Static Stmt *proc_fwritebytes() { Expr *ex, *ex2, *vex, *fex; Type *type; if (!skipopenparen()) return NULL; fex = p_expr(tp_text); if (!skipcomma()) return NULL; vex = p_expr(NULL); if (!skipcomma()) return NULL; ex2 = p_expr(tp_integer); skipcloseparen(); type = vex->val.type; ex = makeexpr_bicall_4("fwrite", tp_integer, makeexpr_addr(vex), convert_size(type, ex2, "FWRITEBYTES"), makeexpr_long(1), filebasename(copyexpr(fex))); if (checkfilewrite) { ex = makeexpr_bicall_2(name_SETIO, tp_void, makeexpr_rel(EK_EQ, ex, makeexpr_long(1)), makeexpr_long(3)); } return wrapopencheck(makestmt_call(ex), fex); }
void main(){ //ouverture int fd ; fd = open("/home/marms/Documents/ASR/C/TP5/x.mp3", O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, 0666 ); if( fd == -1 ){ printf("erreur ouverture\n"); exit(15); } printf("\n====ESSAIS PERMUTE======\n"); u16 *x= (u16*)malloc(sizeof(u16)); *x=0x4244;//BD affiche_u16(x); permut2(x); //DB affiche_u16(x); printf("x, %0x\n",*x); u32* g= (u32*)malloc(sizeof(u32)); *g=0x10203040; permut4(g); printf("g, %0x\n",*g); printf("\n======FIN PERMUTE=======\n"); u8* a = (u8*) malloc(sizeof(u8)); if(! read_u8(fd,a)){ printf("echec3\n");} affiche_u8(a); u16* e = (u16*) malloc(sizeof(u16)); if(! read_u16(fd,e)){ printf("echec3\n");} affiche_u16(e); u32* f = (u32*) malloc(sizeof(u32)); if(! read_u32(fd,f)){ printf("echec4\n");} affiche_u32(f); *h = 0x6d776e6e ; affiche_u32(h); aff_bin((u8*)h); printf("\n"); *h= convert_size(*h); aff_bin((u8*)h); printf("\n"); //fermeture close(fd); }
int tag_read_id3_header(int fd, id3v2_header_t *header) { if(strcmp("ID3", read_string(fd, header->ID3, 3, 0))) return -1; if(!read_u16(fd, &(header->version))) return -1; // version valide if(header->version > 0x0300) return -1; if(!read_u8(fd, &(header->flags))) return -1; if(!read_u32(fd, &(header->size))) return -1; header->size = convert_size(header->size); return 0; }
int tag_read_id3_header(int fd, id3v2_header_t *header) { if(strcmp("ID3", read_string(fd, header->ID3, 3, 0)) != 0) { printf("titi1"); return -1; } if(!read_u16(fd, &(header->version))) { printf("titi2"); return -1; } // version valide if(header->version > 0x0300) { printf("titi3"); return -1; } if(!read_u8(fd, &(header->flags))) { printf("titi4"); return -1; } if(!read_u32(fd, &(header->size))) { printf("titi5"); return -1; } header->size = convert_size(header->size); return 0; }
void test_converts(){ assertTrue_byte("Convert Size", convert_size(1836543598),230553454); assertTrue_byte("Convert Size", convert_size(17782),8950); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int opt = 0; struct sfs_options sfs_opts; /* Service variables */ size_t rsrvd_size = MBR_SIZE; size_t index_size = 0; size_t block_size = 0; size_t total_blocks = 0; size_t index_sz_perblk = 0; off_t file_size = 0; char* index_size_s = NULL; char* block_size_s = NULL; char* label = NULL; /* Struct for getopt_long */ static struct option const long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"metadata", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"block-size", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"label", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No parameters.\n"); usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Get user options */ while ((opt = getopt_long(argc - 1, argv, "hm:b:l:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'm': index_size_s = optarg; break; case 'b': block_size_s = optarg; break; case 'l': label = optarg; break; case 'v': usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: usage(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* * Try to open file */ int fd = open(argv[argc - 1], O_RDWR); if (fd == -1 && argc == 2) usage(EXIT_SUCCESS); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input file/device.\n"); usage(EXIT_INPFILE); } /* * File size calculate and check it */ file_size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); close(fd); if (file_size < (MBR_SIZE + INDEX_MIN_SIZE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Too small file size.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %luB\n", "The smallest file size is", MBR_SIZE + INDEX_MIN_SIZE); exit(EXIT_FILELRG); } /* * Handler blocksize data */ if (block_size_s == NULL) block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; else { block_size = convert_size(block_size_s, 0); /* block size must be greater than 128B */ if (block_size <= DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK/2 || errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid block size.\n"); usage(EXIT_NOBS); } long int divisor = DEFAULT_MIN_BLOCK; /* Check on the power of two */ while (divisor > 0 && (divisor != block_size)) divisor <<= 1; if (divisor < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Block size isn't the power of 2.\n"); usage(EXIT_BSDGR2); } } if (block_size > file_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Block size more than file size.\n"); usage(EXIT_BSLRG); } if (file_size % block_size != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Block size isn't a divisor of data size.\n"); usage(EXIT_BSDIV); } /* * Calculate reserved area size in bytes */ if (block_size <= MBR_SIZE) rsrvd_size = MBR_SIZE; else rsrvd_size = block_size; /* * Handler index size */ if (index_size_s == NULL) { double buf = DEFAULT_INDEX_PERCENT * file_size / 100L; index_size = (size_t)round(buf); } else { index_size = convert_size(index_size_s, file_size); if (index_size == 0 || errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid metadata size.\n"); usage(EXIT_NOMD); } } /* Auto align to BLOCK_SIZE (up) */ if (index_size % block_size != 0) index_size += block_size - index_size % block_size; /* Check index size(maybe file size too small) */ if (index_size > (file_size - rsrvd_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "Index area size more or equal than file" " size.\n"); usage(EXIT_MDLRG); } /* Check size of index area */ if (index_size < INDEX_MIN_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Index part size too small.\n"); usage(EXIT_MDSML); } /* * Handler label name */ unsigned length = 0; int i = 0; if (label != NULL && (length = strlen(label)) >= VOLUME_NAME_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s %ld %s", "Label shouldn't be longer" " than ", VOLUME_NAME_SIZE - 1, " symbols.\n"); usage(EXIT_LBL); } /* Check on unsupported symbols */ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) if (label[i] < 0x20 || (label[i] >= 0x80 && label[i] <= 0x9F) || label[i] == '"' || label[i] == '*' || label[i] == ':' || label[i] == '<' || label[i] == '>' || label[i] == '?' || label[i] == '\\' || label[i] == 0x5C || label[i] == 0x7F || label[i] == 0xA0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported symbol \'%c\' " "in volume name.\n", label[i]); usage(EXIT_LBL); } /* * Start to flll fields of options struct */ total_blocks = file_size / block_size; /* Convert reserved area size to size in blocks */ rsrvd_size /= block_size; /* Convert index area size to align size per block size */ if (index_size % block_size == 0) index_sz_perblk = index_size / block_size; else index_sz_perblk = index_size / block_size + 1; /* Fill struct */ sfs_opts.time_stamp = time(NULL); sfs_opts.data_size = total_blocks - rsrvd_size - index_sz_perblk; sfs_opts.index_size = index_size; sfs_opts.total_block = total_blocks; sfs_opts.reserved_size = rsrvd_size; sfs_opts.block_size = (size_t)log2(block_size) - BEGIN_POWER_OF_BS; if (label != NULL) strcpy(sfs_opts.label, label); else sfs_opts.label[0] = '\0'; sfs_opts.file_name = (char*) calloc((strlen(argv[argc - 1]) + 1), sizeof(char)); strcpy(sfs_opts.file_name, argv[argc - 1]); /* * Create empty SFS image */ if (image_create(sfs_opts) != 0) { free(sfs_opts.file_name); return EXIT_FAILURE; } free(sfs_opts.file_name); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
string copy_file(string title, const char *dirfrom, const char *dirto, const char *filename, double filesize, double copy_currentsize, double copy_totalsize, int numfiles_current, int numfiles_total, int check_flag, int showprogress) { string cfrom=(string)dirfrom+(string)filename; string ctoo=(string)dirto+(string)filename; FILE *from, *to; string ret=""; double percent=copy_currentsize/copy_totalsize*100, oldpercent=percent, changepercent=0, current_copy_size=0; string current; string sfilename=(string)filename; string scurrent_files=int_to_string(numfiles_current); string stotal_files=int_to_string(numfiles_total); string stotal_size=convert_size(copy_totalsize, "auto"); PF.printf((title+" '"+sfilename+"'\r\n").c_str()); PF.printf(("- source: "+cfrom+" \r\n").c_str()); PF.printf(("- dest: "+ctoo+" \r\n").c_str()); if ((from = fopen(cfrom.c_str(), "rb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open source file ("+cfrom+") for reading!"; if (check_flag!=1) { char* buf = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); size_t size; if ((to = fopen(ctoo.c_str(), "wb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open destination file ("+ctoo+") for writing!"; do { //draw_copy(title, dirfrom, dirto, filename, cfrom, copy_currentsize, copy_totalsize, numfiles_current, numfiles_total, countsize); size = fread(buf, 1, CHUNK, from); if(ferror(from)) return "Error reading source file ("+cfrom+")!"; fwrite(buf, 1, size, to); if (ferror(to)) return "Error writing destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; if (showprogress==0) { current_copy_size=current_copy_size+(double)size; percent=(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size)/copy_totalsize*100; changepercent=percent-oldpercent; current="Processing "+scurrent_files+" of "+stotal_files+" files ("+convert_size(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size, "auto")+"/"+stotal_size+")"; //PF.printf((" "+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); //PF.printf((" change"+int_to_string((int)changepercent)+"%% real"+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); if (changepercent>1) { Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogChangeMessage(current.c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogIncrease(changepercent); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); oldpercent=percent-(changepercent-(int)changepercent); } } } while(!feof(from)); free(buf); } else { char* buf = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); char* buf2 = (char*) calloc (1, CHUNK+1); size_t size, size2; if ((to = fopen(ctoo.c_str(), "rb"))==NULL) return "Cannot open destination file ("+ctoo+") for reading!"; do { size = fread(buf, 1, CHUNK, from); if(ferror(from)) return "Error reading source file ("+cfrom+")!"; size2 = fread(buf2, 1, CHUNK, to); if (ferror(to)) return "Error reading destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; if (size != size2) return "Source and destination files have different sizes!"; if (memcmp(buf, buf2, size)!=0) return "Source and destination files are different!"; if (showprogress==0) { current_copy_size=current_copy_size+(double)size; percent=(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size)/copy_totalsize*100; changepercent=percent-oldpercent; current="Processing "+scurrent_files+" of "+stotal_files+" files ("+convert_size(copy_currentsize+current_copy_size, "auto")+"/"+stotal_size+")"; //PF.printf((" "+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); //PF.printf((" change"+int_to_string((int)changepercent)+"%% real"+int_to_string((int)percent)+"%% "+current+" \r\n").c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); if (changepercent>1) { Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogChangeMessage(current.c_str()); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); Mess.SingleProgressBarDialogIncrease((int)changepercent); Mess.ProgressBarDialogFlip(); oldpercent=percent-(changepercent-(int)changepercent); } } } while(!feof(from) || !feof(to)); free(buf); free(buf2); } if (fclose(from)==EOF) return "Cannot close source file ("+cfrom+")!"; if (fclose(to)==EOF) return "Cannot close destination file ("+ctoo+")!"; return ""; }
int Downloader::file_download(void) { int i; int ret = 0; init_local_file_name(); if(file_exist(localPath)){ cout<<_("File already exist: ")<<localPath<<endl; return 0; } cout<<_("Begin to download: ") <<(task.get_local_file() ? task.get_local_file() : task.url.get_file())<<endl; char buf[6]; double time = get_current_time(); convert_size(buf, task.fileSize); cout<<_("FileSize: ")<<buf<<endl; if(task.fileSize == 0){ int fd; fd = creat(localPath, 00644); if(fd < 0){ perror(_("Error when I create the file")); return -1; }else{ close(fd); return 0; } } if(!task.resumeSupported || task.fileSize < 0){ threadNum = 1; delete[] blocks; blocks = new Block[1]; blocks[0].size = task.fileSize; blocks[0]; }else if(file_exist(localMg)){ ret = init_threads_from_mg(); }else{ ret = init_threads_from_info(); } if(ret < 0){ cerr<<_("Init threads failed")<<endl; return ret; } for(i = 0; i < threadNum; i ++){ if(thread_create() < 0){ perror(_("Create thread failed")); return -1; } } off_t *data; data = new off_t[threadNum]; for(i = 0; i < threadNum; i ++){ data[i] = blocks[i].startPoint; } pb->init(); pb->set_total_size(task.fileSize); pb->set_block_num(threadNum); pb->set_start_point(data); // update loop global_downloading = true; while(1){ if(global_sigint_received){ delete[] data; save_temp_file_exit(); } for(i = 0; i < threadNum; i ++){ data[i] = blocks[i].downloaded; } pb->update(data); if(schedule() == 0){ break; // all the thread are exit } usleep(250000); } delete[] data; // recheck the size of the file if possible if(task.fileSize >= 0){ off_t downloaded; downloaded = 0; for(i = 0; i < threadNum; i ++){ downloaded += blocks[i].downloaded; } // the downloaded maybe bigger than the filesize // because the overlay of the data if(downloaded < task.fileSize){ cerr<<_("!!!Some error happend when downloaded")<<endl; cerr<<_("!!!So Redownloading is recommended")<<endl; save_temp_file_exit(); } truncate(localMg, task.fileSize); } if(rename(localMg, localPath) < 0){ perror(_("Rename failed")); return -1; } global_downloading = false; time = get_current_time() - time; convert_time(buf, time); cout<<_("Download successfully in ")<<buf<<_(" M:S")<<endl; return 0; }; // end of file_download
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { static char * buffer[32]; static char buffer_size[16]; const char * device = DEFAULT_DEVICE; ssize_t size = DEFAULT_SIZE; bool no_rewind = false; bool rewind = false; ssize_t max_buffer_size = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; ssize_t min_buffer_size = MIN_BUFFER_SIZE; ssize_t tmp_size = 0; enum { OPT_DEVICE = 'd', OPT_HELP = 'h', OPT_MAX_BUFFER = 'M', OPT_MIN_BUFFER = 'm', OPT_NO_REWIND = 'r', OPT_REWIND = 'R', OPT_SIZE = 's', OPT_VERSION = 'V', }; static struct option op[] = { { "device", 1, 0, OPT_DEVICE }, { "help", 0, 0, OPT_HELP }, { "max-buffer-size", 1, 0, OPT_MAX_BUFFER }, { "min-buffer-size", 1, 0, OPT_MIN_BUFFER }, { "no-rewind", 0, 0, OPT_NO_REWIND }, { "size", 1, 0, OPT_SIZE }, { "rewind-at-start", 0, 0, OPT_REWIND }, { "version", 0, 0, OPT_VERSION }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static int lo; for (;;) { int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:hm:M:s:rRV?", op, &lo); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case OPT_DEVICE: device = optarg; break; case OPT_HELP: case '?': printf("tape-benchmark (" TAPEBENCHMARK_VERSION ")\n"); printf(" -d, --device=DEV : use this device DEV instead of \"" DEFAULT_DEVICE "\"\n"); printf(" -h, --help : show this and quit\n"); convert_size(buffer_size, 16, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); printf(" -M, --max-buffer-size=SIZE : maximum buffer size (instead of %s)\n", buffer_size); convert_size(buffer_size, 16, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); printf(" -m, --min-buffer-size=SIZE : minimum buffer size (instead of %s)\n", buffer_size); convert_size(buffer_size, 16, DEFAULT_SIZE); printf(" -s, --size=SIZE : size of file (default: %s)\n", buffer_size); printf(" -r, --no-rewind : no rewind tape between step (default: rewind between step)\n"); printf(" -R, --rewind-at-start : rewind tape before writing on tape, (default: no rewind at start)\n\n"); printf("SIZE can be specified with (BKGT)\n"); printf(" 1B => 1 byte, 1K => 1024B, 1M => 1024K, 1G => 1024M, 1T => 1024G\n"); printf("Another way to set the size is by specifying an integer which will be interpreted as a power of two.\n"); printf(" 10 => 2^10 bytes (= 1K), 16 => 2^16 bytes (= 64K), 24 => 2^24 bytes (= 16M), and so on\n"); printf("Constraint: min-buffer-size and max-buffer-size should be a power of two\n\n"); printf("Note: this programme will allocate 32 buffers of max-buffer-size\n"); return 0; case OPT_MAX_BUFFER: tmp_size = parse_size(optarg); if (check_size(tmp_size)) { max_buffer_size = tmp_size; } else { printf("Error: max-buffer-size should be a power of two\n"); return 1; } break; case OPT_MIN_BUFFER: tmp_size = parse_size(optarg); if (check_size(tmp_size)) { min_buffer_size = tmp_size; } else { printf("Error: min-buffer-size should be a power of two\n"); return 1; } break; case OPT_NO_REWIND: no_rewind = true; break; case OPT_SIZE: size = parse_size(optarg); break; case OPT_REWIND: rewind = true; break; case OPT_VERSION: printf("tape-benchmark (" TAPEBENCHMARK_VERSION ", date and time : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n"); printf("checksum of source code: " TAPEBENCHMARK_SRCSUM "\n"); printf("git commit: " TAPEBENCHMARK_GIT_COMMIT "\n"); return 0; } } print_time(); print_flush("Openning \"%s\"... ", device); int fd_tape = open(device, O_RDONLY); if (fd_tape < 0) { printf("failed!!!, because %m\n"); return 2; } struct mtget mt; int failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCGET, &mt); if (failed != 0) { close(fd_tape); printf("Oops: seem not to be a valid tape device\n"); return 2; } if (GMT_WR_PROT(mt.mt_gstat)) { close(fd_tape); printf("Oops: Write lock enabled\n"); return 2; } failed = close(fd_tape); fd_tape = open(device, O_WRONLY); if (fd_tape < 0) { printf("failed!!!, because %m\n"); return 2; } else { printf("fd: %d\n", fd_tape); } if (rewind && !rewind_tape(fd_tape)) return 2; ssize_t current_block_size = (mt.mt_dsreg & MT_ST_BLKSIZE_MASK) >> MT_ST_BLKSIZE_SHIFT; print_time(); print_flush("Generate random data from \"/dev/urandom\"... "); int fd_ran = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (fd_ran < 0) { printf("Failed to open because %m\n"); close(fd_tape); return 2; } int j; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { buffer[j] = malloc(max_buffer_size); if (buffer[j] == NULL) { printf("Error: failed to allocated memory (size: %zd) because %m\n", max_buffer_size); close(fd_tape); close(fd_ran); return 3; } ssize_t nb_read = read(fd_ran, buffer[j], max_buffer_size); if (nb_read < 0) printf("\nWarning: failed to read from \"/dev/urandom\" because %m\n"); else if (nb_read < max_buffer_size) printf("\nWarning: read less than expected, %zd instead of %zd\n", nb_read, max_buffer_size); } close(fd_ran); printf("done\n"); static char clean_line[64]; memset(clean_line, ' ', 64); ssize_t write_size; for (write_size = min_buffer_size; write_size <= max_buffer_size; write_size <<= 1) { if (current_block_size > 0) { write_size = current_block_size; printf("Warning: block size is defined to %zd instead of %zd\n", current_block_size, write_size); } struct pollfd plfd = { fd_tape, POLLOUT, 0 }; int pll_rslt = poll(&plfd, 1, 100); int poll_retry = 0; while (pll_rslt < 1) { if (poll_retry == 0) printf("Device is no ready, so we wait until"); else printf("."); fflush(stdout); poll_retry++; pll_rslt = poll(&plfd, 1, 6000); if (pll_rslt > 0) printf("\n"); } struct timeval time_start; gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL); ssize_t nb_loop = size / write_size; convert_size(buffer_size, 16, write_size); print_time(); printf("Starting, nb loop: %zd, block size: %s\n", nb_loop, buffer_size); struct timespec start, last, current; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); last = start; int write_error = 0; long long int i; static int last_width = 64; for (i = 0; i < nb_loop; i++) { ssize_t nb_write = write(fd_tape, buffer[i & 0x1F], write_size); if (nb_write < 0) { if (last_width > 0) printf("\r%*s\r", last_width, clean_line); switch (errno) { case EINVAL: convert_size(buffer_size, 16, write_size >> 1); printf("It seems that you cannot use a block size greater than %s\n", buffer_size); break; case EBUSY: printf("rDevice is busy, so we wait a few seconds before restarting\n"); sleep(8); print_time(); printf("Restarting, nb loop: %zd, block size: %s\n", nb_loop, buffer_size); i = -1; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); break; default: printf("Oops: an error occured => (%d) %m\n", errno); printf("fd: %d, buffer: %p, count: %zd\n", fd_tape, buffer[i & 0x1F], write_size); break; } write_error = 1; break; } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ¤t); if (last.tv_sec + 5 <= current.tv_sec) { float pct = 100 * i; double time_spent = difftime(current.tv_sec, start.tv_sec); double speed = i * write_size; speed /= time_spent; convert_size(buffer_size, 16, speed); printf("\r%*s\r", last_width, clean_line); printf("loop: %lld, current speed %s, done: %.2f%%%n", i, buffer_size, pct / nb_loop, &last_width); fflush(stdout); last = current; } } printf("\r%*s\r", last_width, clean_line); struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, 0); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ¤t); double time_spent = difftime(current.tv_sec, start.tv_sec); double speed = i * write_size; speed /= time_spent; convert_size(buffer_size, 16, speed); print_time(); printf("Finished, current speed %s\n", buffer_size); struct mtget mt2; failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCGET, &mt2); if (failed != 0) { printf("MTIOCGET failed => %m\n"); break; } struct mtop eof = { MTWEOF, 1 }; failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCTOP, &eof); if (failed != 0) { printf("Weof failed => %m\n"); break; } struct mtop nop = { MTNOP, 1 }; failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCTOP, &nop); if (failed != 0) { printf("Nop failed => %m\n"); break; } failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCGET, &mt2); if (failed != 0) { printf("MTIOCGET failed => %m\n"); break; } if (!no_rewind) { if (mt.mt_fileno < 2) { rewind_tape(fd_tape); } else { print_time(); print_flush("Moving backward space 1 file... "); static struct mtop rewind = { MTBSFM, 2 }; failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCTOP, &rewind); if (failed != 0) printf("Failed => %m\n"); else printf("done\n"); } } failed = ioctl(fd_tape, MTIOCGET, &mt2); if (failed) printf("MTIOCGET failed => %m\n"); if (current_block_size > 0 || write_error) break; } close(fd_tape); for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) free(buffer[j]); return 0; }