// IOThread: this function creates a new TestListener object (on the new
// thread), opens a channel, and does AsyncRead to it.
TestListener::IOThread( void *p ) {
    printf( "I/O thread (0x%08X) started...\n", (int)(void*)PR_GetCurrentThread() );

    // Argument is pointer to the nsIEventQueue for the main thread.
    nsIEventQueue *mainThreadQ = static_cast<nsIEventQueue*>(p);

    // Create channel for random web page.
    nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = createChannel( (const char*)p );

    if ( channel ) {
        // Create event queue.
        nsCOMPtr<nsIEventQueue> ioEventQ = createEventQueue();

        if ( ioEventQ ) {
            // Create test listener.
            TestListener *testListener = new TestListener();

            // Read the channel.
            printf( "Doing AsyncRead...\n" );
            nsresult rv = channel->AsyncRead( testListener, 0 );

            if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {
                printf( "...AsyncRead completed OK\n" );

                // Process events till testListener says stop.
                printf( "Start event loop on io thread %d...\n", testListener->mThreadNo );
                while ( !testListener->mDone ) {
                    PLEvent *event;
                    ioEventQ->GetEvent( &event );
                    ioEventQ->HandleEvent( event );
                printf( "...io thread %d event loop exiting\n", testListener->mThreadNo );
            } else {
                printf( "%s %d: AsyncRead failed on thread %d, rv=0x%08X\n",
                        (char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, testListener->mThreadNo, (int)rv );

            // Release the test listener.

    printf( "...I/O thread terminating\n" );
int main(int argc, char** argv){

  EventQueue_t* queue = createEventQueue(3, 15);
  // Register an event to the "READ" (second phase) event stack
  addEvent(queue, EVENT_OPEN, myEventHandler);
  addEvent(queue, EVENT_READ, myEventHandler);
  addEvent(queue, EVENT_CLOSE, myEventHandler);

  triggerEvent(queue, EVENT_OPEN, "first");
  triggerEvent(queue, EVENT_READ, "second");
  triggerEvent(queue, EVENT_CLOSE, "third");


  return 0;
main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
    setbuf( stdout, 0 );
    if ( argc < 2 || argc > maxThreads + 1 ) {
        printf( "usage: testThreadedIO url1 <url2>...\n"
                "where <url#> is a location to be loaded on a separate thread\n"
                "limit is %d urls/threads", maxThreads );
        return -1;

    nsresult rv= (nsresult)-1;

    printf( "Test starting...\n" );

    // Initialize XPCOM.
    printf( "Initializing XPCOM...\n" );
    rv = NS_InitXPCOM2(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
    if ( NS_FAILED( rv ) ) {
        printf( "%s %d: NS_InitXPCOM failed, rv=0x%08X\n",
                (char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, (int)rv );
        return rv;
    printf( "...XPCOM initialized OK\n" );
    // Create the Event Queue for this thread...
    printf( "Creating event queue for main thread (0x%08X)...\n",
            (int)(void*)PR_GetCurrentThread() );
        nsCOMPtr<nsIEventQueue> mainThreadQ = createEventQueue();

        if ( mainThreadQ ) {
            printf( "...main thread's event queue created OK\n" );

            // Spawn threads to do I/O.
            int goodThreads = 0;
            PRThread *thread[ maxThreads ];
            for ( int threadNo = 1; threadNo < argc; threadNo++ ) {
                printf( "Creating I/O thread %d to load %s...\n", threadNo, argv[threadNo] );
                PRThread *ioThread = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD,
                                                      0 );
                if ( ioThread ) {
                    thread[ goodThreads++ ] = ioThread;
                    printf( "...I/O thread %d (0x%08X) created OK\n",
                            threadNo, (int)(void*)ioThread );
                } else {
                    printf( "%s %d: PR_CreateThread for thread %d failed\n",
                            (char*)__FILE__, (int)__LINE__, threadNo );

            // Wait for all the threads to terminate.
            for ( int joinThread = 0; joinThread < goodThreads; joinThread++ ) {
                printf( "Waiting for thread %d to terminate...\n", joinThread+1 );
                PR_JoinThread( thread[ joinThread ] );
    } // this scopes the nsCOMPtrs
    // no nsCOMPtrs are allowed to be alive when you call NS_ShutdownXPCOM
    // Shut down XPCOM.
    printf( "Shutting down XPCOM...\n" );
    NS_ShutdownXPCOM( 0 );
    printf( "...XPCOM shutdown complete\n" );

    // Exit.
    printf( "...test complete, rv=0x%08X\n", (int)rv );
    return rv;