void MainWindow::connectToNetwork()
	// Se invoca cuando se presiona el boton Connect. Solicitar los datos de conexion al
	// usuario usando un dialogo para tal fin
	ConnectDialog* dialog = new ConnectDialog(this);

	// Muestra al dialogo en forma modal con el metodo exec(). Es decir, el dialogo reacciona
	// a eventos, mientras que el mainWindow se mantiene bloqueado. Esto ocurre por invocar al
	// metodo exec(), el cual impone otro ciclo de eventos que oculta el ciclo de eventos de la
	// aplicacion. Si se quiere que tanto el dialog como el MainWindow reaccionen a eventos
	// se invocaria al metodo dialog->show()
	if ( dialog->exec() )
		// El dialogo fue aceptado. Obtener los datos escritos del usuario y establecer la conexion
		quint16 port = dialog->getPort().toUInt();

		// El establecimiento de la conexion depende de si el usuario marco "Servidor" o "Cliente"
		if ( dialog->shouldConnectAsServer() )
			connectAsClient(dialog->getHost(), port);
//Begins the connection
void establishConnection(char *type, int *replay, char *ip) {
	//Ensure players cannot leave
	signal(SIGINT, leaveError);
	//Server variables
	struct sockaddr_in dataAddr;
	int clientSocket;
	struct sockaddr_in myAddr;
	int i, addrSize;
	char buffer[50];
	//Game variables
	char o_phrase[40];
	char my_phrase[40];
	char h_o_phrase[40];
	char h_my_phrase[40];
	char board[1000];
	board[0] = '\0';
	char guess[80];
	guess[0] = '\0';
	int bytesRcv;
	int win = 0;

	//Server connect
	if (strcmp(type, "server") == 0) {
		setupSocket(&myListenSocket, &myAddr, type, "");
		bindSocket(&myListenSocket, &myAddr);
		waitForConnection(&myListenSocket, &myAddr, &clientSocket, &dataAddr); //fix
	//Client connect
	if (strcmp(type, "client") == 0) {
		setupSocket(&clientSocket, &dataAddr, type, ip);
		connectAsClient(&clientSocket, &dataAddr);
	//Loop while the game is supposed to be played again
	while (*replay == 1) {
		//Creates the player's phrase, hides it and stores the unhidden phrase in the buffer
		game_toHidden(my_phrase, h_my_phrase);
		strcpy(buffer, my_phrase);
		//Send the phrase to the other player and wait for them to send back
		send(clientSocket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
		fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for your opponent to create their secret phrase...\n");

		//Store what was sent back in the opponent's phrase variable
		bytesRcv = recv(clientSocket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
		buffer[bytesRcv] = '\0';
		strcpy(o_phrase, buffer);
		//Hide their phrase and create the board to print on screen
		game_toHidden(o_phrase, h_o_phrase);
		game_makeBoard(h_my_phrase, h_o_phrase, board);
		//Show the player their own phrase
		fprintf(stdout, "Your phrase: %s\n\n", my_phrase);
		//Counter to make the client go first initially
		i = 0;
		//Game loop
		while (1) {
			//Ensures that the client goes first
			if (i > 0 || strcmp(type, "server") == 0) {
				//Wait for opponent to guess and store guess in buffer
				fprintf(stdout, "Waiting for your opponent's guess...\n");
				bytesRcv = recv(clientSocket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
				buffer[bytesRcv] = '\0';
				strcpy(guess, buffer);
				//Compare guess with the actual phrase and check for win condition (1 = win, 0 = no win)
				game_guess(guess, my_phrase, h_my_phrase, &win);
				if (win == 1) {
					win = 0;
					//Wait to see if the opponent wants to play again
					fprintf(stdout, "Your opponent has won. Please wait while he decides he wants to play again...\n");
					bytesRcv = recv(clientSocket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
					buffer[bytesRcv] = '\0';
					//If opponent sends back "left", we need to do some things depending on if the opponent was the host or not
					if (strcmp(buffer, "left") == 0) {
						fprintf(stdout, "Your opponent left!\n");
						//If you were the server and lost
						if (strcmp(type, "server") == 0) {
							//Re-setup the socket and listen for a new connection
							setupSocket(&clientSocket, &myAddr, type, "");
							waitForConnection(&myListenSocket, &myAddr, &clientSocket, &dataAddr);
							i = 0;
						//Close the client socket, change player type to server and listen for a new connection
						else {
							strcpy(type, "server");
							setupSocket(&myListenSocket, &dataAddr, type, "");
							waitForConnection(&clientSocket, &dataAddr, &myListenSocket, &myAddr); //TODO fix
						*replay = -1;
					//If they didn't send back "left", then they want to play again
					//So simply break out of the game loop to start a new game with new phrases
					else {
						fprintf(stdout, "Your opponent wants to play again, let's go!\n");
				//Update the game board
				game_makeBoard(h_my_phrase, h_o_phrase, board);
				fprintf(stdout, "Your phrase: %s\n\n", my_phrase);
				fprintf(stdout, "Your opponent guessed: %s\n", guess);
			//Ask for user input
			fprintf(stdout, "Guess a letter or the entire phrase.\n");
			fgets(guess, sizeof(guess), stdin);
			guess[strlen(guess)-1] = '\0';
			//Compare guess with the actual phrase and check for win condition (1 = win, 0 = no win), then update the game baord
			game_guess(guess, o_phrase, h_o_phrase, &win);
			game_makeBoard(h_my_phrase, h_o_phrase, board);
			fprintf(stdout, "Your phrase: %s\n\n", my_phrase);
			//Send the opponent what the user guessed
			strcpy(buffer, guess);
			send(clientSocket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
			//If the user won, then see if they want to play again
			if (win == 1) {
				//Wants to play again
				if (*replay == 1) {
					strcpy(buffer, "stay");
					send(clientSocket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
					win = 0;
				//Doesn't want to play again
				else {
					strcpy(buffer, "left");
					send(clientSocket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
					//Reset SIGINT to its default functionality
					signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
			//Increment i allowing for the server to have a guess
	//Close the final listen socket (never occurs)