static int recff_metacall(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd, MMS mm)
  RecordIndex ix; = J->base[0];
  copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]);
  if (lj_record_mm_lookup(J, &ix, mm)) {  /* Has metamethod? */
    int errcode;
    TValue argv0;
    /* Temporarily insert metamethod below object. */
    J->base[1] = J->base[0];
    J->base[0] = ix.mobj;
    copyTV(J->L, &argv0, &rd->argv[0]);
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &rd->argv[0]);
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &ix.mobjv);
    /* Need to protect lj_record_tailcall because it may throw. */
    errcode = lj_vm_cpcall(J->L, NULL, J, recff_metacall_cp);
    /* Always undo Lua stack changes to avoid confusing the interpreter. */
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &argv0);
    if (errcode)
      lj_err_throw(J->L, errcode);  /* Propagate errors. */
    rd->nres = -1;  /* Pending call. */
    return 1;  /* Tailcalled to metamethod. */
  return 0;
文件: lj_meta.c 项目: 449306923/uLui
/* Setup call to metamethod to be run by Assembler VM. */
static TValue *mmcall(lua_State *L, ASMFunction cont, cTValue *mo,
		    cTValue *a, cTValue *b)
  **           |-- framesize -> top       top+1       top+2 top+3
  ** before:   [func slots ...]
  ** mm setup: [func slots ...] [cont|?]  [mo|tmtype] [a]   [b]
  ** in asm:   [func slots ...] [cont|PC] [mo|delta]  [a]   [b]
  **           ^-- func base                          ^-- mm base
  ** after mm: [func slots ...]           [result]
  **                ^-- copy to base[PC_RA] --/     for lj_cont_ra
  **                          istruecond + branch   for lj_cont_cond*
  **                                       ignore   for lj_cont_nop
  ** next PC:  [func slots ...]
  TValue *top = L->top;
  if (curr_funcisL(L)) top = curr_topL(L);
  setcont(top++, cont);  /* Assembler VM stores PC in upper word or FR2. */
  if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
  copyTV(L, top++, mo);  /* Store metamethod and two arguments. */
  if (LJ_FR2) setnilV(top++);
  copyTV(L, top, a);
  copyTV(L, top+1, b);
  return top;  /* Return new base. */
/* Handle ctype __index/__newindex metamethods. */
static int ffi_index_meta(lua_State *L, CTState *cts, CType *ct, MMS mm)
  CTypeID id = ctype_typeid(cts, ct);
  cTValue *tv = lj_ctype_meta(cts, id, mm);
  TValue *base = L->base;
  if (!tv) {
    const char *s;
    s = strdata(lj_ctype_repr(L, id, NULL));
    if (tvisstr(L->base+1))
      lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADMEMBER, s, strVdata(L->base+1));
      lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_FFI_BADIDX, s);
  if (!tvisfunc(tv)) {
    if (mm == MM_index) {
      cTValue *o = lj_meta_tget(L, tv, base+1);
      if (o) {
	if (tvisnil(o)) goto err_index;
	copyTV(L, L->top-1, o);
	return 1;
    } else {
      TValue *o = lj_meta_tset(L, tv, base+1);
      if (o) {
	copyTV(L, o, base+2);
	return 0;
    tv = L->top-1;
  return lj_meta_tailcall(L, tv);
/* Helper for calls. __call metamethod. */
void lj_meta_call(lua_State *L, TValue *func, TValue *top)
  cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, func, MM_call);
  TValue *p;
  if (!tvisfunc(mo))
    lj_err_optype_call(L, func);
  for (p = top; p > func; p--) copyTV(L, p, p-1);
  copyTV(L, func, mo);
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_rawset(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  RecordIndex ix; = J->base[0]; ix.key = J->base[1]; ix.val = J->base[2];
  if (tref_istab( && ix.key && ix.val) {
    ix.idxchain = 0;
    settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0]));
    copyTV(J->L, &ix.keyv, &rd->argv[1]);
    copyTV(J->L, &ix.valv, &rd->argv[2]);
    lj_record_idx(J, &ix);
    /* Pass through table at J->base[0] as result. */
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
文件: lj_meta.c 项目: 449306923/uLui
/* Tailcall from C function. */
int lj_meta_tailcall(lua_State *L, cTValue *tv)
  TValue *base = L->base;
  TValue *top = L->top;
  const BCIns *pc = frame_pc(base-1);  /* Preserve old PC from frame. */
  copyTV(L, base-1-LJ_FR2, tv);  /* Replace frame with new object. */
  if (LJ_FR2)
    (top++)->u64 = LJ_CONT_TAILCALL;
    top->u32.lo = LJ_CONT_TAILCALL;
  setframe_pc(top++, pc);
  if (LJ_FR2) top++;
  setframe_gc(top, obj2gco(L), LJ_TTHREAD);  /* Dummy frame object. */
  setframe_ftsz(top, ((char *)(top+1) - (char *)base) + FRAME_CONT);
  L->base = L->top = top+1;
  ** before:   [old_mo|PC]    [... ...]
  **                         ^base     ^top
  ** after:    [new_mo|itype] [... ...] [NULL|PC] [dummy|delta]
  **                                                           ^base/top
  ** tailcall: [new_mo|PC]    [... ...]
  **                         ^base     ^top
  return 0;
LUALIB_API int luaL_loadfilex(lua_State *L, const char *filename,
			      const char *mode)
  FileReaderCtx ctx;
  int status;
  const char *chunkname;
  if (filename) {
    ctx.fp = _lua_fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (ctx.fp == NULL) {
      lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot open %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
      return LUA_ERRFILE;
    chunkname = lua_pushfstring(L, "@%s", filename);
  } else {
    ctx.fp = stdin;
    chunkname = "=stdin";
  status = lua_loadx(L, reader_file, &ctx, chunkname, mode);
  if (ferror(ctx.fp)) {
    L->top -= filename ? 2 : 1;
    lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot read %s: %s", chunkname+1, strerror(errno));
    if (filename)
    return LUA_ERRFILE;
  if (filename) {
    copyTV(L, L->top-1, L->top);
  return status;
文件: lj_err.c 项目: fejo/TrollEdit-1
/* Unwind Lua stack and move error message to new top. */
LJ_NOINLINE static void unwindstack(lua_State *L, TValue *top)
  lj_func_closeuv(L, top);
  if (top < L->top-1) {
    copyTV(L, top, L->top-1);
    L->top = top+1;
文件: lj_err.c 项目: fejo/TrollEdit-1
/* Runtime error. */
LJ_NOINLINE void lj_err_run(lua_State *L)
  ptrdiff_t ef = finderrfunc(L);
  if (ef) {
    TValue *errfunc = restorestack(L, ef);
    TValue *top = L->top;
    if (!tvisfunc(errfunc) || L->status == LUA_ERRERR) {
      setstrV(L, top-1, lj_err_str(L, LJ_ERR_ERRERR));
      lj_err_throw(L, LUA_ERRERR);
    L->status = LUA_ERRERR;
    copyTV(L, top, top-1);
    copyTV(L, top-1, errfunc);
    L->top = top+1;
    lj_vm_call(L, top, 1+1);  /* Stack: |errfunc|msg| -> |msg| */
  lj_err_throw(L, LUA_ERRRUN);
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_rawget(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  RecordIndex ix; = J->base[0]; ix.key = J->base[1];
  if (tref_istab( && ix.key) {
    ix.val = 0; ix.idxchain = 0;
    settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0]));
    copyTV(J->L, &ix.keyv, &rd->argv[1]);
    J->base[0] = lj_record_idx(J, &ix);
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
void cgAssertType(IRLS& env, const IRInstruction* inst) {
  auto& v = vmain(env);
  auto const& dtype = inst->dst()->type();
  if (dtype == TBottom) {
    v << ud2();
    v = v.makeBlock();

  auto const dst = dstLoc(env, inst, 0);
  auto const src = srcLoc(env, inst, 0);
  copyTV(v, src, dst, dtype);
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_getmetatable(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  TRef tr = J->base[0];
  if (tr) {
    RecordIndex ix; = tr;
    copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]);
    if (lj_record_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_metatable))
      J->base[0] = ix.mobj;
      J->base[0] =;
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
static int debug_getupvalue(lua_State *L, int get)
  int32_t n = lj_lib_checkint(L, 2);
  if (isluafunc(lj_lib_checkfunc(L, 1))) {
    const char *name = get ? lua_getupvalue(L, 1, n) : lua_setupvalue(L, 1, n);
    if (name) {
      lua_pushstring(L, name);
      if (!get) return 1;
      copyTV(L, L->top, L->top-2);
      return 2;
  return 0;
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_setmetatable(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  TRef tr = J->base[0];
  TRef mt = J->base[1];
  if (tref_istab(tr) && (tref_istab(mt) || (mt && tref_isnil(mt)))) {
    TRef fref, mtref;
    RecordIndex ix; = tr;
    copyTV(J->L, &ix.tabv, &rd->argv[0]);
    lj_record_mm_lookup(J, &ix, MM_metatable); /* Guard for no __metatable. */
    fref = emitir(IRT(IR_FREF, IRT_P32), tr, IRFL_TAB_META);
    mtref = tref_isnil(mt) ? lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_TAB) : mt;
    emitir(IRT(IR_FSTORE, IRT_TAB), fref, mtref);
    if (!tref_isnil(mt))
      emitir(IRT(IR_TBAR, IRT_TAB), tr, 0);
    J->base[0] = tr;
    J->needsnap = 1;
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
/* Tailcall from C function. */
int lj_meta_tailcall(lua_State *L, cTValue *tv)
  TValue *base = L->base;
  TValue *top = L->top;
  const BCIns *pc = frame_pc(base-1);  /* Preserve old PC from frame. */
  copyTV(L, base-1, tv);  /* Replace frame with new object. */
  top->u64 = 0;
  setframe_pc(top, pc);
  setframe_gc(top+1, obj2gco(L));  /* Dummy frame object. */
  setframe_ftsz(top+1, (int)((char *)(top+2) - (char *)base) + FRAME_CONT);
  L->base = L->top = top+2;
  ** before:   [old_mo|PC]    [... ...]
  **                         ^base     ^top
  ** after:    [new_mo|itype] [... ...] [NULL|PC] [dummy|delta]
  **                                                           ^base/top
  ** tailcall: [new_mo|PC]    [... ...]
  **                         ^base     ^top
  return 0;
/* Helper for equality comparisons. __eq metamethod. */
TValue *lj_meta_equal(lua_State *L, GCobj *o1, GCobj *o2, int ne)
  /* Field metatable must be at same offset for GCtab and GCudata! */
  cTValue *mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o1->gch.metatable), MM_eq);
  if (mo) {
    TValue *top;
    uint32_t it;
    if (tabref(o1->gch.metatable) != tabref(o2->gch.metatable)) {
      cTValue *mo2 = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(o2->gch.metatable), MM_eq);
      if (mo2 == NULL || !lj_obj_equal(mo, mo2))
	return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne;
    top = curr_top(L);
    setcont(top, ne ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt);
    copyTV(L, top+1, mo);
    it = ~(uint32_t)o1->gch.gct;
    setgcV(L, top+2, o1, it);
    setgcV(L, top+3, o2, it);
    return top+2;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
  return (TValue *)(intptr_t)ne;
文件: lj_meta.c 项目: 449306923/uLui
/* Helper for TSET*. __newindex chain and metamethod. */
TValue *lj_meta_tset(lua_State *L, cTValue *o, cTValue *k)
  TValue tmp;
  int loop;
  for (loop = 0; loop < LJ_MAX_IDXCHAIN; loop++) {
    cTValue *mo;
    if (LJ_LIKELY(tvistab(o))) {
      GCtab *t = tabV(o);
      cTValue *tv = lj_tab_get(L, t, k);
      if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(tv))) {
	t->nomm = 0;  /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
	lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
	return (TValue *)tv;
      } else if (!(mo = lj_meta_fast(L, tabref(t->metatable), MM_newindex))) {
	t->nomm = 0;  /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */
	lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t);
	if (tv != niltv(L))
	  return (TValue *)tv;
	if (tvisnil(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NILIDX);
	else if (tvisint(k)) { setnumV(&tmp, (lua_Number)intV(k)); k = &tmp; }
	else if (tvisnum(k) && tvisnan(k)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NANIDX);
	return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, k);
    } else if (tvisnil(mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o, MM_newindex))) {
      lj_err_optype(L, o, LJ_ERR_OPINDEX);
      return NULL;  /* unreachable */
    if (tvisfunc(mo)) {
      L->top = mmcall(L, lj_cont_nop, mo, o, k);
      /* L->top+2 = v filled in by caller. */
      return NULL;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
    copyTV(L, &tmp, mo);
    o = &tmp;
  lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_SETLOOP);
  return NULL;  /* unreachable */
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_xpcall(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  if (J->maxslot >= 2) {
    TValue argv0, argv1;
    TRef tmp;
    int errcode;
    /* Swap function and traceback. */
    tmp = J->base[0]; J->base[0] = J->base[1]; J->base[1] = tmp;
    copyTV(J->L, &argv0, &rd->argv[0]);
    copyTV(J->L, &argv1, &rd->argv[1]);
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &argv1);
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &argv0);
    /* Need to protect lj_record_call because it may throw. */
    errcode = lj_vm_cpcall(J->L, NULL, J, recff_xpcall_cp);
    /* Always undo Lua stack swap to avoid confusing the interpreter. */
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[0], &argv0);
    copyTV(J->L, &rd->argv[1], &argv1);
    if (errcode)
      lj_err_throw(J->L, errcode);  /* Propagate errors. */
    rd->nres = -1;  /* Pending call. */
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
文件: lj_snap.c 项目: 03050903/Urho3D
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */
const BCIns *lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr)
  ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr;
  SnapNo snapno = J->exitno;  /* For now, snapno == exitno. */
  GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent);
  SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno];
  MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
  SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs];
  SnapEntry *flinks = &T->snapmap[snap_nextofs(T, snap)-1];
  ptrdiff_t ftsz0;
  TValue *frame;
  BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno);
  const BCIns *pc = snap_pc(map[nent]);
  lua_State *L = J->L;

  /* Set interpreter PC to the next PC to get correct error messages. */
  setcframe_pc(cframe_raw(L->cframe), pc+1);

  /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(L->base + snap->topslot >= tvref(L->maxstack))) {
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
    lj_state_growstack(L, snap->topslot - curr_proto(L)->framesize);

  /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */
  frame = L->base-1;
  ftsz0 = frame_ftsz(frame);  /* Preserve link to previous frame in slot #0. */
  for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
    SnapEntry sn = map[n];
    if (!(sn & SNAP_NORESTORE)) {
      TValue *o = &frame[snap_slot(sn)];
      IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn);
      IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
      if (ir->r == RID_SUNK) {
	MSize j;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	  if (snap_ref(map[j]) == ref) {  /* De-duplicate sunk allocations. */
	    copyTV(L, o, &frame[snap_slot(map[j])]);
	    goto dupslot;
	snap_unsink(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir, o);
      snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ref, o);
      if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM) && tvisint(o)) {
	TValue tmp;
	snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ref+1, &tmp);
	o->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;
      } else if ((sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))) {
	lua_assert(!LJ_FR2);  /* TODO_FR2: store 64 bit PCs. */
	/* Overwrite tag with frame link. */
	setframe_ftsz(o, snap_slot(sn) != 0 ? (int32_t)*flinks-- : ftsz0);
	L->base = o+1;
  lua_assert(map + nent == flinks);

  /* Compute current stack top. */
  switch (bc_op(*pc)) {
    if (bc_op(*pc) < BC_FUNCF) {
      L->top = curr_topL(L);
    /* fallthrough */
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: case BC_RETM: case BC_TSETM:
    L->top = frame + snap->nslots;
  return pc;
文件: lj_meta.c 项目: 449306923/uLui
/* Helper for CAT. Coercion, iterative concat, __concat metamethod. */
TValue *lj_meta_cat(lua_State *L, TValue *top, int left)
  int fromc = 0;
  if (left < 0) { left = -left; fromc = 1; }
  do {
    if (!(tvisstr(top) || tvisnumber(top)) ||
	!(tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1))) {
      cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top-1, MM_concat);
      if (tvisnil(mo)) {
	mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top, MM_concat);
	if (tvisnil(mo)) {
	  if (tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1)) top++;
	  lj_err_optype(L, top-1, LJ_ERR_OPCAT);
	  return NULL;  /* unreachable */
      /* One of the top two elements is not a string, call __cat metamethod:
      ** before:    [...][CAT stack .........................]
      **                                 top-1     top         top+1 top+2
      ** pick two:  [...][CAT stack ...] [o1]      [o2]
      ** setup mm:  [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|?]  [mo|tmtype] [o1]  [o2]
      ** in asm:    [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|PC] [mo|delta]  [o1]  [o2]
      **            ^-- func base                              ^-- mm base
      ** after mm:  [...][CAT stack ...] <--push-- [result]
      ** next step: [...][CAT stack .............]
      copyTV(L, top+2*LJ_FR2+2, top);  /* Carefully ordered stack copies! */
      copyTV(L, top+2*LJ_FR2+1, top-1);
      copyTV(L, top+LJ_FR2, mo);
      setcont(top-1, lj_cont_cat);
      if (LJ_FR2) { setnilV(top); setnilV(top+2); top += 2; }
      return top+1;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
    } else {
      /* Pick as many strings as possible from the top and concatenate them:
      ** before:    [...][CAT stack ...........................]
      ** pick str:  [...][CAT stack ...] [...... strings ......]
      ** concat:    [...][CAT stack ...] [result]
      ** next step: [...][CAT stack ............]
      TValue *e, *o = top;
      uint64_t tlen = tvisstr(o) ? strV(o)->len : STRFMT_MAXBUF_NUM;
      char *p, *buf;
      do {
	o--; tlen += tvisstr(o) ? strV(o)->len : STRFMT_MAXBUF_NUM;
      } while (--left > 0 && (tvisstr(o-1) || tvisnumber(o-1)));
      if (tlen >= LJ_MAX_STR) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_STROV);
      p = buf = lj_buf_tmp(L, (MSize)tlen);
      for (e = top, top = o; o <= e; o++) {
	if (tvisstr(o)) {
	  GCstr *s = strV(o);
	  MSize len = s->len;
	  p = lj_buf_wmem(p, strdata(s), len);
	} else if (tvisint(o)) {
	  p = lj_strfmt_wint(p, intV(o));
	} else {
	  p = lj_strfmt_wnum(p, o);
      setstrV(L, top, lj_str_new(L, buf, (size_t)(p-buf)));
  } while (left >= 1);
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(G(L)-> >= G(L)->gc.threshold)) {
    if (!fromc) L->top = curr_topL(L);
  return NULL;
void lj_lib_register(lua_State *L, const char *libname,
		     const uint8_t *p, const lua_CFunction *cf)
  GCtab *env = tabref(L->env);
  GCfunc *ofn = NULL;
  int ffid = *p++;
  BCIns *bcff = &L2GG(L)->bcff[*p++];
  GCtab *tab = lib_create_table(L, libname, *p++);
  ptrdiff_t tpos = L->top - L->base;

  /* Avoid barriers further down. */
  lj_gc_anybarriert(L, tab);
  tab->nomm = 0;

  for (;;) {
    uint32_t tag = *p++;
    MSize len = tag & LIBINIT_LENMASK;
    if (tag != LIBINIT_STRING) {
      const char *name;
      MSize nuv = (MSize)(L->top - L->base - tpos);
      GCfunc *fn = lj_func_newC(L, nuv, env);
      if (nuv) {
	L->top = L->base + tpos;
	memcpy(fn->c.upvalue, L->top, sizeof(TValue)*nuv);
      fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)(ffid++);
      name = (const char *)p;
      p += len;
      if (tag == LIBINIT_CF)
	setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int);
	setmref(fn->c.pc, bcff++);
      if (tag == LIBINIT_ASM_)
	fn->c.f = ofn->c.f;  /* Copy handler from previous function. */
	fn->c.f = *cf++;  /* Get cf or handler from C function table. */
      if (len) {
	/* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */
	setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, lj_str_new(L, name, len)), fn);
      ofn = fn;
    } else {
      switch (tag | len) {
      case LIBINIT_SET:
	L->top -= 2;
	if (tvisstr(L->top+1) && strV(L->top+1)->len == 0)
	  env = tabV(L->top);
	else  /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */
	  copyTV(L, lj_tab_set(L, tab, L->top+1), L->top);
      case LIBINIT_NUMBER:
	memcpy(&L->top->n, p, sizeof(double));
	p += sizeof(double);
      case LIBINIT_COPY:
	copyTV(L, L->top, L->top - *p++);
      case LIBINIT_LASTCL:
	setfuncV(L, L->top++, ofn);
      case LIBINIT_FFID:
      case LIBINIT_END:
	setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len));
	p += len;
/* Helper for CAT. Coercion, iterative concat, __concat metamethod. */
TValue *lj_meta_cat(lua_State *L, TValue *top, int left)
  do {
    int n = 1;
    if (!(tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1)) || !tostring(L, top)) {
      cTValue *mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top-1, MM_concat);
      if (tvisnil(mo)) {
	mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, top, MM_concat);
	if (tvisnil(mo)) {
	  if (tvisstr(top-1) || tvisnumber(top-1)) top++;
	  lj_err_optype(L, top-1, LJ_ERR_OPCAT);
	  return NULL;  /* unreachable */
      /* One of the top two elements is not a string, call __cat metamethod:
      ** before:    [...][CAT stack .........................]
      **                                 top-1     top         top+1 top+2
      ** pick two:  [...][CAT stack ...] [o1]      [o2]
      ** setup mm:  [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|?]  [mo|tmtype] [o1]  [o2]
      ** in asm:    [...][CAT stack ...] [cont|PC] [mo|delta]  [o1]  [o2]
      **            ^-- func base                              ^-- mm base
      ** after mm:  [...][CAT stack ...] <--push-- [result]
      ** next step: [...][CAT stack .............]
      copyTV(L, top+2, top);  /* Careful with the order of stack copies! */
      copyTV(L, top+1, top-1);
      copyTV(L, top, mo);
      setcont(top-1, lj_cont_cat);
      return top+1;  /* Trigger metamethod call. */
    } else if (strV(top)->len == 0) {  /* Shortcut. */
      (void)tostring(L, top-1);
    } else {
      /* Pick as many strings as possible from the top and concatenate them:
      ** before:    [...][CAT stack ...........................]
      ** pick str:  [...][CAT stack ...] [...... strings ......]
      ** concat:    [...][CAT stack ...] [result]
      ** next step: [...][CAT stack ............]
      MSize tlen = strV(top)->len;
      char *buffer;
      int i;
      for (n = 1; n <= left && tostring(L, top-n); n++) {
	MSize len = strV(top-n)->len;
	if (len >= LJ_MAX_STR - tlen)
	  lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_STROV);
	tlen += len;
      buffer = lj_str_needbuf(L, &G(L)->tmpbuf, tlen);
      tlen = 0;
      for (i = n; i >= 0; i--) {
	MSize len = strV(top-i)->len;
	memcpy(buffer + tlen, strVdata(top-i), len);
	tlen += len;
      setstrV(L, top-n, lj_str_new(L, buffer, tlen));
    left -= n;
    top -= n;
  } while (left >= 1);
  return NULL;