/* Note: halonr is here the FOF-background subhalo (i.e. main halo) */
void evolve_galaxies(int halonr, int ngal, int treenr, int cenngal)
  int jj, p, q, nstep, centralgal, merger_centralgal, currenthalo, prevgal, start, i;
  double infallingGas, coolingGas, deltaT, Zcurr;  
  double time, previoustime, newtime;
  double AGNaccreted, t_Edd;
  double age_in_years;
  double CentralRadius, CentralMass, SatelliteRadius, SatelliteMass;

  // Eddington time in code units
  // Bizarrely, code units are UnitTime_in_s/Hubble_h

  //previoustime = NumToTime(Gal[0].SnapNum);
  previoustime = NumToTime(Halo[halonr].SnapNum-1);
  newtime = NumToTime(Halo[halonr].SnapNum);

  /* Time between snapshots */
  deltaT = previoustime - newtime;
  /* Redshift of current Snapnum */
  Zcurr = ZZ[Halo[halonr].SnapNum];

  //if(halonr == 83)
  //	for(p=0;p<ngal;p++)
  //		printf("check halonr=%d id=%d type=%d\n", halonr, p,Gal[p].Type);

  centralgal = Gal[0].CentralGal;
  for (p =0;p<ngal;p++)
	  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #0",p);

 if(Gal[centralgal].Type != 0 || Gal[centralgal].HaloNr != halonr)
    terminate("Something wrong here ..... \n");

  /* Update all galaxies to same star-formation history time-bins.
   * Needed in case some galaxy has skipped a snapshot. */
  age_in_years=(Age[0]-previoustime)*UnitTime_in_years/Hubble_h; //ROB: age_in_years is in units of "real years"!
  for (p=0; p<ngal; p++)

  //if(halonr == 84)
   // 	print_galaxy("check00", centralgal, halonr);

    //	printf("prog=%d\n",Halo[halonr].FirstProgenitor);

  /* Handle the transfer of mass between satellites and central galaxies */
  deal_with_satellites(centralgal, ngal);

  /* Delete inconsequential galaxies */
  for (p =0;p<ngal;p++)
    if (Gal[p].Type ==2 && Gal[p].ColdGas+Gal[p].DiskMass+Gal[p].BulgeMass <1.e-8)
      Gal[p].Type = 3;
      mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #0.1",p);
  /* Calculate how much hot gas needs to be accreted to give the correct baryon fraction
   * in the main halo. This is the universal fraction, less any reduction due to reionization. */
  infallingGas = infall_recipe(centralgal, ngal, Zcurr);
  //if(halonr > 35 && halonr < 40)
  //	print_galaxy("check02", centralgal, halonr);

  /* All the physics are computed in a number of intervals between snapshots
   * equal to STEPS */
  for (nstep = 0; nstep < STEPS; nstep++)
  	/* time to present of the current step */
	  time = previoustime - (nstep + 0.5) * (deltaT / STEPS);

	  /* Update all galaxies to the star-formation history time-bins of current step*/
	  for (p=0; p<ngal; p++)

	  //if(halonr > 35 && halonr < 40)
	 	// 		    	print_galaxy("check02.1", centralgal, halonr);

	  /* Infall onto central galaxy only, if required to make up a baryon deficit */
#ifndef GUO13
#ifndef GUO10
	  if (infallingGas > 0.)
	  	add_infall_to_hot(centralgal, infallingGas / STEPS);

	  //if(halonr == 84)
	 	//	    	print_galaxy("check02.5", centralgal, halonr);

	  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #0.5",centralgal);
	  for (p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	  	//if((halonr > 28 && halonr < 32) || Gal[p].HaloNr==52)
	  		//if(Gal[p].SnapNum==31 || (halonr > 28 && halonr < 31))
	  		//	if(halonr ==140)
	  		// print_galaxy("check03", p, halonr);
	  	/* don't treat galaxies that have already merged */
		  if(Gal[p].Type == 3)

		  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #1",p);

		  if (Gal[p].Type == 0 || Gal[p].Type == 1)
		  	if((ReIncorporationRecipe == 0 && Gal[p].Type==0) || ReIncorporationRecipe > 0)
				  reincorporate_gas(p, deltaT / STEPS);
		  	 //if(halonr > 28 && halonr < 31)
		  	//			  print_galaxy("check04", p, halonr);
			  /* determine cooling gas given halo properties and add it to the cold phase*/
			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #1.5",p);
			  coolingGas = cooling_recipe(p, deltaT / STEPS);
			  cool_gas_onto_galaxy(p, coolingGas);
			  //if(halonr > 28 && halonr < 31)
				//if(halonr ==140)
			  //print_galaxy("check05", p, halonr);


		  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #2",p);

#ifdef H2_AND_RINGS
      gas_inflow(p, deltaT / STEPS);
      //if(halonr > 38 && halonr < 40)
      //print_galaxy("check06", p, halonr);
		  /* stars form*/
		  starformation(p, centralgal, time, deltaT / STEPS, nstep);
		  //int ii;
		  //for (ii = 0; ii < ngal; ii++)
		  //	if(halonr > 28 && halonr < 31)
			//if(halonr ==140)
		  //	print_galaxy("check07", ii, halonr);
		  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #3",p);

	    } //for (p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	  /* Check for merger events */
	  //if(Gal[p].Type == 1)
	  //for(p = 0; p < -1; p++)

	  for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	    //if(halonr == 84)
	  	//	  print_galaxy("check07.01", p, halonr);
	  	#ifdef MERGE01
    	  if(Gal[p].Type == 2 || (Gal[p].Type == 1 && Gal[p].MergeOn == 1))	/* satellite galaxy */
    	  if(Gal[p].Type == 2)
    		  Gal[p].MergTime -= deltaT / STEPS;

    		  Gal[p].MergRadius -= get_deltar(p, deltaT/STEPS );
    		  //printf("merge radius=%f detlar=%f\n",Gal[p].MergRadius, 100.*get_deltar(p, deltaT/STEPS ));
    		  disruption_code (p, time);

    		  /* a merger has occured! */
    		  //MergRadius is tracked for type 2's subject to disruption while MergTime is tracked for type 1's
    		 // if( ( Gal[p].Type == 2 && (Gal[p].MergRadius < Gal[centralgal].StellarDiskRadius+Gal[centralgal].BulgeSize || Gal[p].BulgeMass+Gal[p].DiskMass == 0) )
    			//	  || (Gal[p].Type == 1 && Gal[p].MergTime < 0.0))
    		 if( Gal[p].MergRadius < Gal[centralgal].StellarDiskRadius+Gal[centralgal].BulgeSize || Gal[p].BulgeMass+Gal[p].DiskMass == 0 )

    		  //if(Gal[p].MergTime < 0.0 || Gal[p].BulgeMass+Gal[p].DiskMass == 0)
    		  if(Gal[p].MergTime < 0.0)

#ifdef MERGE01
    			  if(Gal[p].Type == 1)
    			  	for(q = 0; q < ngal; q++)
    			  		if(Gal[q].Type == 2 && Gal[p].CentralGal == p)
    			  			Gal[q].CentralGal = cenngal;

    			  if(Gal[p].Type == 2)
    				merger_centralgal = Gal[p].CentralGal;
    				merger_centralgal = cenngal;
    			  merger_centralgal = Gal[p].CentralGal;
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #4",p);
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #4",merger_centralgal);
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #4",centralgal);
    			  //if(halonr == 140)
    			  //print_galaxy("check08", p, halonr);
    			  //if(halonr == 140)
    			  //print_galaxy("check09", merger_centralgal, halonr);
    			  deal_with_galaxy_merger(p, merger_centralgal, centralgal, time, deltaT, nstep);
    			  //if(halonr == 140)
    			  //print_galaxy("check10", p, halonr);
    			  //if(halonr == 140)
    			  //print_galaxy("check11", merger_centralgal, halonr);
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #5",p);
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #5",merger_centralgal);
    			  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #5",centralgal);


    	    }// if(Gal[p].Type == 2)
	    }//loop on all galaxies to detect mergers

	  /* Cool gas onto AGN */
	  if (BlackHoleGrowth == 1)
		  for (p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
		  	AGNaccreted=min(Gal[p].BlackHoleGas, Gal[p].BlackHoleMass*BlackHoleAccretionRate*deltaT/(STEPS*t_Edd));
			  if (AGNaccreted > 0.)
				  Gal[p].BlackHoleMass += AGNaccreted;
				  Gal[p].BlackHoleGas -= AGNaccreted;
				  // Instantaneous accretion rate.  This will get overwritten on each mini-step but that's OK
				  Gal[p].QuasarAccretionRate = AGNaccreted*STEPS/deltaT;
	  //DELAYED ENRICHMENT AND MASS RETURN + FEEDBACK: No fixed yield or recycling fraction anymore. FB synced with enrichment
	  for (p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	  update_yields_and_return_mass(p, centralgal, deltaT/STEPS, nstep);

	  int nr, istep, ix, iy, iz;
	  istep = Halo[halonr].SnapNum*STEPS + nstep;
	  Gal[p].SnapNum = Halo[halonr].SnapNum;
	  for (p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	  	for (nr = 0; nr < NCONES; nr++)
	  		for (ix = 0; ix < NREPLICA; ix++)
	  			for (iy = 0; iy < NREPLICA; iy++)
	  				for (iz = 0; iz < NREPLICA; iz++)
	  					inside_lightcone(p, istep, nr, ix, iy, iz);

    }/* end move forward in interval STEPS */

  /* check the bulge size*/

  for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
	  if(Gal[p].Type == 2)

	  	//if(halonr == 140)
	  	//print_galaxy("check12", p, halonr);
		  update_type_two_coordinate_and_velocity(treenr, p, centralgal);
	  	int jj;
	  	float tmppos;
	  	for(jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++)
	  		tmppos = wrap(Gal[p].DistanceToCentralGal[jj],BoxSize);
	  		tmppos *=  (Gal[p].MergTime/Gal[p].OriMergTime);
	  		Gal[p].Pos[jj] = Gal[p].MergCentralPos[jj] + tmppos;

	  		if(Gal[p].Pos[jj] < 0)
	  			Gal[p].Pos[jj] = BoxSize + Gal[p].Pos[jj];
	  		if(Gal[p].Pos[jj] > BoxSize)
	  			Gal[p].Pos[jj] = Gal[p].Pos[jj] - BoxSize;
      /* Disruption of type 2 galaxies. Type 1 galaxies are not disrupted since usually
       * bayonic component is more compact than dark matter.*/

	    //if(halonr == 84)
	  	//print_galaxy("check13", p, halonr);
		  disrupt(p, Gal[p].CentralGal);
		  //if(halonr == 84)
		  //print_galaxy("check014", p, halonr);

	  //if(halonr > 20 && halonr < 31)
	  	//if(halonr ==140)
	 		 // print_galaxy("check015", p, halonr);

  for (p =0;p<ngal;p++) mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #6",p);
  int n;
  /* If this is an output snapshot apply the dust model to each galaxy */
  for(n = 0; n < NOUT; n++)
      if(Halo[halonr].SnapNum == ListOutputSnaps[n])
    	  for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
    		  dust_model(p, n, halonr);

  /* now save the galaxies of all the progenitors (and free the associated storage) */
  int prog = Halo[halonr].FirstProgenitor;

  while(prog >= 0)
      int currentgal;
      for(i = 0, currentgal = HaloAux[prog].FirstGalaxy; i < HaloAux[prog].NGalaxies; i++)
    	  int nextgal = HaloGal[currentgal].NextGalaxy;
    	  /* this will write this galaxy to an output file and free the storage associate with it */
    	  output_galaxy(treenr, HaloGal[currentgal].HeapIndex);
    	  currentgal = nextgal;
      prog = Halo[prog].NextProgenitor;

  for(p = 0, prevgal = -1, currenthalo = -1, centralgal = -1, start = NGalTree; p < ngal; p++)
	  if(Gal[p].HaloNr != currenthalo)
		  currenthalo = Gal[p].HaloNr;
		  HaloAux[currenthalo].FirstGalaxy = -1;
		  HaloAux[currenthalo].NGalaxies = 0;

	  mass_checks("Evolve_galaxies #7",p);

      /* may be wrong (what/why?) */
	  if(Gal[p].Type != 3)
		  if(NHaloGal >= MaxHaloGal)
			  int oldmax = MaxHaloGal;
			  AllocValue_MaxHaloGal *= ALLOC_INCREASE_FACTOR;
			  MaxHaloGal = AllocValue_MaxHaloGal;
              if(MaxHaloGal<NHaloGal+1) MaxHaloGal=NHaloGal+1;
			  HaloGal = myrealloc_movable(HaloGal, sizeof(struct GALAXY) * MaxHaloGal);
			  HaloGalHeap = myrealloc_movable(HaloGalHeap, sizeof(int) * MaxHaloGal);
			  for(i = oldmax; i < MaxHaloGal; i++)
				  HaloGalHeap[i] = i;

		  Gal[p].SnapNum = Halo[currenthalo].SnapNum;

#ifndef GUO10
		  update_type_two_coordinate_and_velocity(treenr, p, Gal[0].CentralGal);

		  /* when galaxies are outputed, the slot is filled with the
		   * last galaxy in the heap. New galaxies always take the last spot */
		  int nextgal = HaloGalHeap[NHaloGal];
		  HaloGal[nextgal] = Gal[p];
		  HaloGal[nextgal].HeapIndex = NHaloGal;

		  if(HaloAux[currenthalo].FirstGalaxy < 0)
			  HaloAux[currenthalo].FirstGalaxy = nextgal;

		  if(prevgal >= 0)
			  HaloGal[prevgal].NextGalaxy = nextgal;
		  prevgal = nextgal;


		  if(NGalTree >= MaxGalTree)
			  AllocValue_MaxGalTree *= ALLOC_INCREASE_FACTOR;
			  MaxGalTree = AllocValue_MaxGalTree;
			  if(MaxGalTree<NGalTree+1) MaxGalTree=NGalTree+1;
			  GalTree = myrealloc_movable(GalTree, sizeof(struct galaxy_tree_data) * MaxGalTree);
		  HaloGal[nextgal].GalTreeIndex = NGalTree;

		  memset(&GalTree[NGalTree], 0, sizeof(struct galaxy_tree_data));
		  GalTree[NGalTree].HaloGalIndex = nextgal;
		  GalTree[NGalTree].SnapNum = Halo[currenthalo].SnapNum;
		  GalTree[NGalTree].NextProgGal = -1;
		  GalTree[NGalTree].DescendantGal = -1;

		  GalTree[NGalTree].FirstProgGal = Gal[p].FirstProgGal;
		  if(Gal[p].Type == 0)
			  centralgal = NGalTree;

  for(p = start; p < NGalTree; p++)
      if(centralgal < 0)
    	  terminate("centralgal < 0");
      GalTree[p].FOFCentralGal = centralgal;

  report_memory_usage(&HighMark, "evolve_galaxies");
void evolve_galaxies(int halonr, int ngal, int tree)	// Note: halonr is here the FOF-background subhalo (i.e. main halo) 
  int p, i, step, centralgal, merger_centralgal, currenthalo, offset;
  double infallingGas, coolingGas, deltaT, time, galaxyBaryons, currentMvir;

  centralgal = Gal[0].CentralGal;
	assert(Gal[centralgal].Type == 0 && Gal[centralgal].HaloNr == halonr);

  infallingGas = infall_recipe(centralgal, ngal, ZZ[Halo[halonr].SnapNum]);

  // We integrate things forward by using a number of intervals equal to STEPS 
  for(step = 0; step < STEPS; step++)

    // Loop over all galaxies in the halo 
    for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)
      // Don't treat galaxies that have already merged 
      if(Gal[p].mergeType > 0)

      deltaT = Age[Gal[p].SnapNum] - Age[Halo[halonr].SnapNum];
      time = Age[Gal[p].SnapNum] - (step + 0.5) * (deltaT / STEPS);
      if(Gal[p].dT < 0.0)
        Gal[p].dT = deltaT;

      // For the central galaxy only 
      if(p == centralgal)
        add_infall_to_hot(centralgal, infallingGas / STEPS);

        if(ReIncorporationFactor > 0.0)
          reincorporate_gas(centralgal, deltaT / STEPS);
				if(Gal[p].Type == 1 && Gal[p].HotGas > 0.0)
					strip_from_satellite(halonr, centralgal, p);

      // Determine the cooling gas given the halo properties 
      coolingGas = cooling_recipe(p, centralgal, deltaT / STEPS, time);
      cool_gas_onto_galaxy(p, coolingGas);

      // stars form and then explode! 
      starformation_and_feedback(p, centralgal, time, deltaT / STEPS, halonr, step);

    // check for satellite disruption and merger events 
    for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)

      if((Gal[p].Type == 1 || Gal[p].Type == 2) && Gal[p].mergeType == 0)  // satellite galaxy!
				assert(Gal[p].MergTime < 999.0);

        deltaT = Age[Gal[p].SnapNum] - Age[Halo[halonr].SnapNum];
        Gal[p].MergTime -= deltaT / STEPS;
        // only consider mergers or disruption for halo-to-baryonic mass ratios below the threshold
        // or for satellites with no baryonic mass (they don't grow and will otherwise hang around forever)
        currentMvir = Gal[p].Mvir - Gal[p].deltaMvir * (1.0 - ((double)step + 1.0) / (double)STEPS);
        galaxyBaryons = Gal[p].StellarMass + Gal[p].ColdGas;
        if((galaxyBaryons == 0.0) || (galaxyBaryons > 0.0 && (currentMvir / galaxyBaryons <= ThresholdSatDisruption)))        
            merger_centralgal = centralgal;
            merger_centralgal = Gal[p].CentralGal;

          if(Gal[merger_centralgal].mergeType > 0) 
            merger_centralgal = Gal[merger_centralgal].CentralGal;

          Gal[p].mergeIntoID = NumGals + merger_centralgal;  // position in output 

          if(Gal[p].MergTime > 0.0)  // disruption has occured!
            disrupt_satellite_to_ICS(merger_centralgal, p);
            if(Gal[p].MergTime <= 0.0)  // a merger has occured! 
              time = Age[Gal[p].SnapNum] - (step + 0.5) * (deltaT / STEPS);   
              deal_with_galaxy_merger(p, merger_centralgal, centralgal, time, deltaT / STEPS, halonr, step);

  } // Go on to the next STEPS substep

  // Extra miscellaneous stuff before finishing this halo
	Gal[centralgal].TotalSatelliteBaryons = 0.0;
  deltaT = Age[Gal[0].SnapNum] - Age[Halo[halonr].SnapNum];
  for(p = 0; p < ngal; p++)

    // Don't bother with galaxies that have already merged 
    if(Gal[p].mergeType > 0)
    Gal[p].Cooling /= deltaT;
    Gal[p].Heating /= deltaT;
    Gal[p].OutflowRate /= deltaT;    
	Gal[p].Lx_bol /= deltaT;
    if(p != centralgal)
			Gal[centralgal].TotalSatelliteBaryons += 
				(Gal[p].StellarMass + Gal[p].BlackHoleMass + Gal[p].ColdGas + Gal[p].HotGas);

  // Attach final galaxy list to halo 
  offset = 0;
  for(p = 0, currenthalo = -1; p < ngal; p++)
    if(Gal[p].HaloNr != currenthalo)
      currenthalo = Gal[p].HaloNr;
      HaloAux[currenthalo].FirstGalaxy = NumGals;
      HaloAux[currenthalo].NGalaxies = 0;

    // Merged galaxies won't be output. So go back through its history and find it
    // in the previous timestep. Then copy the current merger info there.
    offset = 0;
    i = p-1;
    while(i >= 0)
     if(Gal[i].mergeType > 0) 
       if(Gal[p].mergeIntoID > Gal[i].mergeIntoID)
         offset++;  // these galaxies won't be kept so offset mergeIntoID below
    i = -1;
    if(Gal[p].mergeType > 0)
      i = HaloAux[currenthalo].FirstGalaxy - 1;
      while(i >= 0)
        if(HaloGal[i].GalaxyNr == Gal[p].GalaxyNr)
			assert(i >= 0);
      HaloGal[i].mergeType = Gal[p].mergeType;
      HaloGal[i].mergeIntoID = Gal[p].mergeIntoID - offset;
      HaloGal[i].mergeIntoSnapNum = Halo[currenthalo].SnapNum;
    if(Gal[p].mergeType == 0)
			assert(NumGals < MaxGals);

      Gal[p].SnapNum = Halo[currenthalo].SnapNum;
      HaloGal[NumGals++] = Gal[p];
