static void crVBoxServerSaveContextStateCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
    CRContext *pContext = (CRContext *) data1;
    int32_t rc;

    CRASSERT(pContext && pSSM);

    /* We could have skipped saving the key and use similar callback to load context states back,
     * but there's no guarantee we'd traverse hashtable in same order after loading.
    rc = SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));

    if (cr_server.curClient)
        unsigned long id;
        if (!crHashtableGetDataKey(cr_server.contextTable, pContext, &id))
            crWarning("No client id for server ctx %d", pContext->id);
            crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(cr_server.curClient->currentWindow, 0, id);

    rc = crStateSaveContext(pContext, pSSM);
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerMapScreen(int sIndex, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint64_t winID)
    crDebug("crVBoxServerMapScreen(%i) [%i,%i:%u,%u %x]", sIndex, x, y, w, h, winID);

    if (sIndex<0 || sIndex>=cr_server.screenCount)

    if (MAPPED(SCREEN(sIndex)) && SCREEN(sIndex).winID!=winID)
        crDebug("Mapped screen[%i] is being remapped.", sIndex);

    SCREEN(sIndex).winID = winID;
    SCREEN(sIndex).x = x;
    SCREEN(sIndex).y = y;
    SCREEN(sIndex).w = w;
    SCREEN(sIndex).h = h;

    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerReparentMuralCB, &sIndex);

    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerCheckMuralCB, NULL);

#ifndef WINDOWS
    /*Restore FB content for clients, which have current window on a screen being remapped*/
        GLint i;

        for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
            cr_server.curClient = cr_server.clients[i];
            if (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx
                && (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.pFrontImg || cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.pBackImg)
                && cr_server.curClient->currentMural
                && cr_server.curClient->currentMural->screenId == sIndex
                && cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.storedHeight == h
                && cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.storedWidth == w)
                int clientWindow = cr_server.curClient->currentWindow;
                int clientContext = cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber;

                if (clientWindow && clientWindow != cr_server.currentWindow)
                    crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(clientWindow, 0, clientContext);

        cr_server.curClient = NULL;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * Process incoming/pending message for the given client (queue entry).
 * \return CLIENT_GONE if this client has gone away/exited,
 *         CLIENT_NEXT if we can advance to the next client
 *         CLIENT_MORE if we have to process more messages for this client. 
static ClientStatus
crServerServiceClient(const RunQueue *qEntry)
    CRMessage *msg;
    CRConnection *conn;

    /* set current client pointer */
    cr_server.curClient = qEntry->client;

    conn = cr_server.run_queue->client->conn;

    /* service current client as long as we can */
    while (conn && conn->type != CR_NO_CONNECTION &&
                 crNetNumMessages(conn) > 0) {
        unsigned int len;

        crDebug("%d messages on %p",
                        crNetNumMessages(conn), (void *) conn);

        /* Don't use GetMessage, because we want to do our own crNetRecv() calls
         * here ourself.
         * Note that crNetPeekMessage() DOES remove the message from the queue
         * if there is one.
        len = crNetPeekMessage( conn, &msg );
        CRASSERT(len > 0);
        if (msg->header.type != CR_MESSAGE_OPCODES
            && msg->header.type != CR_MESSAGE_REDIR_PTR) {
            crError( "SPU %d sent me CRAP (type=0x%x)",
                             cr_server.curClient->spu_id, msg->header.type );

        /* Do the context switch here.  No sense in switching before we
         * really have any work to process.  This is a no-op if we're
         * not really switching contexts.
         * XXX This isn't entirely sound.  The crStateMakeCurrent() call
         * will compute the state difference and dispatch it using
         * the head SPU's dispatch table.
         * This is a problem if this is the first buffer coming in,
         * and the head SPU hasn't had a chance to do a MakeCurrent()
         * yet (likely because the MakeCurrent() command is in the
         * buffer itself).
         * At best, in this case, the functions are no-ops, and
         * are essentially ignored by the SPU.  In the typical
         * case, things aren't too bad; if the SPU just calls
         * crState*() functions to update local state, everything
         * will work just fine.
         * In the worst (but unusual) case where a nontrivial
         * SPU is at the head of a crserver's SPU chain (say,
         * in a multiple-tiered "tilesort" arrangement, as
         * seen in the "multitilesort.conf" configuration), the
         * SPU may rely on state set during the MakeCurrent() that
         * may not be present yet, because no MakeCurrent() has
         * yet been dispatched.
         * This headache will have to be revisited in the future;
         * for now, SPUs that could head a crserver's SPU chain
         * will have to detect the case that their functions are
         * being called outside of a MakeCurrent(), and will have
         * to handle the situation gracefully.  (This is currently
         * the case with the "tilesort" SPU.)

#if 0
        crStateMakeCurrent( cr_server.curClient->currentCtx );
        /* Check if the current window is the one that the client wants to
         * draw into.  If not, dispatch a MakeCurrent to activate the proper
         * window.
        if (cr_server.curClient) {
             int clientWindow = cr_server.curClient->currentWindow;
             int clientContext = cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber;
             CRContextInfo *clientCtxInfo = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo;
             if (clientCtxInfo != cr_server.currentCtxInfo
                     || clientWindow != cr_server.currentWindow
                     || cr_server.bForceMakeCurrentOnClientSwitch) {
                 crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(clientWindow, 0, clientContext);
                 CRASSERT(cr_server.currentWindow == clientWindow);

        /* Force scissor, viewport and projection matrix update in
         * crServerSetOutputBounds().
        cr_server.currentSerialNo = 0;

        /* Commands get dispatched here */
        crServerDispatchMessage( conn, msg );

        crNetFree( conn, msg );

        if (qEntry->blocked) {
            /* Note/assert: we should not be inside a glBegin/End or glNewList/
             * glEndList pair at this time!
            return CLIENT_NEXT;

    } /* while */

     * Check if client/connection is gone
    if (!conn || conn->type == CR_NO_CONNECTION) {
        crDebug("Delete client %p at %d", cr_server.run_queue->client, __LINE__);
        crServerDeleteClient( cr_server.run_queue->client );
        return CLIENT_GONE;

     * Determine if we can advance to next client.
     * If we're currently inside a glBegin/End primitive or building a display
     * list we can't service another client until we're done with the
     * primitive/list.
    if (crServerClientInBeginEnd(cr_server.curClient)) {
        /* The next message has to come from the current client's connection. */
        return CLIENT_MORE;
    else {
        /* get next client */
        return CLIENT_NEXT;
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerLoadState(PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t version)
    int32_t  rc, i;
    uint32_t ui, uiNumElems;
    unsigned long key;

    if (!cr_server.bIsInLoadingState)
        /* AssertRCReturn(...) will leave us in loading state, but it doesn't matter as we'd be failing anyway */
        cr_server.bIsInLoadingState = GL_TRUE;

        /* Read number of clients */
        rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &g_hackVBoxServerSaveLoadCallsLeft);
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);


    /* Do nothing until we're being called last time */
    if (g_hackVBoxServerSaveLoadCallsLeft>0)
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

    if (version!=SHCROGL_SSM_VERSION)

    /* Load and recreate rendering contexts */
    rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &uiNumElems);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    for (ui=0; ui<uiNumElems; ++ui)
        CRCreateInfo_t createInfo;
        char psz[200];
        GLint ctxID;
        CRContext* pContext;

        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &createInfo, sizeof(createInfo));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        if (createInfo.pszDpyName)
            rc = SSMR3GetStrZEx(pSSM, psz, 200, NULL);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
            createInfo.pszDpyName = psz;

        ctxID = crServerDispatchCreateContextEx(createInfo.pszDpyName, createInfo.visualBits, 0, key, createInfo.internalID);
        CRASSERT((int64_t)ctxID == (int64_t)key);

        pContext = (CRContext*) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.contextTable, key);

    /* Restore context state data */
    for (ui=0; ui<uiNumElems; ++ui)
        CRContext *pContext;

        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        pContext = (CRContext*) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.contextTable, key);

        rc = crStateLoadContext(pContext, cr_server.contextTable, pSSM);
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

    /* Load windows */
    rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &uiNumElems);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    for (ui=0; ui<uiNumElems; ++ui)
        CRCreateInfo_t createInfo;
        char psz[200];
        GLint winID;
        unsigned long key;

        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &createInfo, sizeof(createInfo));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        if (createInfo.pszDpyName)
            rc = SSMR3GetStrZEx(pSSM, psz, 200, NULL);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
            createInfo.pszDpyName = psz;

        winID = crServerDispatchWindowCreateEx(createInfo.pszDpyName, createInfo.visualBits, key);
        CRASSERT((int64_t)winID == (int64_t)key);

    /* Load cr_server.muralTable */
    rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &uiNumElems);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    for (ui=0; ui<uiNumElems; ++ui)
        CRMuralInfo muralInfo;

        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
        rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &muralInfo, sizeof(muralInfo));
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        if (muralInfo.pVisibleRects)
            muralInfo.pVisibleRects = crAlloc(4*sizeof(GLint)*muralInfo.cVisibleRects);
            if (!muralInfo.pVisibleRects)
                return VERR_NO_MEMORY;

            rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, muralInfo.pVisibleRects, 4*sizeof(GLint)*muralInfo.cVisibleRects);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        /* Restore windows geometry info */
        crServerDispatchWindowSize(key, muralInfo.width, muralInfo.height);
        crServerDispatchWindowPosition(key, muralInfo.gX, muralInfo.gY);
        /* Same workaround as described in stub.c:stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions for compiz on a freshly booted VM*/
        if (muralInfo.bReceivedRects)
            crServerDispatchWindowVisibleRegion(key, muralInfo.cVisibleRects, muralInfo.pVisibleRects);
        crServerDispatchWindowShow(key, muralInfo.bVisible);

        if (muralInfo.pVisibleRects)

    /* Load starting free context and window IDs */
    rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &cr_server.idsPool, sizeof(cr_server.idsPool));

    /* Load clients info */
    for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
        if (cr_server.clients[i] && cr_server.clients[i]->conn)
            CRClient *pClient = cr_server.clients[i];
            CRClient client;
            unsigned long ctxID=-1, winID=-1;

            rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &ui);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
            /* If this assert fires, then we should search correct client in the list first*/
            CRASSERT(ui == pClient->conn->u32ClientID);

            if (version>=4)
                rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pClient->conn->vMajor);
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

                rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &pClient->conn->vMinor);
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &client, sizeof(client));
            CRASSERT(rc == VINF_SUCCESS);

            client.conn = pClient->conn;
            /* We can't reassign client number, as we'd get wrong results in TranslateTextureID
             * and fail to bind old textures.
            /*client.number = pClient->number;*/
            *pClient = client;

            pClient->currentContextNumber = -1;
            pClient->currentCtx = cr_server.DummyContext;
            pClient->currentMural = NULL;
            pClient->currentWindow = -1;

            cr_server.curClient = pClient;

            if (client.currentCtx && client.currentContextNumber>=0)
                rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &ctxID, sizeof(ctxID));
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
                client.currentCtx = (CRContext*) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.contextTable, ctxID);
                //pClient->currentCtx = client.currentCtx;
                //pClient->currentContextNumber = ctxID;

            if (client.currentMural && client.currentWindow>=0)
                rc = SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, &winID, sizeof(winID));
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
                client.currentMural = (CRMuralInfo*) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.muralTable, winID);
                //pClient->currentMural = client.currentMural;
                //pClient->currentWindow = winID;

            /* Restore client active context and window */
            crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(winID, 0, ctxID);

            if (0)
            CRContext *tmpCtx;
            CRCreateInfo_t *createInfo;
            GLfloat one[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
            GLfloat amb[4] = { 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f };

            crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(winID, 0, ctxID);

            crHashtableWalk(client.currentCtx->shared->textureTable, crVBoxServerSyncTextureCB, client.currentCtx);

            crStateTextureObjectDiff(client.currentCtx, NULL, NULL, &client.currentCtx->texture.base1D, GL_TRUE);
            crStateTextureObjectDiff(client.currentCtx, NULL, NULL, &client.currentCtx->texture.base2D, GL_TRUE);
            crStateTextureObjectDiff(client.currentCtx, NULL, NULL, &client.currentCtx->texture.base3D, GL_TRUE);
#ifdef CR_ARB_texture_cube_map
            crStateTextureObjectDiff(client.currentCtx, NULL, NULL, &client.currentCtx->texture.baseCubeMap, GL_TRUE);
#ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
            //@todo this doesn't work as expected
            //crStateTextureObjectDiff(client.currentCtx, NULL, NULL, &client.currentCtx->texture.baseRect, GL_TRUE);
            /*cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Materialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, amb);
            cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, amb);
            cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Lightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, one);



            //crStateViewport( 0, 0, 600, 600 );
            //pClient->currentMural->viewportValidated = GL_FALSE;
            //cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Viewport( 0, 0, 600, 600 );



            //crStateFrustum(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 150.0);
            //cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Frustum(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 150.0);

            //crStateFrustum(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 150.0);
            //cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.Frustum(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 150.0);

                /*createInfo = (CRCreateInfo_t *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable, ctxID);
                tmpCtx = crStateCreateContext(NULL, createInfo->visualBits, NULL);
                crStateDiffContext(tmpCtx, client.currentCtx);

    //crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(-1, 0, -1);

    cr_server.curClient = NULL;

        GLenum err = crServerDispatchGetError();

        if (err != GL_NO_ERROR)
            crWarning("crServer: glGetError %d after loading snapshot", err);

    cr_server.bIsInLoadingState = GL_FALSE;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSaveState(PSSMHANDLE pSSM)
    int32_t  rc, i;
    uint32_t ui32;
    GLboolean b;
    unsigned long key;
    unsigned long ctxID=-1, winID=-1;

    /* We shouldn't be called if there's no clients at all*/

    /* @todo it's hack atm */
    /* We want to be called only once to save server state but atm we're being called from svcSaveState
     * for every connected client (e.g. guest opengl application)
    if (!cr_server.bIsInSavingState) /* It's first call */
        cr_server.bIsInSavingState = GL_TRUE;

        /* Store number of clients */
        rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, (uint32_t) cr_server.numClients);
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

        g_hackVBoxServerSaveLoadCallsLeft = cr_server.numClients;


    /* Do nothing until we're being called last time */
    if (g_hackVBoxServerSaveLoadCallsLeft>0)
        return VINF_SUCCESS;

    /* Save rendering contexts creation info */
    ui32 = crHashtableNumElements(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable);
    rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, (uint32_t) ui32);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable, crVBoxServerSaveCreateInfoCB, pSSM);

    /* Save current win and ctx IDs, as we'd rebind contexts when saving textures */
    if (cr_server.curClient)
        ctxID = cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber;
        winID = cr_server.curClient->currentWindow;

    /* Save contexts state tracker data */
    /* @todo For now just some blind data dumps,
     * but I've a feeling those should be saved/restored in a very strict sequence to
     * allow diff_api to work correctly.
     * Should be tested more with multiply guest opengl apps working when saving VM snapshot.
    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.contextTable, crVBoxServerSaveContextStateCB, pSSM);

    /* Restore original win and ctx IDs*/
    if (cr_server.curClient)
        crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(winID, 0, ctxID);

    /* Save windows creation info */
    ui32 = crHashtableNumElements(cr_server.pWindowCreateInfoTable);
    rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, (uint32_t) ui32);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.pWindowCreateInfoTable, crVBoxServerSaveCreateInfoCB, pSSM);

    /* Save cr_server.muralTable
     * @todo we don't need it all, just geometry info actually
    ui32 = crHashtableNumElements(cr_server.muralTable);
    /* There should be default mural always */
    rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, (uint32_t) ui32-1);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerSaveMuralCB, pSSM);

    /* Save starting free context and window IDs */
    rc = SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &cr_server.idsPool, sizeof(cr_server.idsPool));
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

    /* Save clients info */
    for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
        if (cr_server.clients[i] && cr_server.clients[i]->conn)
            CRClient *pClient = cr_server.clients[i];

            rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pClient->conn->u32ClientID);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pClient->conn->vMajor);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            rc = SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pClient->conn->vMinor);
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            rc = SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, pClient, sizeof(*pClient));
            AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            if (pClient->currentCtx && pClient->currentContextNumber>=0)
                b = crHashtableGetDataKey(cr_server.contextTable, pClient->currentCtx, &key);
                rc = SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

            if (pClient->currentMural && pClient->currentWindow>=0)
                b = crHashtableGetDataKey(cr_server.muralTable, pClient->currentMural, &key);
                rc = SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, &key, sizeof(key));
                AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

    cr_server.bIsInSavingState = GL_FALSE;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;