static void spliceTest(CuTest *testCase, const char *input, const char *expected, uint64_t l,
                       uint64_t r, int64_t **offs) {
    mafBlock_t *ib = maf_newMafBlockFromString(input, 3);
    mafBlock_t *eb = maf_newMafBlockFromString(expected, 3);
    bool cleanOffs = false;
    if (offs == NULL) {
        cleanOffs = true;
        offs = createOffsets(maf_mafBlock_getNumberOfSequences(ib));
    mafBlock_t *ob = spliceBlock(ib, l, r, offs);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, mafBlocksAreEqual(eb, ob));
    if ((l == 0) && (r == maf_mafBlock_getSequenceFieldLength(ib) - 1)) {
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, ib == ob);
    // clean up
    if (cleanOffs) {
        destroyOffsets(offs, maf_mafBlock_getNumberOfSequences(ib));
    if (ib != ob)
// function implementation
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  char t1[DLEN+1], t2[DLEN+1], t3[DLEN+1], t4[DLEN+1];
  double s1, s2, s3, s4;
  int i = 0, j = 0;
  //clock_t start, stop;
  double start, stop;
  FILE * fp;
  int *o1, *o2, *o3, *o4, *answer;

  uint64_t val1[4], val2[4];
  int fd[4], rc;

  attr[0].type = PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE;
  attr[0].config = PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES; /* generic PMU event*/
  attr[0].disabled = 0;
  fd[0] = perf_event_open(&attr[0], getpid(), -1, -1, 0);
  if (fd[0] < 0) {
    perror("Opening performance counter");

  attr[1].type = PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE;
  attr[1].config = PERF_COUNT_HW_BRANCH_MISSES; /* generic PMU event*/
  attr[1].disabled = 0;
  fd[1] = perf_event_open(&attr[1], getpid(), -1, -1, 0);
  if (fd[1] < 0) {
    perror("Opening performance counter");

  attr[2].type = PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE;
  attr[2].config = PERF_COUNT_HW_BRANCH_INSTRUCTIONS; /* generic PMU event*/
  attr[2].disabled = 0;
  fd[2] = perf_event_open(&attr[2], getpid(), -1, -1, 0);
  if (fd[2] < 0) {
    perror("Opening performance counter");

  attr[3].type = PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE;
  attr[3].config = PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS; /* generic PMU event*/
  attr[3].disabled = 0;
  fd[3] = perf_event_open(&attr[3], getpid(), -1, -1, 0);
  if (fd[3] < 0) {
    perror("Opening performance counter");

  // argument check
  if(argc != 5) {
    printf("argument error!\n");
    return -1;
  // selectivity
  s1 = atof(argv[1]);
  s2 = atof(argv[2]);
  s3 = atof(argv[3]);
  s4 = atof(argv[4]);

  // allocate memory for offset, answer storage
  o1 = malloc(sizeof(int)*LOOP);
  o2 = malloc(sizeof(int)*LOOP);
  o3 = malloc(sizeof(int)*LOOP);
  o4 = malloc(sizeof(int)*LOOP);
  answer = malloc(sizeof(int)*LOOP);

  // create random seed
  unsigned int iseed = (unsigned int)time(NULL);

  // create data for each function (size = DLEN)
  createData(s1, t1);
  createData(s2, t2);
  createData(s3, t3);
  createData(s4, t4);

  // create offset data for all functions (size = LOOP)

  // start
  printf("Loop start!\n");
  start = get_timestamp(0.0f);

  // Tell Linux to start counting events
  asm volatile ("nop;"); // pseudo-barrier
  rc = read(fd[0], &val1[0], sizeof(val1[0]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[1], &val1[1], sizeof(val1[1]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[2], &val1[2], sizeof(val1[2]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[3], &val1[3], sizeof(val1[3]));  assert(rc);
  asm volatile ("nop;"); // pseudo-barrier
  // actual branch code
  // you need to substitute this part for your own branch which you want to measure.

  for(i = 0; i < LOOP; i++) {
    if(t1[o1[i]] && (t2[o2[i]] && (t3[o3[i]] && t4[o4[i]]))) {
      answer[j++] = i;

  // Read the counter
  asm volatile("nop;"); // pseudo-barrier
  rc = read(fd[0], &val2[0], sizeof(val2[0]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[1], &val2[1], sizeof(val2[1]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[2], &val2[2], sizeof(val2[2]));  assert(rc);
  rc = read(fd[3], &val2[3], sizeof(val2[3]));  assert(rc);
  asm volatile ("nop;"); // pseudo-barrier

  // Close the counter

  stop = get_timestamp(start);

  printf("Loop stop!\n");
  printf("Elapsed time: %.9lf seconds\n", stop);
  printf("CPU Cycles:           %lu \n", val2[0] - val1[0]);
  printf("Instructions:         %lu \n", val2[3] - val1[3]);
  printf("IPC:                  %lf\n", ((double)val2[3] - val1[3]) / (val2[0] - val1[0]));
  printf("Branch misses:        %lu \n", val2[1] - val1[1]);
  printf("Branch instructions:  %lu \n", val2[2] - val1[2]);
  printf("Branch mispred. rate: %lf%%\n", 100.0*((double)val2[1] - val1[1]) / (val2[2] - val1[2]));
  printf("overall selectivity = %10.9f\n", (double)j / (double)LOOP);
  printf("theoretical selectivity = %10.9f\n", s1 * s2 * s3 * s4);

  // we need to use the answer just in case so that optimizer does not optimize too much.
  // i.e. optimizer might think that we don't need to calculate answers if we do not use them.
  fp = fopen("/dev/null", "w");
  for(i = 0; i < j; i++) {
     fprintf(fp, "%d ", answer[i]);

  // free offset memory
  // free answer memory

  return 0;
mafBlock_t *processBlockForSplice(mafBlock_t *b, uint64_t blockNumber, const char *seq,
                                  uint64_t start, uint64_t stop, bool store) {
    // walks mafBlock_t b, returns a mafBlock_t (using the linked list feature) of all spliced out bits.
    // if store is true, will return a mafBlock_t linked list of all sub-blocks. If store is false,
    // will report each sub-block (maf_mafBlock_print()) as it comes in and immediatly destroy that block.
    printf("\n\nprocessBlockForSplice(block=%"PRIu64", seq=%s, start=%"PRIu64", stop=%"PRIu64")\n",
           blockNumber, seq, start, stop);
    bool *targetColumns = NULL;
    uint64_t len = 0, sum = 0;
    mafBlock_t *head = NULL, *mb = NULL;
    sum = getTargetColumns(&targetColumns, &len, b, seq, start, stop);
    // printTargetColumns(targetColumns, len);
    int64_t **offsets = createOffsets(maf_mafBlock_getNumberOfSequences(b));
    uint64_t l = 0, r = 0, ri = 0;
    uint64_t spliceNumber = 0;
    char *id = (char*) de_malloc(kMaxStringLength);
    while (l < len) {
        if (!targetColumns[l]) {
            // find the left most element
            r = l;
        while (targetColumns[r] && r < len) {
            // find the end of the right
        // set ri equal to the index of the last element
        ri = r - 1;
        if (store) {
            // used in unit tests
            if (head == NULL) {
                head = spliceBlock(b, l, ri, offsets);
                mb = head;
            } else {
                if (mb != b) {
                    // manipulated blocks should have this extra tag attached
                    sprintf(id, " splice_id=%" PRIu64 "_%" PRIu64, blockNumber, spliceNumber);
                    maf_mafBlock_appendToAlignmentBlock(mb, id);
                maf_mafBlock_setNext(mb, spliceBlock(b, l, ri, offsets));
                mb = maf_mafBlock_getNext(mb);
        } else {
            // used in production
            mb = spliceBlock(b, l, ri, offsets);
            if (mb != b) {
                sprintf(id, " splice_id=%" PRIu64 "_%" PRIu64, blockNumber, spliceNumber);
                maf_mafBlock_appendToAlignmentBlock(mb, id);
            if (mb != b) {
        l = r;
        if (l == len - 1) {
    // clean up
    destroyOffsets(offsets, maf_mafBlock_getNumberOfSequences(b));
    return head;
static void test_splice_0(CuTest *testCase) {
    int64_t **offs = NULL;
    // int testcount = 0;
    // test 0
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
    offs = createOffsets(3);
    /* for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { */
    /*     printf("offs[%"PRIu64"][0] = %"PRIu64"\n", i, offs[i][0]); */
    /*     printf("offs[%"PRIu64"][1] = %"PRIu64"\n", i, offs[i][1]); */
    /* } */
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 2 11 + 158545518 agctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      2  8 +       100 GT---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     2  8 +       100 GT---ATGCCG\n",
               2, 12, offs);
    /* printf("##########\n"); */
    /* for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { */
    /*     printf("offs[%"PRIu64"][0] = %"PRIu64"\n", i, offs[i][0]); */
    /*     printf("offs[%"PRIu64"][1] = %"PRIu64"\n", i, offs[i][1]); */
    /* } */
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[0][0] == 12); // seq field coord
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[0][1] == 12); // non-gap offset
    for (uint64_t i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][0] == 12);
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][1] == 9);
    destroyOffsets(offs, 3);
    // test 1
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 4 9 + 158545518 ctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      4 6 +       100 ---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     4 6 +       100 ---ATGCCG\n",
               4, 12, NULL);
    // test 2
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0  3 +       100 ATG----------\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 4 9 + 158545518 ctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name2.chr1     4 6 +       100 ---ATGCCG\n",
               4, 12, NULL);
    // test 3
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGG---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 6 7 + 158545518 gaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      4 6 +       100 -ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     4 6 +       100 -ATGCCG\n",
               6, 12, NULL);
    // test 4
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGG---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 12 1 + 158545518 a\n"
               "s name.chr1       9 1 +       100 G\n"
               "s name2.chr1      9 1 +       100 G\n",
               12, 12, NULL);
    // test 5
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 10 +       100 ATGT---ATGCCG\n",
               0, 12, NULL);
    // test 6
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcag--ctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 15 +       100 ATGTATATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 15 +       100 ATGTATATAATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 4 + 158545518 gcag\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 4 +       100 ATGT\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 4 +       100 ATGT\n",
               0, 3, NULL);
    // test 7
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
    offs = createOffsets(3);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcag--ctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 15 +       100 ATGTATATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 15 +       100 ATGTATATAATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 4  9 + 158545518 --ctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      4 11 +       100 ATATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     4 11 +       100 ATATAATGCCG\n",
               4, 14, offs);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[0][0] == 14); // seq field coord
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[0][1] == 12); // non-gap offset
    for (uint64_t i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][0] == 14);
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][1] == 14);
    destroyOffsets(offs, 3);
    // test 8
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 13 +       100 ATGTATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 13 +       100 ATGTATAATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 5 6 + 158545518 tgaaaa\n"
               "s name.chr1      5 6 +       100 TTATGC\n"
               "s name2.chr1     5 6 +       100 TAATGC\n",
               5, 10, NULL);
    // test 9
    // printf("test %d\n", testcount++);
    offs = createOffsets(3);
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 13 +       100 ATGTATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 13 +       100 ATGTATAATGCCG\n",
               "a score=0\n"
               "s theTarget.chr0 0 13 + 158545518 gcagctgaaaaca\n"
               "s name.chr1      0 13 +       100 ATGTATTATGCCG\n"
               "s name2.chr1     0 13 +       100 ATGTATAATGCCG\n",
               0, 12, offs);
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        // SPECIAL CASE!
        // since the block is passed back directly, since no splice is performed,
        // there is no update made to the offset array. This makes sense because
        // the array will not be used again.
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][0] == 0);
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, offs[i][1] == -1);
    destroyOffsets(offs, 3);
