* Test driver for printing out the family tree of one file.
* @param argc The number of command line arguments
* @param argv[] The command line arguments, 
* the second of which should be the file name
* @return EXIT_SUCCESS if the program has succeeded, EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    char fileData[1000]; // Character array for file less than 1000 characters
    // Initialize the character array with a command-line file
    if( initDataFromFile( argv[1], fileData ) == EXIT_FAILURE )
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    int tabCount = 0; // Stores the tab amounts for following generations
    int currentIndex = 0; // Stores the current index of the person

    // Print the first parent
    fprintf( stdout, "%c", fileData[ currentIndex ] );
    fprintf( stdout, "-" );
    // Print the second parent
    fprintf( stdout, "%c", fileData[ currentIndex ] );
    fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

    // Set the index and tab count to prepare for the parent's children
    currentIndex = 2;

    // Create the family tree
    if( createFamilyTree( fileData, tabCount, currentIndex ) == EXIT_FAILURE )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create family tree.\n" );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Successfully created the family tree!
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	bool FamilyTree::verifyOption()
	       while(!(_option == "1" || _option == "2" || _option == "3")){
	        	cout <<"Try again please you type an invalid option: ";
	             cin >> _option;

	        if(_option == "1"){
	        	return true;
	        else if(_option == "2"){
	        	return true;
	        	cout << "See, back soon" << endl;
	        	return false;
* Creates the family tree.
* @param fileData[] The character data to parse the family tree from.
* @param tabCount The current tab count for formatting children.
* @param currentIndex The current person to print out.
* @return EXIT_FAILURE if there is an issue in the fork(), 
* EXIT_SUCCESS otherwise.
int createFamilyTree( char fileData[], int tabCount, int currentIndex )
    // Set the number of children currently
    int numChild = ( fileData[ currentIndex ] - '0' );

    // Loop through all of the children
    int iCount = 0;
    for( iCount = 0; iCount < numChild; iCount++ )
        // Check if the current person's spouse exists
        int spouseLocation = findSpouse( fileData, currentIndex );
        // Spouse exists
        if( spouseLocation > -1 )
            // Create a new process to handle more children
            pid_t pid = fork();

            if( pid == 0 )
                // Print out the required tabs for this generation
                for( iCount = 0; iCount < tabCount; iCount++ )
                    fprintf( stdout, "\t" );

                // Print out the couple
                fprintf( stdout, "%c", fileData[ currentIndex ] );
                fprintf( stdout, "-" );
                fprintf( stdout, "%c", fileData[ spouseLocation ] );
                fprintf( stdout, "\n" );

                // Create the couple's family tree
                createFamilyTree( fileData, tabCount + 1, spouseLocation + 1 );

                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            else if( pid > 0 )
                // Wait until child operations are done
                waitpid( pid, NULL, 0 );
                // Something went wrong
                fprintf( stderr, "Fork Error: ID less than zero.\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
        // Spouse does not exist
            // Print out the required tabs for this generation
            int printCount = 0;
            for( printCount = 0; printCount < tabCount; printCount++ )
                fprintf( stdout, "\t" );

            // Print out the loner's name
            fprintf( stdout, "%c\n", fileData[ currentIndex ] );

        // Check the next person

    // Family tree created!
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;