	Nodes make a face if contents differ and solidness differs.
	Return value:
		0: No face
		1: Face uses m1's content
		2: Face uses m2's content
	equivalent: Whether the blocks share the same face (eg. water and glass)
u8 face_contents(content_t m1, content_t m2, bool *equivalent)
	*equivalent = false;

		return 0;

	bool contents_differ = (m1 != m2);

	// Contents don't differ for different forms of same liquid
	if(content_liquid(m1) && content_liquid(m2)
			&& make_liquid_flowing(m1) == make_liquid_flowing(m2))
		contents_differ = false;

	u8 c1 = content_solidness(m1);
	u8 c2 = content_solidness(m2);

	bool solidness_differs = (c1 != c2);
	bool makes_face = contents_differ && solidness_differs;

	if(makes_face == false)
		return 0;

	if(c1 == 0)
		c1 = content_features(m1).visual_solidness;
	if(c2 == 0)
		c2 = content_features(m2).visual_solidness;

	if(c1 == c2){
		*equivalent = true;
		// If same solidness, liquid takes precense
		if(content_features(m1).liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE)
			return 1;
		if(content_features(m2).liquid_type != LIQUID_NONE)
			return 2;

	if(c1 > c2)
		return 1;
		return 2;
void LocalPlayer::move(f32 dtime, Map &map, f32 pos_max_d,
		core::list<CollisionInfo> *collision_info)
	v3f position = getPosition();
	v3f oldpos = position;
	v3s16 oldpos_i = floatToInt(oldpos, BS);

	v3f old_speed = m_speed;


		Calculate new position
	position += m_speed * dtime;
	// Skip collision detection if a special movement mode is used
	bool free_move = g_settings->getBool("free_move");

		Collision detection
	// Player position in nodes
	v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(position, BS);
		Check if player is in water (the oscillating value)
		// If in water, the threshold of coming out is at higher y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.1,0), BS);
			in_water = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
		// If not in water, the threshold of going in is at lower y
			v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,BS*0.5,0), BS);
			in_water = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_water = false;

		Check if player is in water (the stable value)
		v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0,0), BS);
		in_water_stable = content_liquid(map.getNode(pp).getContent());
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
		in_water_stable = false;

	        Check if player is climbing

	try {
	        v3s16 pp = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,0.5*BS,0), BS);
		v3s16 pp2 = floatToInt(position + v3f(0,-0.2*BS,0), BS);
		is_climbing = ((content_features(map.getNode(pp).getContent()).climbable ||
				content_features(map.getNode(pp2).getContent()).climbable) && !free_move);
	catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
	        is_climbing = false;

		Collision uncertainty radius
		Make it a bit larger than the maximum distance of movement
	//f32 d = pos_max_d * 1.1;
	// A fairly large value in here makes moving smoother
	f32 d = 0.15*BS;

	// This should always apply, otherwise there are glitches
	assert(d > pos_max_d);

	float player_radius = BS*0.35;
	float player_height = BS*1.7;
	// Maximum distance over border for sneaking
	f32 sneak_max = BS*0.4;

		If sneaking, player has larger collision radius to keep from
		player_radius = sneak_max + d*1.1;*/
		If sneaking, keep in range from the last walked node and don't
		fall off from it
	if(control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists)
		f32 maxd = 0.5*BS + sneak_max;
		v3f lwn_f = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
		position.X = rangelim(position.X, lwn_f.X-maxd, lwn_f.X+maxd);
		position.Z = rangelim(position.Z, lwn_f.Z-maxd, lwn_f.Z+maxd);
		f32 min_y = lwn_f.Y + 0.5*BS;
		if(position.Y < min_y)
			position.Y = min_y;

			//v3f old_speed = m_speed;

			if(m_speed.Y < 0)
				m_speed.Y = 0;

				// Report fall collision
				if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1)
					CollisionInfo info;
					info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
					info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;

		Calculate player collision box (new and old)
	core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox(
		position.X - player_radius,
		position.Y - 0.0,
		position.Z - player_radius,
		position.X + player_radius,
		position.Y + player_height,
		position.Z + player_radius
	core::aabbox3d<f32> playerbox_old(
		oldpos.X - player_radius,
		oldpos.Y - 0.0,
		oldpos.Z - player_radius,
		oldpos.X + player_radius,
		oldpos.Y + player_height,
		oldpos.Z + player_radius

		If the player's feet touch the topside of any node, this is
		set to true.

		Player is allowed to jump when this is true.
	touching_ground = false;

	/*std::cout<<"Checking collisions for ("
			<<") -> ("
	bool standing_on_unloaded = false;
		Go through every node around the player
	for(s16 y = oldpos_i.Y - 1; y <= oldpos_i.Y + 2; y++)
	for(s16 z = oldpos_i.Z - 1; z <= oldpos_i.Z + 1; z++)
	for(s16 x = oldpos_i.X - 1; x <= oldpos_i.X + 1; x++)
		bool is_unloaded = false;
			// Player collides into walkable nodes
			if(content_walkable(map.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent()) == false)
		catch(InvalidPositionException &e)
			is_unloaded = true;
			// Doing nothing here will block the player from
			// walking over map borders

		core::aabbox3d<f32> nodebox = getNodeBox(v3s16(x,y,z), BS);
			See if the player is touching ground.

			Player touches ground if player's minimum Y is near node's
			maximum Y and player's X-Z-area overlaps with the node's

			Use 0.15*BS so that it is easier to get on a node.
				//fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-playerbox.MinEdge.Y) < d
				fabs(nodebox.MaxEdge.Y-playerbox.MinEdge.Y) < 0.15*BS
				&& nodebox.MaxEdge.X-d > playerbox.MinEdge.X
				&& nodebox.MinEdge.X+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.X
				&& nodebox.MaxEdge.Z-d > playerbox.MinEdge.Z
				&& nodebox.MinEdge.Z+d < playerbox.MaxEdge.Z
			touching_ground = true;
				standing_on_unloaded = true;
		// If player doesn't intersect with node, ignore node.
		if(playerbox.intersectsWithBox(nodebox) == false)
			Go through every axis
		v3f dirs[3] = {
			v3f(0,0,1), // back-front
			v3f(0,1,0), // top-bottom
			v3f(1,0,0), // right-left
		for(u16 i=0; i<3; i++)
				Calculate values along the axis
			f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermax_old = playerbox_old.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
			f32 playermin_old = playerbox_old.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[i]);
				Check collision for the axis.
				Collision happens when player is going through a surface.
			/*f32 neg_d = d;
			f32 pos_d = d;
			// Make it easier to get on top of a node
			if(i == 1)
				neg_d = 0.15*BS;
			bool negative_axis_collides =
				(nodemax > playermin && nodemax <= playermin_old + neg_d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0);
			bool positive_axis_collides =
				(nodemin < playermax && nodemin >= playermax_old - pos_d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0);*/
			bool negative_axis_collides =
				(nodemax > playermin && nodemax <= playermin_old + d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) < 0);
			bool positive_axis_collides =
				(nodemin < playermax && nodemin >= playermax_old - d
					&& m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) > 0);
			bool main_axis_collides =
					negative_axis_collides || positive_axis_collides;
				Check overlap of player and node in other axes
			bool other_axes_overlap = true;
			for(u16 j=0; j<3; j++)
				if(j == i)
				f32 nodemax = nodebox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 nodemin = nodebox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 playermax = playerbox.MaxEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				f32 playermin = playerbox.MinEdge.dotProduct(dirs[j]);
				if(!(nodemax - d > playermin && nodemin + d < playermax))
					other_axes_overlap = false;
				If this is a collision, revert the position in the main
			if(other_axes_overlap && main_axis_collides)
				//v3f old_speed = m_speed;

				m_speed -= m_speed.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
				position -= position.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
				position += oldpos.dotProduct(dirs[i]) * dirs[i];
					// Report fall collision
					if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1)
						CollisionInfo info;
						info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
						info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;
	} // xyz

		Check the nodes under the player to see from which node the
		player is sneaking from, if any.
		v3s16 pos_i_bottom = floatToInt(position - v3f(0,BS/2,0), BS);
		v2f player_p2df(position.X, position.Z);
		f32 min_distance_f = 100000.0*BS;
		// If already seeking from some node, compare to it.
			v3f sneaknode_pf = intToFloat(m_sneak_node, BS);
			v2f sneaknode_p2df(sneaknode_pf.X, sneaknode_pf.Z);
			f32 d_horiz_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(sneaknode_p2df);
			f32 d_vert_f = fabs(sneaknode_pf.Y + BS*0.5 - position.Y);
			// Ignore if player is not on the same level (likely dropped)
			if(d_vert_f < 0.15*BS)
				min_distance_f = d_horiz_f;
		v3s16 new_sneak_node = m_sneak_node;
		for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
		for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
			v3s16 p = pos_i_bottom + v3s16(x,0,z);
			v3f pf = intToFloat(p, BS);
			v2f node_p2df(pf.X, pf.Z);
			f32 distance_f = player_p2df.getDistanceFrom(node_p2df);
			f32 max_axis_distance_f = MYMAX(
			if(distance_f > min_distance_f ||
					max_axis_distance_f > 0.5*BS + sneak_max + 0.1*BS)

				// The node to be sneaked on has to be walkable
				if(content_walkable(map.getNode(p).getContent()) == false)
				// And the node above it has to be nonwalkable
				if(content_walkable(map.getNode(p+v3s16(0,1,0)).getContent()) == true)
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)

			min_distance_f = distance_f;
			new_sneak_node = p;
		bool sneak_node_found = (min_distance_f < 100000.0*BS*0.9);
		if(control.sneak && m_sneak_node_exists)
				m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
			m_sneak_node = new_sneak_node;
			m_sneak_node_exists = sneak_node_found;

			If sneaking, the player's collision box can be in air, so
			this has to be set explicitly
		if(sneak_node_found && control.sneak)
			touching_ground = true;
		Set new position
		Report collisions
		// Report fall collision
		if(old_speed.Y < m_speed.Y - 0.1 && !standing_on_unloaded)
			CollisionInfo info;
			info.t = COLLISION_FALL;
			info.speed = m_speed.Y - old_speed.Y;