static int vlclua_config_set( lua_State *L ) { vlc_object_t *p_this = vlclua_get_this( L ); const char *psz_name = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); switch( config_GetType( p_this, psz_name ) ) { case VLC_VAR_STRING: config_PutPsz( p_this, psz_name, luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: config_PutInt( p_this, psz_name, luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_BOOL: config_PutInt( p_this, psz_name, luaL_checkboolean( L, 2 ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: config_PutFloat( p_this, psz_name, luaL_checknumber( L, 2 ) ); break; default: return vlclua_error( L ); } return 0; }
/***************************************************************************** * Config handling *****************************************************************************/ static int vlclua_config_get( lua_State *L ) { vlc_object_t * p_this = vlclua_get_this( L ); const char *psz_name = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); switch( config_GetType( p_this, psz_name ) ) { case VLC_VAR_STRING: { char *psz = config_GetPsz( p_this, psz_name ); lua_pushstring( L, psz ); free( psz ); break; } case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: lua_pushinteger( L, config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_BOOL: lua_pushboolean( L, config_GetInt( p_this, psz_name ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: lua_pushnumber( L, config_GetFloat( p_this, psz_name ) ); break; default: return vlclua_error( L ); } return 1; }
void filter_AddProxyCallbacks( vlc_object_t *obj, filter_t *filter, vlc_callback_t restart_cb ) { char **names = var_GetAllNames(VLC_OBJECT(filter)); if (names == NULL) return; for (char **pname = names; *pname != NULL; pname++) { char *name = *pname; int var_type = var_Type(filter, name); if (var_Type(obj, name) || config_GetType(name) == 0) { free(name); continue; } var_Create(obj, name, var_type | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT | VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND); if ((var_type & VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND)) var_AddCallback(obj, name, TriggerFilterCallback, filter); else var_AddCallback(obj, name, restart_cb, obj); free(name); } free(names); }
/***************************************************************************** * vlc_thread_set_priority: set the priority of the current thread when we * couldn't set it in vlc_thread_create (for instance for the main thread) *****************************************************************************/ int vlc_thread_set_priority( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char * psz_file, int i_line, int i_priority ) { vlc_object_internals_t *p_priv = vlc_internals( p_this ); if( !p_priv->b_thread ) { msg_Err( p_this, "couldn't set priority of non-existent thread" ); return ESRCH; } #if defined( LIBVLC_USE_PTHREAD ) # ifndef __APPLE__ if( var_InheritBool( p_this, "rt-priority" ) ) # endif { int i_error, i_policy; struct sched_param param; memset( ¶m, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param) ); if( config_GetType( p_this, "rt-offset" ) ) i_priority += var_InheritInteger( p_this, "rt-offset" ); if( i_priority <= 0 ) { param.sched_priority = (-1) * i_priority; i_policy = SCHED_OTHER; } else { param.sched_priority = i_priority; i_policy = SCHED_RR; } if( (i_error = pthread_setschedparam( p_priv->thread_id, i_policy, ¶m )) ) { errno = i_error; msg_Warn( p_this, "couldn't set thread priority (%s:%d): %m", psz_file, i_line ); i_priority = 0; } } #elif defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE ) VLC_UNUSED( psz_file); VLC_UNUSED( i_line ); #ifndef UNDER_CE if( !SetThreadPriority(p_priv->thread_id, i_priority) ) #else if( !SetThreadPriority(p_priv->thread_id->handle, i_priority) ) #endif { msg_Warn( p_this, "couldn't set a faster priority" ); return 1; } #endif return 0; }
static int vlclua_var_inherit( lua_State *L ) { vlc_value_t val; vlc_object_t *p_obj; if( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TNIL ) p_obj = vlclua_get_this( L ); else { vlc_object_t **pp_obj = luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "vlc_object" ); p_obj = *pp_obj; } const char *psz_var = luaL_checkstring( L, 2 ); int i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_var ); if( var_Inherit( p_obj, psz_var, i_type, &val ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) return 0; lua_pop( L, 2 ); return vlclua_pushvalue( L, i_type, val, true ); }
/** Parse a stringified option * This function parse a string option and create the associated object * variable * The option must be of the form "[no[-]]foo[=bar]" where foo is the * option name and bar is the value of the option. * \param p_obj the object in which the variable must be created * \param psz_option the option to parse * \param trusted whether the option is set by a trusted input or not * \return nothing */ void var_OptionParse( vlc_object_t *p_obj, const char *psz_option, bool trusted ) { char *psz_name, *psz_value; int i_type; bool b_isno = false; vlc_value_t val; val.psz_string = NULL; /* It's too much of a hassle to remove the ':' when we parse * the cmd line :) */ if( psz_option[0] == ':' ) psz_option++; if( !psz_option[0] ) return; psz_name = strdup( psz_option ); if( psz_name == NULL ) return; psz_value = strchr( psz_name, '=' ); if( psz_value != NULL ) *psz_value++ = '\0'; i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_name ); if( !i_type && !psz_value ) { /* check for "no-foo" or "nofoo" */ if( !strncmp( psz_name, "no-", 3 ) ) { memmove( psz_name, psz_name + 3, strlen(psz_name) + 1 - 3 ); } else if( !strncmp( psz_name, "no", 2 ) ) { memmove( psz_name, psz_name + 2, strlen(psz_name) + 1 - 2 ); } else goto cleanup; /* Option doesn't exist */ b_isno = true; i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_name ); } if( !i_type ) goto cleanup; /* Option doesn't exist */ if( ( i_type != VLC_VAR_BOOL ) && ( !psz_value || !*psz_value ) ) goto cleanup; /* Invalid value */ /* check if option is unsafe */ if( !trusted && !config_IsSafe( psz_name ) ) { msg_Err( p_obj, "unsafe option \"%s\" has been ignored for " "security reasons", psz_name ); free( psz_name ); return; } /* Create the variable in the input object. * Children of the input object will be able to retrieve this value * thanks to the inheritance property of the object variables. */ var_Create( p_obj, psz_name, i_type ); switch( i_type ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: val.b_bool = !b_isno; break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: val.i_int = strtoll( psz_value, NULL, 0 ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: val.f_float = us_atof( psz_value ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: val.psz_string = psz_value; break; default: goto cleanup; } var_Set( p_obj, psz_name, val ); cleanup: free( psz_name ); }
/***************************************************************************** * vlc_thread_create: create a thread, inner version ***************************************************************************** * Note that i_priority is only taken into account on platforms supporting * userland real-time priority threads. *****************************************************************************/ int __vlc_thread_create( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char * psz_file, int i_line, const char *psz_name, void * ( *func ) ( vlc_object_t * ), int i_priority, bool b_wait ) { int i_ret; vlc_object_internals_t *p_priv = vlc_internals( p_this ); struct vlc_thread_boot *boot = malloc (sizeof (*boot)); if (boot == NULL) return errno; boot->entry = func; boot->object = p_this; vlc_object_lock( p_this ); /* Make sure we don't re-create a thread if the object has already one */ assert( !p_priv->b_thread ); #if defined( LIBVLC_USE_PTHREAD ) pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init (&attr); /* Block the signals that signals interface plugin handles. * If the LibVLC caller wants to handle some signals by itself, it should * block these before whenever invoking LibVLC. And it must obviously not * start the VLC signals interface plugin. * * LibVLC will normally ignore any interruption caused by an asynchronous * signal during a system call. But there may well be some buggy cases * where it fails to handle EINTR (bug reports welcome). Some underlying * libraries might also not handle EINTR properly. */ sigset_t set, oldset; #ifndef MHSVLC sigemptyset (&set); sigdelset (&set, SIGHUP); sigaddset (&set, SIGINT); sigaddset (&set, SIGQUIT); sigaddset (&set, SIGTERM); sigaddset (&set, SIGPIPE); /* We don't want this one, really! */ pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset); #endif #ifndef __APPLE__ if( config_GetInt( p_this, "rt-priority" ) > 0 ) #endif { struct sched_param p = { .sched_priority = i_priority, }; int policy; /* Hack to avoid error msg */ if( config_GetType( p_this, "rt-offset" ) ) p.sched_priority += config_GetInt( p_this, "rt-offset" ); if( p.sched_priority <= 0 ) p.sched_priority += sched_get_priority_max (policy = SCHED_RR); else p.sched_priority += sched_get_priority_min (policy = SCHED_RR); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (&attr, policy); pthread_attr_setschedparam (&attr, &p); } i_ret = pthread_create( &p_priv->thread_id, &attr, thread_entry, boot ); #ifndef MHSVLC pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); #endif pthread_attr_destroy (&attr); #elif defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE ) /* When using the MSVCRT C library you have to use the _beginthreadex * function instead of CreateThread, otherwise you'll end up with * memory leaks and the signal functions not working (see Microsoft * Knowledge Base, article 104641) */ #if defined( UNDER_CE ) HANDLE hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, thread_entry, (LPVOID)boot, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL ); #else HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)(uintptr_t) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, thread_entry, boot, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL ); #endif if( hThread ) { p_priv->thread_id = hThread; ResumeThread (hThread); i_ret = 0; if( i_priority && !SetThreadPriority (hThread, i_priority) ) { msg_Warn( p_this, "couldn't set a faster priority" ); i_priority = 0; } } else i_ret = errno; #elif defined( HAVE_KERNEL_SCHEDULER_H ) p_priv->thread_id = spawn_thread( (thread_func)thread_entry, psz_name, i_priority, p_data ); i_ret = resume_thread( p_priv->thread_id ); #endif if( i_ret == 0 ) { if( b_wait ) { msg_Dbg( p_this, "waiting for thread initialization" ); vlc_object_wait( p_this ); } p_priv->b_thread = true; msg_Dbg( p_this, "thread %lu (%s) created at priority %d (%s:%d)", (unsigned long)p_priv->thread_id, psz_name, i_priority, psz_file, i_line ); } else { errno = i_ret; msg_Err( p_this, "%s thread could not be created at %s:%d (%m)", psz_name, psz_file, i_line ); } vlc_object_unlock( p_this ); return i_ret; }
void config_ChainParse( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_prefix, const char *const *ppsz_options, config_chain_t *cfg ) { if( psz_prefix == NULL ) psz_prefix = ""; size_t plen = 1 + strlen( psz_prefix ); /* First, var_Create all variables */ for( size_t i = 0; ppsz_options[i] != NULL; i++ ) { const char *optname = ppsz_options[i]; if (optname[0] == '*') optname++; char name[plen + strlen( optname )]; snprintf( name, sizeof (name), "%s%s", psz_prefix, optname ); if( var_Create( p_this, name, config_GetType( p_this, name ) | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT ) ) return /* VLC_xxx */; } /* Now parse options and set value */ for(; cfg; cfg = cfg->p_next ) { vlc_value_t val; bool b_yes = true; bool b_once = false; module_config_t *p_conf; int i_type; size_t i; if( cfg->psz_name == NULL || *cfg->psz_name == '\0' ) continue; for( i = 0; ppsz_options[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if( !strcmp( ppsz_options[i], cfg->psz_name ) ) { break; } if( ( !strncmp( cfg->psz_name, "no-", 3 ) && !strcmp( ppsz_options[i], cfg->psz_name + 3 ) ) || ( !strncmp( cfg->psz_name, "no", 2 ) && !strcmp( ppsz_options[i], cfg->psz_name + 2 ) ) ) { b_yes = false; break; } if( *ppsz_options[i] == '*' && !strcmp( &ppsz_options[i][1], cfg->psz_name ) ) { b_once = true; break; } } if( ppsz_options[i] == NULL ) { msg_Warn( p_this, "option %s is unknown", cfg->psz_name ); continue; } /* create name */ char name[plen + strlen( ppsz_options[i] )]; const char *psz_name = name; snprintf( name, sizeof (name), "%s%s", psz_prefix, b_once ? (ppsz_options[i] + 1) : ppsz_options[i] ); /* Check if the option is deprecated */ p_conf = config_FindConfig( p_this, name ); /* This is basically cut and paste from src/misc/configuration.c * with slight changes */ if( p_conf ) { if( p_conf->b_removed ) { msg_Err( p_this, "Option %s is not supported anymore.", name ); /* TODO: this should return an error and end option parsing * ... but doing this would change the VLC API and all the * modules so i'll do it later */ continue; } } /* </Check if the option is deprecated> */ /* get the type of the variable */ i_type = config_GetType( p_this, psz_name ); if( !i_type ) { msg_Warn( p_this, "unknown option %s (value=%s)", cfg->psz_name, cfg->psz_value ); continue; } if( i_type != VLC_VAR_BOOL && cfg->psz_value == NULL ) { msg_Warn( p_this, "missing value for option %s", cfg->psz_name ); continue; } if( i_type != VLC_VAR_STRING && b_once ) { msg_Warn( p_this, "*option_name need to be a string option" ); continue; } switch( i_type ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: val.b_bool = b_yes; break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: val.i_int = strtol( cfg->psz_value ? cfg->psz_value : "0", NULL, 0 ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: val.f_float = us_atof( cfg->psz_value ? cfg->psz_value : "0" ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: val.psz_string = cfg->psz_value; break; default: msg_Warn( p_this, "unhandled config var type (%d)", i_type ); memset( &val, 0, sizeof( vlc_value_t ) ); break; } if( b_once ) { vlc_value_t val2; var_Get( p_this, psz_name, &val2 ); if( *val2.psz_string ) { free( val2.psz_string ); msg_Dbg( p_this, "ignoring option %s (not first occurrence)", psz_name ); continue; } free( val2.psz_string ); } var_Set( p_this, psz_name, val ); msg_Dbg( p_this, "set config option: %s to %s", psz_name, cfg->psz_value ? cfg->psz_value : "(null)" ); } }
/** Parse a stringified option * This function parse a string option and create the associated object * variable * The option must be of the form "[no[-]]foo[=bar]" where foo is the * option name and bar is the value of the option. * \param p_obj the object in which the variable must be created * \param psz_option the option to parse * \return nothing */ void __var_OptionParse( vlc_object_t *p_obj, const char *psz_option ) { char *psz_name, *psz_value = strchr( psz_option, '=' ); int i_name_len, i_type; vlc_bool_t b_isno = VLC_FALSE; vlc_value_t val; if( psz_value ) i_name_len = psz_value - psz_option; else i_name_len = strlen( psz_option ); /* It's too much of an hassle to remove the ':' when we parse * the cmd line :) */ if( i_name_len && *psz_option == ':' ) { psz_option++; i_name_len--; } if( i_name_len == 0 ) return; psz_name = strndup( psz_option, i_name_len ); if( psz_value ) psz_value++; /* FIXME: :programs should be handled generically */ if( !strcmp( psz_name, "programs" ) ) i_type = VLC_VAR_LIST; else i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_name ); if( !i_type && !psz_value ) { /* check for "no-foo" or "nofoo" */ if( !strncmp( psz_name, "no-", 3 ) ) { memmove( psz_name, psz_name + 3, strlen(psz_name) + 1 - 3 ); } else if( !strncmp( psz_name, "no", 2 ) ) { memmove( psz_name, psz_name + 2, strlen(psz_name) + 1 - 2 ); } else goto cleanup; /* Option doesn't exist */ b_isno = VLC_TRUE; i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_name ); if( !i_type ) goto cleanup; /* Option doesn't exist */ } else if( !i_type ) goto cleanup; /* Option doesn't exist */ if( ( i_type != VLC_VAR_BOOL ) && ( !psz_value || !*psz_value ) ) goto cleanup; /* Invalid value */ /* Create the variable in the input object. * Children of the input object will be able to retreive this value * thanks to the inheritance property of the object variables. */ var_Create( p_obj, psz_name, i_type ); switch( i_type ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: val.b_bool = !b_isno; break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: val.i_int = strtol( psz_value, NULL, 0 ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: val.f_float = atof( psz_value ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: case VLC_VAR_MODULE: case VLC_VAR_FILE: case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: val.psz_string = psz_value; break; case VLC_VAR_LIST: { char *psz_orig, *psz_var; vlc_list_t *p_list = malloc(sizeof(vlc_list_t)); val.p_list = p_list; p_list->i_count = 0; psz_var = psz_orig = strdup(psz_value); while( psz_var && *psz_var ) { char *psz_item = psz_var; vlc_value_t val2; while( *psz_var && *psz_var != ',' ) psz_var++; if( *psz_var == ',' ) { *psz_var = '\0'; psz_var++; } val2.i_int = strtol( psz_item, NULL, 0 ); INSERT_ELEM( p_list->p_values, p_list->i_count, p_list->i_count, val2 ); /* p_list->i_count is incremented twice by INSERT_ELEM */ p_list->i_count--; INSERT_ELEM( p_list->pi_types, p_list->i_count, p_list->i_count, VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); } if( psz_orig ) free( psz_orig ); break; } default: goto cleanup; break; } var_Set( p_obj, psz_name, val ); cleanup: if( psz_name ) free( psz_name ); return; }
void EvaluateRPN( intf_thread_t *p_intf, mvar_t *vars, rpn_stack_t *st, char *exp ) { intf_sys_t *p_sys = p_intf->p_sys; while( exp != NULL && *exp != '\0' ) { char *p, *s; /* skip space */ while( *exp == ' ' ) { exp++; } if( *exp == '\'' ) { /* extract string */ p = FirstWord( exp, exp ); SSPush( st, exp ); exp = p; continue; } /* extract token */ p = FirstWord( exp, exp ); s = exp; if( p == NULL ) { exp += strlen( exp ); } else { exp = p; } if( *s == '\0' ) { break; } /* 1. Integer function */ if( !strcmp( s, "!" ) ) { SSPushN( st, ~SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "^" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) ^ SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "&" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) & SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "|" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) | SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "+" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) + SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "-" ) ) { int j = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, i - j ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "*" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) * SSPopN( st, vars ) ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "/" ) ) { int i, j; j = SSPopN( st, vars ); i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i / j : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "%" ) ) { int i, j; j = SSPopN( st, vars ); i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, j != 0 ? i % j : 0 ); } /* 2. integer tests */ else if( !strcmp( s, "=" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) == SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "!=" ) ) { SSPushN( st, SSPopN( st, vars ) != SSPopN( st, vars ) ? -1 : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "<" ) ) { int j = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, i < j ? -1 : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, ">" ) ) { int j = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, i > j ? -1 : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "<=" ) ) { int j = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, i <= j ? -1 : 0 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, ">=" ) ) { int j = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i = SSPopN( st, vars ); SSPushN( st, i >= j ? -1 : 0 ); } /* 3. string functions */ else if( !strcmp( s, "strcat" ) ) { char *s2 = SSPop( st ); char *s1 = SSPop( st ); char *str = malloc( strlen( s1 ) + strlen( s2 ) + 1 ); strcpy( str, s1 ); strcat( str, s2 ); SSPush( st, str ); free( s1 ); free( s2 ); free( str ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "strcmp" ) ) { char *s2 = SSPop( st ); char *s1 = SSPop( st ); SSPushN( st, strcmp( s1, s2 ) ); free( s1 ); free( s2 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "strncmp" ) ) { int n = SSPopN( st, vars ); char *s2 = SSPop( st ); char *s1 = SSPop( st ); SSPushN( st, strncmp( s1, s2 , n ) ); free( s1 ); free( s2 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "strsub" ) ) { int n = SSPopN( st, vars ); int m = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i_len; char *s = SSPop( st ); char *str; if( n >= m ) { i_len = n - m + 1; } else { i_len = 0; } str = malloc( i_len + 1 ); memcpy( str, s + m - 1, i_len ); str[ i_len ] = '\0'; SSPush( st, str ); free( s ); free( str ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "strlen" ) ) { char *str = SSPop( st ); SSPushN( st, strlen( str ) ); free( str ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "str_replace" ) ) { char *psz_to = SSPop( st ); char *psz_from = SSPop( st ); char *psz_in = SSPop( st ); char *psz_in_current = psz_in; char *psz_out = malloc( strlen(psz_in) * strlen(psz_to) + 1 ); char *psz_out_current = psz_out; while( (p = strstr( psz_in_current, psz_from )) != NULL ) { memcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current, p - psz_in_current ); psz_out_current += p - psz_in_current; strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_to ); psz_out_current += strlen(psz_to); psz_in_current = p + strlen(psz_from); } strcpy( psz_out_current, psz_in_current ); psz_out_current += strlen(psz_in_current); *psz_out_current = '\0'; SSPush( st, psz_out ); free( psz_to ); free( psz_from ); free( psz_in ); free( psz_out ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "url_extract" ) ) { const char *url = mvar_GetValue( vars, "url_value" ); char *name = SSPop( st ); char *value = ExtractURIString( url, name ); if( value != NULL ) { decode_URI( value ); SSPush( st, value ); free( value ); } else SSPush( st, "" ); free( name ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "url_encode" ) ) { char *url = SSPop( st ); char *value = vlc_UrlEncode( url ); free( url ); SSPush( st, value ); free( value ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "xml_encode" ) || !strcmp( s, "htmlspecialchars" ) ) { char *url = SSPop( st ); char *value = convert_xml_special_chars( url ); free( url ); SSPush( st, value ); free( value ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "addslashes" ) ) { char *psz_src = SSPop( st ); char *psz_dest; char *str = psz_src; p = psz_dest = malloc( strlen( str ) * 2 + 1 ); while( *str != '\0' ) { if( *str == '"' || *str == '\'' || *str == '\\' ) { *p++ = '\\'; } *p++ = *str; str++; } *p = '\0'; SSPush( st, psz_dest ); free( psz_src ); free( psz_dest ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "stripslashes" ) ) { char *psz_src = SSPop( st ); char *psz_dest; char *str = psz_src; p = psz_dest = strdup( psz_src ); while( *str ) { if( *str == '\\' && *(str + 1) ) { str++; } *p++ = *str++; } *p = '\0'; SSPush( st, psz_dest ); free( psz_src ); free( psz_dest ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "realpath" ) ) { char *psz_src = SSPop( st ); char *psz_dir = RealPath( psz_src ); SSPush( st, psz_dir ); free( psz_src ); free( psz_dir ); } /* 4. stack functions */ else if( !strcmp( s, "dup" ) ) { char *str = SSPop( st ); SSPush( st, str ); SSPush( st, str ); free( str ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "drop" ) ) { char *str = SSPop( st ); free( str ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "swap" ) ) { char *s1 = SSPop( st ); char *s2 = SSPop( st ); SSPush( st, s1 ); SSPush( st, s2 ); free( s1 ); free( s2 ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "flush" ) ) { SSClean( st ); SSInit( st ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "store" ) ) { char *value = SSPop( st ); char *name = SSPop( st ); mvar_PushNewVar( vars, name, value ); free( name ); free( value ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "value" ) ) { char *name = SSPop( st ); const char *value = mvar_GetValue( vars, name ); SSPush( st, value ); free( name ); } /* 5. player control */ else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_play" ) ) { int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i_ret; playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist ); i_ret = playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_VIEWPLAY, pl_Locked, NULL, playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist, i_id ) ); playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist item: %i", i_id ); SSPushN( st, i_ret ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_stop" ) ) { playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_STOP, pl_Unlocked ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist stop" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_pause" ) ) { playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_PAUSE, pl_Unlocked ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist pause" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_next" ) ) { playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, 1 ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist next" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_previous" ) ) { playlist_Control( p_sys->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_SKIP, pl_Unlocked, -1 ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist previous" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_seek" ) ) { char *psz_value = SSPop( st ); HandleSeek( p_intf, psz_value ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist seek: %s", psz_value ); free( psz_value ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" ) || !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_type" ) ) { vlc_object_t *p_object; const char *psz_type = NULL; int i_type = 0; if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_type" ) ) { char *psz_object = SSPop( st ); char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); bool b_need_release; p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release ); if( p_object != NULL ) i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable ); free( psz_variable ); free( psz_object ); if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL ) vlc_object_release( p_object ); } else { char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); p_object = VLC_OBJECT(p_intf); i_type = config_GetType( p_object, psz_variable ); free( psz_variable ); } if( p_object != NULL ) { switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_BOOL"; break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_INTEGER"; break; case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_HOTKEY"; break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_STRING"; break; case VLC_VAR_MODULE: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_MODULE"; break; case VLC_VAR_FILE: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FILE"; break; case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY"; break; case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_VARIABLE"; break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: psz_type = "VLC_VAR_FLOAT"; break; default: psz_type = "UNDEFINED"; } } else psz_type = "INVALID"; SSPush( st, psz_type ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_set" ) ) { char *psz_object = SSPop( st ); char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); bool b_need_release; vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release ); if( p_object != NULL ) { bool b_error = false; char *psz_value = NULL; vlc_value_t val; int i_type; i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable ); switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: val.b_bool = SSPopN( st, vars ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d", psz_object, psz_variable, val.b_bool ); break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY: val.i_int = SSPopN( st, vars ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%d", psz_object, psz_variable, val.i_int ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: case VLC_VAR_MODULE: case VLC_VAR_FILE: case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE: val.psz_string = psz_value = SSPop( st ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%s", psz_object, psz_variable, psz_value ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: psz_value = SSPop( st ); val.f_float = atof( psz_value ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested %s var change: %s->%f", psz_object, psz_variable, val.f_float ); break; default: SSPopN( st, vars ); msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)", psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable ); b_error = true; } if( !b_error ) var_Set( p_object, psz_variable, val ); if( psz_value != NULL ) free( psz_value ); } else msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_set called without an object" ); free( psz_variable ); free( psz_object ); if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL ) vlc_object_release( p_object ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_var_get" ) ) { char *psz_object = SSPop( st ); char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); bool b_need_release; vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release ); if( p_object != NULL ) { vlc_value_t val; int i_type; i_type = var_Type( p_object, psz_variable ); var_Get( p_object, psz_variable, &val ); switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: SSPushN( st, val.b_bool ); break; case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: case VLC_VAR_HOTKEY: SSPushN( st, val.i_int ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: case VLC_VAR_MODULE: case VLC_VAR_FILE: case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: case VLC_VAR_VARIABLE: SSPush( st, val.psz_string ); free( val.psz_string ); break; case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: { char psz_value[20]; lldiv_t value = lldiv( val.f_float * 1000000, 1000000 ); snprintf( psz_value, sizeof(psz_value), "%lld.%06u", value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem ); SSPush( st, psz_value ); break; } default: msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid %s variable type %d (%s)", psz_object, i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE, psz_variable ); SSPush( st, "" ); } } else { msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_var_get called without an object" ); SSPush( st, "" ); } free( psz_variable ); free( psz_object ); if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL ) vlc_object_release( p_object ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_object_exists" ) ) { char *psz_object = SSPop( st ); bool b_need_release; vlc_object_t *p_object = GetVLCObject( p_intf, psz_object, &b_need_release ); if( b_need_release && p_object != NULL ) vlc_object_release( p_object ); if( p_object != NULL ) SSPush( st, "1" ); else SSPush( st, "0" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_set" ) ) { char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable ); switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: config_PutInt( p_intf, psz_variable, SSPopN( st, vars ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: case VLC_VAR_MODULE: case VLC_VAR_FILE: case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: { char *psz_string = SSPop( st ); config_PutPsz( p_intf, psz_variable, psz_string ); free( psz_string ); break; } case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: { char *psz_string = SSPop( st ); config_PutFloat( p_intf, psz_variable, atof(psz_string) ); free( psz_string ); break; } default: msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_set called on unknown var (%s)", psz_variable ); } free( psz_variable ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_get" ) ) { char *psz_variable = SSPop( st ); int i_type = config_GetType( p_intf, psz_variable ); switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_TYPE ) { case VLC_VAR_BOOL: case VLC_VAR_INTEGER: SSPushN( st, config_GetInt( p_intf, psz_variable ) ); break; case VLC_VAR_STRING: case VLC_VAR_MODULE: case VLC_VAR_FILE: case VLC_VAR_DIRECTORY: { char *psz_string = config_GetPsz( p_intf, psz_variable ); SSPush( st, psz_string ); free( psz_string ); break; } case VLC_VAR_FLOAT: { char psz_string[20]; lldiv_t value = lldiv( config_GetFloat( p_intf, psz_variable ) * 1000000, 1000000 ); snprintf( psz_string, sizeof(psz_string), "%lld.%06u", value.quot, (unsigned int)value.rem ); SSPush( st, psz_string ); break; } default: msg_Warn( p_intf, "vlc_config_get called on unknown var (%s)", psz_variable ); SSPush( st, "" ); } free( psz_variable ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_save" ) ) { char *psz_module = SSPop( st ); int i_result; if( !*psz_module ) { free( psz_module ); psz_module = NULL; } i_result = config_SaveConfigFile( p_intf, psz_module ); if( psz_module != NULL ) free( psz_module ); SSPushN( st, i_result ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_config_reset" ) ) { config_ResetAll( p_intf ); } /* 6. playlist functions */ else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_add" ) ) { char *psz_name = SSPop( st ); char *mrl = SSPop( st ); input_item_t *p_input; int i_ret; p_input = MRLParse( p_intf, mrl, psz_name ); char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_input ); if( !p_input || !psz_uri || !*psz_uri ) { i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC; msg_Dbg( p_intf, "invalid requested mrl: %s", mrl ); } else { i_ret = playlist_AddInput( p_sys->p_playlist, p_input, PLAYLIST_APPEND, PLAYLIST_END, true, pl_Unlocked ); if( i_ret == VLC_SUCCESS ) { playlist_item_t *p_item; msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested mrl add: %s", mrl ); playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist ); p_item = playlist_ItemGetByInput( p_sys->p_playlist, p_input ); if( p_item ) i_ret = p_item->i_id; playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist ); } else msg_Warn( p_intf, "adding mrl %s failed", mrl ); vlc_gc_decref( p_input ); } free( psz_uri ); SSPushN( st, i_ret ); free( mrl ); free( psz_name ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_empty" ) ) { playlist_Clear( p_sys->p_playlist, pl_Unlocked ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist empty" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_delete" ) ) { int i_id = SSPopN( st, vars ); playlist_Lock( p_sys->p_playlist ); playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemGetById( p_sys->p_playlist, i_id ); if( p_item ) { playlist_DeleteFromInput( p_sys->p_playlist, p_item->p_input, pl_Locked ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist delete: %d", i_id ); } else { msg_Dbg( p_intf, "couldn't find playlist item to delete (%d)", i_id ); } playlist_Unlock( p_sys->p_playlist ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_move" ) ) { /*int i_newpos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars ); /*int i_pos =*/ SSPopN( st, vars ); /* FIXME FIXME TODO TODO XXX XXX do not release before fixing this if ( i_pos < i_newpos ) { playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos + 1 ); } else { playlist_Move( p_sys->p_playlist, i_pos, i_newpos ); } msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested to move playlist item %d to %d", i_pos, i_newpos); FIXME FIXME TODO TODO XXX XXX */ msg_Err( p_intf, "moving using indexes is obsolete. We need to update this function" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "playlist_sort" ) ) { int i_order = SSPopN( st, vars ); int i_sort = SSPopN( st, vars ); i_order = i_order % 2; i_sort = i_sort % 9; /* FIXME FIXME TODO TODO XXX XXX do not release before fixing this playlist_RecursiveNodeSort( p_sys->p_playlist, p_sys->p_playlist->p_general, i_sort, i_order ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested sort playlist by : %d in order : %d", i_sort, i_order ); FIXME FIXME TODO TODO XXX XXX */ msg_Err( p_intf, "this needs to be fixed to use the new playlist framework" ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_add" ) ) { char *psz_sd = SSPop( st ); playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd ); free( psz_sd ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_remove" ) ) { char *psz_sd = SSPop( st ); playlist_ServicesDiscoveryRemove( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd ); free( psz_sd ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "services_discovery_is_loaded" ) ) { char *psz_sd = SSPop( st ); SSPushN( st, playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded( p_sys->p_playlist, psz_sd ) ); free( psz_sd ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_volume_set" ) ) { char *psz_vol = SSPop( st ); int i_value; audio_volume_t i_volume; aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume ); if( psz_vol[0] == '+' ) { i_value = atoi( psz_vol ); if( (i_volume + i_value) > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ) aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ); else aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value ); } else if( psz_vol[0] == '-' ) { i_value = atoi( psz_vol ); if( (i_volume + i_value) < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN ) aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, AOUT_VOLUME_MIN ); else aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_volume + i_value ); } else if( strstr( psz_vol, "%") != NULL ) { i_value = atoi( psz_vol ); if( i_value < 0 ) i_value = 0; if( i_value > 400 ) i_value = 400; aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, (i_value * (AOUT_VOLUME_MAX - AOUT_VOLUME_MIN))/400+AOUT_VOLUME_MIN); } else { i_value = atoi( psz_vol ); if( i_value > AOUT_VOLUME_MAX ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MAX; if( i_value < AOUT_VOLUME_MIN ) i_value = AOUT_VOLUME_MIN; aout_VolumeSet( p_intf, i_value ); } aout_VolumeGet( p_intf, &i_volume ); free( psz_vol ); } else if( !strcmp( s, "vlc_get_meta" ) ) { char *psz_meta = SSPop( st ); char *psz_val = NULL; if( p_sys->p_input && input_GetItem(p_sys->p_input) ) { #define p_item input_GetItem( p_sys->p_input ) if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ARTIST" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetArtist( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TITLE" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetTitle( p_item ); if( !psz_val ) psz_val = input_item_GetName( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ALBUM" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetAlbum( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "GENRE" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetGenre( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "COPYRIGHT" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetCopyright( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_NUMBER" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetTrackNum( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DESCRIPTION" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetDescription( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "RATING" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetRating( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "DATE" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetDate( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "URL" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetURL( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "LANGUAGE" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetLanguage( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "NOW_PLAYING" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "PUBLISHER" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetPublisher( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ENCODED_BY" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "ART_URL" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetEncodedBy( p_item ); } else if( !strcmp( psz_meta, "TRACK_ID" ) ) { psz_val = input_item_GetTrackID( p_item ); } #undef p_item } if( psz_val == NULL ) psz_val = strdup( "" ); SSPush( st, psz_val ); free( psz_meta ); free( psz_val ); } #ifdef ENABLE_VLM else if( !strcmp( s, "vlm_command" ) || !strcmp( s, "vlm_cmd" ) ) { char *psz_elt; char *psz_cmd = strdup( "" ); char *psz_error; vlm_message_t *vlm_answer; /* make sure that we have a vlm object */ if( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm == NULL ) p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm = vlm_New( p_intf ); /* vlm command uses the ';' delimiter * (else we can't know when to stop) */ while( strcmp( psz_elt = SSPop( st ), "" ) && strcmp( psz_elt, ";" ) ) { char* psz_buf; if( asprintf( &psz_buf, "%s %s", psz_cmd, psz_elt ) == -1 ) psz_buf = NULL; free( psz_cmd ); free( psz_elt ); psz_cmd = psz_buf; } msg_Dbg( p_intf, "executing vlm command: %s", psz_cmd ); vlm_ExecuteCommand( p_intf->p_sys->p_vlm, psz_cmd, &vlm_answer ); if( vlm_answer->psz_value == NULL ) { psz_error = strdup( "" ); } else { if( asprintf( &psz_error , "%s : %s" , vlm_answer->psz_name, vlm_answer->psz_value ) == -1 ) psz_error = NULL; } mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_error", psz_error ); /* this is kind of a duplicate but we need to have the message * without the command name for the "export" command */ mvar_AppendNewVar( vars, "vlm_value", vlm_answer->psz_value ); vlm_MessageDelete( vlm_answer ); free( psz_cmd ); free( psz_error ); } #endif /* ENABLE_VLM */ else if( !strcmp( s, "snapshot" ) ) { if( p_sys->p_input ) { vout_thread_t *p_vout = input_GetVout( p_sys->p_input ); if( p_vout ) { var_TriggerCallback( p_vout, "video-snapshot" ); vlc_object_release( p_vout ); msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested snapshot" ); } } break; } else { SSPush( st, s ); } } }