void splatter(game *g, std::vector<point> trajectory, int dam, monster* mon)
 field_id blood = fd_blood;
 if (mon != NULL) {
  if (!mon->made_of(FLESH))
  if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::boomer)
   blood = fd_bile;
  else if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::acid)
   blood = fd_acid;

 int distance = 1;
 if (dam > 50)
  distance = 3;
 else if (dam > 20)
  distance = 2;

 std::vector<point> spurt = continue_line(trajectory, distance);

 for (int i = 0; i < spurt.size(); i++) {
  int tarx = spurt[i].x, tary = spurt[i].y;
  if (g->m.field_at(tarx, tary).type == blood &&
      g->m.field_at(tarx, tary).density < 3)
   g->m.field_at(tarx, tary).density++;
   g->m.add_field(g, tarx, tary, blood, 1);
void splatter(game *g, std::vector<point> trajectory, int dam, monster* mon)
 field_id blood = fd_blood;
 if (mon != NULL) {
  if (!mon->made_of("flesh"))
  if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::boomer)
   blood = fd_bile;
  else if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::acid)
   blood = fd_acid;

 int distance = 1;
 if (dam > 50)
  distance = 3;
 else if (dam > 20)
  distance = 2;

 std::vector<point> spurt = continue_line(trajectory, distance);

 for (int i = 0; i < spurt.size(); i++) {
  int tarx = spurt[i].x, tary = spurt[i].y;
  field &bloody_field = g->m.field_at(tarx, tary);
  if (bloody_field.findField(fd_blood) &&
      bloody_field.findField(fd_blood)->getFieldDensity() < 3)
      bloody_field.findField(fd_blood)->setFieldDensity(bloody_field.findField(fd_blood)->getFieldDensity() + 1);
   g->m.add_field(g, tarx, tary, blood, 1);
 * Return points of an area extending 1 tile to either side and
 * (maxdepth) tiles behind basher.
std::vector<tripoint> get_bashing_zone( const tripoint &bashee, const tripoint &basher,
                                        int maxdepth )
    std::vector<tripoint> direction;
    direction.push_back( bashee );
    direction.push_back( basher );
    // Draw a line from the target through the attacker.
    std::vector<tripoint> path = continue_line( direction, maxdepth );
    // Remove the target.
    path.insert( path.begin(), basher );
    std::vector<tripoint> zone;
    // Go ahead and reserve enough room for all the points since
    // we know how many it will be.
    zone.reserve( 3 * maxdepth );
    tripoint previous = bashee;
    for( const tripoint &p : path ) {
        std::vector<point> swath = squares_in_direction( previous.x, previous.y, p.x, p.y );
        for( point q : swath ) {
            zone.push_back( tripoint( q, bashee.z ) );

        previous = p;
    return zone;
void splatter(std::vector<point> trajectory, int dam, monster* mon)
 if( dam <= 0 ) {
 field_id blood = fd_blood;
 if (mon != NULL) {
  if (!mon->made_of("flesh") || mon->has_flag(MF_VERMIN) )
  if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::boomer)
   blood = fd_bile;
  else if (mon->type->dies == &mdeath::acid)
   blood = fd_acid;

 int distance = 1;
 if (dam > 50)
  distance = 3;
 else if (dam > 20)
  distance = 2;

 std::vector<point> spurt = continue_line(trajectory, distance);

 for (int i = 0; i < spurt.size(); i++) {
    int tarx = spurt[i].x, tary = spurt[i].y;
    g->m.adjust_field_strength(point(tarx, tary), blood, 1 );
    if( g->m.move_cost(tarx, tary) == 0 ) {
        // Blood splatters stop at walls.
dealt_projectile_attack projectile_attack( const projectile &proj_arg, const tripoint &source,
        const tripoint &target_arg, dispersion_sources dispersion,
        Creature *origin, const vehicle *in_veh )
    const bool do_animation = get_option<bool>( "ANIMATIONS" );

    double range = rl_dist( source, target_arg );

    Creature *target_critter = g->critter_at( target_arg );
    double target_size = target_critter != nullptr ?
                         target_critter->ranged_target_size() :
                         g->m.ranged_target_size( target_arg );
    projectile_attack_aim aim = projectile_attack_roll( dispersion, range, target_size );

    // TODO: move to-hit roll back in here

    dealt_projectile_attack attack {
        proj_arg, nullptr, dealt_damage_instance(), source, aim.missed_by

    if( source == target_arg ) { // No suicidal shots
        debugmsg( "Projectile_attack targeted own square." );
        return attack;

    projectile &proj = attack.proj;
    const auto &proj_effects = proj.proj_effects;

    const bool stream = proj_effects.count( "STREAM" ) > 0 ||
                        proj_effects.count( "STREAM_BIG" ) > 0 ||
                        proj_effects.count( "JET" ) > 0;
    const char bullet = stream ? '#' : '*';
    const bool no_item_damage = proj_effects.count( "NO_ITEM_DAMAGE" ) > 0;
    const bool do_draw_line = proj_effects.count( "DRAW_AS_LINE" ) > 0;
    const bool null_source = proj_effects.count( "NULL_SOURCE" ) > 0;
    // Determines whether it can penetrate obstacles
    const bool is_bullet = proj_arg.speed >= 200 && std::any_of( proj_arg.impact.damage_units.begin(),
    []( const damage_unit & dam ) {
        return dam.type == DT_CUT;
    } );

    // If we were targetting a tile rather than a monster, don't overshoot
    // Unless the target was a wall, then we are aiming high enough to overshoot
    const bool no_overshoot = proj_effects.count( "NO_OVERSHOOT" ) ||
                              ( g->critter_at( target_arg ) == nullptr && g->m.passable( target_arg ) );

    double extend_to_range = no_overshoot ? range : proj_arg.range;

    tripoint target = target_arg;
    std::vector<tripoint> trajectory;
    if( aim.missed_by_tiles >= 1.0 ) {
        // We missed enough to target a different tile
        double dx = target_arg.x - source.x;
        double dy = target_arg.y - source.y;
        double rad = atan2( dy, dx );

        // cap wild misses at +/- 30 degrees
        rad += ( one_in( 2 ) ? 1 : -1 ) * std::min( ARCMIN( aim.dispersion ), DEGREES( 30 ) );

        // @todo: This should also represent the miss on z axis
        const int offset = std::min<int>( range, sqrtf( aim.missed_by_tiles ) );
        int new_range = no_overshoot ?
                        range + rng( -offset, offset ) :
                        rng( range - offset, proj_arg.range );
        new_range = std::max( new_range, 1 );

        target.x = source.x + roll_remainder( new_range * cos( rad ) );
        target.y = source.y + roll_remainder( new_range * sin( rad ) );

        if( target == source ) {
            target.x = source.x + sgn( dx );
            target.y = source.y + sgn( dy );

        // Don't extend range further, miss here can mean hitting the ground near the target
        range = rl_dist( source, target );
        extend_to_range = range;

        sfx::play_variant_sound( "bullet_hit", "hit_wall", sfx::get_heard_volume( target ),
                                 sfx::get_heard_angle( target ) );
        // TODO: Z dispersion
        // If we missed, just draw a straight line.
        trajectory = line_to( source, target );
    } else {
        // Go around obstacles a little if we're on target.
        trajectory = g->m.find_clear_path( source, target );

    add_msg( m_debug, "missed_by_tiles: %.2f; missed_by: %.2f; target (orig/hit): %d,%d,%d/%d,%d,%d",
             aim.missed_by_tiles, aim.missed_by,
             target_arg.x, target_arg.y, target_arg.z,
             target.x, target.y, target.z );

    // Trace the trajectory, doing damage in order
    tripoint &tp = attack.end_point;
    tripoint prev_point = source;

    trajectory.insert( trajectory.begin(), source ); // Add the first point to the trajectory

    static emit_id muzzle_smoke( "emit_smoke_plume" );
    if( proj_effects.count( "MUZZLE_SMOKE" ) ) {
        g->m.emit_field( trajectory.front(), muzzle_smoke );

    if( !no_overshoot && range < extend_to_range ) {
        // Continue line is very "stiff" when the original range is short
        // @todo: Make it use a more distant point for more realistic extended lines
        std::vector<tripoint> trajectory_extension = continue_line( trajectory,
                extend_to_range - range );
        trajectory.reserve( trajectory.size() + trajectory_extension.size() );
        trajectory.insert( trajectory.end(), trajectory_extension.begin(), trajectory_extension.end() );
    // Range can be 0
    size_t traj_len = trajectory.size();
    while( traj_len > 0 && rl_dist( source, trajectory[traj_len - 1] ) > proj_arg.range ) {

    const float projectile_skip_multiplier = 0.1;
    // Randomize the skip so that bursts look nicer
    int projectile_skip_calculation = range * projectile_skip_multiplier;
    int projectile_skip_current_frame = rng( 0, projectile_skip_calculation );
    bool has_momentum = true;

    for( size_t i = 1; i < traj_len && ( has_momentum || stream ); ++i ) {
        prev_point = tp;
        tp = trajectory[i];

        if( ( tp.z > prev_point.z && g->m.has_floor( tp ) ) ||
            ( tp.z < prev_point.z && g->m.has_floor( prev_point ) ) ) {
            // Currently strictly no shooting through floor
            // TODO: Bash the floor
            tp = prev_point;
            traj_len = --i;
        // Drawing the bullet uses player g->u, and not player p, because it's drawn
        // relative to YOUR position, which may not be the gunman's position.
        if( do_animation && !do_draw_line ) {
            // TODO: Make this draw thrown item/launched grenade/arrow
            if( projectile_skip_current_frame >= projectile_skip_calculation ) {
                g->draw_bullet( tp, ( int )i, trajectory, bullet );
                projectile_skip_current_frame = 0;
                // If we missed recalculate the skip factor so they spread out.
                projectile_skip_calculation = std::max( ( size_t )range, i ) * projectile_skip_multiplier;
            } else {

        if( in_veh != nullptr ) {
            int part;
            vehicle *other = g->m.veh_at( tp, part );
            if( in_veh == other && other->is_inside( part ) ) {
                continue; // Turret is on the roof and can't hit anything inside

        Creature *critter = g->critter_at( tp );
        if( origin == critter ) {
            // No hitting self with "weird" attacks.
            critter = nullptr;

        monster *mon = dynamic_cast<monster *>( critter );
        // ignore non-point-blank digging targets (since they are underground)
        if( mon != nullptr && mon->digging() &&
            rl_dist( source, tp ) > 1 ) {
            critter = nullptr;
            mon = nullptr;

        // Reset hit critter from the last iteration
        attack.hit_critter = nullptr;

        // If we shot us a monster...
        // TODO: add size effects to accuracy
        // If there's a monster in the path of our bullet, and either our aim was true,
        //  OR it's not the monster we were aiming at and we were lucky enough to hit it
        double cur_missed_by = aim.missed_by;

        // unintentional hit on something other than our actual target
        // don't re-roll for the actual target, we already decided on a missed_by value for that
        // at the start, misses should stay as misses
        if( critter != nullptr && tp != target_arg ) {
            // Unintentional hit
            cur_missed_by = std::max( rng_float( 0.1, 1.5 - aim.missed_by ) / critter->ranged_target_size(),
                                      0.4 );

        if( critter != nullptr && cur_missed_by < 1.0 ) {
            if( in_veh != nullptr && g->m.veh_at( tp ) == in_veh && critter->is_player() ) {
                // Turret either was aimed by the player (who is now ducking) and shoots from above
                // Or was just IFFing, giving lots of warnings and time to get out of the line of fire
            attack.missed_by = cur_missed_by;
            critter->deal_projectile_attack( null_source ? nullptr : origin, attack );
            // Critter can still dodge the projectile
            // In this case hit_critter won't be set
            if( attack.hit_critter != nullptr ) {
                const size_t bt_len = blood_trail_len( attack.dealt_dam.total_damage() );
                if( bt_len > 0 ) {
                    const tripoint &dest = move_along_line( tp, trajectory, bt_len );
                    g->m.add_splatter_trail( critter->bloodType(), tp, dest );
                sfx::do_projectile_hit( *attack.hit_critter );
                has_momentum = false;
            } else {
                attack.missed_by = aim.missed_by;
        } else if( in_veh != nullptr && g->m.veh_at( tp ) == in_veh ) {
            // Don't do anything, especially don't call map::shoot as this would damage the vehicle
        } else {
            g->m.shoot( tp, proj, !no_item_damage && tp == target );
            has_momentum = proj.impact.total_damage() > 0;

        if( ( !has_momentum || !is_bullet ) && g->m.impassable( tp ) ) {
            // Don't let flamethrowers go through walls
            // TODO: Let them go through bars
            traj_len = i;
    } // Done with the trajectory!

    if( do_animation && do_draw_line && traj_len > 2 ) {
        trajectory.erase( trajectory.begin() );
        trajectory.resize( traj_len-- );
        g->draw_line( tp, trajectory );
        g->draw_bullet( tp, int( traj_len-- ), trajectory, bullet );

    if( g->m.impassable( tp ) ) {
        tp = prev_point;

    drop_or_embed_projectile( attack );

    apply_ammo_effects( tp, proj.proj_effects );
    const auto &expl = proj.get_custom_explosion();
    if( expl.power > 0.0f ) {
        g->explosion( tp, proj.get_custom_explosion() );

    // TODO: Move this outside now that we have hit point in return values?
    if( proj.proj_effects.count( "BOUNCE" ) ) {
        // Add effect so the shooter is not targeted itself.
        if( origin && !origin->has_effect( effect_bounced ) ) {
            origin->add_effect( effect_bounced, 1 );
        Creature *mon_ptr = g->get_creature_if( [&]( const Creature & z ) {
            // search for creatures in radius 4 around impact site
            if( rl_dist( z.pos(), tp ) <= 4 &&
                g->m.sees( z.pos(), tp, -1 ) ) {
                // don't hit targets that have already been hit
                if( !z.has_effect( effect_bounced ) ) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        } );
        if( mon_ptr ) {
            Creature &z = *mon_ptr;
            add_msg( _( "The attack bounced to %s!" ), z.get_name().c_str() );
            z.add_effect( effect_bounced, 1 );
            projectile_attack( proj, tp, z.pos(), dispersion, origin, in_veh );
            sfx::play_variant_sound( "fire_gun", "bio_lightning_tail",
                                     sfx::get_heard_volume( z.pos() ), sfx::get_heard_angle( z.pos() ) );

    return attack;