 * Push a copy of a line onto the undo stack.  Push a patch so we can
 * later fix up any references to this line that might already be in the
 * stack.  When the undo happens, the later pops (i.e. those lines still
 * in the stack) will point at the _original_ (which will by then be on the
 * redo stack) instead of at the copy, which will have just been popped,
 * unless we fix them by popping and using the patch.
copy_for_undo(LINE *lp)
    int status = FALSE;
    LINE *nlp;

    TRACE2((T_CALLED "copy_for_undo(%p)\n", lp));
    if (needundocleanup)

    if (liscopied(lp)) {
	status = TRUE;
    } else if ((nlp = copyline(lp)) == 0) {
	status = ABORT;
    } else {
	/* take care of the normal undo stack */
	pushline(nlp, BACKSTK(curbp));

	make_undo_patch(lp, nlp);



	FORWDOT(curbp).l = lp;
	FORWDOT(curbp).o = DOT.o;

	status = TRUE;
int main(void) {
    char buffer[MINLENGTH];
    int status = 0;
    while (status != -1) {
        status = readbuff(buffer);
        if (status == 1)
            status = copyline(buffer);
    return 0;
	char line[MINLENGTH];
	int status =0;
	while(status != -1){
	status = getlne(line);
	if(status == 1)
		status = copyline(line);
	return 0;
  int len;               /* current line length        */
  int max = 0;           /* maximum length seen so far */
  char line[MAXLINE];    /* current input line         */
  char longest[MAXLINE]; /* longest line saved here    */

  while ((len = Getline(line, MAXLINE)) > 0)
    if (len > max) {
      max = len;
      copyline(longest, line);

  if (max> 0)  /* there was a line */ printf("\n\nThe line : %swas the longest.\n\n", longest);

  return 0;
/* ==================================== */
scene * copyscene(scene * s)
/* ==================================== */
#undef F_NAME
#define F_NAME "copyscene"
  scene * sc;
  int32_t i, nobj = s->nobj;
  object *obj;

  sc = (scene *)calloc(1,sizeof(scene));
  if (sc == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s : malloc failed\n", F_NAME);
    return NULL;

  sc->nobj = nobj;
  sc->tabobj = (object **)calloc(1,nobj * sizeof(object *));
  if (sc->tabobj == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc failed\n", F_NAME);
    return NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++)
    obj = s->tabobj[i];
    switch (obj->objtype)
    case OBJTYPE_LINE: sc->tabobj[i] = copyline(obj); break;
    case OBJTYPE_CLOSEDLINE: sc->tabobj[i] = copyclosedline(obj); break;
    case OBJTYPE_SPLINE: sc->tabobj[i] = copyspline(obj); break;
    case OBJTYPE_CLOSEDSPLINE: sc->tabobj[i] = copyclosedspline(obj); break;
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad object typs: %d\n", F_NAME, obj->objtype);
      return 0;
    } // switch (obj->objtype)
  } // for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++)

  return sc;
} // copyscene()
  int initlen,trimlen;     /* current line lengths        */
  int max = 0;             /* maximum length seen so far  */
  char initline[MAXLINE];  /* current input line as typed */
  char revline[MAXLINE];   /* current input line reversed */
  char longline[MAXLINE];  /* longest line saved here     */

  while ((trimlen = initlen = Getline(initline, MAXLINE)) > 0) {
    trimlen = trimline(initline, initlen);
    reverseline(initline, revline, trimlen);
    if (trimlen > max) {
      max = trimlen;
      copyline(longline, revline);

    if (trimlen >= MINPRINT) {
      printf("\n\nThe trimmed & reversed line : \n%s\nwas long enough to print (>= %d characters)\n"
             "specifically %d characters.\n\n", revline, MINPRINT, trimlen);
      if (initlen > MAXLINE)
        printf("Maximum untrimmed line length exceeded (%d charaters), excess "
               "input lost.\n\n", MAXLINE);

    if (trimlen < initlen)
      printf("Initial line trimmed & reversed from %d to %d characters by removal of trailing white space\n\n",initlen,trimlen);

    if (trimlen == 0)
      printf("Line rejected. Nothing other than whitespace characters\n\n");

  if (max > 0) {
    printf("\n\nThe line : \n%s\nwas the longest (%d characters).\n\n", longline, max);
    if (max > MAXLINE) printf("Maximum line length exceeded (%d charaters), excess input lost.\n\n", MAXLINE);
  else printf("\n\nNo input???? So no maxline to print.\n\n");

  return 0;
文件: extract.c 项目: ankon/wiggle
int split_patch(struct stream f, struct stream *f1, struct stream *f2)
	struct stream r1, r2;
	int chunks = 0;
	char *cp, *end;
	int state = 0;
	int acnt = 0, bcnt = 0;
	int a, b, c, d;
	int lineno = 0;
	char before[100], after[100];
	char func[100];

	f1->body = f2->body = NULL;

	r1.body = xmalloc(f.len);
	r2.body = xmalloc(f.len);
	r1.len = r2.len = 0;
	func[0] = 0;

	cp = f.body;
	end = f.body+f.len;
	while (cp < end) {
		/* state:
		 *   0   not in a patch
		 *   1   first half of context
		 *   2   second half of context
		 *   3   unified
		switch (state) {
		case 0:
			if (sscanf(cp, "@@ -%99s +%99s @@%99[^\n]", before, after, func) >= 2) {
				int ok = 1;
				if (sscanf(before, "%d,%d", &a, &b) == 2)
					acnt = b;
				else if (sscanf(before, "%d", &a) == 1)
					acnt = 1;
					ok = 0;

				if (sscanf(after, "%d,%d", &c, &d) == 2)
					bcnt = d;
				else if (sscanf(after, "%d", &c) == 1)
					bcnt = 1;
					ok = 0;
				if (ok)
					state = 3;
					state = 0;
			} else if (sscanf(cp, "*** %d,%d ****", &a, &b) == 2) {
				acnt = b-a+1;
				state = 1;
			} else if (sscanf(cp, "--- %d,%d ----", &c, &d) == 2) {
				bcnt = d-c+1;
				state = 2;
			} else
				sscanf(cp, "***************%99[^\n]", func);

			skip_eol(&cp, end);
			if (state == 1 || state == 3) {
				char *f;
				char buf[20];
				buf[0] = 0;
				sprintf(buf+1, "%5d %5d %5d", chunks, a, acnt);
				memcpy(r1.body+r1.len, buf, 18);
				r1.len += 18;
				f = func;
				while (*f == ' ')
				if (*f) {
					r1.body[r1.len++] = ' ';
					strcpy(r1.body + r1.len, f);
					r1.len += strlen(f);
				r1.body[r1.len++] = '\n';
				r1.body[r1.len++] = '\0';
			if (state == 2 || state == 3) {
				char buf[20];
				buf[0] = 0;
				sprintf(buf+1, "%5d %5d %5d\n", chunks, c, bcnt);
				memcpy(r2.body+r2.len, buf, 20);
				r2.len += 20;
			if (state)
				func[0] = 0;
		case 1:
			if ((*cp == ' ' || *cp == '!' || *cp == '-' || *cp == '+')
			    && cp[1] == ' ') {
				cp += 2;
				copyline(&r1, &cp, end);
				if (acnt == 0)
					state = 0;
			} else {
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad context patch at line %d\n",
					Cmd, lineno);
				return 0;
		case 2:
			if ((*cp == ' ' || *cp == '!' || *cp == '-' || *cp == '+')
			    && cp[1] == ' ') {
				cp += 2;
				copyline(&r2, &cp, end);
				if (bcnt == 0)
					state = 0;
			} else {
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad context patch/2 at line %d\n",
					Cmd, lineno);
				return 0;
		case 3:
			if (*cp == ' ') {
				char *cp2;
				cp2 = cp;
				copyline(&r1, &cp, end);
				copyline(&r2, &cp2, end);
				acnt--; bcnt--;
			} else if (*cp == '-') {
				copyline(&r1, &cp, end);
			} else if (*cp == '+') {
				copyline(&r2, &cp, end);
			} else {
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad unified patch at line %d\n",
					Cmd, lineno);
				return 0;
			if (acnt <= 0 && bcnt <= 0)
				state = 0;
	if (r1.len > f.len || r2.len > f.len)
	*f1 = r1;
	*f2 = r2;
	return chunks;
文件: extract.c 项目: ankon/wiggle
 * extract parts of a "diff3 -m" or "wiggle -m" output
int split_merge(struct stream f, struct stream *f1, struct stream *f2, struct stream *f3)
	int state = 0;
	char *cp, *end;
	struct stream r1, r2, r3;
	f1->body = NULL;
	f2->body = NULL;

	r1.body = xmalloc(f.len);
	r2.body = xmalloc(f.len);
	r3.body = xmalloc(f.len);
	r1.len = r2.len = r3.len = 0;

	cp = f.body;
	end = f.body+f.len;
	while (cp < end) {
		/* state:
		 *  0 not in conflict
		 *  1 in file 1 of conflict
		 *  2 in file 2 of conflict
		 *  3 in file 3 of conflict
		 *  4 in file 2 but expecting 1/3 next
		 *  5 in file 1/3
		int len = end-cp;
		switch (state) {
		case 0:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, "<<<<<<<", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				char *peek;
				state = 1;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
				/* diff3 will do something a bit strange in
				 * the 1st and 3rd sections are the same.
				 * it reports
				 * <<<<<<<
				 * 2nd
				 * =======
				 * 1st and 3rd
				 * >>>>>>>
				 * Without a ||||||| at all.
				 * so to know if we are in '1' or '2', skip forward
				 * having a peek.
				peek = cp;
				while (peek < end) {
					if (end-peek >= 8 &&
					    (peek[7] == ' ' || peek[7] == '\n')) {
						if (strncmp(peek, "|||||||", 7) == 0 ||
						    strncmp(peek, ">>>>>>>", 7) == 0)
						else if (strncmp(peek, "=======", 7) == 0) {
							state = 4;
					skip_eol(&peek, end);
			} else {
				char *cp2 = cp;
				copyline(&r1, &cp2, end);
				cp2 = cp;
				copyline(&r2, &cp2, end);
				copyline(&r3, &cp, end);
		case 1:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, "|||||||", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				state = 2;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
			} else
				copyline(&r1, &cp, end);
		case 2:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, "=======", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				state = 3;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
			} else
				copyline(&r2, &cp, end);
		case 3:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, ">>>>>>>", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				state = 0;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
			} else
				copyline(&r3, &cp, end);
		case 4:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, "=======", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				state = 5;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
			} else
				copyline(&r2, &cp, end);
		case 5:
			if (len >= 8 &&
			    strncmp(cp, ">>>>>>>", 7) == 0 &&
			    (cp[7] == ' ' || cp[7] == '\n')
				) {
				state = 0;
				skip_eol(&cp, end);
			} else {
				char *t = cp;
				copyline(&r1, &t, end);
				copyline(&r3, &cp, end);
	if (cp > end)
	*f1 = r1;
	*f2 = r2;
	*f3 = r3;
	return state == 0;
 * fetch_logfile( char *logfilename, char *bookmarkfile, int updbm_flag ) 
int fetch_logfile( char *logfile, char *bmfile, int updbm_flag ) {

    bookmark obm, nbm;		/* old, new bookmark */

    char *ibuf = NULL;		/* input buf (--> the logfile) */
    size_t ilen = 0;
    char *ipt  = NULL;
    char *bmpt = NULL;		/* points to first new char if bm exists */

    char *obuf = NULL;		/* output buf (filled backwards) */
    int opos;			/* first used char pos in obuf */

    				/* for CONV_NAGIOS3 */
    int lastlinepos = 0;	/*   pos of beginning of lastline in obuf */
    int lastlinelen = 0;	/*   len of lastline, excl. trailing '\' 'n' */

    int r;			/* write's returncode */

    int i;
    int fd = -1;
    struct stat sb;
    char *lgfile = NULL;
    int llen = 0;
    int done = 0;

    if( read_bookmark( bmfile, &obm ) ) return RET_ERROR;

    if( (fd=open( logfile, O_RDONLY ))  == -1 ) {
	perr( "open", logfile, errno );
	return RET_ERROR;
    if( fstat( fd, &sb ) == -1 ) {
	perr( "stat", logfile, errno );
	close( fd );
	return RET_ERROR;

    nbm.last  = (size_t) sb.st_size;
    nbm.mtime = sb.st_mtime;
    nbm.inode = sb.st_ino;

    /* something changed meanwhile ? */
    if( obm.mtime==nbm.mtime && obm.inode==nbm.inode && obm.last==nbm.last ) {
	if( conv_G & CONV_OKMSG ) 
	    r = write( STDOUT_FILENO, OK_MESSAGE "\n", sizeof( OK_MESSAGE ) );
	close( fd );
	return RET_OK;


    obuf = malloc( fetchlen_G+1 );
    if( obuf == NULL ) {
	perr( "malloc", NULL,  errno );
	close( fd );
	return RET_ERROR;
    opos = fetchlen_G;
    *(obuf + opos) = '\0';	/* dummy: opos -> first used char in obuf */
    if( conv_G & CONV_NEWLINE ) {
	/* when using CONV_NEWLINE the obuf is filled up like this:
	     1. init: write '\\'  'n'  '\n' to the end (3 chars)
	     2. fill (copyline() ) by first prepend line contents and 
	     	then prepend '\\' 'n'
	     result: An additional '\\'  'n'  at the beginning 
	     1. fill (copyline() ) by first prepend newline and then prepend 
	     	line contents 
	*(obuf + --opos) = '\n';
	*(obuf + --opos) = 'n';
	*(obuf + --opos) = '\\';

    lgfile = (char*)malloc( strlen(logfile) + sizeof(".X") );
    if( lgfile == NULL ) {
	free( obuf );
	perr( "malloc", NULL, errno );
	close( fd );
	return RET_ERROR;

    /* read in all logfiles and backward fill obuf upto fetchlen_G chars */

    for( i=-1; i<10; i++ ) {
	/* i==-1: logfile without suffix, else i==logfile suffix */
	if( i==-1 ) {
	    /* lgfile is already open and sb contains the stat */
	    strcpy( lgfile, logfile );
	    sprintf( lgfile, "%s.%1d", logfile, i );
	    if( (fd=open( lgfile, O_RDONLY )) == -1 ) {
		if( errno==ENOENT && i==0 ) { 
		    continue;           /* some logrotator start with .1 */
		}else if( errno==ENOENT && i>0 ) {  
		    perr( "open", lgfile, errno );
		    free( obuf ); free( lgfile );
		    return RET_ERROR;
	    if( fstat( fd, &sb ) == -1 ) {
		perr( "stat", lgfile, errno );
		free( obuf ); free( lgfile ); close( fd );
		return RET_ERROR;
	ilen = (size_t) sb.st_size;

	if( ilen == 0 ) {
	    close( fd );
	    if( obm.inode == sb.st_ino ) break;

	ibuf = mmap( NULL, ilen, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)0 );
	if( ibuf == MAP_FAILED ) {
	    perr( "mmap", lgfile, errno );
	    free( obuf ); free( lgfile ); close( fd );
	    return RET_ERROR;
	if( madvise( ibuf, ilen, MADV_RANDOM ) ) {
	    perr( "madvise", NULL, errno );
	    free( obuf ); free( lgfile ); close( fd );
	    munmap( ibuf, ilen );
	    return RET_ERROR;
	/* check for old bookmark */
	bmpt = NULL;
	if( obm.inode == sb.st_ino ) {
	    bmpt = ibuf+obm.last;

	/* scan backwards for lines but the first */
	done = 0;
	for( llen=1,ipt=ibuf+ilen-2; ipt>=ibuf; llen++,ipt-- ) {
	    if( *ipt=='\n' ) {
		if( ipt+1<bmpt ) { done=1; break; }
		opos = copyline( opos, obuf, ipt+1, llen );
		if( opos==0 ) { done=1; break; }
		llen = 0;
	/* copy first line ? */
	if( ipt+1==ibuf && done==0 ) {	
	    if( ipt+1<bmpt ) { done=1; }
	    else{ opos = copyline( opos, obuf, ipt+1, llen ); }
	    if( opos==0 ) { done=1; }

	munmap( ibuf, ilen );
	close( fd );
	if( done ) break;
	if( bmpt ) break;	/* processed a bookmarked file? --> finito */

    if( updbm_flag ) {
	if( write_bookmark( bmfile, &nbm ) ) return RET_ERROR;

    /* if in Nagios3 mode: prepend short message (the last line fetched) */
    if( conv_G & CONV_NAGIOS3 ) {
	/* Nagios2 --> Nagios3 changed accepted format for plugin output.
	 * Nagios2 accepted a line containing one or more '\'+'n' as a single 
	 * line. Nagios3 now supports multiline output, and as a result, lines
	 * containing '\'+'n' are now handled as multiline messages (as well as
	 * messages having '\n'). The new multiline format is:
	 *    	    ...
	 * In Nagios3 mode fetchlog copies LONG_MESSAGE_LINE_N as SHORT_MESSAGE
	 * and leaves OPTIONAL_PERFORMANCE_DATA empty

	int oidx = fetchlen_G - 4; 	/* in obuf: last char, last line */
	lastlinepos = oidx + 1;		/* fallback value: empty line at end */
	lastlinelen = 0;		/* fallback value: empty line at end */

	/* determine lastlinepos and lastlinelen */
	while( oidx > 0 ) {
	    if( *(obuf + oidx) == 'n' && *(obuf + oidx -1) == '\\' ) {
		lastlinepos = oidx + 1;
		lastlinelen = fetchlen_G - lastlinepos - 3;  /* 3: \ n \n */

	/* case: obuf has enough room for SHORT_MESSAGE */
	if( lastlinelen + 1 <= opos ) {		/* +1 = '|' */
	    *(obuf + --opos) = '|';
	    memmove( obuf+opos-lastlinelen, obuf+lastlinepos, lastlinelen );
	    opos -= lastlinelen;

	/* case: obuf too small: SHORT_MESSAGE and fetched messages overlap,
	 *       but not LONG_MESSAGE_LINE_N */
	}else if( lastlinelen + 6 <= lastlinepos ) { /* +6 = '|\n...' */
	    memmove( obuf, obuf+lastlinepos, lastlinelen );
	    *(obuf + lastlinelen + 0 ) = '|';
	    *(obuf + lastlinelen + 1 ) = '\\';
	    *(obuf + lastlinelen + 2 ) = 'n';
	    *(obuf + lastlinelen + 3 ) = '.';
	    *(obuf + lastlinelen + 4 ) = '.';
	    if( *(obuf + lastlinelen + 5 ) != '\\' ) {
	       	*(obuf + lastlinelen + 5 ) = '.';
	    opos = 0;

	/* case: obuf too small: SHORT_MESSAGE and fetched messages overlap,
	 *       including LONG_MESSAGE_LINE_N */
	    memmove( obuf+lastlinepos+2, obuf+lastlinepos, lastlinelen );
	    opos = lastlinepos + 2;

    /* only return a message if there is something to print */
    if( ((conv_G & CONV_NEWLINE)==0 && fetchlen_G-opos==0 ) || 
        ((conv_G & CONV_NEWLINE)!=0 && 
	    ( ((conv_G & CONV_NAGIOS3)== 0 && fetchlen_G-opos==3 ) ||
	      ((conv_G & CONV_NAGIOS3)!= 0 && fetchlen_G-opos==4 )    )  ) ) {

	if( conv_G & CONV_OKMSG ) {
	    r = write( STDOUT_FILENO, OK_MESSAGE "\n", sizeof( OK_MESSAGE ) );
	i = RET_OK;
	r = write( STDOUT_FILENO, obuf+opos,fetchlen_G-opos);

    free( obuf ); free( lgfile );
    return i;

}   /* fetch_logfile() */
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int i = 0, ret, failCount = 0, passCount = 0, disabledCount = 0, failed, verbose = 0;
    int expectedRC;
    FILE* f = fopen(
    #ifdef _WIN32 /* hack for easier running from vs */
        "tests.twok", "rb");
    char* src = testdata;
    char* dest, *desc;

    if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--http-repl") == 0)
        return 0;

    ret = /* warning suppress */ (int)fread(src, 1, 1<<24, f);
    if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0)
        verbose = 1;
    for (;; ++i)
        if (src[0] != '#' || src[1] != '#' || src[2] != '#')
            print("expecting ### line in tests\n");
        src += 4;
        expectedRC = strtol(src, &src, 0);
        desc = description;
        src += 1;
        copyline(&desc, &src);
        *(desc - 1) = 0;
        if (strcmp(description, "END") == 0)
            print("%d/%d tests passed (+%d disabled)\n", passCount, passCount + failCount, disabledCount);
        dest = curtest;
        while (!(src[0] == '#' && src[1] == '#' && src[2] == '#'))
            copyline(&dest, &src);
        *dest = 0;
        if ((argc == 2 && atoi(argv[1]) != i)
                || (argc == 3 && (atoi(argv[1]) > i || atoi(argv[2]) < i)))
        if (strncmp(description, "DISABLED", 8) == 0)
        print("[%3d %20s %s]: ", i, description, expectedRC == -1 ? "err" : "   ");
        ret = twokRun(curtest, getExternFunc);
        failed = ret != expectedRC || (expectedRC == -1 && strstr(C.errorText, description) == NULL);
        print("%s\n", failed ? "FAILED": "ok");
        failCount += failed;
        passCount += !failed;
        if (failed || verbose)
            print("\n------------------------\n%s------------------------\n", curtest);
            print("rc=%d, want=%d, desc='%s'\n%s%s\n\n", ret, expectedRC, description,
                    C.errorText[0] ? "Error:\n" : "", C.errorText);
    return failCount;