static void redraw(void) { desktops(5); memory(90); loadaverage(400); procs(550); cpubar(650); showfile(750); datetime(); }
int main (void) { int i, c; initscr (); noecho (); curs_set (0); if (has_colors () == FALSE) { fprintf (stderr, "Your terminal doesn't support colors.\n"); global.colors = 0; } else { global.colors = 1; start_color (); if (use_default_colors () == OK) bg = -1; color (GREEN, COLOR_GREEN); color (YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); color (RED, COLOR_RED); color (CYAN, COLOR_CYAN); } signal (SIGINT, &handler); signal (SIGTERM, &handler); signal (SIGSEGV, &handler); global.loadavg.file = fopen ("/proc/loadavg", "r"); global.cpu = fopen ("/proc/stat", "r"); global.mtab = fopen ("/etc/mtab", "r"); = fopen ("/proc/net/dev", "r"); global.wireless = fopen ("/proc/net/wireless", "r"); /* Init global.battery */ global.battery.ok = 1; strncpy (global.battery.dir.location, "/proc/acpi/battery/", 128); global.battery.dir.dir = opendir (global.battery.dir.location); if (global.battery.dir.dir != NULL) { while (1) { global.battery.dir.content = readdir (global.battery.dir.dir); if (!strcmp (global.battery.dir.content->d_name, ".")) break; else if (!strcmp (global.battery.dir.content->d_name, "..")) break; } closedir (global.battery.dir.dir); if (global.battery.dir.content != NULL) { strcat (global.battery.dir.location, global.battery.dir.content->d_name); snprintf (global.battery.state.location, 128, "%s/state", global.battery.dir.location); snprintf (, 128, "%s/info", global.battery.dir.location); global.battery.state.file = fopen (global.battery.state.location, "r"); = fopen (, "r"); if (global.battery.state.file == NULL || == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s/state or %s/info while %s is present, check your ACPI configuration or remove the directory %s.\n", global.battery.dir.location, global.battery.dir.location, global.battery.dir.location, global.battery.dir.location); global.battery.ok = 0; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Nothing in /proc/acpi/battery or can't list directory while directory present.\n"); global.battery.ok = 0; } } else { fprintf (stderr, "No /proc/acpi/battery directory, skipping the battery part.\n"); global.battery.ok = 0; } /* Get static system informations */ global.nprocs = get_nprocs (); uname (&global.uname); { /* get processor */ FILE *f = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r"); char buf[256]; strncpy (global.processor, global.uname.machine, 256); if (f != NULL) { while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, f)) { if (!strncmp (buf, "model name", 10)) { char *p = strchr (buf, ':'); strncpy (global.processor, &p[2], 256); p = strchr (global.processor, '\n'); *p = 0; break; } } fclose (f); } global.processor[255] = 0; } if (global.cpu != NULL) { extern struct cpu_t *ocpu, *ncpu; ocpu = malloc (global.nprocs * sizeof (struct cpu_t)); ncpu = malloc (global.nprocs * sizeof (struct cpu_t)); if (ocpu == NULL || ncpu == NULL) fclose (global.cpu), global.cpu = NULL; } halfdelay (1); while ((c = getch ()) != '\n') { global.line = 0; switch (c) { case 'r': clear (); break; } /* Check system informations */ if (0 != sysinfo (&global.sys)) continue; /* Print informations */ for (i = 0; show_fields[i] != EndOfFields; ++i) { if (show_fields[i] == Uname) { mvprintw (global.line++, 0, "%s %s\n%s\n", global.uname.nodename, global.uname.release, global.processor); global.line++; } if (global.loadavg.file != NULL && show_fields[i] == Loadavg) { char tmp[256]; loadavg (); snprintf (tmp, 256, "Load average: 1min: $4%.2f$0 / 5min: $4%.2f$0 / 15min: $4%.2f$0\n", global.loadavg.loads[0], global.loadavg.loads[1], global.loadavg.loads[2]); print_color (global.line++, 0, tmp); snprintf (tmp, 256, "Tasks: $4%d$0 running, $4%d$0 total, last PID used : $4%d$0\n", global.loadavg.prun, global.loadavg.ptotal,; print_color (global.line++, 0, tmp); } refresh (); if (show_fields[i] == Date) /* Date */ { time_t timestamp= time (NULL); struct tm *t = localtime (×tamp); mvprintw (global.line, 0, "Time: %02d:%02d:%02d |", t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); refresh (); } if (show_fields[i] == Date) /* Uptime */ { int uptime = global.sys.uptime; int up, day, hour, min, sec; day = uptime / 86400; up = uptime - (day * 86400); hour = up / 3600; up -= hour * 3600; min = up / 60; sec = up - min * 60; mvprintw (global.line++, 17, "Uptime: %d day%s, %02d:%02d:%02d\n", day, (day > 1 ? "s" : ""), hour, min, sec); refresh (); } if (global.cpu != NULL && show_fields[i] == Cpu) { int i; for (i = 0; i < global.nprocs; ++i) cpubar (i); } if (show_fields[i] == Ram) rambar (); if (show_fields[i] == Swap) swapbar (); if (global.mtab != NULL && show_fields[i] == Disk) diskbar (); if (global.wireless != NULL && show_fields[i] == Wireless) wirelessbar (); if ( != NULL && show_fields[i] == Network) netbar (); if (global.battery.ok && show_fields[i] == Battery) batterybar (); if (show_fields[i] == Process) print_proc (); } sleep (1); } raise (SIGTERM); return 0; }