 * Main(): Executes FP Growth algorithm.
main(int argc, char **argv)

	num_freq_sets = size = colcnt = num_oflines = num_updates = 0;

	/** Create instance of class FPTree */
	fptreePtr fptree;

	/** Read data to be mined from file */
	printf("\nReading Input Data..");

	/** Reorder and prune input data according to frequency of single attr */
	printf("\nOrdering Input Data..");
	printf("\nRecasting input Data pruning infrequent items");
	printf("\nPrinting frequent-1 itemsets");
	gen_freq_one_itemsets();/** Prints freq-1 itemsets */

    /** Build initial FP-tree */
	printf("\nBuilding FP tree");
	create_fptree(fptree);	/* skip invalid elements(-1) */
	printf("\nPrinting FP tree.");
	out_fptree(fptree);	/* need to print the tree */

	/** Mine FP-tree */
	printf("\nMining FP tree");
	start_mining(fptree);/** frequent sets are generated and stored to file here. */
	printf("\nReleasing memory consumption of tree.");
	release_memory(fptree);	/** Frees all used memory */

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	float mTime;
	clock_t start, end;
    start = clock();
	char *file_name = "1000k";
	char *type 	    = "rate";
	char *rate		= "3";	
	set_define(file_name, type, rate);
    int *mItem        = malloc(sizeof(int) * TRANSCATION_COUNT * SIZE_OF_ARRAY),
		*item_counter = malloc(sizeof(int) * (ITEM_COUNT + 1)), 
		*item_index   = malloc(sizeof(int) * (ITEM_COUNT + 1));		
	struct header_table *htable = malloc(sizeof(struct header_table));	
	struct header_table *head = malloc(sizeof(struct header_table));	
    get_dataset(mItem, item_counter, item_index);	
	struct node *fptree = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
	fptree = create_fptree();	
	create_header_table(htable, head, item_index);
	build_fptree(fptree, mItem, item_index, htable, head);
	while(htable->next != NULL) htable = htable->next;
	conditional_parrern_base(fptree, htable, item_counter, item_index, "");	
	end = clock();	
	mTime = (end-start) / (double) (CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	mTime = mTime * 1000;
	printf("\nneed:%2.f millisecond \n", mTime);
    return 0;
void conditional_parrern_base(struct node *fptree, struct header_table *htable, int *item_counter,int *item_index, char *generate_string) {	
	struct frequent_patterns *fp = malloc(sizeof(struct frequent_patterns));
	struct frequent_patterns *fp_head = malloc(sizeof(struct frequent_patterns));
	struct node *now_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
	int ptr_index; 
	fp_head = fp;	
	if(generate_string != "") //printf("%s \n", generate_string);
	while(htable != NULL) {			
		fp = fp_head;
		fp->next = NULL;
		fp->index = 0;
		while(listNext(htable->cond)) {			
			now_node = listGet(htable->cond);			
			if(fp->index == 0) {
				fp->ptr  = malloc(sizeof(short) * MIN_SUPPORT_INDEX);
			else {
				struct frequent_patterns *new_fp = malloc(sizeof(struct frequent_patterns));
				new_fp->ptr  = malloc(sizeof(short) * MIN_SUPPORT_INDEX);
				fp->next 	 = new_fp;
				fp 			 = new_fp;
			fp->counter = now_node->counter;				
			fp->htable_value = htable->no;
			ptr_index   = 0;
			now_node = now_node->parent;
			while(now_node != NULL) {			
				if( now_node->no == -1) break;
				*(fp->ptr + ptr_index) = now_node->no;
				now_node = now_node->parent;
			fp->index = ptr_index;
		struct header_table *sub_htable = malloc(sizeof(struct header_table));		
		struct node         *sub_tree   = malloc(sizeof(struct node));			
		sub_tree = create_fptree();						
		sub_tree = build_sub_tree(sub_tree, sub_htable, fp_head, item_counter, item_index);
		if(sub_tree->child != NULL) {			
			int len = strlen(generate_string) + 4;	
			char *str_ans = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);	
			myString_cat(str_ans, generate_string, htable->no);			
			while(sub_htable->next != NULL) sub_htable = sub_htable->next;					
			conditional_parrern_base(sub_tree, sub_htable, item_counter, item_index,  str_ans);
		}else if(htable->prev == NULL || listCount(htable->cond) > 0){			
			int len = strlen(generate_string) + 4;	
			char *str_ans = malloc(sizeof(char) * len);	
			myString_cat(str_ans, generate_string, htable->no);			
			//printf("%s\n", str_ans);
		htable = htable->prev;
	while(htable != NULL) {
		header_head = htable;
		htable 	    = htable->next;