spatialite_database_unique_ptr QgsAuxiliaryStorage::open( const QString &filename ) { spatialite_database_unique_ptr database; if ( filename.isEmpty() ) { if ( ( database = createDB( currentFileName() ) ) ) mValid = true; } else if ( QFile::exists( filename ) ) { if ( mCopy ) QFile::copy( filename, mTmpFileName ); if ( ( database = openDB( currentFileName() ) ) ) mValid = true; } else { if ( ( database = createDB( currentFileName() ) ) ) mValid = true; } return database; }
bool EvalService::doRegEval( const CString& regulation, const AcDbIntArray& clauses ) { // 规程评价没有实现或者尚未注册 EvalMethod* pEvalMethod = m_pEvalMethodManager->getEvalMethodByName( regulation ); if( pEvalMethod == 0 ) return false; EvalResultGenerator* pEvalResultGenerator = CreateEvalResultGenerator( pEvalMethod ); // 创建数据库操作对象 CDaoDatabase* pDB = createDB( m_evalResultDataBasePath, false ); // 每次评价都重建数据库(删除已存在的数据库) TableCreator* pTableCreator = new TableCreator( pDB ); DataWriter* pDataWriter = new DataWriter( pDB ); int len = clauses.length(); for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { pEvalResultGenerator->startEval(); pEvalResultGenerator->setClauseNum( clauses[i] ); pEvalResultGenerator->initEvalData(); pEvalResultGenerator->createTable( pTableCreator ); pEvalResultGenerator->initEvalObject(); pEvalResultGenerator->writeToTable( pDataWriter ); pEvalResultGenerator->endEval(); } delete pTableCreator; delete pDataWriter; pDB->Close(); delete pDB; delete pEvalResultGenerator; return true; }
OCStackResult PDMInit(const char *path) { int rc; const char *dbPath = NULL; if (SQLITE_OK != sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, errLogCallback, NULL)) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Unable to enable debug log of sqlite"); } if (NULL == path || !*path) { dbPath = DB_FILE; } else { dbPath = path; } rc = sqlite3_open_v2(dbPath, &g_db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL); if (SQLITE_OK != rc) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "ERROR: Can't open database: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(g_db)); return createDB(dbPath); } gInit = true; return OC_STACK_OK; }
sqlDialog::sqlDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { if(!(success = createDB())) { return; } setupUi(this); setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool); tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Stretch); tableWidget->setMinimumHeight(5 * tableWidget->rowHeight(0) + tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->height() + 4); lineEdit_unixtime->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[0-9]*"))); lineEdit_datetime->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\.(0[1-9]|1[012])\\.(19[7-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9]) ([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])"))); comboBox->addItem(QString("select * from U%1 where SYS > %2").arg(1 + ((MainWindow*)parent)->user).arg(((MainWindow*)parent)->cfg.sys)); comboBox->addItem(QString("select * from U%1 where DIA > %2").arg(1 + ((MainWindow*)parent)->user).arg(((MainWindow*)parent)->cfg.dia)); comboBox->addItem(QString("select * from U%1 where BPM > %2").arg(1 + ((MainWindow*)parent)->user).arg(((MainWindow*)parent)->cfg.bpm)); if(((MainWindow*)parent)->filter->isChecked()) { comboBox->addItem(QString("select * from U%1 where UTS >= %2 and UTS <= %3").arg(1 + ((MainWindow*)parent)->user).arg(((MainWindow*)parent)->rangeStart->dateTime().toTime_t()).arg(((MainWindow*)parent)->rangeStop->dateTime().toTime_t())); } else { comboBox->addItem(QString("select * from U%1 where UTS > %2").arg(1 + ((MainWindow*)parent)->user).arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(-7).toTime_t())); } connect(lineEdit_unixtime, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(on_toolButton_ut2dt_clicked())); connect(lineEdit_datetime, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(on_toolButton_dt2ut_clicked())); move(parent->mapToGlobal(parent->rect().center()) - rect().center()); }
void ClientDB::initdb() { QString dbpath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation, DB_FILE_NAME); if (dbpath.isEmpty()) { // create QDir dir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)); if (!dir.exists()){ if (!dir.mkpath(".")) { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Cannot create dir", "Cannot create" + dir.path(), QMessageBox::Cancel); exit(2); } } dbpath = dir.absoluteFilePath(DB_FILE_NAME); if (!createDB(dbpath)) { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Cannot open database", "Create SQLite database fail.", QMessageBox::Cancel); exit(1); return; } } QSqlDatabase db(QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE")); db.setDatabaseName(dbpath); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Cannot open database", "Open SQLite database fail.", QMessageBox::Cancel); exit(1); return; } }
void DatabaseManager::setUpDB() { if (openDB()) { // check whether db is empty, if it is, create db if (m_db.tables().size() == 0) { createDB(); } else { QSqlQuery query(m_db); query.exec("SELECT name, version FROM information;"); if (query.isSelect()) { while ( { QString name = query.value(0).toString(); double version = query.value(1).toDouble(); qDebug() << "App name: " << name; qDebug() << "Database version : " << version; if (version == 1.0) { qDebug() << "Needs first update. Add the Banner table to db"; if (createBannerTable()) { updateInfoTable(2.0); } } } } } } }
void process_choice(int choice){ BufferManager *bu = BufferManager::getBufferManager(); float hr = -1; switch(choice){ case 1: initCache(bu); break; case 2: createDB(bu); break; case 3: openDB(bu); break; case 4: readDB(bu); break; case 5: writeDB(bu); break; case 6: expandDB(bu); break; case 7: commitDB(bu); break; case 8: closeDB(bu); break; case 9: commitCache(bu); break; case 10: releaseCache(bu); break; case 11: dropDB(bu); break; case 12: cout<<endl<<"Enter Cache id: "; cin>>choice; (*bu).printHex(choice, (*bu).getPageSize()); break; case 13: (*bu).printCacheHeaders(); break; case 14: hr = (*bu).getHitRate(); if(hr!=-1) cout<<endl<<"\tHit rate is: "<<hr*100.0<<" %"<<endl; else { cout<<endl<<"\tHit rate cannot be calculated because cache"; cout<<" is either not initialized, or no operation"; cout<<" has been performed on cache yet."<<endl; } break; case 15: // releaseCache(bu); break; } }
bool DatabaseManager::openDB(QString filePath) { if (!QSqlDatabase::contains()) { // Find QSLite driver QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", DB_CONNECTION_NAME); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { // Set database file name and path filePath = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation); if (!QDir(filePath).exists()) { // It doesn't exist, we have to create it. if (!QDir().mkpath(filePath)) { // Can't create directory, try to use application one (this may work in windows) filePath = QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath(); } } filePath.append(QDir::separator()).append("personal-qt.sqlite3"); } filePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath); db.setDatabaseName(filePath); qDebug() << QString("Database file : %1").arg(filePath); QFile dbFile(db.databaseName()); if (!dbFile.exists() || dbFile.size() <= 0) { qDebug() << "database does not exist or is corrputed. I'll try to create it."; if (!createDB()) { qDebug() << "ERROR: Can't create a new database!"; return false; } } else { qDebug() << "OK, database already exists."; } // Open databasee if (! { qDebug() << "ERROR: Can't open database!"; qDebug() << db.lastError().text(); return false; } } return true; }
Local::Local(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/user.db"); if (! { qCritical() << tr("Could not open database connection"); qDebug() << db.lastError().text(); } createDB(); }
Private( const QString &identifier ) { m_database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QSQLITE" ); const QString filename = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "data", identifier + QLatin1String( "/flags.db" ) ); m_database.setDatabaseName( filename ); if ( !QFile::exists( filename ) ) { createDB(); } else {; //TODO error } }
Organizer::Organizer() { if (!createDB()) { perror("Open DB"); exit(errno); } createTable("CREATE TABLE fic(size integer,path varchar(1000) UNIQUE, md5 varchar(16));"); createTable("CREATE TABLE dir(empty bool,path varchar(1000) UNIQUE, modif datetime);"); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); setWindowTitle("GSM管理人员登录"); createDB(); // connect(ui->pushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(toDataIn())); connect(ui->registing,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(goRegist())); connect(ui->signin,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(goSignin())); }
void SQLHelper::resetDB() { CCLOG("RESET DB"); //Drop Tables sqlite3_exec(_db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Kategoria", NULL, 0, NULL); sqlite3_exec(_db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Multzoa", NULL, 0, NULL); sqlite3_exec(_db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Galdera", NULL, 0, NULL); //Create tables createDB(); }
int main() { int choice; init_mass_struct(); for(;;) { printf("Hello, user. What do you want?\n\n"); printf("1. Create new DB.\n"); printf("2. Add record.\n"); printf("3. Delete record.\n"); printf("4. Sort DB.\n"); printf("5. Save DB.\n"); printf("6. Load DB.\n"); printf("0. Exit.\n"); scanf("%d", &choice); switch (choice) { case 1: createDB(); break; case 2: addRecord(); break; case 3: deleteRecord(); break; case 4: sortDB(); break; case 5: saveDB(); break; case 6: loadDB(); break; case 0: system("cls"); printf("Bye-bye, user."); return 0; break; default: system("cls"); printf("Error! Please, enter correct menu number, or 0 to exit.\n\n"); break; } } return 0; }
void mainmenufirst2(int i) { char key; //Detect key UP and DOWN until ENTER is pressed do { key = getch(); //Get the input switch(key) { case 72 : create(--cursor2); //Select upper menu break; case 80 : create(++cursor2); //Select lower menu break; } } while(key!=13); switch(cursor2) { case 1 : createDB(); break; case 2 : createTable("",""); cursor2 = 1; mainmenu(cursor2); break; case 3: deleteDB(); cursor2=7; Sleep(400); create(cursor2); cursor2=1; break; case 4: deleteTable(); create(cursor2); cursor2=1; break; case 5 : cursor2 = 1; mainmenu(cursor2); break; } }
void cDatabase::init() { QDir d; QString szDB; QSettings settings; m_DB = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); szDB = settings.value("application/data").toString()+QDir::separator()+settings.value("database/database").toString(); m_DB.setDatabaseName(szDB);; QSqlQuery version("select version from version", m_DB); if(!version.exec()) m_iVersion = createDB(); else { version.first(); m_iVersion = version.value(0).toInt(); } }
sqlite3* createTestDB() { sqlite3* db = createDB(); char* err = nullptr; std::vector<std::string> queries = { "CREATE TABLE test_table (" "username varchar(30) primary key, " "age int" ")", "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (\"mike\", 23)", "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (\"matt\", 24)"}; for (auto q : queries) { sqlite3_exec(db, q.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &err); if (err != nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating test database: " << err; return nullptr; } } return db; }
void MainWindow::openDB(void) { // Проверка наличия БД if (!checkDB("shvsm.db")) if (!createDB("shvsm.db")) return; db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("shvsm.db"); setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); if (! { setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),tr("Error opening database!"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } changeLangDB(); setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); }
void QCatDataModuleClass::openDb(const QString fileName) { delete im; delete cat; delete rpt; delete dbn; if (!dbConnName.isEmpty()) QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(dbConnName); dbConnName = fileName; //db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(DBTYPE, dbConnName); db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(DBTYPE); bool createNewDB = false; if (!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { createDB(fileName, true); createNewDB = true; } db.setDatabaseName(fileName); if (! { errorCode = 1; // DB can not be opened errMsg = QObject::tr("DB %1 can not be opened.").arg(fileName); return; } dbn = new dbNodeClass(db); cat = new CatalogClass(db); rpt = new CatalogReports(db); im = new IconManager(db); if (createNewDB) { im->fillDefaultIcons(); delete im; // Re-read global icons im = new IconManager(db); } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->txt_pkt_data->setFont(QFont("Monospace")); ui->txt_unpackinfo->setFont(QFont("Monospace")); m_unpackStatus = UNPACK_START; m_pUnpackThread = NULL; initStatusBar(); createDB(); avInit(); m_timer = new QTimer(this); //connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(slot_bind_tableview())); ui->tvw_unpack->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tvw_unpack, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(slot_show_unpack_menu()));//this是datatable所在窗口 }
/** * (re)connect to database */ int IpfixDbWriter::connectToDB() { dbError = true; // close (in the case that it was already connected) mysql_close(conn); /** get the mysl init handle*/ conn = mysql_init(0); if(conn == 0) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Get MySQL connect handle failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(conn)); return -1; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter got MySQL init handler"); } /**Connect to Database*/ if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, hostName, userName, password, 0, portNum, socketName, flags)) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Connection to database failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(conn)); return -1; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter succesfully connected to database"); } /** create Database*/ if(createDB() !=0) return -1; /**create table exporter*/ if(createExporterTable() !=0) return -1; dbError = false; return 0; }
void SQLHelper::init() { int result; //Check database if exist CCFileUtils *fileUtils = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils(); _dbPath = fileUtils->getWritablePath(); _dbPath.append("TrivialJokoa.db"); std::ifstream f(_dbPath.c_str()); if(!f) { //Database not exist result = sqlite3_open(_dbPath.c_str(),&_db); createDB(); } else { CCLOG("DB EXIST"); result = sqlite3_open(_dbPath.c_str(),&_db); } if (result != SQLITE_OK) CCLOG("OPENING WRONG, %d", result); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ dataBase *db; createDB(&db, "myDB"); int temp = 0; while(temp != -1){ char line[50]; char data[100]; char *key = (char*)inderectMalloc((size_t)(sizeof(char)*50)); char *stringData; size_t size; printf("0 to Add key and data, 1 to get data, 2 to remove data, 3 for size, 4 for save, 5 for load, -1 for quit\n"); if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) { if(1 == sscanf(line, "%d", &temp)){ switch(temp){ case 0: printf("Enter key\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); printf("Enter data\n"); fgets(data, sizeof(data), stdin); put(db, key, data, sizeof(data)); break; case 1: printf("Enter key\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); get(db, key, (void**)&stringData); printf("Data is: %s \n", stringData); break; case 2: printf("Enter key\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); delete(db, key); break; case 3: printf("Enter key\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); size = value_size(db, key); printf("Size is: %d\n", (int)size); break; case 4: printf("Enter path\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); if(-1 == saveHT(db, key)) printf("Failed saved\n"); break; case 5: printf("Enter path\n"); fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); sscanf(line, "%s", key); if(-1 == loadHT(db, key)) printf("Failed load\n"); break; } } } } }
/** * Creates a new ipfixDbWriter. Do not forget to call @c startipfixDbWriter() to begin writing to Database * @return handle to use when calling @c destroyipfixDbWriter() */ IpfixDbWriter::IpfixDbWriter(const char* host, const char* db, const char* user, const char* pw, unsigned int port, uint16_t observationDomainId, int maxStatements) { conn = mysql_init(0); /** get the mysl init handle*/ if(conn == 0) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Get MySQL connect handle failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(conn)); goto out; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter got MySQL init handler"); } /**Initialize structure members IpfixDbWriter*/ hostName = host; dbName = db; userName = user; password = pw; portNum = port; socketName = 0; flags = 0; srcId.observationDomainId = observationDomainId; /**Initialize table cache*/ cache.countBuffTable = 0; cache.countExpTable = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE; i++) { cache.tableBuffer[i].startTableTime = 0; cache.tableBuffer[i].endTableTime = 0; cache.tableBuffer[i].TableName[0] = '\0'; } for(i = 0; i < MAX_EXP_TABLE; i++) { cache.exporterBuffer[i].Id = 0; cache.exporterBuffer[i].observationDomainId = 0; cache.exporterBuffer[i].expIp = 0; } /**count columns*/ numberOfColumns = 0; for(i=0; identify[i].cname!=0; i++) numberOfColumns++; /**Initialize structure members Statement*/ statements.statemBuffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char**)*maxStatements); statements.maxStatements = maxStatements; statements.statemReceived = 0; for( i = 0; i != statements.maxStatements; i++) { statements.statemBuffer[i] = (char*) malloc((STARTLEN+(numberOfColumns * INS_WIDTH)) * sizeof(char)); statements.statemBuffer[i][0] = '\0'; } statements.lockTables = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char**)*maxStatements); statements.maxLocks = maxStatements; // worst case: every entry in another table for( i = 0; i != statements.maxLocks; i++) { statements.lockTables[i] = (char*) malloc(TABLE_WIDTH * sizeof(char)); statements.lockTables[i][0] = '\0'; } /**Connect to Database*/ if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, hostName, userName, password, 0, portNum, socketName, flags)) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Connection to database failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(conn)); goto out; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter succesfully connected to database"); } /** create Database*/ if (createDB()!=0) goto out; /**create table exporter*/ if (createExporterTable()!=0) goto out; return; out: THROWEXCEPTION("IpfixDbWriter creation failed"); return; }
/** * Creates a new ipfixDbWriter. Do not forget to call @c startipfixDbWriter() to begin writing to Database * @return handle to use when calling @c destroyipfixDbWriter() */ IpfixDbWriter* createIpfixDbWriter(const char* hostName, const char* dbName, const char* userName, const char* password, unsigned int port, uint16_t observationDomainId, int maxStatements) { IpfixDbWriter* ipfixDbWriter = (IpfixDbWriter*)malloc(sizeof(IpfixDbWriter)); Table* tabl = (Table*)malloc(sizeof(Table)); Statement* statemen = (Statement*)malloc(sizeof(Statement)); statemen->statemBuffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char**)*maxStatements); statemen->maxStatements = maxStatements; ipfixDbWriter->conn = mysql_init(0); /** get the mysl init handle*/ if(ipfixDbWriter->conn == 0) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Get MySQL connect handle failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(ipfixDbWriter->conn)); goto out; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter got MySQL init handler"); } /**Initialize structure members IpfixDbWriter*/ ipfixDbWriter->hostName = hostName; ipfixDbWriter->dbName = dbName; ipfixDbWriter->userName = userName; ipfixDbWriter->password = password; ipfixDbWriter->portNum = port; ipfixDbWriter->socketName = 0; ipfixDbWriter->flags = 0; ipfixDbWriter->srcId.observationDomainId = observationDomainId; /**Initialize structure members Table*/ ipfixDbWriter->table = tabl ; tabl->countBuffTable = 0; tabl->countExpTable = 0; /**Init tableBuffer start- , endTime and name of the tables*/ int i ; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TABLE; i++) { tabl->tableBuffer[i].startTableTime = 0; tabl->tableBuffer[i].endTableTime = 0; strcpy(tabl->tableBuffer[i].TableName, "NULL"); } /**count columns*/ tabl->countCol = 0; for(i=0; columnsNames[i] !=0; i++) tabl->countCol++; /**Initialize structure members Statement*/ tabl->statement= statemen; statemen->statemReceived = 0; for( i = 0; i != statemen->maxStatements; i++) { statemen->statemBuffer[i] = NULL; } /**Init struct expTable*/ for(i = 0; i < MAX_EXP_TABLE; i++) { tabl->exporterBuffer[i].Id = 0; tabl->exporterBuffer[i].observationDomainId = 0; tabl->exporterBuffer[i].expIp = 0; } /**Connect to Database*/ if (!mysql_real_connect(ipfixDbWriter->conn, ipfixDbWriter->hostName, ipfixDbWriter->userName, ipfixDbWriter->password, 0, ipfixDbWriter->portNum, ipfixDbWriter->socketName, ipfixDbWriter->flags)) { msg(MSG_FATAL,"IpfixDbWriter: Connection to database failed. Error: %s", mysql_error(ipfixDbWriter->conn)); goto out; } else { msg(MSG_DEBUG,"IpfixDbWriter succesfully connected to database"); } /** create Database*/ if(createDB(ipfixDbWriter) !=0) goto out; /**create table exporter*/ if(createExporterTable(ipfixDbWriter) !=0) goto out; return ipfixDbWriter; out: destroyIpfixDbWriter(ipfixDbWriter); return NULL; }
ofxTwitterStreamSQLiteListener::ofxTwitterStreamSQLiteListener( std::string sDBName ):sqlite(sDBName) { createDB(); }
void DatabaseConfigDialog::doAccept() { qDebug("...doAccept...."); // validar que los campos no esten vacios if (!validateFields()) return; // verificar si se desea crear la base de datos local de pruebas if (ui->checkBoxDBLocal->checkState () == Qt::Checked ){ if (createDB()){ MainWindow::mymainwindow->setEnableCompletingButtons(true); SafetYAWL::streamlog << SafetLog::Debug << tr("Creada la base de datos local para propositos de prueba."); } else{ QMessageBox::warning(this, "SAFET - InFLow", trUtf8("No se pudo crear la base de datos local. Verifique nombre de usuario y contraseña.")); SafetYAWL::streamlog << SafetLog::Warning << tr("No se pudo crear la base de datos local."); return; } } bool connection = false; //connection = testDataSources(); connection = testNewDataSources(); if (!connection){ qDebug("... La conexion fallo"); //QMessageBox::warning(this, "SAFET - InFLow", trUtf8("La conexión falló")); return; } else // en este punto los datos colocados son correctos y se debe cifrar { qDebug("Se va a cifrar"); QStringList results = configValues(); QStringList keys; keys << "database.sourcename.1" << "database.driver.1" << "" << "database.db.1" << "database.port.1" << "database.user.1" << "database.password.1"; QString fileconf = SafetYAWL::pathconf+ "/" + "auth.conf"; QString replacetext; if (QFile::exists(fileconf)) { QString firstkeyfield, secondkeyfield, searchtext; int i=0; foreach(QString s, results) { firstkeyfield =; //qDebug("...firstkeyfield: %s", qPrintable(firstkeyfield)); secondkeyfield = s; //qDebug("...secondkeyfield: %s",qPrintable(secondkeyfield)); /* searchtext = tr("\\s*(%1)\\s*\\=\\s*([áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f]" "[áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$\\s,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f]*" "[áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f])").arg(firstkeyfield); */ searchtext = tr("\\s*(%1)\\s*\\=((\\s*([áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f]" "[áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$\\s,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f]*" "[áéíóúñÑa-zA-Z0-9\\$\\#/\\-\\._/:!\\?\\^\\$,;\\x3c\\x3e\\x2f]))||(\\s*))").arg(firstkeyfield); replacetext = tr("%1 = %2").arg(firstkeyfield).arg(secondkeyfield); //qDebug("...DatabaseConfigDialog::doAccept()...replacetext:|%s|",qPrintable(replacetext)); if (SafetYAWL::replaceTextInFile(fileconf, searchtext, replacetext)) i++; } MainWindow::mymainwindow->doCipherFile(true); SafetYAWL::readAuthConfFile(); //limpiar el archivo auth.conf cleanConfigurationFile(); //QMessageBox::information(this, "SAFET - InFlow", "Configuración de fuente de datos almacenada exitosamente."); } else {
int interface() { pthread_t pth; pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)clearGlobalStructs, NULL); pthread_join(pth, NULL); connect("ibetres"); // conecta automaticamente no banco padrão while(1){ if (!connected.conn_active) { printf(">"); } else { printf("%s=# ", connected.db_name); } pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)yyparse, &GLOBAL_PARSER); pthread_join(pth, NULL); if (GLOBAL_PARSER.noerror) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode != 0) { if (!connected.conn_active) { notConnected(); } else { switch(GLOBAL_PARSER.mode) { case OP_INSERT: if (GLOBAL_DATA.N > 0) { insert(&GLOBAL_DATA); } else printf("WARNING: Nothing to be inserted. Command ignored.\n"); break; case OP_SELECT_ALL: if (GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo == 1 && GLOBAL_WHERE.where == 1) { whereSemProj(&GLOBAL_DATA, &GLOBAL_WHERE, GLOBAL_DATA.objName); GLOBAL_WHERE.where = 0; GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo = 0; } else if (GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo == 1 && GLOBAL_WHERE.where == 0) { imprimeAll(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo = 0; } else if (GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo == 0 && GLOBAL_WHERE.where == 1) { whereComProj(&GLOBAL_DATA, &GLOBAL_WHERE, GLOBAL_DATA.objName, GLOBAL_PARSER.col_count); GLOBAL_DATA.imprimeTudo = 0; GLOBAL_WHERE.where = 0; } else { selecionar(&GLOBAL_DATA, GLOBAL_PARSER.col_count); } break; case OP_CREATE_TABLE: createTable(&GLOBAL_DATA); break; case OP_CREATE_DATABASE: createDB(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; case OP_DROP_TABLE: excluirTabela(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; case OP_DROP_DATABASE: dropDatabase(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; default: break; } } } } else { GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 1; switch(GLOBAL_PARSER.mode) { case OP_CREATE_DATABASE: case OP_DROP_DATABASE: case OP_CREATE_TABLE: case OP_DROP_TABLE: case OP_SELECT_ALL: case OP_INSERT: if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 1) { GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; printf("Expected object name.\n"); } break; default: break; } if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode == OP_CREATE_TABLE) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 2) { printf("Column not specified correctly.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; } } else if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode == OP_INSERT) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 2) { printf("Expected token \"VALUES\" after object name.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; } } printf("ERROR: syntax error.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.noerror = 1; } if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode != 0) { pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)clearGlobalStructs, NULL); pthread_join(pth, NULL); } } return 0; }
QueryData query(const std::string& q, int& error_return) { sqlite3* db = createDB(); QueryData results = query(q, error_return, db); sqlite3_close(db); return results; }
int interface() { pthread_t pth; pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)clearGlobalStructs, NULL); pthread_join(pth, NULL); connect("uffsdb"); // conecta automaticamente no banco padrão while(1){ if (!connected.conn_active) { printf(">"); } else { printf("%s=# ", connected.db_name); } pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)yyparse, &GLOBAL_PARSER); pthread_join(pth, NULL); if (GLOBAL_PARSER.noerror) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode != 0) { if (!connected.conn_active) { notConnected(); } else { switch(GLOBAL_PARSER.mode) { case OP_INSERT: if (GLOBAL_DATA.N > 0) { insert(&GLOBAL_DATA); } else printf("WARNING: Nothing to be inserted. Command ignored.\n"); break; case OP_SELECT_ALL: pulpfic(select_attributes, GLOBAL_DATA.objName, token_list); /*w_token *jujuba; for(jujuba=token_list;jujuba;jujuba=jujuba->next){ printf("jujuba = %s\n",(char*)jujuba->valor); }*/ break; case OP_CREATE_TABLE: createTable(&GLOBAL_DATA); break; case OP_CREATE_DATABASE: createDB(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; case OP_DROP_TABLE: excluirTabela(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; case OP_DROP_DATABASE: dropDatabase(GLOBAL_DATA.objName); break; default: break; } } } } else { GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 1; switch(GLOBAL_PARSER.mode) { case OP_CREATE_DATABASE: case OP_DROP_DATABASE: case OP_CREATE_TABLE: case OP_DROP_TABLE: case OP_SELECT_ALL: case OP_INSERT: if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 1) { GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; printf("Expected object name.\n"); } break; default: break; } if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode == OP_CREATE_TABLE) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 2) { printf("Column not specified correctly.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; } } else if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode == OP_INSERT) { if (GLOBAL_PARSER.step == 2) { printf("Expected token \"VALUES\" after object name.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.consoleFlag = 0; } } printf("ERROR: syntax error.\n"); GLOBAL_PARSER.noerror = 1; } if (GLOBAL_PARSER.mode != 0) { pthread_create(&pth, NULL, (void*)clearGlobalStructs, NULL); pthread_join(pth, NULL); } } return 0; }