    \since 4.2

    Returns \c true if the writer supports \a option; otherwise returns

    Different image formats support different options. Call this function to
    determine whether a certain option is supported by the current format. For
    example, the PNG format allows you to embed text into the image's metadata
    (see text()).

    \snippet code/src_gui_image_qimagewriter.cpp 2

    Options can be tested after the writer has been associated with a format.

    \sa QImageReader::supportsOption(), setFormat()
bool QImageWriter::supportsOption(QImageIOHandler::ImageOption option) const
    if (!d->handler && (d->handler = createWriteHandlerHelper(d->device, d->format)) == 0) {
        d->imageWriterError = QImageWriter::UnsupportedFormatError;
        d->errorString = QImageWriter::tr("Unsupported image format");
        return false;

    return d->handler->supportsOption(option);
    Returns true if QImageWriter can write the image; i.e., the image
    format is supported and the assigned device is open for reading.

    \sa write(), setDevice(), setFormat()
bool QImageWriter::canWrite() const
    if (d->device && !d->handler && (d->handler = createWriteHandlerHelper(d->device, d->format)) == 0) {
        d->imageWriterError = QImageWriter::UnsupportedFormatError;
        d->errorString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QImageWriter,
                                           QLatin1String("Unsupported image format"));
        return false;
    if (d->device && !d->device->isOpen())
    if (!d->device || !d->device->isWritable()) {
        d->imageWriterError = QImageWriter::DeviceError;
        d->errorString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(QImageWriter,
                                           QLatin1String("Device not writable"));
        return false;
    return true;
bool QImageWriterPrivate::canWriteHelper()
    if (!device) {
        imageWriterError = QImageWriter::DeviceError;
        errorString = QImageWriter::tr("Device is not set");
        return false;
    if (!device->isOpen())
    if (!device->isWritable()) {
        imageWriterError = QImageWriter::DeviceError;
        errorString = QImageWriter::tr("Device not writable");
        return false;
    if (!handler && (handler = createWriteHandlerHelper(device, format)) == 0) {
        imageWriterError = QImageWriter::UnsupportedFormatError;
        errorString = QImageWriter::tr("Unsupported image format");
        return false;
    return true;