bool DocumentLoader::shouldContinueForResponse() const
    if (m_substituteData.isValid())
        return true;

    int statusCode = m_response.httpStatusCode();
    if (statusCode == 204 || statusCode == 205) {
        // The server does not want us to replace the page contents.
        return false;

    if (contentDispositionType(m_response.httpHeaderField("Content-Disposition")) == ContentDispositionAttachment) {
        // The server wants us to download instead of replacing the page contents.
        // Downloading is handled by the embedder, but we still get the initial
        // response so that we can ignore it and clean up properly.
        return false;

    if (!canShowMIMEType(m_response.mimeType(), m_frame->page()))
        return false;

    // Prevent remote web archives from loading because they can claim to be from any domain and thus avoid cross-domain security checks.
    if (equalIgnoringCase("multipart/related", m_response.mimeType()) && !SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsLocal(m_request.url().protocol()))
        return false;

    return true;
void FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry::dispatchDecidePolicyForResponse(FramePolicyFunction function, const ResourceResponse& response, const ResourceRequest& request)
    // FIXME: What should we do for HTTP status code 204 and 205 and "application/zip"?
    PolicyAction policy = PolicyIgnore;

    if (contentDispositionType(response.httpHeaderField("Content-Disposition")) == ContentDispositionAttachment
        || request.forceDownload())
        policy = PolicyDownload;
    else if (canShowMIMEType(response.mimeType()))
        policy = PolicyUse;
    else if ((ResourceRequest::TargetIsMainFrame == request.targetType())
             && m_webPagePrivate->m_client->downloadAllowed(request.url().string().utf8().data()))
        policy = PolicyDownload;
