void symbolicSample() { std::string ans; char rowChar[5]; int rowTmp = ROW; sprintf(rowChar, "%d", rowTmp); std::string row = rowChar; /** Create a variable X and an identity function */ symbolic_matrix_type X("X", ROW, COL); SymbolicMMFunc fX(X, false); /** Create constants A,B and C and identity functions */ symbolic_matrix_type A("A", ROW, COL); SymbolicMMFunc fA(A, true); /** Scalar-matrix function placeholder */ SymbolicSMFunc func; /** Create the scalar-matrix function. */ func = trace (fA * inv(fX)); /** Output the function value and derivative value. */ std::cout << "Function Value: "<<func.functionVal.getString()<<std::endl; std::cout << "Derivative Value: "<<func.derivativeVal.getString()<<std::endl; AMD::SymbolicScalarMatlab num("10"); SymbolicSMFunc constant1(num, ROW, COL); SymbolicSMFunc constant2(num, ROW, COL); SymbolicSMFunc constant3(num, ROW, COL); func = trace(constant3*fA*inv(fX)) + constant1 + constant2; std::cout << "Function Value: " << func.functionVal.getString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Derivative Vale: " << func.derivativeVal.getString() << std::endl; }
bool VirtualMachine::Compile() { Instruction op; int maxLength; int v; int i; bool opt; // allocate a very large temp buffer, we will shrink it later maxLength = romSize * 8; buf = new unsigned char[maxLength]; jused = new unsigned char[romSize + 2]; instructionPointers = new int[romSize]; std::fill(jused, jused+romSize+2, 0); for(pass=0; pass<2; pass++) { oc0 = -23423; oc1 = -234354; pop0 = -43435; pop1 = -545455; // translate all instructions pc = 0; instruction = 0; compiledOfs = 0; LastCommand = LAST_COMMAND_NONE; while (instruction < romSize) { if (compiledOfs > maxLength - 16) { throw JITException("Compile: maxLength exceeded"); } instructionPointers[instruction] = compiledOfs; instruction++; if (pc > romSize) { throw JITException("Compile: program counter run off the edge"); } op = rom[pc]; pc++; switch ( op.Operation ) { case 0: break; case OP(BREAK): emitInstruction( "CC" ); // int 3 break; case OP(ENTER): //emitInstruction( "CC" ); // int 3 emitInstruction( "81 EE" ); // sub esi, 0x12345678 emit4( constant4() ); break; case OP(CONST): if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(LOAD4)) { emitAddEDI4(); emitInstruction( "BB" ); // mov ebx, 0x12345678 emit4( (constant4()&ramMask) + (int)ram); emitInstruction( "8B 03" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [ebx] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax pc++; // OP(LOAD4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(LOAD2)) { emitAddEDI4(); emitInstruction( "BB" ); // mov ebx, 0x12345678 emit4( (constant4()&ramMask) + (int)ram); emitInstruction( "0F B7 03" ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebx] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax pc++; // OP(LOAD4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(LOAD1)) { emitAddEDI4(); emitInstruction( "BB" ); // mov ebx, 0x12345678 emit4( (constant4()&ramMask) + (int)ram); emitInstruction( "0F B6 03" ); // movzx eax, byte ptr [ebx] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax pc++; // OP(LOAD4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(STORE4)) { opt = emitMovEBXEDI((ramMask & ~3)); emitInstruction( "B8" ); // mov eax, 0x12345678 emit4( constant4() ); // if (!opt) { // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask & ~3 ); // } emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 pc++; // OP(STORE4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(STORE2)) { opt = emitMovEBXEDI((ramMask & ~1)); emitInstruction( "B8" ); // mov eax, 0x12345678 emit4( constant4() ); // if (!opt) { // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask & ~1 ); // } emitInstruction( "66 89 83" ); // mov word ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 pc++; // OP(STORE4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(STORE1)) { opt = emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); emitInstruction( "B8" ); // mov eax, 0x12345678 emit4( constant4() ); // if (!opt) { // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask ); // } emitInstruction( "88 83" ); // mov byte ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 pc++; // OP(STORE4) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(ADD)) { emitInstruction( "81 07" ); // add dword ptr [edi], 0x1234567 emit4( constant4() ); pc++; // OP(ADD) instruction += 1; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(SUB)) { emitInstruction( "81 2F" ); // sub dword ptr [edi], 0x1234567 emit4( constant4() ); pc++; // OP(ADD) instruction += 1; break; } emitAddEDI4(); emitInstruction( "C7 07" ); // mov dword ptr [edi], 0x12345678 lastConst = constant4(); emit4( lastConst ); if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(JUMP)) { jused[lastConst] = 1; } break; case OP(LOCAL): emitAddEDI4(); emitInstruction( "8D 86" ); // lea eax, [0x12345678 + esi] oc0 = oc1; oc1 = constant4(); emit4( oc1 ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(ARG): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 86" ); // mov dword ptr [esi+ram],eax // FIXME: range check emit4( constant1() + (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(CALL): emitInstruction("C7 86"); // mov dword ptr [esi+ram],0x12345678 emit4((int)ram); emit4(pc); emitInstruction("FF 15"); // call callFromCompiled emit4((int)&callFromCompiledPtr); break; case OP(PUSH): emitAddEDI4(); break; case OP(POP): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(LEAVE): v = constant4(); emitInstruction( "81 C6" ); // add esi, 0x12345678 emit4( v ); emitInstruction( "C3" ); // ret break; case OP(LOAD4): if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(CONST) && rom[pc+1].Operation == OP(ADD) && rom[pc+2].Operation == OP(STORE4)) { if (oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { compiledOfs -= 11; instructionPointers[ instruction-1 ] = compiledOfs; } pc++; // OP(CONST) v = constant4(); emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); if (v == 1 && oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { emitInstruction( "FF 83"); // inc dword ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); } else { emitInstruction( "8B 83" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); emitInstruction( "05" ); // add eax, const emit4( v ); if (oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); } else { emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "8B 1F" ); // mov ebx, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); } } emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 pc++; // OP(ADD) pc++; // OP(STORE) instruction += 3; break; } if (rom[pc].Operation == OP(CONST) && rom[pc+1].Operation == OP(SUB) && rom[pc+2].Operation == OP(STORE4)) { if (oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { compiledOfs -= 11; instructionPointers[ instruction-1 ] = compiledOfs; } emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); emitInstruction( "8B 83" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); pc++; // OP(CONST) v = constant4(); if (v == 1 && oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { emitInstruction( "FF 8B"); // dec dword ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); } else { emitInstruction( "2D" ); // sub eax, const emit4( v ); if (oc0 == oc1 && pop0 == OP(LOCAL) && pop1 == OP(LOCAL)) { emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); } else { emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "8B 1F" ); // mov ebx, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); } } emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 pc++; // OP(SUB) pc++; // OP(STORE) instruction += 3; break; } if (buf[compiledOfs-2] == 0x89 && buf[compiledOfs-1] == 0x07) { compiledOfs -= 2; instructionPointers[ instruction-1 ] = compiledOfs; emitInstruction( "8B 80"); // mov eax, dword ptr [eax + 0x1234567] emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; } emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); emitInstruction( "8B 83" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(LOAD2): emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); emitInstruction( "0F B7 83" ); // movzx eax, word ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(LOAD1): emitMovEBXEDI(ramMask); emitInstruction( "0F B6 83" ); // movzx eax, byte ptr [ebx + 0x12345678] emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(STORE4): emitMovEAXEDI(); emitInstruction( "8B 5F FC" ); // mov ebx, dword ptr [edi-4] // if (pop1 != OP(CALL)) { // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask & ~3 ); // } emitInstruction( "89 83" ); // mov dword ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 break; case OP(STORE2): emitMovEAXEDI(); emitInstruction( "8B 5F FC" ); // mov ebx, dword ptr [edi-4] // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask & ~1 ); emitInstruction( "66 89 83" ); // mov word ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 break; case OP(STORE1): emitMovEAXEDI(); emitInstruction( "8B 5F FC" ); // mov ebx, dword ptr [edi-4] // emitInstruction( "81 E3" ); // and ebx, 0x12345678 // emit4( ramMask ); emitInstruction( "88 83" ); // mov byte ptr [ebx+0x12345678], eax emit4( (int)ram ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 break; case OP(EQ): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "75 06" ); // jne +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(NE): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "74 06" ); // je +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LTI): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "7D 06" ); // jnl +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LEI): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "7F 06" ); // jnle +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GTI): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "7E 06" ); // jng +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GEI): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "7C 06" ); // jnge +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LTU): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "73 06" ); // jnb +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LEU): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "77 06" ); // jnbe +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GTU): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "76 06" ); // jna +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GEU): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "3B 47 08" ); // cmp eax, dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "72 06" ); // jnae +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(EQF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 40" ); // test ah,0x40 emitInstruction( "74 06" ); // je +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(NEF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 40" ); // test ah,0x40 emitInstruction( "75 06" ); // jne +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LTF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 01" ); // test ah,0x01 emitInstruction( "74 06" ); // je +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(LEF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 41" ); // test ah,0x41 emitInstruction( "74 06" ); // je +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GTF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 41" ); // test ah,0x41 emitInstruction( "75 06" ); // jne +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(GEF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 emitInstruction( "D9 47 04" ); // fld dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D8 5F 08" ); // fcomp dword ptr [edi+8] emitInstruction( "DF E0" ); // fnstsw ax emitInstruction( "F6 C4 01" ); // test ah,0x01 emitInstruction( "75 06" ); // jne +6 emitInstruction( "FF 25" ); // jmp [0x12345678] v = constant4(); jused[v] = 1; emit4( (int)instructionPointers + v*4 ); break; case OP(NEGI): emitInstruction( "F7 1F" ); // neg dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(ADD): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "01 47 FC" ); // add dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(SUB): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "29 47 FC" ); // sub dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(DIVI): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "99" ); // cdq emitInstruction( "F7 3F" ); // idiv dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 47 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(DIVU): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "33 D2" ); // xor edx, edx emitInstruction( "F7 37" ); // div dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 47 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(MODI): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "99" ); // cdq emitInstruction( "F7 3F" ); // idiv dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 57 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],edx emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(MODU): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "33 D2" ); // xor edx, edx emitInstruction( "F7 37" ); // div dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 57 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],edx emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(MULI): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "F7 2F" ); // imul dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 47 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(MULU): emitInstruction( "8B 47 FC" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "F7 27" ); // mul dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "89 47 FC" ); // mov dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(BAND): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "21 47 FC" ); // and dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(BOR): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "09 47 FC" ); // or dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(BXOR): emitMovEAXEDI(); // mov eax, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "31 47 FC" ); // xor dword ptr [edi-4],eax emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(BCOM): emitInstruction( "F7 17" ); // not dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(LSH): emitInstruction( "8B 0F" ); // mov ecx, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D3 67 FC" ); // shl dword ptr [edi-4], cl emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(RSHI): emitInstruction( "8B 0F" ); // mov ecx, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D3 7F FC" ); // sar dword ptr [edi-4], cl emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(RSHU): emitInstruction( "8B 0F" ); // mov ecx, dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D3 6F FC" ); // shr dword ptr [edi-4], cl emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(NEGF): emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D9 E0" ); // fchs emitInstruction( "D9 1F" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(ADDF): emitInstruction( "D9 47 FC" ); // fld dword ptr [edi-4] emitInstruction( "D8 07" ); // fadd dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D9 5F FC" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi-4] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 break; case OP(SUBF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D8 67 04" ); // fsub dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D9 1F" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(DIVF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D8 77 04" ); // fdiv dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D9 1F" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(MULF): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D8 4f 04" ); // fmul dword ptr [edi+4] emitInstruction( "D9 1F" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(CVIF): emitInstruction( "DB 07" ); // fild dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "D9 1F" ); // fstp dword ptr [edi] break; case OP(CVFI): #ifndef FTOL_PTR // WHENHELLISFROZENOVER // bk001213 - was used in 1.17 // not IEEE complient, but simple and fast emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "DB 1F" ); // fistp dword ptr [edi] #else // FTOL_PTR // call the library conversion function emitInstruction( "D9 07" ); // fld dword ptr [edi] emitInstruction( "FF 15" ); // call ftolPtr emit4( (int)&ftolPtr ); emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax #endif break; case OP(SEX8): emitInstruction( "0F BE 07" ); // movsx eax, byte ptr [edi] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(SEX16): emitInstruction( "0F BF 07" ); // movsx eax, word ptr [edi] emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_MOV_EDI_EAX); // mov dword ptr [edi], eax break; case OP(BLOCK_COPY): // FIXME: range check emitInstruction( "56" ); // push esi emitInstruction( "57" ); // push edi emitInstruction( "8B 37" ); // mov esi,[edi] emitInstruction( "8B 7F FC" ); // mov edi,[edi-4] emitInstruction( "B9" ); // mov ecx,0x12345678 emit4( constant4() >> 2 ); emitInstruction( "B8" ); // mov eax, ramMask emit4( ramMask ); emitInstruction( "BB" ); // mov ebx, ram emit4( (int)ram ); emitInstruction( "23 F0" ); // and esi, eax emitInstruction( "03 F3" ); // add esi, ebx emitInstruction( "23 F8" ); // and edi, eax emitInstruction( "03 FB" ); // add edi, ebx emitInstruction( "F3 A5" ); // rep movsd emitInstruction( "5F" ); // pop edi emitInstruction( "5E" ); // pop esi emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_8); // sub edi, 8 break; case OP(JUMP): emitCommand(LAST_COMMAND_SUB_DI_4); // sub edi, 4 emitInstruction( "8B 47 04" ); // mov eax,dword ptr [edi+4] // FIXME: range check emitInstruction( "FF 24 85" ); // jmp dword ptr [instructionPointers + eax * 4] emit4( (int)instructionPointers ); break; default: throw JITException("Compile: bad opcode"); } pop0 = pop1; pop1 = op.Operation; } } // copy to an exact size buffer on the hunk //codeLength = compiledOfs; //codeBase = Hunk_Alloc( compiledOfs, h_low ); //Com_Memcpy( codeBase, buf, compiledOfs ); compiledRom = new char[compiledOfs]; std::copy(buf, buf+compiledOfs, compiledRom); compiledRomSize = compiledOfs; compiledRomMask = compiledOfs; delete[] buf; delete[] jused; //printf( "VM file %s compiled to %i bytes of code\n", name, compiledOfs); // offset all the instruction pointers for the new location for ( i = 0 ; i < /*header->instructionCount*/ romSize ; i++ ) { instructionPointers[i] += (int)rom; } #ifdef WIN32 VirtualProtect(compiledRom, compiledRomSize, PAGE_EXECUTE, NULL); #endif #if 0 // ndef _WIN32 // Must make the newly generated code executable { int r; unsigned long addr; int psize = getpagesize(); addr = ((int)codeBase & ~(psize-1)) - psize; r = mprotect((char*)addr, codeLength + (int)codeBase - addr + psize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC ); if (r < 0) Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "mprotect failed to change PROT_EXEC" ); } #endif return true; }