/* search_for_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than MAXPATHLEN
   bytes long.
static int
search_for_prefix(wchar_t *argv0_path, wchar_t *home, wchar_t *_prefix)
    size_t n;
    wchar_t *vpath;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        wchar_t *delim;
        wcsncpy(prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        delim = wcschr(prefix, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            *delim = L'\0';
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory */
    wcscpy(prefix, argv0_path);
    joinpath(prefix, L"Modules/Setup");
    if (isfile(prefix)) {
        /* Check VPATH to see if argv0_path is in the build directory. */
        vpath = _Py_char2wchar(VPATH, NULL);
        if (vpath != NULL) {
            wcscpy(prefix, argv0_path);
            joinpath(prefix, vpath);
            joinpath(prefix, L"Lib");
            joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
            if (ismodule(prefix))
                return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(prefix);
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        if (ismodule(prefix))
            return 1;
        prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(prefix, _prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
    if (ismodule(prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
/** Modify path so that the result is an absolute path.
    absolutize() requires that path be allocated at least MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes.

    @param[in,out]    path    The path to be made absolute.
static void
absolutize(char *path)
    char buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

    if (is_absolute(path) == 1)
    copy_absolute(buffer, path);
    strcpy(path, buffer);
/* absolutize() requires that path be allocated at least MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes. */
static void
absolutize(wchar_t *path)
    wchar_t buffer[MAXPATHLEN+1];

    if (path[0] == SEP)
    copy_absolute(buffer, path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    wcscpy(path, buffer);
文件: getpath.c 项目: Daetalus/pyston
/* search_for_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than MAXPATHLEN
   bytes long.
static int
search_for_prefix(char *argv0_path, char *home)
    size_t n;
    char *vpath;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        char *delim;
        strncpy(prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        delim = strchr(prefix, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            *delim = '\0';
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory */
    strcpy(prefix, argv0_path);
    joinpath(prefix, "Modules/Setup");
    if (isfile(prefix)) {
        /* Check VPATH to see if argv0_path is in the build directory. */
        vpath = VPATH;
        strcpy(prefix, argv0_path);
        joinpath(prefix, vpath);
        joinpath(prefix, "Lib");
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        if (ismodule(prefix))
            return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(prefix, argv0_path);
    do {
        n = strlen(prefix);
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        if (ismodule(prefix))
            return 1;
        prefix[n] = '\0';
    } while (prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's PREFIX */
    strncpy(prefix, PREFIX, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
    if (ismodule(prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(char *argv0_path, char *home)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        char *delim;
        delim = strchr(home, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            strncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
            strncpy(exec_prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory */
    strcpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, "Modules/Setup");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
        return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
    do {
        n = strlen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix))
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = '\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    strncpy(exec_prefix, EXEC_PREFIX, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(wchar_t *argv0_path, wchar_t *home, wchar_t *_exec_prefix)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        wchar_t *delim;
        delim = wcschr(home, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory. "pybuilddir.txt"
       is written by setup.py and contains the relative path to the location
       of shared library modules. */
    wcscpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"pybuilddir.txt");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
        FILE *f = _Py_wfopen(exec_prefix, L"rb");
        if (f == NULL)
            errno = 0;
        else {
            char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            PyObject *decoded;
            wchar_t rel_builddir_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            n = fread(buf, 1, MAXPATHLEN, f);
            buf[n] = '\0';
            decoded = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(buf, n, "surrogateescape");
            if (decoded != NULL) {
                Py_ssize_t k;
                k = PyUnicode_AsWideChar(decoded,
                                         rel_builddir_path, MAXPATHLEN);
                if (k >= 0) {
                    rel_builddir_path[k] = L'\0';
                    wcscpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
                    joinpath(exec_prefix, rel_builddir_path);
                    return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix))
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, _exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
文件: getpath.c 项目: Daetalus/pyston
/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(char *argv0_path, char *home)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        char *delim;
        delim = strchr(home, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            strncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
            strncpy(exec_prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory. "pybuilddir.txt"
       is written by setup.py and contains the relative path to the location
       of shared library modules. */
    strcpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, "pybuilddir.txt");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
      FILE *f = fopen(exec_prefix, "r");
      if (f == NULL)
	errno = 0;
      else {
	char rel_builddir_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
	size_t n;
	n = fread(rel_builddir_path, 1, MAXPATHLEN, f);
	rel_builddir_path[n] = '\0';
	if (n >= 0) {
	  strcpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
	  joinpath(exec_prefix, rel_builddir_path);
	  return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, argv0_path);
    do {
        n = strlen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix))
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = '\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    strncpy(exec_prefix, EXEC_PREFIX, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
文件: getpath.c 项目: DinoV/cpython
/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(const _PyCoreConfig *core_config,
                       PyCalculatePath *calculate, wchar_t *exec_prefix)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (core_config->home) {
        wchar_t *delim = wcschr(core_config->home, DELIM);
        if (delim) {
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
        else {
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, core_config->home, MAXPATHLEN);
        exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
        joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory. "pybuilddir.txt"
       is written by setup.py and contains the relative path to the location
       of shared library modules. */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"pybuilddir.txt");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
        FILE *f = _Py_wfopen(exec_prefix, L"rb");
        if (f == NULL) {
            errno = 0;
        else {
            char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            wchar_t *rel_builddir_path;
            n = fread(buf, 1, MAXPATHLEN, f);
            buf[n] = '\0';
            rel_builddir_path = _Py_DecodeUTF8_surrogateescape(buf, n);
            if (rel_builddir_path) {
                wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
                exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
                joinpath(exec_prefix, rel_builddir_path);
                PyMem_RawFree(rel_builddir_path );
                return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix)) {
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, calculate->exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, calculate->lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix)) {
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;
文件: getpath.c 项目: DinoV/cpython
/* search_for_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than MAXPATHLEN
   bytes long.
static int
search_for_prefix(const _PyCoreConfig *core_config,
                  PyCalculatePath *calculate, wchar_t *prefix)
    size_t n;
    wchar_t *vpath;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (core_config->home) {
        wcsncpy(prefix, core_config->home, MAXPATHLEN);
        prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
        wchar_t *delim = wcschr(prefix, DELIM);
        if (delim) {
            *delim = L'\0';
        joinpath(prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory */
    wcsncpy(prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(prefix, L"Modules/Setup.local");
    if (isfile(prefix)) {
        /* Check VPATH to see if argv0_path is in the build directory. */
        vpath = Py_DecodeLocale(VPATH, NULL);
        if (vpath != NULL) {
            wcsncpy(prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
            prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
            joinpath(prefix, vpath);
            joinpath(prefix, L"Lib");
            joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
            if (ismodule(prefix)) {
                return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(prefix, calculate->argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(prefix);
        joinpath(prefix, calculate->lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        if (ismodule(prefix)) {
            return 1;
        prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(prefix, calculate->prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(prefix, calculate->lib_python);
    joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
    if (ismodule(prefix)) {
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;