval start, stop;	
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
	int status = compute_gold(U_reference.elements, A.num_rows);
	gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
	printf("CPU run time = %0.2f s. \n", (float)(stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/(float)1000000));

	if(status == 0){
		printf("Failed to convert given matrix to upper triangular. Try again. Exiting. \n");
	status = perform_simple_check(U_reference); // Check that the principal diagonal elements are 1 
	if(status == 0){
		printf("The upper triangular matrix is incorrect. Exiting. \n");
	printf("Single-threaded Gaussian elimination was successful. \n");

	/* MODIFY THIS CODE: Perform the Gaussian elimination using the multi-threaded version. The resulting upper triangular matrix should be returned in U_mt */

	// check if the pthread result is equivalent to the expected solution within the specified tolerance. Do not change this value
	int res = check_results(U_reference.elements, U_mt.elements, size, 0.0001f);
	printf("Test %s\n", (1 == res) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

	// Free host matrices

	return 0;