static void getVector(float controlVector[4], vario_type type)
    FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset;


    // scale controlVector[3] (thrust) by vertical/horizontal to have vertical plane less sensitive
    controlVector[3] *= offset.Vertical / offset.Horizontal;

    float length = sqrtf(controlVector[0] * controlVector[0] + controlVector[1] * controlVector[1] + controlVector[3] * controlVector[3]);

    if (length <= 1e-9f) {
        length = 1.0f; // should never happen as getVector is not called if control within deadband
        float direction[3] = {
            controlVector[1] / length, // pitch is north
            controlVector[0] / length, // roll is east
            controlVector[3] / length // thrust is down
        controlVector[0] = direction[0];
        controlVector[1] = direction[1];
        controlVector[2] = direction[2];
    controlVector[3] = length * offset.Horizontal;

    // rotate north and east - rotation angle based on type
    float angle;
    switch (type) {
    case NSEW:
        angle = 0.0f;
        // NSEW no rotation takes place
    case FPV:
        // local rotation, using current yaw
    case LOS:
        // determine location based on vector from takeoff to current location
        PositionStateData positionState;
        TakeOffLocationData takeoffLocation;
        angle = RAD2DEG(atan2f(positionState.East - takeoffLocation.East, positionState.North - takeoffLocation.North));
    // rotate horizontally by angle
        float rotated[2] = {
            controlVector[0] * cos_lookup_deg(angle) - controlVector[1] * sin_lookup_deg(angle),
            controlVector[0] * sin_lookup_deg(angle) + controlVector[1] * cos_lookup_deg(angle)
        controlVector[0] = rotated[0];
        controlVector[1] = rotated[1];
static float CruiseControlAngleToFactor(float angle)
    float factor;

    // avoid singularity
    if (angle > 89.999f && angle < 90.001f) {
        factor = stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxPowerFactor;
    } else {
        // the simple bank angle boost calculation that Cruise Control revolves around
        factor = 1.0f / fabsf(cos_lookup_deg(angle));
        // factor in the power trim, no effect at 1.0, linear effect increases with factor
        factor = (factor - 1.0f) * stabSettings.cruiseControl.power_trim + 1.0f;
        // limit to user specified max power multiplier
        if (factor > stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxPowerFactor) {
            factor = stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxPowerFactor;
    return factor;
void plan_setup_AutoCruise()
    PositionStateData positionState;

    PathDesiredData pathDesired;

    FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset;
    float startingVelocity;

    // initialization is flight in direction of the nose.
    // the velocity is not relevant, as it will be reset by the run function even during first call
    float angle;
    float vector[2] = {
    hold_position[0]             = positionState.North;
    hold_position[1]             = positionState.East;
    hold_position[2]             = positionState.Down;
    pathDesired.End.North        = hold_position[0] + vector[0];
    pathDesired.End.East         = hold_position[1] + vector[1];
    pathDesired.End.Down         = hold_position[2];
    // start position has the same offset as in position hold
    pathDesired.Start.North      = pathDesired.End.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter
    pathDesired.Start.East       = pathDesired.End.East;
    pathDesired.Start.Down       = pathDesired.End.Down;
    pathDesired.StartingVelocity = startingVelocity;
    pathDesired.EndingVelocity   = 0.0f;
    pathDesired.Mode             = PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT;


    // re-iniztializing deltatime is valid and also good practice here since
    // getAverageSeconds() has not been called/updated in a long time if we were in a different flightmode.
 * Use the lookup table to return sine(angle) where angle is in radians
 * @param[in] angle Angle in radians
 * @returns cos(angle)
float cos_lookup_rad(float angle)
	int degrees = angle * RAD2DEG;
	return cos_lookup_deg(degrees);
 * Apply a step function for the stabilization controller and monitor the
 * result
 * Used to  Replace the rate PID with a relay to measure the critical properties of this axis
 * i.e. period and gain
int stabilization_relay_rate(float error, float *output, int axis, bool reinit)
    RelayTuningData relay;


    static portTickType lastHighTime;
    static portTickType lastLowTime;

    static float accum_sin, accum_cos;
    static uint32_t accumulated  = 0;

    const uint16_t DEGLITCH_TIME = 20; // ms
    const float AMPLITUDE_ALPHA  = 0.95f;
    const float PERIOD_ALPHA     = 0.95f;

    portTickType thisTime = xTaskGetTickCount();

    static bool rateRelayRunning[MAX_AXES];

    // This indicates the current estimate of the smoothed error.  So when it is high
    // we are waiting for it to go low.
    static bool high = false;

    // On first run initialize estimates to something reasonable
    if (reinit) {
        rateRelayRunning[axis] = false;
        cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] = 200;
        cast_struct_to_array(relay.Gain, relay.Gain.Roll)[axis]     = 0;

        accum_sin   = 0;
        accum_cos   = 0;
        accumulated = 0;

        // These should get reinitialized anyway
        high = true;
        lastHighTime = thisTime;
        lastLowTime  = thisTime;

    RelayTuningSettingsData relaySettings;

    // Compute output, simple threshold on error
    *output = high ? relaySettings.Amplitude : -relaySettings.Amplitude;

    /**** The code below here is to estimate the properties of the oscillation ****/

    // Make sure the period can't go below limit
    if (cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] < DEGLITCH_TIME) {
        cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] = DEGLITCH_TIME;

    // Project the error onto a sine and cosine of the same frequency
    // to accumulate the average amplitude
    int32_t dT  = thisTime - lastHighTime;
    float phase = ((float)360 * (float)dT) / cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis];
    if (phase >= 360) {
        phase = 0;
    accum_sin += sin_lookup_deg(phase) * error;
    accum_cos += cos_lookup_deg(phase) * error;

    // Make sure we've had enough time since last transition then check for a change in the output
    bool time_hysteresis = (high ? (thisTime - lastHighTime) : (thisTime - lastLowTime)) > DEGLITCH_TIME;

    if (!high && time_hysteresis && error > relaySettings.HysteresisThresh) {

        float this_amplitude = 2 * sqrtf(accum_sin * accum_sin + accum_cos * accum_cos) / accumulated;
        float this_gain = this_amplitude / relaySettings.Amplitude;

        accumulated = 0;
        accum_sin   = 0;
        accum_cos   = 0;

        if (rateRelayRunning[axis] == false) {
            rateRelayRunning[axis] = true;
            cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] = 200;
            cast_struct_to_array(relay.Gain, relay.Gain.Roll)[axis] = 0;
        } else {
            // Low pass filter each amplitude and period
            cast_struct_to_array(relay.Gain, relay.Gain.Roll)[axis]     =
                cast_struct_to_array(relay.Gain, relay.Gain.Roll)[axis] *
                AMPLITUDE_ALPHA + this_gain * (1 - AMPLITUDE_ALPHA);
            cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] =
                cast_struct_to_array(relay.Period, relay.Period.Roll)[axis] *
                PERIOD_ALPHA + dT * (1 - PERIOD_ALPHA);
        lastHighTime = thisTime;
        high = true;
    } else if (high && time_hysteresis && error < -relaySettings.HysteresisThresh) {

        lastLowTime = thisTime;
        high = false;

    return 0;
 * Compute desired attitude from the desired velocity for fixed wing craft
uint8_t FixedWingFlyController::updateFixedDesiredAttitude()
    uint8_t result = 1;

    const float dT = fixedWingSettings->UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f;

    VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired;
    VelocityStateData velocityState;
    StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired;
    AttitudeStateData attitudeState;
    FixedWingPathFollowerStatusData fixedWingPathFollowerStatus;
    AirspeedStateData airspeedState;
    SystemSettingsData systemSettings;

    float groundspeedProjection;
    float indicatedAirspeedState;
    float indicatedAirspeedDesired;
    float airspeedError;

    float pitchCommand;

    float descentspeedDesired;
    float descentspeedError;
    float powerCommand;

    float airspeedVector[2];
    float fluidMovement[2];
    float courseComponent[2];
    float courseError;
    float courseCommand;



     * Compute speed error and course
    // missing sensors for airspeed-direction we have to assume within
    // reasonable error that measured airspeed is actually the airspeed
    // component in forward pointing direction
    // airspeedVector is normalized
    airspeedVector[0]     = cos_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Yaw);
    airspeedVector[1]     = sin_lookup_deg(attitudeState.Yaw);

    // current ground speed projected in forward direction
    groundspeedProjection = velocityState.North * airspeedVector[0] + velocityState.East * airspeedVector[1];

    // note that airspeedStateBias is ( calibratedAirspeed - groundspeedProjection ) at the time of measurement,
    // but thanks to accelerometers,  groundspeedProjection reacts faster to changes in direction
    // than airspeed and gps sensors alone
    indicatedAirspeedState = groundspeedProjection + indicatedAirspeedStateBias;

    // fluidMovement is a vector describing the aproximate movement vector of
    // the surrounding fluid in 2d space (aka wind vector)
    fluidMovement[0] = velocityState.North - (indicatedAirspeedState * airspeedVector[0]);
    fluidMovement[1] = velocityState.East - (indicatedAirspeedState * airspeedVector[1]);

    // calculate the movement vector we need to fly to reach velocityDesired -
    // taking fluidMovement into account
    courseComponent[0] = velocityDesired.North - fluidMovement[0];
    courseComponent[1] = velocityDesired.East - fluidMovement[1];

    indicatedAirspeedDesired = boundf(sqrtf(courseComponent[0] * courseComponent[0] + courseComponent[1] * courseComponent[1]),

    // if we could fly at arbitrary speeds, we'd just have to move towards the
    // courseComponent vector as previously calculated and we'd be fine
    // unfortunately however we are bound by min and max air speed limits, so
    // we need to recalculate the correct course to meet at least the
    // velocityDesired vector direction at our current speed
    // this overwrites courseComponent
    bool valid = correctCourse(courseComponent, (float *)&velocityDesired.North, fluidMovement, indicatedAirspeedDesired);

    // Error condition: wind speed too high, we can't go where we want anymore
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 0;
    if ((!valid) &&
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Wind > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 1;
        result = 0;

    // Airspeed error
    airspeedError = indicatedAirspeedDesired - indicatedAirspeedState;

    // Vertical speed error
    descentspeedDesired = boundf(
    descentspeedError = descentspeedDesired - velocityState.Down;

    // Error condition: plane too slow or too fast
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 0;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed  = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState > systemSettings.AirSpeedMax * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Overspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Overspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState > fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMax * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Highspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState < fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMin * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Lowspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed = 1;
        result = 0;
    if (indicatedAirspeedState < systemSettings.AirSpeedMin * fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Stallspeed) {
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Stallspeed = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired thrust command

    // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation
    float speedErrorToPowerCommandComponent = boundf(
        (airspeedError / fixedWingSettings->HorizontalVelMin) * fixedWingSettings->AirspeedToPowerCrossFeed.Kp,

    // Compute final thrust response
    powerCommand = pid_apply(&PIDpower, -descentspeedError, dT) +

    // Output internal state to telemetry
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Power    = descentspeedError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Power = PIDpower.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Power  = powerCommand;

    // set thrust
    stabDesired.Thrust = boundf(fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand,

    // Error condition: plane cannot hold altitude at current speed.
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand >= fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Max && // thrust at maximum
        velocityState.Down > 0.0f && // we ARE going down
        descentspeedDesired < 0.0f && // we WANT to go up
        airspeedError > 0.0f && // we are too slow already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Lowpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 1;
        result = 0;
    // Error condition: plane keeps climbing despite minimum thrust (opposite of above)
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand <= fixedWingSettings->ThrustLimit.Min && // thrust at minimum
        velocityState.Down < 0.0f && // we ARE going up
        descentspeedDesired > 0.0f && // we WANT to go down
        airspeedError < 0.0f && // we are too fast already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Highpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired pitch command
    // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation
    float verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent = boundf(-descentspeedError * fixedWingSettings->VerticalToPitchCrossFeed.Kp,

    // Compute the pitch command as err*Kp + errInt*Ki + X_feed.
    pitchCommand = -pid_apply(&PIDspeed, airspeedError, dT) + verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent;

    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Speed    = airspeedError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Speed = PIDspeed.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Speed  = pitchCommand;

    stabDesired.Pitch = boundf(fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand,

    // Error condition: high speed dive
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 0;
    if (fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand >= fixedWingSettings->PitchLimit.Max && // pitch demand is full up
        velocityState.Down > 0.0f && // we ARE going down
        descentspeedDesired < 0.0f && // we WANT to go up
        airspeedError < 0.0f && // we are too fast already
        fixedWingSettings->Safetymargins.Pitchcontrol > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on
        fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 1;
        result = 0;

     * Compute desired roll command
    courseError = RAD2DEG(atan2f(courseComponent[1], courseComponent[0])) - attitudeState.Yaw;

    if (courseError < -180.0f) {
        courseError += 360.0f;
    if (courseError > 180.0f) {
        courseError -= 360.0f;

    // overlap calculation. Theres a dead zone behind the craft where the
    // counter-yawing of some craft while rolling could render a desired right
    // turn into a desired left turn. Making the turn direction based on
    // current roll angle keeps the plane committed to a direction once chosen
    if (courseError < -180.0f + (fixedWingSettings->ReverseCourseOverlap * 0.5f)
        && attitudeState.Roll > 0.0f) {
        courseError += 360.0f;
    if (courseError > 180.0f - (fixedWingSettings->ReverseCourseOverlap * 0.5f)
        && attitudeState.Roll < 0.0f) {
        courseError -= 360.0f;

    courseCommand = pid_apply(&PIDcourse, courseError, dT);

    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Error.Course    = courseError;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Course = PIDcourse.iAccumulator;
    fixedWingPathFollowerStatus.Command.Course  = courseCommand;

    stabDesired.Roll = boundf(fixedWingSettings->RollLimit.Neutral +

    // TODO: find a check to determine loss of directional control. Likely needs some check of derivative

     * Compute desired yaw command
    // TODO implement raw control mode for yaw and base on Accels.Y
    stabDesired.Yaw = 0.0f;




    return result;
        // with both solutions for C
        // this might be reached in headwind stronger than maximum allowed
        // airspeed.
        return false;

void FixedWingFlyController::AirspeedStateUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev)
    AirspeedStateData airspeedState;
    VelocityStateData velocityState;

    float airspeedVector[2];
    float yaw;
    airspeedVector[0] = cos_lookup_deg(yaw);
    airspeedVector[1] = sin_lookup_deg(yaw);
    // vector projection of groundspeed on airspeed vector to handle both forward and backwards movement
    float groundspeedProjection = velocityState.North * airspeedVector[0] + velocityState.East * airspeedVector[1];

    indicatedAirspeedStateBias = airspeedState.CalibratedAirspeed - groundspeedProjection;
    // note - we do fly by Indicated Airspeed (== calibrated airspeed) however
    // since airspeed is updated less often than groundspeed, we use sudden
    // changes to groundspeed to offset the airspeed by the same measurement.
    // This has a side effect that in the absence of any airspeed updates, the
    // pathfollower will fly using groundspeed.
void cruisecontrol_compute_factor(AttitudeStateData *attitude, float thrustDemand)
    static float previous_angle;
    static uint32_t previous_time   = 0;
    static bool previous_time_valid = false;

    // For multiple, speedy flips this mainly strives to address the
    // fact that (due to thrust delay) thrust didn't average straight
    // down, but at an angle.  For less speedy flips it acts like it
    // used to.  It can be turned off by setting power delay to 0.

    // It takes significant time for the motors of a multi-copter to
    // spin up.  It takes significant time for the collective servo of
    // a CP heli to move from one end to the other.  Both of those are
    // modeled here as linear, i.e. twice as much change takes twice
    // as long. Given a correctly configured maximum delay time this
    // code calculates how far in advance to start the control
    // transition so that half way through the physical transition it
    // is just crossing the transition angle.
    // Example: Rotation rate = 360.  Full stroke delay = 0.2
    // Transition angle 90 degrees.  Start the transition 0.1 second
    // before 90 degrees (36 degrees at 360 deg/sec) and it will be
    // complete 0.1 seconds after 90 degrees.

    // Note that this code only handles the transition to/from inverted
    // thrust.  It doesn't handle the case where thrust is changed a
    // lot in a small angle range when that range is close to 90 degrees.
    // It doesn't handle the small constant "system delay" caused by the
    // delay between reading sensors and actuators beginning to respond.
    // It also assumes that the pilot is holding the throttle constant;
    // when the pilot does change the throttle, the compensation is
    // simply recalculated.

    // This implementation of future thrust isn't perfect.  That would
    // probably require an iterative procedure for solving a
    // transcendental equation of the form linear(x) = 1/cos(x).  It's
    // shortcomings generally don't hurt anything and work better than
    // without it.  It is designed to work perfectly if the pilot is
    // using full thrust during flips and it is only activated if 70% or
    // greater thrust is used.

    uint32_t time = PIOS_DELAY_GetuS();

    // Get roll and pitch angles, calculate combined angle, and begin
    // the general algorithm.
    // Example: 45 degrees roll plus 45 degrees pitch = 60 degrees
    // Do it every 8th iteration to save CPU.
    if (time != previous_time || previous_time_valid == false) {
        float angle, angle_unmodified;

        // spherical right triangle
        // 0.0 <= angle <= 180.0
        angle_unmodified = angle = RAD2DEG(acosf(cos_lookup_deg(attitude->Roll)
                                                 * cos_lookup_deg(attitude->Pitch)));

        // Calculate rate as a combined (roll and pitch) bank angle
        // change; in degrees per second.  Rate is calculated over the
        // most recent 8 loops through stabilization.  We could have
        // asked the gyros.  This is probably cheaper.
        if (previous_time_valid) {
            float rate;

            // rate can be negative.
            rate = (angle - previous_angle) / ((float)(time - previous_time) / 1000000.0f);

            // Define "within range" to be those transitions that should
            // be executing now.  Recall that each impulse transition is
            // spread out over a range of time / angle.

            // There is only one transition and the high power level for
            // it is either:
            // 1/fabsf(cos(angle)) * current thrust
            // or max power factor * current thrust
            // or full thrust
            // You can cross the transition with angle either increasing
            // or decreasing (rate positive or negative).

            // Thrust is never boosted for negative values of
            // thrustDemand (negative stick values)
            // When the aircraft is upright, thrust is always boosted
            // . for positive values of thrustDemand
            // When the aircraft is inverted, thrust is sometimes
            // . boosted or reversed (or combinations thereof) or zeroed
            // . for positive values of thrustDemand
            // It depends on the inverted power settings.
            // Of course, you can set MaxPowerFactor to 1.0 to
            // . effectively disable boost.
            if (thrustDemand > 0.0f) {
                // to enable the future thrust calculations, make sure
                // there is a large enough transition that the result
                // will be roughly on vs. off; without that, it can
                // exaggerate the length of time the inverted to upright
                // transition holds full throttle and reduce the length
                // of time for full throttle when going upright to inverted.
                if (thrustDemand > 0.7f) {
                    float thrust;

                    thrust = CruiseControlFactorToThrust(CruiseControlAngleToFactor((float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle), thrustDemand);

                    // determine if we are in range of the transition

                    // given the thrust at max_angle and thrustDemand
                    // (typically close to 1.0), change variable 'thrust' to
                    // be the proportion of the largest thrust change possible
                    // that occurs when going into inverted mode.
                    // Example: 'thrust' is 0.8  A quad has min_thrust set
                    // to 0.05  The difference is 0.75.  The largest possible
                    // difference with this setup is 0.9 - 0.05 = 0.85, so
                    // the proportion is 0.75/0.85
                    // That is nearly a full throttle stroke.
                    // the 'thrust' variable is non-negative here
                    switch (stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlInvertedPowerOutput) {
                        // normal multi-copter case, stroke is max to zero
                        // technically max to constant min_thrust
                        // can be used by CP
                        thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlLimitThrust(0.0f)) / stabSettings.cruiseControl.thrust_difference;
                        // reversed but not boosted
                        // : CP heli case, stroke is max to -stick
                        // : thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlLimitThrust(-thrustDemand)) / stabSettings.cruiseControl.thrust_difference;
                        // else it is both unreversed and unboosted
                        // : simply turn off boost, stroke is max to +stick
                        // : thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlLimitThrust(thrustDemand)) / stabSettings.cruiseControl.thrust_difference;
                        thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlLimitThrust(
                                      ? -thrustDemand
                                      : thrustDemand)) / stabSettings.cruiseControl.thrust_difference;
                        // if boosted and reversed
                        if (stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlInvertedThrustReversing
                            // CP heli case, stroke is max to min
                            thrust = (thrust - CruiseControlFactorToThrust(-CruiseControlAngleToFactor((float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle), thrustDemand)) / stabSettings.cruiseControl.thrust_difference;
                        // else it is boosted and unreversed so the throttle doesn't change
                        else {
                            // CP heli case, no transition, so stroke is zero
                            thrust = 0.0f;

                    // 'thrust' is now the proportion of max stroke
                    // multiply this proportion of max stroke,
                    // times the max stroke time, to get this stroke time
                    // we only want half of this time before the transition
                    // (and half after the transition)
                    thrust *= stabSettings.cruiseControl.half_power_delay;
                    // 'thrust' is now the length of time for this stroke
                    // multiply that times angular rate to get the lead angle
                    thrust *= fabsf(rate);
                    // if the transition is within range we use it,
                    // else we just use the current calculated thrust
                    if ((float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle - thrust <= angle
                        && angle <= (float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle + thrust) {
                        // default to a little above max angle
                        angle = (float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle + 0.01f;
                        // if roll direction is downward
                        // then thrust value is taken from below max angle
                        // by the code that knows about the transition angle
                        if (rate < 0.0f) {
                            angle -= 0.02f;
                } // if thrust > 0.7; else just use the angle we already calculated
                cruisecontrol_factor = CruiseControlAngleToFactor(angle);
            } else { // if thrust > 0 set factor from angle; else
                cruisecontrol_factor = 1.0f;

            if (angle >= (float)stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlMaxAngle) {
                switch (stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlInvertedPowerOutput) {
                    cruisecontrol_factor = 0.0f;
                    cruisecontrol_factor = 1.0f;
                    // no change, leave factor >= 1.0 alone
                if (stabSettings.settings.CruiseControlInvertedThrustReversing
                    cruisecontrol_factor = -cruisecontrol_factor;
        } // if previous_time_valid i.e. we've got a rate; else leave (angle and) factor alone
        previous_time  = time;
        previous_time_valid = true;
        previous_angle = angle_unmodified;
    } // every 8th time