unsigned ClusterAlg::getDist(ClusterAlg* other)
  // construct graph
  MGraph<ClusterAlg*, unsigned> *graph (constructGraph ( other ));

  // calc dist
  if (graph) {
    unsigned dist;
    if (graph->isGraphConnected ()) {
      dist = graph->getDist( this, other );
    } else {
      delete graph;
      graph = constructGraph (other, 1);

      if (graph) {
        if (graph->isGraphConnected ()) dist = graph->getDist( this, other );
        else {
          delete graph;
          graph = constructGraph (other, 2);
          if (graph) {
            if (graph->isGraphConnected ()) dist = graph->getDist( this, other );
            else {
              delete graph;

              graph = constructGraph (other, 3);

              if (graph) {
                if (graph->isGraphConnected ()) dist = graph->getDist( this, other );
                else {
                  delete graph;
                  graph = constructGraph (other, 4);
                  if (graph) {
                    if (graph->isGraphConnected ()) dist = graph->getDist( this, other );
                    else {
                      delete graph;
                      graph = NULL;
                      dist = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();

    // tidy up
    if (graph) delete graph;
    return dist;
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    if (argc==1) {
        constructGraph(5, 2);
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    } else if (argc==3) {
        int n = atoi(argv[1]);
        int k = atoi(argv[2]);
        constructGraph(n, k);
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr,"%s [n k]\n",argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    vector<int> findOrder(int numCourses, vector<pair<int, int>>& prerequisites) {
        vector<int> courses;

        if (numCourses <= 0) {
            return courses;

        vector<DirectedGraphNode*> nodes = constructGraph(numCourses, prerequisites);

        queue<DirectedGraphNode*> q;
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
            if (nodes[i]->indegree == 0) {

        while (!q.empty()) {
            DirectedGraphNode* node = q.front();

            for (const auto& neighbor: node->neighbors) {
                if (nodes[neighbor]->indegree == 0) {

        if (courses.size() != numCourses) {
            return vector<int>();
        return courses;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    if (argc==2) {
        int order = atoi(argv[1]);
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr,"%s n\n",argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    if (argc==3) {
        int vertices = atoi(argv[1]);
        int edgeMultiplicity = atoi(argv[2]);
        constructGraph(vertices, edgeMultiplicity);
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr,"%s n m\n",argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    if (argc==3) {
        int internalDegree = atoi(argv[1]);
        int depth = atoi(argv[2]);
        constructGraph(internalDegree, depth);
        return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr,"%s degree depth\n",argv[0]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
void UGenPlugin::prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock)
    // do your pre-playback setup stuff here..
	// create filters here... for example since we now have the sample rate
	UGen::prepareToPlay(sampleRate, samplesPerBlock);
	inputBuffer = Buffer::newClear(samplesPerBlock, getNumInputChannels(), true);
	int numChannels = getNumInputChannels();
	DBG(String("numChannels = ")+String(numChannels));
	inputUGen = AudioIn::AR(numChannels);//getNumInputChannels());	
	outputUGen = constructGraph(inputUGen);
void PlannerPRM::initialize(Sampler* sampler_, const RoboCompCommonBehavior::ParameterList &params)
	sampler = sampler_;
	/// Initialize RRTplaner
	/// Check if graph already exists
	if( QFile(graphFileName).exists())
		qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Graph file exits. Loading";
			nPointsInGraph = std::stoi(params.at("PlannerGraphPoints").value);
			nNeighboursInGraph = std::stoi(params.at("PlannerGraphNeighbours").value);
			maxDistToSearchmm = std::stof(params.at("PlannerGraphMaxDistanceToSearch").value);
			robotRadiusmm = std::stof(params.at("RobotRadius").value);
		{ qFatal("Planner-Initialize. Aborting. Some Planner graph parameters not found in config file"); }
		qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "No graph file found. Creating with " << nPointsInGraph << "nodes and " << nNeighboursInGraph << "neighboors";
		QList<QVec> pointList = sampler->sampleFreeSpaceR2(nPointsInGraph);
		if( pointList.size() < nNeighboursInGraph )
			qFatal("Planner-Initialize. Aborting. Could not find enough free points to build de graph"); 
		qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Creating with " << nPointsInGraph << "nodes and " << nNeighboursInGraph << "neighboors";
    constructGraph(pointList, nNeighboursInGraph, maxDistToSearchmm, robotRadiusmm);  ///GET From IM ----------------------------------
		qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "Graph constructed with " << pointList.size() << "points";
	graphDirtyBit = true;

static PyObject *maxflow(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject *edges;
    int numVertices;
    FlowGraph graph;
    float maxflowVal;

    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi", &edges, &numVertices))
        return NULL;
        return NULL;
    graph = constructGraph(edges, numVertices);
    maxflowVal = Graph_maxflow(graph);
    copyFlowsToPython(graph, edges);
    return Py_BuildValue("f", maxflowVal);
BayesBall::getMinimalFactorGraph (const VarIds& queryIds)
  assert (fg_.bayesianFactors());
  Scheduling scheduling;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < queryIds.size(); i++) {
    assert (dag_.getNode (queryIds[i]));
    BBNode* n = dag_.getNode (queryIds[i]);
    scheduling.push (ScheduleInfo (n, false, true));

  while (!scheduling.empty()) {
    ScheduleInfo& sch = scheduling.front();
    BBNode* n = sch.node;
    if (n->hasEvidence() == false && sch.visitedFromChild) {
      if (n->isMarkedAbove() == false) {
        scheduleParents (n, scheduling);
      if (n->isMarkedBelow() == false) {
        scheduleChilds (n, scheduling);
    if (sch.visitedFromParent) {
      if (n->hasEvidence() && n->isMarkedAbove() == false) {
        scheduleParents (n, scheduling);
      if (n->hasEvidence() == false && n->isMarkedBelow() == false) {
        scheduleChilds (n, scheduling);

  FactorGraph* fg = new FactorGraph();
  constructGraph (fg);
  return fg;
 vector<int> findOrder(int numCourses, vector<pair<int, int>>& prerequisites) {
     vector<int> courses(numCourses, -1);
     if (numCourses <= 0) {
         return courses;
     vector<DirectedGraphNode*> nodes = constructGraph(numCourses, prerequisites);
     vector<int> visited(numCourses, 0);
     current_pos = numCourses - 1;
     for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
         DirectedGraphNode* node = nodes[i];
         if (visited[node->label] == 0) {
             if (DFS(nodes, visited, node, courses) == false) {
                 return vector<int>();
     return courses;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    if(argc != 5) {
        cout << "Not enough parameters" << endl;
        return -1;

    const string videoLocation       = argv[1];
    const string outputLocation      = argv[2];
    const string haarCascadeXML      = argv[3];
    const string finalFacesLocation  = argv[4];

    // Extract faces from the movie
    // extractFaces(videoLocation, outputLocation, haarCascadeXML);

    // Filter faces in a given range of size and make them of same size

    // Pose alignment of the faces

    // Build the list of all selected faces

    // Build the graph out of all the facesBuildListOfSelectedFaces.cpp

    // Find the interesting routes to come up with interesting sequences

    // Stage 2: Build a cube out of one particular expression sequence and find how another actor looks if he gives similar sort of sequence of expressions

    return 0;

unsigned ClusterAlg::getDist(ClusterAlg* other)
  // construct graph
  MGraph<ClusterAlg*, unsigned> *graph (constructGraph ( other ));

  // compute path(s)
  std::list<ClusterAlg*> path0, path1, path2;
  unsigned dist0 (graph->getPathsAndDist ( this, other, path0, path1, path2 ));
  unsigned dist1(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()), dist2(dist1), tmp_dist;
  delete graph;

  // *** first level refinement
  // compute refined graph for path0
  unsigned max_depth (depth), refine_level(3);
  if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
  if (refine_level != 0) {
    refine_level += depth;
    graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path0);

    // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
    // starting from old src and target
    ClusterAlg*src (*path0.begin()), *target (*(--path0.end()));
    getNode (refine_level, src);
    other->getNode (refine_level, target);

    // compute distance in refined graph
    std::list<ClusterAlg*> path00, path01, path02;
    tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path00, path01, path02 );

    if (tmp_dist < dist1) dist1 = tmp_dist;

    // tidy up
    if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** second level refinement
    // *** refinement path p00
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph(refine_level, path00);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path00.begin();
      target = *(--path00.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path000, path001, path002;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path000, path001, path002 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;
    // *** refinement path p01
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path01.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path01);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path01.begin();
      target = *(--path01.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path010, path011, path012;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path010, path011, path012 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** refinement path p02
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path02.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path02);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path02.begin();
      target = *(--path02.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path020, path021, path022;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path020, path021, path022 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;

  // *** first level refinement
  // compute refined graph for path1
  if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
  if (refine_level != 0 && path1.size() > 0) {
    refine_level += depth;
    graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path1);

    // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
    // starting from old src and target
    ClusterAlg *src (*path1.begin()), *target (*(--path1.end()));
    other->getNode (refine_level, target);
    getNode (refine_level, src);

    // std::cout << "\033[32m |p1| " << dist << " \033[0m" << std::flush;
    // compute distance in refined graph
    std::list<ClusterAlg*> path10, path11, path12;
    tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path10, path11, path12 );

    if (tmp_dist < dist1) dist1 = tmp_dist;

    // tidy up
    if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** second level refinement
    // *** refinement path p10
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path10);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path10.begin();
      target = *(--path10.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path100, path101, path102;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path100, path101, path102 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;
    // *** refinement path p11
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path11.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path11);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path11.begin();
      target = *(--path11.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path110, path111, path112;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path110, path111, path112 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** refinement path p12
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path12.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path12);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path12.begin();
      target = *(--path12.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path120, path121, path122;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path120, path121, path122 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;
  // *** first level refinement
  // compute refined graph for path2
  if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
  if (refine_level != 0 && path2.size() > 0) {
    refine_level += depth;
    graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path2);

    // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
    // starting from old src and target
    ClusterAlg *src (*path2.begin()), *target (*(--path2.end()));
    other->getNode (refine_level, target);
    getNode (refine_level, src);

    // compute distance in refined graph
    std::list<ClusterAlg*> path20, path21, path22;
    tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path20, path21, path22 );

    if (tmp_dist < dist1) dist1 = tmp_dist;

    // tidy up
    if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** second level refinement
    // *** refinement path p20
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path20);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path20.begin();
      target = *(--path20.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path200, path201, path202;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path200, path201, path202 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;
    // *** refinement path p21
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path21.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path21);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path21.begin();
      target = *(--path21.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path210, path211, path212;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path210, path211, path212 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;

    // *** refinement path p22
    if (max_depth - depth < refine_level) refine_level = max_depth - depth;
    if (refine_level != 0 && refine_level > 3 && path22.size() != 0) {
      refine_level += depth;
      graph = constructRefinedGraph (refine_level, path22);

      // choose a new src and target node in the new graph
      // starting from old src and target
      src = *path22.begin();
      target = *(--path22.end());
      getNode (refine_level, target);
      other->getNode (refine_level, src);

      // compute distance in refined graph
      std::list<ClusterAlg*> path220, path221, path222;
      tmp_dist = graph->getPathsAndDist ( src, target, path220, path221, path222 );

      if (tmp_dist < dist2) dist2 = tmp_dist;

      // tidy up
      if (graph) delete graph;

  if (dist2 < std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
    return dist2;
  if (dist1 < std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
    return dist1;

  return dist0;