/* Send data of length length to friendnum.
 * This data will be received by the friend using the Onion_Data_Handlers callbacks.
 * Even if this function succeeds, the friend might not receive any data.
 * return the number of packets sent on success
 * return -1 on failure.
int send_onion_data(const Onion_Client *onion_c, int friend_num, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length)
    if ((uint32_t)friend_num >= onion_c->num_friends)
        return -1;

        return -1;

    if (length == 0)
        return -1;

    uint8_t nonce[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];

    uint8_t packet[DATA_IN_RESPONSE_MIN_SIZE + length];
    memcpy(packet, onion_c->c->self_public_key, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
    int len = encrypt_data(onion_c->friends_list[friend_num].real_client_id, onion_c->c->self_secret_key, nonce, data,
                           length, packet + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);

    if ((uint32_t)len + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES != sizeof(packet))
        return -1;

    uint32_t i, good_nodes[MAX_ONION_CLIENTS], num_good = 0, num_nodes = 0;
    Onion_Path path[MAX_ONION_CLIENTS];
    Onion_Node *list_nodes = onion_c->friends_list[friend_num].clients_list;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ONION_CLIENTS; ++i) {
        if (is_timeout(list_nodes[i].timestamp, ONION_NODE_TIMEOUT))


        if (list_nodes[i].is_stored) {
            if (random_path(onion_c, &onion_c->friends_list[friend_num].onion_paths, ~0, &path[num_good]) == -1)

            good_nodes[num_good] = i;

    if (num_good < (num_nodes / 4) + 1)
        return -1;

    uint32_t good = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < num_good; ++i) {
        uint8_t o_packet[ONION_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
        len = create_data_request(o_packet, sizeof(o_packet), onion_c->friends_list[friend_num].real_client_id,
                                  list_nodes[good_nodes[i]].data_public_key, nonce, packet, sizeof(packet));

        if (len == -1)

        if (send_onion_packet_tcp_udp(onion_c, &path[i], list_nodes[good_nodes[i]].ip_port, o_packet, len) == 0)

    return good;
/* Create and send an onion data request packet.
 * path is the path the request will take before it is sent to dest.
 * (if dest knows the person with the public_key they should
 * send the packet to that person in the form of a response)
 * public_key is the real public key of the node which we want to send the data of length length to.
 * encrypt_public_key is the public key used to encrypt the data packet.
 * nonce is the nonce to encrypt this packet with
 * return -1 on failure.
 * return 0 on success.
int send_data_request(Networking_Core *net, const Onion_Path *path, IP_Port dest, const uint8_t *public_key,
                      const uint8_t *encrypt_public_key, const uint8_t *nonce, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
    uint8_t request[ONION_MAX_DATA_SIZE];
    int len = create_data_request(request, sizeof(request), public_key, encrypt_public_key, nonce, data, length);

    if (len == -1) {
        return -1;

    uint8_t packet[ONION_MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
    len = create_onion_packet(packet, sizeof(packet), path, dest, request, len);

    if (len == -1) {
        return -1;

    if (sendpacket(net, path->ip_port1, packet, len) != len) {
        return -1;

    return 0;