void set_thing_draw(struct Thing *thing, long anim, long speed, long scale, char a5, char start_frame, unsigned char draw_class)
    unsigned long i;
    thing->anim_sprite = convert_td_iso(anim);
    thing->field_50 &= 0x03;
    thing->field_50 |= (draw_class << 2);
    thing->field_49 = keepersprite_frames(thing->anim_sprite);
    if (speed != -1) {
        thing->field_3E = speed;
    if (scale != -1) {
        thing->sprite_size = scale;
    if (a5 != -1) {
        set_flag_byte(&thing->field_4F, TF4F_Unknown40, a5);
    if (start_frame == -2)
        i = keepersprite_frames(thing->anim_sprite) - 1;
        thing->field_48 = i;
        thing->field_40 = i << 8;
    } else if (start_frame == -1)
        i = ACTION_RANDOM(thing->field_49);
        thing->field_48 = i;
        thing->field_40 = i << 8;
    } else
        i = start_frame;
        thing->field_48 = i;
        thing->field_40 = i << 8;
long creature_add_lair_to_room(struct Thing *creatng, struct Room *room)
    struct Thing *lairtng;
    if (!room_has_enough_free_capacity_for_creature(room, creatng))
        return 0;
    //return _DK_creature_add_lair_to_room(thing, room);
    // Make sure we don't already have a lair on that position
    lairtng = find_creature_lair_at_subtile(creatng->mappos.x.stl.num, creatng->mappos.y.stl.num, 0);
    if (!thing_is_invalid(lairtng))
        return 0;
    struct CreatureStats *crstat;
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    crstat = creature_stats_get_from_thing(creatng);
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(creatng);
    room->used_capacity += crstat->lair_size;
    if ((cctrl->lair_room_id > 0) && (cctrl->lairtng_idx > 0))
        struct Room *room;
        room = room_get(cctrl->lair_room_id);
        creature_remove_lair_from_room(creatng, room);
    cctrl->lair_room_id = room->index;
    // Create the lair thing
    struct CreatureData *crdata;
    struct Coord3d pos;
    pos.x.val = creatng->mappos.x.val;
    pos.y.val = creatng->mappos.y.val;
    pos.z.val = creatng->mappos.z.val;
    crdata = creature_data_get_from_thing(creatng);
    lairtng = create_object(&pos, crdata->field_1, creatng->owner, -1);
    if (thing_is_invalid(lairtng))
        ERRORLOG("Could not create lair totem");
        return 1; // Return that so we won't try to redo the action over and over
    lairtng->mappos.z.val = get_thing_height_at(lairtng, &lairtng->mappos);
    // Associate creature with the lair
    cctrl->lairtng_idx = lairtng->index;
    lairtng->word_13 = creatng->index;
    lairtng->word_15 = 1;
    // Lair size depends on creature level
    lairtng->word_17 = 300 * cctrl->explevel / 20 + 300;
    lairtng->field_52 = ACTION_RANDOM(0x800);
    struct Objects *objdat;
    unsigned long i;
    objdat = get_objects_data_for_thing(lairtng);
    i = convert_td_iso(objdat->field_5);
    set_thing_draw(lairtng, i, objdat->field_7, lairtng->word_15, 0, -1, objdat->field_11);
    thing_play_sample(creatng, 158, NORMAL_PITCH, 0, 3, 1, 2, FULL_LOUDNESS);
    create_effect(&pos, imp_spangle_effects[creatng->owner], creatng->owner);
    anger_set_creature_anger(creatng, 0, AngR_NoLair);
    return 1;
TbBool update_creature_anim_td(struct Thing *thing, long speed, long td_idx)
    unsigned long i;
    i = convert_td_iso(td_idx);
    if (i != thing->anim_sprite)
        set_thing_draw(thing, i, speed, -1, -1, 0, 2);
        return true;
    return false;
unsigned long get_creature_anim(struct Thing *thing, unsigned short seq_idx)
  unsigned long idx;
  idx = get_creature_model_graphics(thing->model, seq_idx);
  return convert_td_iso(idx);