AREXPORT ArArgumentBuilder &ArArgumentBuilder::operator=(const ArArgumentBuilder & builder)
  if (this != &builder) {

    size_t i = 0;

    // Delete old stuff...  
    if (myOrigArgc > 0)
      for (i = 0; i < myOrigArgc; ++i)
        delete[] myArgv[i];
    delete[] myArgv;

    // Then copy new stuff...
    myFullString = builder.myFullString;
    myExtraString = builder.myExtraString;
    myArgc = builder.getArgc();
    myArgvLen = builder.getArgvLen();

    myOrigArgc = myArgc;
    myArgv = new char *[myArgvLen];
    for (i = 0; i < myArgc; i++) {
      myArgv[i] = cppstrdup(builder.getArg(i));
    myIsQuiet = builder.myIsQuiet;
    myExtraSpace = builder.myExtraSpace;
    myIgnoreNormalSpaces = builder.myIgnoreNormalSpaces;
    myIsPreCompressQuotes = builder.myIsPreCompressQuotes;
  return *this;
void drvTK::show_text(const TextInfo & textinfo)
	int condensedfont = (strstr(textinfo.currentFontName.value(), "Condensed") != NIL);
	int narrowfont = (strstr(textinfo.currentFontName.value(), "Narrow") != NIL);
	int boldfont = (strstr(textinfo.currentFontName.value(), "Bold") != NIL);
	int italicfont = ((strstr(textinfo.currentFontName.value(), "Italic") != NIL)
					  || (strstr(textinfo.currentFontName.value(), "Oblique") != NIL));
	char*  tempfontname = cppstrdup(textinfo.currentFontName.value()) ; // char tempfontname[1024];
	char fonttype = 'r';
	char *i;
	int actualFontSize;
	i = strchr(tempfontname, '-');
	if (i != NIL) {
		*i = '\0';
	if (italicfont)
		fonttype = 'i';

	actualFontSize = int ((textinfo.currentFontSize / .95) * 10);

	buffer << "set i [$Global(CurrentCanvas) create text "
		<< textinfo.x + x_offset
		<< " " << (currentDeviceHeight - textinfo.y + y_offset + actualFontSize / 7.2);

	buffer << " -text \"";
	buffer << endl << "\"";
	buffer << " -font {-*-" << tempfontname << "-";
	if (boldfont)
		buffer << "bold";
		buffer << "medium";
	buffer << "-" << fonttype;
	if (narrowfont)
		buffer << "-narrow--*-";
	else if (condensedfont)
		buffer << "-condensed--*-";
		buffer << "-*--*-";
	buffer << actualFontSize
		<< "-72-72-*-*-*-*"
		<< "}" << " -anchor sw" << " -fill " << colorstring(currentR(), currentG(), currentB())
		<< " -tags \"" << options->tagNames << "\" ]" << endl;

	if (strcmp(options->tagNames.value.value(), "") && !(options->noImPress)) {
		buffer << "set Group($Global(CurrentCanvas),$i) \"" << options->tagNames << "\"" << endl;
	delete [] tempfontname;
AREXPORT ArArgumentBuilder::ArArgumentBuilder(const ArArgumentBuilder & builder)
  size_t i;
  myFullString = builder.myFullString;
  myExtraString = builder.myExtraString;
  myArgc = builder.getArgc();
  myArgvLen = builder.getArgvLen();
  myOrigArgc = myArgc;
  myArgv = new char *[myArgvLen];
  for (i = 0; i < myArgc; i++)
    myArgv[i] = cppstrdup(builder.getArg(i));
  //myArgv[i] = strdup(builder.getArg(i));
  myIsQuiet = builder.myIsQuiet;
AREXPORT ArArgumentBuilder::ArArgumentBuilder(const ArArgumentBuilder & builder)
  size_t i;
  myFullString = builder.myFullString;
  myExtraString = builder.myExtraString;
  myArgc = builder.getArgc();
  myArgvLen = builder.getArgvLen();
  myOrigArgc = myArgc;
  myArgv = new char *[myArgvLen];
  for (i = 0; i < myArgc; i++)
    myArgv[i] = cppstrdup(builder.getArg(i));
  //myArgv[i] = strdup(builder.getArg(i));
  myIsQuiet = builder.myIsQuiet;
  myExtraSpace = builder.myExtraSpace;
  myIgnoreNormalSpaces = builder.myIgnoreNormalSpaces;
  myIsPreCompressQuotes = builder.myIsPreCompressQuotes;
void drvSWF::show_image(const PSImage & imageinfo)

	if (outBaseName == "") {
		errf << "images cannot be handled via standard output. Use an output file" << endl;

	if (imageinfo.isFileImage) {
		// use imageinfo.FileName;
#if 0
		outf << "<image "		// x=\"" << 0 << "\" y=\"" << 0 << "\"" 
			<< " transform=\"matrix("
			<< imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[0] << ' '
			<< /* - */ -imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[1] << ' '
			// doch doch - zumindest bei 
			// - no longer needed due to normalization in
			<< imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[2] << ' '
			<< -imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[3] << ' '
// transfer
			<< imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[4] << ' '
			<< currentDeviceHeight - imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix[5]
			<< ")\"" << " width=\"" << imageinfo.
			width << "\"" << " height=\"" << imageinfo.
			height << "\"" << " xlink:href=\"" << imageinfo.FileName << "\"></image>" << endl;


#if (defined(USE_PNG) && USE_PNG)
		// from 0.3 on ming may support png directly
		SWFBitmap *bm = new SWFBitmap(imageinfo.FileName.value());
		unsigned int len = strlen(imageinfo.FileName.value());
		char *outfile = cppstrdup(imageinfo.FileName.value());
		outfile[len - 3] = 'd';
		outfile[len - 2] = 'b';
		outfile[len - 1] = 'l';
		png2dbl(imageinfo.FileName.value(), outfile);
		SWFBitmap *bm = new SWFBitmap(outfile);
		delete [] outfile;
		(void) remove(imageinfo.FileName.value());

		SWFShape *s = new SWFShape;
		SWFFill *swffill = s->addBitmapFill(bm, SWFFILL_TILED_BITMAP);

		const float h = (float) bm->getHeight();
		const float w = (float) bm->getWidth();
		s->movePen(0.0f, 0.0f);
		s->drawLine(w, 0.0f);
		s->drawLine(0.0f, h);
		s->drawLine(-w, 0.0f);
		s->drawLine(0.0f, -h);

		/// cout << " h:" << bm->getHeight() << " w:" << bm->getWidth() << endl;
		// SWFDisplayItem *d = movie->add(bm);
		SWFDisplayItem *d = movie->add(s);

		const float *CTM = imageinfo.normalizedImageCurrentMatrix;
		float ma = CTM[0];
		float mb = -CTM[1];
		float mc = CTM[2];
		float md = -CTM[3];

		const Point p(CTM[4], CTM[5]);
		float mx = swfx(p);
		float my = swfy(p);

#if 1
		d->move(0.0f, 0.0f);
		SWFDisplayItem_setMatrix(d->item, ma, mb, mc, md, mx, my);
//          d->item->flags |= ITEM_DISPLACED;
//  d->item->flags |= ITEM_TRANSFORMED;

		const Point p(CTM[4], CTM[5]);
		d->move(swfx(p), swfy(p));
		//  d->rotate(30);
		d->scale(ma, -md);

	} else {

		errf << "unhandled case for image " << endl;

AREXPORT void ArArgumentBuilder::compressQuoted(bool stripQuotationMarks)
  size_t argLen;
  size_t i;
  std::string myNewArg;

  for (i = 0; i < myArgc; i++)
    argLen = strlen(myArgv[i]);
    if (stripQuotationMarks && argLen >= 2 && 
	myArgv[i][0] == '"' && myArgv[i][argLen - 1] == '"')
      myNewArg = &myArgv[i][1];
      myNewArg[myNewArg.size() - 1] = '\0';
      delete[] myArgv[i];
      // but replacing ourself with the new arg
      myArgv[i] = cppstrdup(myNewArg.c_str());
      //myArgv[i] = strdup(myNewArg.c_str());
    // if this arg begins with a quote but doesn't end with one
    if (argLen >= 2 && myArgv[i][0] == '"' && myArgv[i][argLen - 1] != '"')
      // start the new value for this arg, if stripping quotations
      // then start after the quote
      if (stripQuotationMarks)
	myNewArg = &myArgv[i][1];
	myNewArg = myArgv[i];

      bool isEndQuoteFound = false;

      // now while the end char of the next args isn't the end of our
      // start quote we toss things into this arg
      while ((i + 1 < myArgc) && !isEndQuoteFound) {
        int nextArgLen = strlen(myArgv[i+1]);

        // Check whether the next arg contains the ending quote...
        if ((nextArgLen > 0) &&
	    (myArgv[i+1][nextArgLen - 1] == '"')) 
	      isEndQuoteFound = true;
        // Concatenate the next arg to this one...
        myNewArg += " ";
        myNewArg += myArgv[i+1];
	// if we are striping quotes off then replace the quote
	if (stripQuotationMarks && myNewArg.size() > 0 && isEndQuoteFound)
	  myNewArg[myNewArg.size() - 1] = '\0';
        // removing those next args
        // and ourself
        delete[] myArgv[i];

        // but replacing ourself with the new arg
        myArgv[i] = cppstrdup(myNewArg.c_str());
	//myArgv[i] = strdup(myNewArg.c_str());
char* determineBinaryLocation(const char* launchcmd) {
    FILE *f;
    char *path, *delim, *envpath, *testcmd;
    const char* initial;

#ifdef __BEOS__
    // Thanks Caz
    entry_ref ref;
    BPath bpath;
    if(get_ref_for_path(launchcmd, &ref) == B_NO_ERROR) {
        BEntry entry(&ref);
        if(entry.GetPath(&bpath) == B_NO_ERROR) {
            // since we dup anything returned, this isn't a problem
            initial = bpath.Path();
    // not changing the constant, changing what it points to
    initial = launchcmd;
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #define DIRLISTSEPARATOR ';'
    #define DIRLISTSEPARATOR ':'

    f = fopen(initial, "rb");
    if( f != NULL ) {
        path = cppstrdup(initial);
        delim = strrchr(path, '/');
#ifdef _WIN32

        delim = (char*)max((unsigned int)delim, (unsigned int)strrchr(path, '\\'));

        if( delim == NULL ) {
            delete path;
            binloc = ".";
            return cppstrdup(".");
        delim[0] = '\0';
        binloc = path;
        return path;

    envpath = getenv("PATH");
    path = envpath;
    while( (delim = strchr(envpath, DIRLISTSEPARATOR)) != NULL ) {
        delim[0] = '\0';

        if( path[strlen(path)-1] != '/'
#ifdef _WIN32
                && path[strlen(path)-1] != '\\'
          ) {
            testcmd = new char[strlen(path)+strlen(initial)+1];
            sprintf(testcmd, "%s/%s", path, initial);
        } else {
            testcmd = new char[strlen(path)+strlen(initial)];
            sprintf(testcmd, "%s%s", path, initial);
        if( (f = fopen(testcmd, "rb")) != NULL ) {
            path = cppstrdup(initial);
            delim = strrchr(path, '/');
#ifdef _WIN32

            delim = (char*)max((unsigned int)delim, (unsigned int)strrchr(path, '\\'));

            if( delim == NULL ) {
                delete[] path;
                delete[] testcmd;
                binloc = ".";
                return cppstrdup(".");
            delim[0] = '\0';
            delete[] testcmd;
            binloc = path;
            return path;
        path = delim;
        delete[] testcmd;
    binloc = ".";
    return cppstrdup(".");