void ompl::geometric::BasicPRMmodif::reconstructLastSolution(void)
    if (lastStart_ && lastGoal_)
        constructSolution(lastStart_, lastGoal_);
        msg_.warn("There is no solution to reconstruct");
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::LazyPRM::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(pdef_->getGoal().get());

    if (!goal)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unknown type of goal", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::UNRECOGNIZED_GOAL_TYPE;

    // Add the valid start states as milestones
    while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())

    if (startM_.size() == 0)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are no valid initial states!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    if (!goal->couldSample())
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: Insufficient states in sampleable goal region", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;

    // Ensure there is at least one valid goal state
    if (goal->maxSampleCount() > goalM_.size() || goalM_.empty())
        const base::State *st = goalM_.empty() ? pis_.nextGoal(ptc) : pis_.nextGoal();
        if (st)

        if (goalM_.empty())
            OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unable to find any valid goal states", getName().c_str());
            return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;

    unsigned long int nrStartStates = boost::num_vertices(g_);
    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %lu states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(), nrStartStates);

    bestCost_ = opt_->infiniteCost();
    base::State *workState = si_->allocState();
    std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> startGoalPair;
    base::PathPtr bestSolution;
    bool fullyOptimized = false;
    bool someSolutionFound = false;
    unsigned int optimizingComponentSegments = 0;

    // Grow roadmap in lazy fashion -- add vertices and edges without checking validity
    while (ptc == false)
        Vertex addedVertex = addMilestone(si_->cloneState(workState));

        const long int solComponent = solutionComponent(&startGoalPair);
        // If the start & goal are connected and we either did not find any solution
        // so far or the one we found still needs optimizing and we just added an edge
        // to the connected component that is used for the solution, we attempt to
        // construct a new solution.
        if (solComponent != -1 && (!someSolutionFound || (long int)vertexComponentProperty_[addedVertex] == solComponent))
            // If we already have a solution, we are optimizing. We check that we added at least
            // a few segments to the connected component that includes the previously found
            // solution before attempting to construct a new solution.
            if (someSolutionFound)
                if (++optimizingComponentSegments < magic::MIN_ADDED_SEGMENTS_FOR_LAZY_OPTIMIZATION)
                optimizingComponentSegments = 0;
            Vertex startV = startM_[startGoalPair.first];
            Vertex goalV = goalM_[startGoalPair.second];
            base::PathPtr solution;
                solution = constructSolution(startV, goalV);
            } while (!solution && vertexComponentProperty_[startV] == vertexComponentProperty_[goalV]);
            if (solution)
                someSolutionFound = true;
                base::Cost c = solution->cost(opt_);
                if (opt_->isSatisfied(c))
                    fullyOptimized = true;
                    bestSolution = solution;
                    bestCost_ = c;
                    if (opt_->isCostBetterThan(c, bestCost_))
                        bestSolution = solution;
                        bestCost_ = c;


    if (bestSolution)
        base::PlannerSolution psol(bestSolution);
        // if the solution was optimized, we mark it as such
        psol.setOptimized(opt_, bestCost_, fullyOptimized);

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u states", getName().c_str(), boost::num_vertices(g_) - nrStartStates);

    return bestSolution ? base::PlannerStatus::EXACT_SOLUTION : base::PlannerStatus::TIMEOUT;
bool ompl::geometric::BasicPRMmodif::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(pdef_->getGoal().get());

    if (!goal)
        msg_.error("Goal undefined or unknown type of goal");
        return false;

    std::vector<Milestone*> startM;
    std::vector<Milestone*> goalM;

    // add the valid start states as milestones
    while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())

    if (startM.size() == 0)
        msg_.error("There are no valid initial states!");
        return false;

    if (!goal->canSample())
        msg_.error("Insufficient states in sampleable goal region");
        return false;

    if (!sampler_)
        sampler_ = si_->allocValidStateSampler();

    unsigned int nrStartStates = milestones_.size();
    msg_.inform("Starting with %u states", nrStartStates);

    base::State *xstate = si_->allocState();
    std::pair<Milestone*, Milestone*> solEndpoints;

    while (ptc() == false)
        // find at least one valid goal state
        if (goal->maxSampleCount() > goalM.size())
            const base::State *st = goalM.empty() ? pis_.nextGoal(ptc) : pis_.nextGoal();
            if (st)
            if (goalM.empty())
                msg_.error("Unable to find any valid goal states");

        // if there already is a solution, construct it
//         if (haveSolution(startM, goalM, &solEndpoints))
//         {
//             constructSolution(solEndpoints.first, solEndpoints.second);
//             break;
//         }
        // othewise, spend some time building a roadmap
            // if it is worth looking at other goal regions, plan for part of the time
            if (goal->maxSampleCount() > goalM.size())
                growRoadmap(startM, goalM, boost::bind(&growRoadmapTerminationCondition, ptc, time::now() + time::seconds(0.1)), xstate);
            // otherwise, just go ahead and build the roadmap
                growRoadmap(startM, goalM, ptc, xstate);
            // if a solution has been found, construct it
//             if (haveSolution(startM, goalM, &solEndpoints))
//             {
//                 constructSolution(solEndpoints.first, solEndpoints.second);
//                 break;
//             }
    if (haveSolution(startM, goalM, &solEndpoints))
	constructSolution(solEndpoints.first, solEndpoints.second);

    msg_.inform("Created %u states", milestones_.size() - nrStartStates);

    return goal->isAchieved();
int main(int argc, char **argv)

	  //*****************************SET PARAMETERS*************************************************
	  Parameters params(argc, argv, 0);
	  Parameters params2(argc, argv, 1);

	  //**********************READ DATA AND MAKE SOLUTION*******************************************
	  Solution* sol = constructSolution(params);
	  Solution* sol2 = constructSolution(params2);

	  //*****************************SET PARAMETERS*************************************************
	  if(sol->getNumberOfProcesses() * sol->getNumberOfMachines() <= 100 * 1000) {
		  params2.delta = params.delta = 40;
		  params2.nmb_iters_bpr = params.nmb_iters_bpr = 300;
		  params2.nmbRanges = params.nmbRanges = 7;
		  params2.rangeLength = params.rangeLength = sol->getNumberOfProcesses() / params.nmbRanges;
	  else {
		  params2.nmb_iters_bpr = params.nmb_iters_bpr = 100;
		  params2.nmbRanges = params.nmbRanges = 5;
		  params2.rangeLength = params.rangeLength = sol->getNumberOfProcesses() / params.nmbRanges;
		  params2.numberOfBestProcessesToConsiderShiftSwap =
				  params.numberOfBestProcessesToConsiderShiftSwap = 3;
		  params2.nmbLoops = params.nmbLoops = 2;

		  if(sol->getNumberOfProcesses() * sol->getNumberOfMachines() >= 20000 * 2000)
			  params2.nmbLoops = params.nmbLoops = 1;

	  params2.seedValue = params.seedValue + 1000;

	  if(sol->getNumberOfProcesses() * sol->getNumberOfMachines() <= 100 * 1000)  // A instances
		  solveA(params, sol, params2, sol2);
	  else  																	  // B instances
		  solveB(params, sol, params2, sol2);

	  long timeToSleep = params.time_limit - (time(0) - params.programStartTime) - 3;
	  if (timeToSleep < 0)
		  timeToSleep = 0;


	  // Read Solutions From Files And Write a better one

	  //cout << " sol->solutionFilename   " << sol->solutionFilename << endl;
	  //cout << " sol2->solutionFilename  " << sol2->solutionFilename << endl;

	  //cout << " sol->getCost()   " << sol->getCost() << endl;
	  //cout << " sol2->getCost()  " << sol2->getCost() << endl;

	  readSolutionFromFile( sol,  sol->solutionFilename);
	  readSolutionFromFile(sol2, sol2->solutionFilename);

	  //cout << " after sol->getCost()   " << sol->getCost() << endl;
	  //cout << " after sol2->getCost()  " << sol2->getCost() << endl;
	  if ((sol->getCost() < sol2->getCost()) && (sol->checkConflict(false)))

	  //remove solution files
	  ostringstream oss1(""); oss1 << "rm " << sol->solutionFilename;
	  ostringstream oss2(""); oss2 << "rm " << sol2->solutionFilename;

	  //*****************************************FILES (REMOVE THIS PART)********************************************************

	  /*fstream fileResults("results", ios::out | ios::app);

	  fileResults << setw(5)  << params.seedValue << setw(30) << params.data_filename
			      << setw(20) << sol->getCost()
		          << setw(20) << sol2->getCost()
		          << setw(20) << *(params.best_objective)
			      << setw(15)  << time(0) - params.programStartTime << endl;

	  // running times
	  fstream fileRunnungTimes("runnung_times", ios::out | ios::app);
	  fileRunnungTimes << setw(5)  << setw(30) << params.data_filename << setw(20) << *(params.best_objective)
	  			       << setw(20)  << time(0) - params.programStartTime << endl;

	  // check solution with official checker
	  ostringstream oss("");
	  oss << "./checker " << params.data_filename << " " << params.initial_assignment_filename
		  << " " << params.solution_filename;
	  oss << " >> checkerFile ";

	  return 0;
