//copy string between initial (<tag) and end (<\tag>) tags, in this case consider parms in initial tag
char* copy_str_between_two_tags_simple(char* tag_begin, char* str_total){
    char *ptr1,*ptr2;
    char *complete_tag_begin, *complete_tag_end;
    complete_tag_begin =  pkg_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(tag_begin)+ strlen("<")));
    complete_tag_end =  pkg_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(tag_begin)+ strlen("</") + strlen(">")));
    if(complete_tag_begin == NULL || complete_tag_end == NULL)
        return empty;

    strcpy (complete_tag_begin,"<");
    strcat (complete_tag_begin,tag_begin);
    strcpy (complete_tag_end,"</");
    strcat (complete_tag_end,tag_begin);
    strcat (complete_tag_end,">");
    ptr1 = strstr(str_total,complete_tag_begin);
    ptr2 = strstr(str_total,complete_tag_end);
    if(ptr1 != NULL && ptr2 != NULL){
        LM_DBG(" --- FOUND TAG %s",str_total);
        return copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(ptr1 + strlen(tag_begin) + 1,ptr2);
        LM_DBG(" --- NOT FOUND TAG %s",str_total);
    return empty;

char* copy_str_between_two_tags_simple(char* tag_begin, char* str_total){
    char *ptr1,*ptr2;
    char *complete_tag_begin, *complete_tag_end;
    //char* resp = pkg_malloc(sizeof(char));
    complete_tag_begin =  pkg_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(tag_begin)+ strlen("<")));
    complete_tag_end =  pkg_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(tag_begin)+ strlen("</") + strlen(">")));
    if(complete_tag_begin == NULL || complete_tag_end == NULL)
        //return resp;
        return NULL;

    strcpy (complete_tag_begin,"<");
    strcat (complete_tag_begin,tag_begin);
    strcpy (complete_tag_end,"</");
    strcat (complete_tag_end,tag_begin);
    strcat (complete_tag_end,">");
    ptr1 = strstr(str_total,complete_tag_begin);
    ptr2 = strstr(str_total,complete_tag_end);
    if(ptr1 != NULL && ptr2 != NULL){
        LM_DBG(" --- ENCONTROU A TAG %s",str_total);
        return copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(ptr1 + strlen(tag_begin) + 1,ptr2);
        LM_DBG(" --- NAO ENCONTROU A TAG %s",str_total);
    //return resp;
    return NULL;

/* get data of Notify body and put in variable with the struct:
    - params:
    - target:
    - state
struct notify_body* parse_notify(char* xml){
    char* version = "version=";
    char* dlg_state = "state="; 
    char* entity = "entity=";
    char* dialog = "dialog";
    char* dialog_id = "id="; 
    char* callid = "call-id";           
    char* local_tag = "local-tag"; 
    char* direction = "direction";
    char* state = "state";    

    char* pt_version;
    char* pt_dlg_state; 
    char* pt_entity;
    char* pt_end_entity;      
    char* pt_dialog_id;
    char* pt_callid;
    char* pt_local_tag;
    char* pt_direction;
    char* pt_end_direction;

    char* target_info;
    char* dialog_body;

    LM_DBG(" --- PARSES NOTYFY BODY \n"); 

    dialog_body = check_dialog_init_tags(xml);
    if (dialog_body == NULL)
        return NULL; 

    struct notify_body *notify = pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct notify_body));
    notify->params = pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct dialog_params));
    notify->target = pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct target_info));

    if(notify == NULL || notify->params == NULL || notify->target == NULL)
        return NULL;

    pt_version = strstr(dialog_body,version);   
    pt_dlg_state = strstr(dialog_body,dlg_state);   
    pt_entity = strstr(dialog_body,entity);
    pt_end_entity = strstr(dialog_body,">"); 

    if (pt_version == NULL || pt_dlg_state == NULL || pt_entity == NULL || pt_end_entity == NULL)
        return NULL;

    target_info = copy_str_between_two_tags_simple(dialog,dialog_body);
    if (target_info == NULL)
        return NULL;

    notify->state = copy_str_between_two_tags(state,dialog_body);
    if (notify->state == NULL)
        return NULL;
    pt_dialog_id = strstr(target_info,dialog_id);
    pt_callid = strstr(target_info,callid);
    pt_local_tag = strstr(target_info,local_tag);
    pt_direction = strstr(target_info,direction);   
    pt_end_direction = strstr(target_info,">");

    if (pt_dialog_id == NULL || pt_callid == NULL || pt_local_tag == NULL || pt_direction == NULL || pt_end_direction == NULL)
        return NULL;

    notify->params->version = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_version + strlen(version), pt_dlg_state);
    notify->params->state = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_dlg_state + strlen(dlg_state), pt_entity);
    notify->params->entity = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_entity + strlen(entity), pt_end_entity);

    notify->target->dlg_id = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_dialog_id + strlen(dialog_id), pt_callid);
    notify->target->callid = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_callid + strlen(callid), pt_local_tag);
    notify->target->local_tag = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_local_tag + strlen(local_tag), pt_direction);
    notify->target->direction = copy_str_between_two_pointers_simple(pt_direction + strlen(direction), pt_end_direction);

    return notify; 
