bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::IsGlobalUserDataOfType(const char* Name, const char* Type) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(Name); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); lua_getfield(m_pLuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, Tokenizer.Next()); if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable should be at the top of the stack return LUA_TestUserData(m_pLuaState, -1, Type) != NULL; }
void op3d::Engine::createIndexBuffer() { VkDeviceSize bufferSize = sizeof(indices[0]) * indices.size(); VDeleter<VkBuffer> stagingBuffer{device, vkDestroyBuffer}; VDeleter<VkDeviceMemory> stagingBufferMemory{device, vkFreeMemory}; createBuffer(bufferSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, stagingBuffer, stagingBufferMemory); void* data; vkMapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, 0, bufferSize, 0, &data); memcpy(data,, (std::size_t)bufferSize); vkUnmapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory); createBuffer(bufferSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT | VK_BUFFER_USAGE_INDEX_BUFFER_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT, indexBuffer, indexBufferMemory); copyBuffer(stagingBuffer, indexBuffer, bufferSize); }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::GetGlobalType(const char*pVariableName, char * pUserDataTypeName) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(pVariableName); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); lua_getfield(m_pLuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, Tokenizer.Next()); if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; const char * szName = VSWIG_Lua_typename(m_pLuaState, -1); sprintf(pUserDataTypeName, "%s", szName); return pUserDataTypeName[0] != 0; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); aptSetupEventHandler(); APP_STATUS status; while((status=aptGetStatus())!=APP_EXITING) { if(status==APP_RUNNING) { u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, (u32*)®Data, 4); renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); } svc_sleepThread(16666666); } hidExit(); gspGpuExit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
int main() { getSrvHandle(&srvHandle); aptInit(); gspGpuInit(); Handle hidHandle; Handle hidMemHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(srvHandle, &hidHandle, "hid:USER"); HIDUSER_GetInfo(hidHandle, &hidMemHandle); svc_mapMemoryBlock(hidMemHandle, 0x10000000, 0x1, 0x10000000); HIDUSER_Init(hidHandle); while(1) { u32 PAD=((u32*)0x10000000)[7]; renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(gspGpuHandle, 0x202A04, (u8*)®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(1000000000); } svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::UpdateGlobalVariable(const char* szVarName, const char* szNewValue) { if(!szVarName || !szNewValue || szVarName[0]==0) return false; // we can only get global symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(szVarName); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); const char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); unsigned int i = 0; const char* pLastField = NULL; lua_getfield(m_pLuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, pCurrent); if(lua_isnil(m_pLuaState, -1)) return false; if(LookupPath(Tokenizer, &pLastField) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable is at the top of the stack, update its value int iLuaType = lua_type(m_pLuaState, -1); lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); bool bIsIntegerKey = false; if(pLastField && VStringUtil::IsIntegerString(pLastField)) { bIsIntegerKey = true; lua_pushnumber(m_pLuaState, (LUA_NUMBER)atoi(pLastField)); } if (!PushValue(iLuaType, szNewValue)) return false; if( Tokenizer.GetTokenCount() > 1 ) { VASSERT(pLastField != NULL); if(bIsIntegerKey) { lua_settable(m_pLuaState, -3); } else { lua_setfield(m_pLuaState, -2, pLastField); } } else { lua_setglobal(m_pLuaState, szVarName); } return true; }
void PixelBufferClass::RotoZoom(LayerInfo* layer) { int ZoomRotation = layer->ZoomRotation; xlColor c; float PI_2 = 6.283185307179586476925286766559; float W,sin_W,cos_W,x_cos_W,x_sin_W; int u,v,indx; // How I can I get these values? int StartFrame = layer->buffer.curEffStartPer; int CurrentFrame = layer->buffer.curPeriod; int EndFrame = layer->buffer.curEffEndPer; int MaxSizeArray = layer->BufferHt*layer->BufferWi; float EP; // EP is how far we are into the current effect if((EndFrame-StartFrame)>0) EP = (CurrentFrame-StartFrame)/(EndFrame-StartFrame); else EP=0.0; W = PI_2 * (ZoomRotation/10.0); W*=EP; // Move radian as we are farther into the effect // This is temp work around for a buffer allocation to copy data before roto zooming. // This would be better to be a dynamic buffer allocation and deletion of buffer at end of routine std::vector<xlColor> copyBuffer(MaxSizeArray); for (int x = 0; x < layer->BufferWi; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < layer->BufferHt; y++) { layer->buffer.GetPixel(x, y, c); indx = x*layer->BufferHt+y; copyBuffer[indx]=c; // Make a copy of existing frame buffer } } cos_W = cos(W); sin_W = sin(W); for (int x = 0; x < layer->BufferWi; x++) { x_cos_W=x*cos_W; // save some compute cycles x_sin_W=x*sin_W; for (int y = 0; y < layer->BufferHt; y++) { u = x_cos_W+y*(-sin_W); // Calculate new location to move old color to v = x_sin_W+y*cos_W; indx = u*layer->BufferHt+v; c=copyBuffer[indx]; // get color from copyBuffer layer->buffer.SetPixel(x, y, c); // and overwrite current x,y location } } }
Buffering & Buffering::operator= ( const Buffering &rhs ) { if ( this != &rhs ) { //If the addresses are not the same _iBufferLen = rhs._iBufferLen; _iDelayLen = rhs._iDelayLen; init(); copyBuffer( _pfBuffer, rhs._pfBuffer ); } return *this; }
// Test copying from one buffer to another. TEST_F(ClBufferTest, writeCopyAndRead) { ClBuffer in(error, *c, bufferSize,, clReadOnly); ASSERT_OK(error); ClBuffer out(error, *c, bufferSize, clWriteOnly); ASSERT_OK(error); ClCopyBuffer copyBuffer(in, out); q->enqueue(error, copyBuffer); ASSERT_OK(error); ClReadBuffer readBuffer(out,; q->enqueue(error, readBuffer); ASSERT_OK(error); q->finish(error); ASSERT_OK(error); ASSERT_EQ(input, output) << "Data read from buffer was not the same as " "data copied into it."; }
void PppConfPacket::appendOption(PppConfOption* opt) { unsigned newLen = getUnitLength() + opt->bufLen + 2; setUnitLength(newLen); setLengthVal(newLen); // Change the length within the packet. // Point to the new empty space at the end of the buffer. // Can't get this before changing the size in case the buffer is moved. ACE_UINT8* ptr = ptrUnit() + getUnitLength() - (opt->bufLen + 2); *ptr = opt->optType; ++ptr; *ptr = opt->bufLen + 2; ++ptr; copyBuffer(ptr, opt->optBuf, opt->bufLen); }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::GetLocalType(const char* pVariableName, char * pUserDataTypeName) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); const char* pSymbolName = NULL; int iLocalIndex = 1; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(pVariableName); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); pUserDataTypeName[0] = 0; while((pSymbolName = lua_getlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex)) != NULL) { //stack: ..., localX, TOP // check if this local variable is the one we want if(!strcmp(pSymbolName, pCurrent)) { // there is already the local on the stack if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; const char * szName = VSWIG_Lua_typename(m_pLuaState, -1); sprintf(pUserDataTypeName, "%s", szName); return pUserDataTypeName[0] != 0; } // clean up the stack and increment the index to get the next local variable lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); //stack: ..., TOP iLocalIndex++; } return false; }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::GetUserDataPointerFromLocal(const char* szVariable, void** ppUserData, void ** ppEnvironment) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); char* pSymbolName = NULL; int iLocalIndex = 1; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(szVariable); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); while((pSymbolName = (char*)lua_getlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex)) != NULL) { //Stack: ..., localX, TOP // check if this local variable is the one we want if(!strcmp(pSymbolName, pCurrent)) { VLuaStackCleaner innerStackCleaner(m_pLuaState); //there is already the local on the stack... if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable is at the top of the stack *ppUserData = lua_touserdata(m_pLuaState, -1); //Stack: ..., localX, {field}, TOP *ppEnvironment = m_pLuaState; return true; } // remove the value and update the index to get the next local variable lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); iLocalIndex++; } return false; }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::IsLocalUserDataOfType(const char* Name, const char* Type) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); const char* pSymbolName = NULL; int iLocalIndex = 1; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(Name); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); while((pSymbolName = lua_getlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex)) != NULL) { //stack: ..., localX, TOP // check if this local variable is the one we want if(!strcmp(pSymbolName, pCurrent)) { VLuaStackCleaner innerStackCleaner(m_pLuaState); // there is already the local on the stack if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable is at the top of the stack return LUA_TestUserData(m_pLuaState, -1, Type) != NULL; } // increment the index to get the next local variable iLocalIndex++; lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); } return false; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); Handle fsuHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(NULL, &fsuHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_Initialize(fsuHandle); Handle fileHandle; u32 bytesRead; FS_archive sdmcArchive=(FS_archive){0x9, (FS_path){PATH_EMPTY, 1, (u8*)""}}; FS_path filePath=(FS_path){PATH_CHAR, 10, (u8*)"/test.bin"}; FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly(fsuHandle, &fileHandle, sdmcArchive, filePath, FS_OPEN_READ, FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); FSFILE_Read(fileHandle, &bytesRead, 0x0, (u32*)gspHeap, 0x46500); FSFILE_Close(fileHandle); aptSetupEventHandler(); while(!aptGetStatus()) { u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; renderEffect(); swapBuffers(); copyBuffer(); u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, ®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(1000000000); } svc_closeHandle(fsuHandle); hidExit(); gspGpuInit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
void op3d::Engine::updateUniformBuffer() { static auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); float time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentTime - startTime).count() / 1000.0f; UniformBufferObject ubo = {}; ubo.model = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(), time * glm::radians(90.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); ubo.view = glm::lookAt(glm::vec3(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); ubo.proj = glm::perspective(glm::radians(45.0f), swapChain.getExtent().width / (float)swapChain.getExtent().height, 0.1f, 10.0f); ubo.proj[1][1] *= -1; void* data; vkMapMemory(device, uniformStagingBufferMemory, 0, sizeof(ubo), 0, &data); memcpy(data, &ubo, sizeof(ubo)); vkUnmapMemory(device, uniformStagingBufferMemory); copyBuffer(uniformStagingBuffer, uniformBuffer, sizeof(ubo)); }
void FileReadSP::step(stk::StkFrames& buffer, Tick tick, bool is_new_event) { if (!file_read_.isOpen()) {; } Tick s = std::max((long)0, (long)tick); Tick e = std::min((long)(file_read_.fileSize()), (long)(tick+buffer.frames())); Tick n_frames = e - s; if (n_frames <= 0) { // no overlap at all zeroBuffer(buffer); } else if (n_frames == buffer.frames()) { // file spans whole buffer, s, do_normalize_); } else { // partial overlap. Read into a temp buffer and copy // the active part into buffer. temp_buffer_.resize(n_frames, buffer.channels());, s, do_normalize_); copyBuffer(temp_buffer_, 0, buffer, s - tick, n_frames); } }
// run all tests and store them to the tiled bitmap void runAllMakeTiled() { int fw = 5 * frame_w; int fh = 2 * frame_h; // alokace pameti S_RGBA * tiled = new S_RGBA[fw * fh]; memset( tiled, 0, fw*fh*sizeof(S_RGBA) ); // vsechny testy for( int y = 0; y < 2; ++y) for( int x = 0; x < 5; ++x) { // Resolve test number int test = 1 + y*5+x; // Clear frame buffer clearFB(); // Run test runTest(test); // Copy bitmap copyBuffer( frame_buffer, tiled, x * frame_w, y * frame_h, frame_w, frame_h, fw ); } // Clear frame buffer clearFB(); // save bitmap SaveBitmap( "tiled.bmp", tiled, fw, fh ); // Dealokace pameti delete [] tiled; }
size_t wave_write(void* theHandler, char* theMono16BitsWaveBuffer, size_t theSize) { ENTER("wave_write"); size_t bytes_written = 0; // space in ringbuffer for the sample needed: 1x mono channel but 2x for 1 stereo channel size_t bytes_to_write = (out_channels==1) ? theSize : theSize*2; my_stream_could_start = 0; if(pa_stream == NULL) { SHOW_TIME("wave_write > wave_open_sound\n"); if (0 != wave_open_sound()) { SHOW_TIME("wave_write > wave_open_sound fails!"); return 0; } my_stream_could_start=1; } else if (!wave_is_busy(NULL)) { my_stream_could_start = 1; } assert(BUFFER_LENGTH >= bytes_to_write); if (myWrite >= myBuffer + BUFFER_LENGTH) { myWrite = myBuffer; } // end if (myWrite >= myBuffer + BUFFER_LENGTH) size_t aTotalFreeMem=0; char* aRead = myRead; SHOW("wave_write > aRead=%x, myWrite=%x\n", (int)aRead, (int)myWrite); while (1) { if (my_callback_is_output_enabled && (0==my_callback_is_output_enabled())) { SHOW_TIME("wave_write > my_callback_is_output_enabled: no!"); return 0; } aRead = myRead; // write pointer is before read pointer? if (myWrite >= aRead) { aTotalFreeMem = aRead + BUFFER_LENGTH - myWrite; } else // read pointer is before write pointer! { aTotalFreeMem = aRead - myWrite; } // end if (myWrite >= aRead) if (aTotalFreeMem>1) { // -1 because myWrite must be different of aRead // otherwise buffer would be considered as empty aTotalFreeMem -= 1; } // end if (aTotalFreeMem>1) if (aTotalFreeMem >= bytes_to_write) { break; } // end if (aTotalFreeMem >= bytes_to_write) //SHOW_TIME("wave_write > wait"); SHOW("wave_write > wait: aTotalFreeMem=%d\n", aTotalFreeMem); SHOW("wave_write > aRead=%x, myWrite=%x\n", (int)aRead, (int)myWrite); usleep(10000); } // end while (1) aRead = myRead; // write pointer is ahead the read pointer? if (myWrite >= aRead) { SHOW_TIME("wave_write > myWrite >= aRead"); // determine remaining free memory to the end of the ringbuffer size_t aFreeMem = myBuffer + BUFFER_LENGTH - myWrite; // is enough linear space available (regardless 1 or 2 channels)? if (aFreeMem >= bytes_to_write) { // copy direct - no wrap around at end of ringbuffer needed myWrite += copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer, theSize); } else // not enough linear space available { // 2 channels (stereo)? if (out_channels == 2) { // copy with wrap around at the end of ringbuffer copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer, aFreeMem/2); myWrite = myBuffer; myWrite += copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer+aFreeMem/2, theSize - aFreeMem/2); } else // 1 channel (mono) { // copy with wrap around at the end of ringbuffer copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer, aFreeMem); myWrite = myBuffer; myWrite += copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer+aFreeMem, theSize - aFreeMem); } // end if (out_channels == 2) } // end if (aFreeMem >= bytes_to_write) } // if (myWrite >= aRead) else // read pointer is ahead the write pointer { SHOW_TIME("wave_write > myWrite <= aRead"); myWrite += copyBuffer(myWrite, theMono16BitsWaveBuffer, theSize); } // end if (myWrite >= aRead) bytes_written = bytes_to_write; myWritePosition += theSize/sizeof(uint16_t); // add number of samples if (my_stream_could_start && (get_used_mem() >= out_channels * sizeof(uint16_t) * FRAMES_PER_BUFFER)) { start_stream(); } // end if (my_stream_could_start && (get_used_mem() >= out_channels * sizeof(uint16_t) * FRAMES_PER_BUFFER)) SHOW_TIME("wave_write > LEAVE"); return bytes_written; }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::GetSubSymbolsForGlobal(char* GlobalName, DynArray_cl<VRSDScriptSymbol>& SubSymbols, unsigned int& SubSymbolCount) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; SubSymbolCount = 0; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugCallback(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(GlobalName); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); lua_getfield(m_pLuaState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, Tokenizer.Next()); if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable should be at the top of the stack and we can get the subvariables of it // first key for the iteration lua_pushnil(m_pLuaState); while (lua_next(m_pLuaState, -2) != 0) { // after this the key is at -2 and the value at -1 // we only want string fields and numeric fields // (lua_isstring returns also true for numbers, using // tostring later on will cast the number to a string) int iKeyType = lua_type(m_pLuaState, -2); if (iKeyType==LUA_TNUMBER || iKeyType==LUA_TSTRING) { VString sKeyBuffer; //this if prevents a conversion of number on the Lua stack if(iKeyType==LUA_TNUMBER) sKeyBuffer.Format("%1.0f", lua_tonumber(m_pLuaState, -2)); else sKeyBuffer = lua_tostring(m_pLuaState, -2); const char* pSymbolName = sKeyBuffer.AsChar(); if(pSymbolName) { // table member variable if(lua_istable(m_pLuaState, -1)) { // add a symbol for the table AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, "table", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_TABLE); } // numeric member variable else if(lua_type(m_pLuaState, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { char buffer[32]; sprintf(buffer, "%f", lua_tonumber(m_pLuaState, -1)); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, buffer, VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_NUMBER); } // string member variable else if(lua_type(m_pLuaState, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, lua_tostring(m_pLuaState, -1), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_STRING); } // function member variable else if(lua_isfunction(m_pLuaState, -1)) { AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, "function", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_FUNCTION); } // userdata member variable else if(lua_isuserdata(m_pLuaState, -1)) { char buffer[128]; swig_type_info* type = (swig_type_info *)LUA_GetSwigType(m_pLuaState, -1); void * pUserData = lua_touserdata(m_pLuaState, -1); if(type) { vis_snprintf(buffer, 128, "userdata:0x%p [%s: 0x%p]", pUserData, type->str, ((swig_lua_userdata*)pUserData)->ptr); } else { vis_snprintf(buffer, 128, "userdata:0x%p", lua_touserdata(m_pLuaState, -1)); } AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, buffer, VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_USERDATA); } else if(lua_isboolean(m_pLuaState, -1)) { int iBoolVal = lua_toboolean(m_pLuaState, -1); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, iBoolVal ? "true" : "false", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_BOOLEAN); } else if(lua_isnil(m_pLuaState, -1)) { AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, pSymbolName, "nil", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_CLASS); } } } lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); // remove the value, keep the key for the next iteration } return true; }
int main() { initSrv(); aptInit(APPID_APPLICATION); gspGpuInit(); hidInit(NULL); Handle fsuHandle; srv_getServiceHandle(NULL, &fsuHandle, "fs:USER"); FSUSER_Initialize(fsuHandle); aptSetupEventHandler(); init_map(); int i; int j; int p=4; int d=0; int q; int frogx = 0; int frogy = 0; int carx[6][9]; int logx[5][6]; // Cant use rand. //for(d=1;d<6;d++){ // while(p>4){ // p = rand(); // } // carx[d]=26+p; for(d=0;d<8;d++){ carx[0][d]=26; if(d<5){ logx[0][d]=26; } d++; } for(d=1;d<8;d++){ if(d<5){ logx[0][d]=0; } carx[0][d]=0; d++; } for(q=0;q<8;q++){ for(d=1; d<6; d++){ if(q<5){ if(d<5){ logx[d][q]=26+p+6; } } carx[d][q]=26+p +6; p=p+6; } p=0; q++; } p= 0; for(q=1;q<8;q++){ for(d=1;d<5;d++){ if(q<5){ if(d<5){ logx[d][q] = p-6; } } carx[d][q]=p-6; p=p-6; } p=0; q++; } while(!aptGetStatus()){ u32 PAD=hidSharedMem[7]; if (PAD == BUTTON_UP){ frogy+= 1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_DOWN){ frogy+= -1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_LEFT){ frogx+= -1; } else if (PAD == BUTTON_RIGHT){ frogx+=1; } u32 regData=PAD|0x01000000; init_map(); for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ draw_car(carx[i][j],15+j*15); if(i<5){ if(j<5){ draw_logs(logx[i][j],150+j*15); } } } } draw_frog(frogx,frogy); //Checks Colition for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ if(frogy==j+1){ if(frogx==carx[i][j]){ frogy =0; frogx =0; } } } } //Checks if frog in poodle if(frogy >9){ for(i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<5;j++){ if(frogy==j+10){ if(frogx==logx[i][j] || frogx==logx[i][j]+1 || frogx==logx[i][j]+2){ frogx= frogx -1; } else{ frogx =0; frogy =0; } } } } } //reinitialize the cars :D // Cant use f*****g rand //for(p=0;p<6;p++){ // if(carx[p]==0){ // d=5; // while(d>4){ // d = rand(); // } // carx[p]= 26+d; // } // else { // carx[p]=carx[p]-1; // } //} for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<9;j=j+2){ if(i<5){ if(j<5){ if(logx[i][j]==0){ logx[i][j]=26; } else{ logx[i][j]=logx[i][j]-1; } } } if(carx[i][j]==0){ carx[i][j] =26; } else{ carx[i][j]=carx[i][j]-1; } } } for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=1;j<9;j=j+2){ if(i<5){ if(j<5){ if(logx[i][j]==26){ logx[i][j]=0; } else{ logx[i][j]=logx[i][j]+1; } } } if(carx[i][j]==26){ carx[i][j]=0; } else{ carx[i][j]= carx[i][j]+1; } } } copyBuffer(); swapBuffers(); GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs(NULL, 0x202A04, ®Data, 4); svc_sleepThread(220000000); } svc_closeHandle(fsuHandle); hidExit(); gspGpuInit(); aptExit(); svc_exitProcess(); return 0; }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::GetSubSymbolsForLocal(char* LocalName, DynArray_cl<VRSDScriptSymbol>& SubSymbols, unsigned int& SubSymbolCount) { VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; SubSymbolCount = 0; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugCallback(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); char* pSymbolName = NULL; int iLocalIndex = 1; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(LocalName); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); while((pSymbolName = (char*)lua_getlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex)) != NULL) { //stack: .., localX, TOP // check if this local variable is the one we want if(!strcmp(pSymbolName, pCurrent)) { //the local is already on the stack if(LookupPath(Tokenizer) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now we can iterate over the contents of the table // first key for the iteration lua_pushnil(m_pLuaState); //stack: .., localX, {field}, nil, TOP //access the last field while (lua_next(m_pLuaState, -2) != 0) //stack: .., localX, {field}, key, value TOP { // we only want string fields and numeric fields // (lua_isstring returns also true for numbers, using // tostring later on will cast the number to a string) int iKeyType = lua_type(m_pLuaState, -2); if (iKeyType==LUA_TNUMBER || iKeyType==LUA_TSTRING) { VString sKeyBuffer; //this if prevents a conversion of number on the Lua stack if(iKeyType==LUA_TNUMBER) sKeyBuffer.Format("%1.0f", lua_tonumber(m_pLuaState, -2)); else sKeyBuffer = lua_tostring(m_pLuaState, -2); if(!sKeyBuffer.IsEmpty()) { int iValueType = lua_type(m_pLuaState, -1); VString sValueBuffer; // table member variable switch (iValueType) { case LUA_TTABLE: // add a symbol for the table AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), "table", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_TABLE); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: // numeric member variable sValueBuffer.Format("%f", lua_tonumber(m_pLuaState, -1)); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), sValueBuffer.AsChar(), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_NUMBER); break; case LUA_TSTRING: AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), lua_tostring(m_pLuaState, -1), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_STRING); break; case LUA_TFUNCTION: sValueBuffer.Format("function:0x%p", lua_tocfunction(m_pLuaState, -1)); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), sValueBuffer.AsChar(), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_FUNCTION); break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), lua_toboolean(m_pLuaState, -1) ? "true" : "false", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_BOOLEAN); break; case LUA_TNIL: AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), "nil", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_CLASS); break; case LUA_TTHREAD: sValueBuffer.Format("thread:0x%p", lua_tothread(m_pLuaState, -1)); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), sValueBuffer.AsChar(), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_CLASS); break; case LUA_TUSERDATA: sValueBuffer.Format("userdata:0x%p", lua_touserdata(m_pLuaState, -1)); AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), sValueBuffer.AsChar(), VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_USERDATA); break; default: AddSymbol(SubSymbols, SubSymbolCount, sKeyBuffer.AsChar(), "unknown", VRSDScriptSymbol::SYMBOL_STRING); break; } } } // remove the value, keep the key for the next iteration lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); //stack: .., localX, {field}, key, TOP } return true; } // clean up the stack and increment the index to get the next local variable lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); //stack: .., TOP iLocalIndex++; } return true; }
Buffering::Buffering( const Buffering &rhs ) : _iDelayLen( rhs._iDelayLen ), _iBufferLen( rhs._iBufferLen ) { init(); copyBuffer( _pfBuffer, rhs._pfBuffer ); }
void checkSDC(int pipe_num) { int r_index; int bytes_avail = bytesReady(replicas, rep_count, pipe_num); if (bytes_avail == 0) { return; } switch (rep_type) { case SMR: // Only one rep, so pretty much have to trust it sendPipe(pipe_num, 0); return; case DMR: // Can detect, and check what to do if (compareBuffs(&(replicas[0].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), &(replicas[1].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), bytes_avail) != 0) { printf("Voting disagreement: caught SDC in DMR but can't do anything about it.\n"); } sendPipe(pipe_num, 0); return; case TMR: // Send the solution that at least two agree on // TODO: What if buff_count is off? for (r_index = 0; r_index < rep_count; r_index++) { if (compareBuffs(&(replicas[r_index].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), &(replicas[(r_index + 1) % rep_count].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), bytes_avail) == 0) { // If the third doesn't agree, it should be restarted. if (compareBuffs(&(replicas[r_index].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), &(replicas[(r_index + 2) % rep_count].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), bytes_avail) != 0) { int restartee = (r_index + 2) % rep_count; debug_print("Caught SDC: %s : %d\n", controller_name, replicas[restartee].pid); if (DEBUG_PRINT) { // print all three or just two? // Create typed pipes for meta data struct typed_pipe print_pipesA[pipe_count]; struct typed_pipe print_pipesB[pipe_count]; convertVoteToTyped(replicas[r_index].vot_pipes, pipe_count, print_pipesA); convertVoteToTyped(replicas[(r_index + 2) % rep_count].vot_pipes, pipe_count, print_pipesB); // Copy the buffer over char *buffer_A = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_VOTE_PIPE_BUFF); char *buffer_B = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_VOTE_PIPE_BUFF); copyBuffer(&(replicas[r_index].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), buffer_A, bytes_avail); copyBuffer(&(replicas[(r_index + 2) % rep_count].vot_pipes[pipe_num]), buffer_B, bytes_avail); // print them out. printBuffer(&(print_pipesA[pipe_num]), buffer_A, bytes_avail); printBuffer(&(print_pipesB[pipe_num]), buffer_B, bytes_avail); free(buffer_A); free(buffer_B); } restart_prep(restartee, r_index); } else { // If all agree, send and be happy. Otherwise the send is done as part of the restart process sendPipe(pipe_num, r_index); } return; } } printf("VoterD: TMR no two replicas agreed.\n"); } }
void lex_Goto(SLexerBookmark* bookmark) { copyBuffer(g_currentBuffer, &bookmark->Buffer); lex_Current = bookmark->Token; }
void main(void) { /* your definitions here */ int leftADValue = 0; int rightADValue = 0; char leftButton = 1; char leftButtonLast = 1; char rightButton = 1; char rightButtonLast = 1; // init buttons and seven-segment displays initIO(); // init LCD initLCD(); // init A/D converter initADC(); /* your code here */ drawBuffer(); wait(100001); //setPixel(10, 10, 1); //writeString(5, 0, "Hallo Welt"); writeText(LOREM); for(;;) { switch (curMode) { case 0: leftADValue = getADCValue(1); curLine = inverseScaleDown(leftADValue, lines); writeInt(7, 0, curLine+1); writeInt(7, 104, lines); copyBuffer(curLine, 7); drawBuffer(); //eventloop(4); break; case 1: copyBuffer(curLine, 7); writeInt(7, 0, curLine+1); writeInt(7, (128 - 4*CHARACTER_WIDTH), lines); drawBuffer(); curLine++; if(curLine > lines) curMode = 6; else curMode = 2; break; case 2: wait(DELAY/2); curMode = 3; break; case 3: wait(DELAY/2); curMode = 4; break; case 4: wait(DELAY/2); curMode = 5; break; case 5: wait(DELAY/2); curMode = 1; break; case 6: __wait_nop(); break; } printNumber(curMode); leftButton = PDR07_P0; rightButton = PDR07_P2; if(leftButton == 1 && leftButtonLast == 0) { if (curMode == 0) { curLine = 0; curMode = 1; } else { curMode = 0; } } leftButtonLast = leftButton; rightButtonLast = rightButton; __wait_nop(); } }
bool VRSDClientLuaImplementation::UpdateLocalVariable(const char* Variable, const char* NewValue) { if(!Variable || !NewValue) return false; VASSERT(m_pLuaState); if(!m_pLuaState || !m_pActivationRecord) return false; // we can only get local symbols without a crash if we are really in a Lua code execution path if(strcmp(m_pActivationRecord->what, "Lua")) return true; VLuaStackCleaner stackCleaner(m_pLuaState); ScopedBooleanToTrue disableDebugHook(m_bDebuggerRetrievingValues); const char* pSymbolName = NULL; int iLocalIndex = 1; VMemoryTempBuffer<512> copyBuffer(Variable); // operate on a copy string in the tokenizer VStringTokenizerInPlace Tokenizer(copyBuffer.AsChar(), '.'); char* pCurrent = Tokenizer.Next(); int i = 0; const char* pLastField = NULL; // go through all local variables while((pSymbolName = lua_getlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex)) != NULL) { // check if this local variable is the one we want if(!strcmp(pSymbolName, pCurrent)) { VLuaStackCleaner innerStackCleaner(m_pLuaState); if(LookupPath(Tokenizer, &pLastField) != HKV_SUCCESS) return false; // now the variable is at the top of the stack, update its value int iLuaType = lua_type(m_pLuaState, -1); // pop off the field again lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); bool bIsIntegerKey = false; if(pLastField && VStringUtil::IsIntegerString(pLastField)) { bIsIntegerKey = true; lua_pushnumber(m_pLuaState, (LUA_NUMBER)atoi(pLastField)); } if (!PushValue(iLuaType, NewValue)) { return false; } if(Tokenizer.GetTokenCount() > 1) { VASSERT(pLastField != NULL); if(bIsIntegerKey) { lua_settable(m_pLuaState, -3); } else { lua_setfield(m_pLuaState, -2, pLastField); } } else { lua_setlocal(m_pLuaState, m_pActivationRecord, iLocalIndex); } break; } // clean up the stack and increment the index to get the next local variable lua_pop(m_pLuaState, 1); iLocalIndex++; } return true; }
void lex_Bookmark(SLexerBookmark* bookmark) { copyBuffer(&bookmark->Buffer, g_currentBuffer); bookmark->Token = lex_Current; }