static DSK_CMDLINE_CALLBACK_DECLARE(handle_make_maze) { unsigned width, height; unsigned y; Game *game; DSK_UNUSED (arg_name); DSK_UNUSED (callback_data); if (arg_value == NULL) width = height = 10; else { if (sscanf (arg_value, "%ux%u", &width, &height) != 2) { dsk_set_error (error, "error parsing WIDTHxHEIGHT for --make-maze"); return DSK_FALSE; } } game = create_game ("name doesn't matter", width, height); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { render_hwall_line_ascii (width, game->h_walls + width * y); render_vwall_line_ascii (width, game->v_walls + width * y); } render_hwall_line_ascii (width, game->h_walls); exit (0); return DSK_TRUE; }
void ejoy2d_win_init(int orix, int oriy, int width, int height, float scale, const char* folder) { G = create_game(); lua_State *L = ejoy2d_game_lua(G->game); lua_pushcfunction(L, traceback); int tb = lua_gettop(L); int err = luaL_loadstring(L, startscript); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pushstring(L, folder); lua_pushstring(L, "examples/ex03.lua"); err = lua_pcall(L, 2, 0, tb); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pop(L,1); screen_init(width,height,scale); ejoy2d_game_start(G->game); }
void ejoy2d_win_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { G = create_game(); screen_init(WIDTH,HEIGHT,1.0f); lua_State *L = ejoy2d_game_lua(G->game); lua_pushcfunction(L, traceback); int tb = lua_gettop(L); int err = luaL_loadstring(L, startscript); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } char modname[1024]; int sz = GetModuleFileNameA(0, modname, 1024); lua_pushlstring(L, modname, sz); int i; for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { lua_pushstring(L, argv[i]); } err = lua_pcall(L, argc, 0, tb); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pop(L,1); ejoy2d_game_start(G->game); }
void ejoy2d_win_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { G = create_game(); lua_State *L = ejoy2d_game_lua(G->game); lua_pushcfunction(L, traceback); int tb = lua_gettop(L); int err = luaL_loadstring(L, startscript); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pushstring(L, "./"); lua_pushstring(L, "examples/ex03.lua"); err = lua_pcall(L, 2, 0, tb); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pop(L,1); screen_init(WIDTH,HEIGHT,1.0f); ejoy2d_game_start(G->game); }
void engine2d_win_init(struct STARTUP_INFO* startup) { STARTUP = startup; G = create_game(); screen_init(startup->width, startup->height, startup->scale); lua_State *L = engine2d_game_lua(G->game); lua_pushcfunction(L, traceback); int tb = lua_gettop(L); int err = luaL_loadstring(L, startscript); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pushstring(L, startup->folder); lua_pushstring(L, startup->script); push_startup_info(L, startup); err = lua_pcall(L, 3, 0, tb); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pop(L,1); engine2d_game_logicframe(LOGIC_FRAME); engine2d_game_start(G->game); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int sockfd, newfd; struct sockaddr_in sin, cli; int clilen; fd_set allfds, fds; /* ビットマスク */ int fd, fd_min, fd_max; create_game(&g); if ( (sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ) /* ソケット */ error("cannot create socket"); bzero((char *)&sin, sizeof(sin)); /* sin に 0 をつめる */ sin.sin_family = PF_INET; /* Internet ドメイン */ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /* アドレスは何でもOK */ sin.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); /* ポートは SERVER_PORT */ if ( bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0 ) error("cannot bind"); if ( listen(sockfd, 5) < 0 ) error("cannot listen"); FD_ZERO(&allfds); /* すべてゼロにクリア */ FD_SET(sockfd, &allfds); /* sockfdのところに1を立てる */ fd_min = sockfd; fd_max = sockfd; search_min_max(allfds, &fd_min, &fd_max); printf("min %d max %d\n", fd_min, fd_max); while ( 1 ) { fds = allfds; /* fdsはselectにより変化するかも */ if ( select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0 ) error("cannot select"); for ( fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; fd++ ) /* ファイル記述子を順に調査 */ if ( FD_ISSET(fd, &fds) ) { /* ビットが立っていた */ update_min_max(fd, &fd_min, &fd_max); if ( fd == sockfd ) { /* 入力受付用ファイル記述子の場合 */ clilen = sizeof(cli); /* 接続を受け入れる準備 */ if ( (newfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli, &clilen)) < 0 ) error("cannot accept"); if (battle[0] == 0 ){ battle[0] = newfd; write(newfd, "0", 6); } else if(battle[0] != 0) { battle[1] = newfd; write(newfd, "1", 6); } else if (battle[1] != 0) { } update_min_max(newfd, &fd_min, &fd_max); printf("Accetpted new connection: fd = %d\n", newfd); FD_SET(newfd, &allfds); /* selectによる調査対象に加える */ } else if ( service(fd, &g) == 0 ) { /* クライアントからの要求処理 */ printf("Closed connection: fd = %d\n", fd); if ( shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR) < 0 ) /* これ以上の送受信を禁止 */ error("cannot shutdown"); FD_CLR(fd, &allfds); /* selectによる調査対象から外す */ close(fd); search_min_max(allfds, &fd_min, &fd_max); } } } return 0; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_intel_deferredgles_JNIWrapper_init(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, int width, int height) { _game = create_game(); UNUSED_PARAMETER(env); UNUSED_PARAMETER(obj); UNUSED_PARAMETER(width); UNUSED_PARAMETER(height); }
void game(t_opt *options) { int *game; game = xmalloc(options->nblines); game = create_game(options); aff_game(game, options); start_playing(game, options); credits(options); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Game *game = create_game(argc, argv); { ShellWin32 shell(*game);; } delete game; return 0; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_game *game; (void)ac; game = uf_get_game(); create_game(game, av[1]); app(game); terminate_glfw(game); return (0); }
void android_main(android_app *app) { Game *game = create_game(ShellAndroid::get_args(*app)); try { ShellAndroid shell(*app, *game);; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, game->settings().name.c_str(), "%s", e.what()); } delete game; }
Code game(SDL_Renderer *renderer, CommandTable *table) { char name[MAXIMUM_PLAYER_NAME_SIZE]; Player player; Game game; Code code; code = read_player_name(name, MAXIMUM_PLAYER_NAME_SIZE, renderer); if (code == CODE_QUIT || code == CODE_CLOSE) { return code; } player = create_player(name, table); game = create_game(&player); code = run_game(&game, renderer); destroy_game(&game); return code; }
static void handle_create_new_game (DskHttpServerRequest *request) { DskCgiVariable *game_var = dsk_http_server_request_lookup_cgi (request, "game"); DskCgiVariable *user_var = dsk_http_server_request_lookup_cgi (request, "user"); char buf[512]; Game *game; User *user; DskJsonValue *state_json; unsigned width, height; if (game_var == NULL) { dsk_http_server_request_respond_error (request, DSK_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "missing game="); return; } if (user_var == NULL) { dsk_http_server_request_respond_error (request, DSK_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "missing user="******"game %s already exists", game_var->value); dsk_http_server_request_respond_error (request, DSK_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, buf); return; } user = find_user (user_var->value); if (user != NULL) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "user %s already found in %s", user->name, user->>name); dsk_http_server_request_respond_error (request, DSK_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, buf); return; } game = create_game (game_var->value, DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_HEIGHT); width = 700; height = 400; user = create_user (game, user_var->value, width, height); state_json = create_user_update (user); respond_take_json (request, state_json); }
void ejoy2d_win_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { G = create_game(); lua_State *L = ejoy2d_game_lua(G->game); int top = lua_gettop(L); luaL_requiref(L, "socket.c", luaopen_socket_c, 0); luaL_requiref(L, "socketbuffer.c", luaopen_socketbuffer_c, 0); luaL_requiref(L, "audio.c", luaopen_audio_c, 0); luaL_requiref(L, "png", luaopen_png, 0); lua_settop(L, top); lua_pushcfunction(L, traceback); int tb = lua_gettop(L); char buf[BUFSIZE]; const char *pathbuf = read_exepath(buf, BUFSIZE); if (pathbuf == NULL) fault("can't read exepath"); int err = luaL_loadstring(L, startscript); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pushstring(L, pathbuf); int i; for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { lua_pushstring(L, argv[i]); } screen_init(WIDTH,HEIGHT,1.0f); err = lua_pcall(L, argc, 0, tb); if (err) { const char *msg = lua_tostring(L,-1); fault("%s", msg); } lua_pop(L,1); ejoy2d_game_start(G->game); }
/** * void process_dgram(char *dgram, struct sockaddr_in *addr) * * Processes accepted datagram. Checks if sequential ID is correct, if it's lower, * we resend the ACK packet and dont bother with that datagram anymore, because * it was already processed before. */ void process_dgram(char *dgram, struct sockaddr_in *addr) { /* Protocol token */ char *token; /* Token length */ int token_len; /* Command */ char *type; /* Generic char buffer */ char *generic_chbuff; /* Sequential ID of received packet */ int packet_seq_id; /* Client which we receive from */ client_t *client; /* Generic unsigned int var */ unsigned int generic_uint; /* String representation of address */ char addr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr->sin_addr, addr_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); /* Log */ sprintf(log_buffer, "DATA_IN: %s <--- %s:%d", dgram, addr_str, htons(addr->sin_port) ); log_line(log_buffer, LOG_DEBUG); token = strtok(dgram, ";"); token_len = strlen(token); generic_chbuff = strtok(NULL, ";"); packet_seq_id = (int) strtol(generic_chbuff, NULL, 0); /* Check if datagram belongs to us */ if( (token_len == strlen(STRINGIFY(APP_TOKEN))) && strncmp(token, STRINGIFY(APP_TOKEN), strlen(STRINGIFY(APP_TOKEN))) == 0 && packet_seq_id > 0) { type = strtok(NULL, ";"); /* New client connection */ if(strncmp(type, "CONNECT", 7) == 0) { add_client(addr); client = get_client_by_addr(addr); if(client) { send_ack(client, 1, 0); send_reconnect_code(client); /* Release client */ release_client(client); } } /* Reconnect */ else if(strncmp(type, "RECONNECT", 9) == 0) { client = get_client_by_index(get_client_index_by_rcode(strtok(NULL, ";"))); if(client) { /* Sends ACK aswell after resetting clients SEQ_ID */ reconnect_client(client, addr); /* Release client */ release_client(client); } } /* Client should already exist */ else { client = get_client_by_addr(addr); if(client != NULL) { /* Check if expected seq ID matches */ if(packet_seq_id == client->pkt_recv_seq_id) { /* Get command */ if(strncmp(type, "CREATE_GAME", 11) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); create_game(client); } /* Receive ACK packet */ else if(strncmp(type, "ACK", 3) == 0) { recv_ack(client, (int) strtoul(strtok(NULL, ";"), NULL, 10)); update_client_timestamp(client); } /* Close client connection */ else if(strncmp(type, "CLOSE", 5) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); leave_game(client); remove_client(&client); } /* Keepalive loop */ else if(strncmp(type, "KEEPALIVE", 9) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); } /* Join existing game */ else if(strncmp(type, "JOIN_GAME", 9) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); join_game(client, strtok(NULL, ";")); } /* Leave existing game */ else if(strncmp(type, "LEAVE_GAME", 10) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); leave_game(client); } /* Start game */ else if(strncmp(type, "START_GAME", 10) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); start_game(client); } /* Rolling die */ else if(strncmp(type, "DIE_ROLL", 8) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); roll_die(client); } /* Moving figure */ else if(strncmp(type, "FIGURE_MOVE", 11) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); /* Parse figure id */ generic_chbuff = strtok(NULL, ";"); generic_uint = (unsigned int) strtoul(generic_chbuff, NULL, 10); move_figure(client, generic_uint); } else if(strncmp(type, "MESSAGE", 7) == 0) { /* ACK client */ send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 0); broadcast_message(client, strtok(NULL, ";")); } } /* Packet was already processed */ else if(packet_seq_id < client->pkt_recv_seq_id && strncmp(type, "ACK", 3) != 0) { send_ack(client, packet_seq_id, 1); } /* If client didnt close conection */ if(client != NULL) { /* Release client */ release_client(client); } } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Game *game = create_game(ROWS, COLS); if (argc==3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "display")) { char *p = argv[2]; char *err; while (*p) { int col = *p - '0'; if (col>=0 && col<COLS) { if (can_play(game, col)) { play(game, col); if (victory(game, col)) printf("victory!\n"); } else { err = "illegal move"; goto err_handler; } } else { int i; err = "unknown move syntax"; err_handler: fprintf(stderr, "error: %s.\n%s\n", err, argv[2]); for (i=0; i<p-argv[2]; i++) fprintf(stderr, " "); fprintf(stderr, "^\n"); return 2; } p++; } print_board(game); } else if ((argc==2 || argc==3) && !strcmp(argv[1], "play")) { int j; if (argc==3 && !strcmp(argv[2], "red")) goto red; while (1) { print_board(game); do { printf("Your move: "); if (scanf("%d", &j) != 1) { printf("\n"); goto out; } } while (!can_play(game, j)); play(game, j); if (victory(game, j)) { printf("You've won!\n"); break; } else { int ret = negamax(game, DEFEAT, VICTORY, 12, &j); red: if (ret == CUT) printf("I've got no idea what to do...\n" "I'm gonna try %d.\n", j); else printf("I'll play %d (score %d)\n", j, ret); play(game, j); if (victory(game, j)) { printf("You've lost!\n"); break; } } } print_board(game); } else { fprintf(stderr, "usage:\t%s display moves\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s play [yellow|red]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "try:\t%s display 01221\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\t%s play\n", argv[0]); return 1; } out: destroy_game(game); return 0; }
void show_menu() { int licznik=0; int x,y; x=500; y=100; ALLEGRO_FONT * font_ttf = al_load_ttf_font("cour.ttf",80, 0); ALLEGRO_FONT * font_ttfbolt = al_load_ttf_font("courbd.ttf",80, 0); ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmapa = al_load_bitmap( "media/menu.png" ); bool done=false,draw=false; al_draw_bitmap (bitmapa, 0, 0, 0); al_draw_textf(font_ttfbolt,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"nowa gra"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+100,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"kontynuuj"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+200,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"opcje"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+300,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"wyjdź"); al_flip_display(); ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue1 = al_create_event_queue(); ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_STATE keyState; //al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_mouse_event_source()); al_register_event_source(event_queue1, al_get_display_event_source(display)); al_register_event_source(event_queue1, al_get_keyboard_event_source()); while(!done) { ALLEGRO_EVENT events; al_wait_for_event(event_queue1, &events); al_get_keyboard_state(&keyState); if(events.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) { done = true; } else if (al_key_down( &keyState, ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)) { done=true; } else if(al_key_down(&keyState, ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER)) { if(licznik==3) { done=true; draw=false; } else if(licznik==0) { roszada_w_long=true; roszada_w_short=true; roszada_b_long=true; roszada_b_short=true; czyjruch=0; create_game(); show_game(); break; done=true; } else if(licznik==1) { // create_game(); load_game(); show_game(); done=true; } else { show_options(); draw=true; } } else if(al_key_down(&keyState, ALLEGRO_KEY_UP)) { licznik--; if(licznik<0)licznik=3; draw=true; } else if(al_key_down(&keyState, ALLEGRO_KEY_DOWN)) { licznik++; if(licznik>3)licznik=0; draw=true; } if(draw) { draw=false; al_draw_bitmap (bitmapa, 0, 0, 0); if(licznik==0) { al_draw_textf(font_ttfbolt,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"nowa gra"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+100,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"kontynuuj"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+200,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"opcje"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+300,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"wyjdź"); al_rest(0.15); } else if(licznik==1) { al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"nowa gra"); al_draw_textf(font_ttfbolt,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+100,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"kontynuuj"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+200,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"opcje"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+300,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"wyjdź"); al_rest(0.15); } else if(licznik==2) { al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"nowa gra"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+100,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"kontynuuj"); al_draw_textf(font_ttfbolt,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+200,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"opcje"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+300,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"wyjdź"); al_rest(0.15); } else { al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"nowa gra"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+100,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"kontynuuj"); al_draw_textf(font_ttf,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+200,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"opcje"); al_draw_textf(font_ttfbolt,al_map_rgb(255,255,255), x, y+300,ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE,"wyjdź"); al_rest(0.15); } al_flip_display(); } } al_destroy_bitmap(bitmapa); al_destroy_event_queue(event_queue1); al_destroy_font(font_ttf); al_destroy_font(font_ttfbolt); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //connect to server, given as the first argument string usage = string(argv[0]) + " <server> <port> [game #]"; if(argc < 3) { cerr << usage << endl; return 0; } bool end_game = false; bool start_game = true; if(argc == 4) { // they specified a game number, // do something different? start_game = false; //cout << "Trying to joing game #" << argv[3] << endl; } // we got enough command-line arguments, // start tying to connect: int sock_server = open_server_connection(argv[1], argv[2]); if(sock_server == -1) { return 0; } // create an instance of the player's AI class myAI gameAI; string comm_buffer; sexp_t* sexp; // log into the server, using the AI's team name string whos_turn; my_user_id = login_to_server(sock_server, gameAI.PlayerName() ); // setup the logging filename ostringstream stream; tm* myTime; time_t theTime = time(NULL); myTime = localtime(&theTime); stream << myTime->tm_hour << "." << myTime->tm_min; string name = string(argv[0]); for(int i=name.size()-1; i >=0; i--) { if(name[i] == ' ' || name[i] == '/' || name[i] == '\\' || name[i] == '.' || name[i] == ':') { name.erase(i,1); } } string log_filename = stream.str() + "-" + name + string(".gamelog"); cout << "Filename: " << log_filename << endl; #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: logged in as user #" << my_user_id << endl; #endif // okay, we've succesfully logged in, // now start or join a game if(start_game) { // create a new game: string game_number = create_game(sock_server); gameAI.playerNumber = 1; gameAI.myBase = coordinate(0,0); gameAI.enemyBase = coordinate(25,25); } else { gameAI.playerNumber = 2; gameAI.myBase = coordinate(0,0); gameAI.enemyBase = coordinate(25,25); // join an existing game cout << "Trying to join game " << argv[3] << "..." << endl; string join_string = "(join-game " + string(argv[3]) + ")"; send_string(sock_server, join_string); sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); if(!check_sexp(sexp, "join-accepted")) { cout << "Unabled to join game " << argv[3] << endl; goto GAME_SHUTDOWN; } // we should only try to start the game if we're the // player that just joined; otherwise, the server // will sorta freak out... send_string(sock_server, "(game-start)"); } // the server is going to spit a ton of SEXP's at us; // wade through them until we get a "new-turn" msg. sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); while(!check_sexp(sexp, "new-turn")) { // okay, what kind of data have we gotten from the server, // and what are we supposed to do about it? if(check_sexp(sexp, "game-start-accepted")) { // the server accepted our reqeust to begin the game; // we don't care, because earlier we just assumed // that it worked :| } if(check_sexp(sexp, "unit-types")){ // this should be sent only during this initialization: // it contains the details of each type of unit #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: updating unit types" << endl; #endif update_unit_types((myAI*)&gameAI, sexp); } if(check_sexp(sexp, "status")) { // An actual game-status message: this might not // mean much right now, but try to parse it anyway. // Don't bail if it fails, but warn us. if(!game_status(gameAI, sexp, my_user_id)) { cout << "WARN: error parsing game status" << endl; } } // get another S-expression to test: sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); } // okay, now sexp should contain a "new-turn" message // pull out who's turn it is, then start the main game loop whos_turn = string(sexp->list->next->val); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: got all our pregame stuff, starting main loop!" << endl; #endif while(!end_game) { // ask the server for an update: //send_string(sock_server, "(game-status)"); //sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); // we're not guaranteed to get a "status" message, // so handle anything unexpected before we get to // the main game loop while(!check_sexp(sexp, "status")) { #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: waiting for game status, got \"" << sexp->list->val << "\" message" << endl; #endif if(check_sexp(sexp, "game-over")) { cout << "Game Over: "; string winner = string( sexp->list->next->val ); if( winner == my_user_id ) cout << "You Win!"; else cout << "You Lose..."; cout << endl; end_game = true; goto GAME_SHUTDOWN; } if(check_sexp(sexp, "new-turn")) { whos_turn = string(sexp->list->next->val); #ifdef DEBUG cout << "DEBUG: It's player " << whos_turn << "'s turn" << endl; #endif } sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); } if(!check_sexp(sexp, "status")) { cerr << "WARN: expected 'status', got '" << sexp->list->val << "'" << endl; } if(!game_status(gameAI, sexp, my_user_id)) { cerr << "WARN: couldn't parse game status!" << endl; } // update the turn number gameAI.turnNumber = atoi( sexp->list->next->list->val); if(whos_turn == my_user_id) { //cout << endl << "Starting my turn... "; // 4a. Run their custom 'Play()' function gameAI.Play(); // 4b. Send their orders to the server while( gameAI.orders.size() != 0){ string myOrder = gameAI.orders.front().s_expression; gameAI.orders.pop(); // send this command to the server send_string(sock_server, myOrder); // there's no need to listen for an incoming message; // we assume errors will be handled at the beginning // of the next loop. } // let the server know we've finished out turn send_string(sock_server, "(end-turn)"); //cout << "done with my turn" << endl; } else { // it's not your turn, so take it easy for a second //cout << "Not my turn, waiting...." << endl; #ifndef WIN32 // the usleep function insn't avaible in Windows //usleep(100000); // this helps prevent climbing to 100% CPU usage #endif } // get another sexp to jump-start the next iteration of the loop sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); } GAME_SHUTDOWN: cout << "Shutting down..." << endl; send_string(sock_server, "(leave-game)"); sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); send_string(sock_server, "(logout)"); sexp = rec_sexp(sock_server); //End of game #ifdef WIN32 closesocket(sock_server); #else close(sock_server); #endif; if( { cout << "Error writing to log file" << endl; } else { log_file << log_stream.str(); log_file.close(); } return 0; }
/** * @brief Program entry point. * @param argc The argument count * @param argv The argument vector * @return EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_PARITY_ERROR, EXIT_MULTIPLE_ERRORS **/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t client_count = 0; int shmfd; /* setup signal handlers */ const int signals[] = {SIGINT, SIGTERM}; struct sigaction s; s.sa_handler = signal_handler; s.sa_flags = 0; if(sigfillset(&s.sa_mask) < 0) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sigfillset"); } for(int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(signals); i++) { if (sigaction(signals[i], &s, NULL) < 0) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sigaction"); } } /* Handle arguments */ if (argc > 0) { progname = argv[0]; } if (argc > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s [input_file]", progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (argc) { /* Handle dict input from stdin */ case 1: printf("Please input your dictionary: \n"); in_stream = stdin; read_dict(); break; /* Handle dict input from file */ case 2: if ((in_stream = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid File"); } read_dict(); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s [input_file]", progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } /* Create a new Shared Memory Segment (shm_open) */ shmfd = shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, PERMISSION); if (shmfd == (-1)) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "shm_open failed"); } /* Truncate a file to a specified length extend (set size) */ if (ftruncate(shmfd, sizeof *shared) == -1) { (void) close(shmfd); bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "ftruncate failed"); } /* Map shared memory object */ shared = mmap(NULL, sizeof *shared, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shmfd, 0); if (shared == MAP_FAILED) { (void) close(shmfd); bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "MMAP failed"); } if (close(shmfd) == -1) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "close(shmfd) failed"); } shared->sc_terminate = -1; /* Create new named semaphores */ s_server = sem_open(S_SERVER, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, PERMISSION, 0); s_client = sem_open(S_CLIENT, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, PERMISSION, 1); s_return = sem_open(S_RETURN, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, PERMISSION, 0); if(s_server == SEM_FAILED || s_client == SEM_FAILED || s_return == SEM_FAILED) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sem_open(3) failed"); } sem_set = 1; struct ClientList *el_pre = NULL; struct ClientList *el_cur = NULL; /* Keep server open until it gets killed. */ while (!want_quit) { /* Critical section entry. */ /* Wait until server is allowed to access SHM. */ if (sem_wait(s_server) == -1) { if(errno == EINTR) continue; bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sem_wait(3) failed"); } /* Setup data for existing client. */ if (shared->s_id >= 0) { el_cur = client_list; while (el_cur != NULL && el_cur->server_id != shared->s_id) { printf("elpre\n"); el_pre = el_cur; printf("elcur\n"); el_cur = el_cur->next; } if (el_cur == NULL) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "Client does not exist"); } el_cur->guess = shared->c_guess; } /* Setup new client to list. */ if (shared->s_id == -1) { /* Allocate element and set to zero. */ el_cur = (struct ClientList *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct ClientList)); if (el_cur == NULL) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "calloc(3) failed"); } /* Assign unique ID based on client count. */ el_cur->server_id = client_count++; el_cur->game_count = 0; /* Add the current element to our list. */ el_cur->next = client_list; client_list = el_cur; } /* Check if client has terminated. */ if (shared->sc_terminate >= 1) { DEBUG("Terminating client...\n"); /* Remove client from list. */ if (client_list == el_cur) { client_list = el_cur->next; } else { el_pre->next = el_cur->next; } free(el_cur); /* Free allocated resources. */ /* Reset sc_terminate. */ shared->sc_terminate = -1; if (sem_post(s_client) == -1) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sem_post(3) failed"); } /* Skip the rest of the game as we have nothing to do here */ continue; } /* Check game status of client. */ if (shared->status_id == CreateGame) { /* Start a new game. */ DEBUG("Setting up game for client %d\n", shared->s_id); create_game(el_cur); } if (shared->status_id == Running) { /* Check guess. */ DEBUG("Checking guess of client %d\n", shared->s_id); check_guess(el_cur); } /* Write server answer back into SHM. */ shared->s_id = el_cur->server_id; shared->status_id = el_cur->status_id; shared->s_errors = el_cur->errors; strncpy(shared->s_word, el_cur->client_word, MAX_DATA); /* Let the client know that there is an answer. */ if (sem_post(s_return) == -1) { bail_out(EXIT_FAILURE, "sem_post(3) failed"); } /* critical section end. */ } /* Free stuff */ free(strings); }
void MessageWriter::send_create_game(size_t map_id, const std::string &game_name, int players_size) { char message_type = NEW_GAME; socket_->send_buffer(&message_type, 1); CreateGameMessage create_game(socket_); create_game.send(map_id, game_name, players_size); }
// Show and loop main menu void show_menu_loop() { char *ip = ""; FILE *han; SDL_Event event; int createserver = 0; SDL_Thread *ReadThread; //GConfClient *gcc = NULL; // Init GConf //g_type_init(); //gcc = gconf_client_get_default(); //createserver = gconf_client_get_bool(gcc, BATTLEGWELED_CREATESERVER, NULL); //ip = gconf_client_get_string(gcc, BATTLEGWELED_SERVERIP, NULL); // Single player if (!createserver && !strcmp(ip, "")) { han = fopen("/tmp/.battlegweled-save", "rb"); if (han) { fread(&total_score, sizeof(int), 1, han); fread(&single_timer, sizeof(int), 1, han); fread(&timer_delay, sizeof(int), 1, han); fread(&score, sizeof(int), 1, han); fread(nb_of_tiles, sizeof(nb_of_tiles), 1, han); fread(matrix, BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT, sizeof(int), han); fclose(han); new_game(true, GM_SINGLE, true); } else new_game(true, GM_SINGLE, false); if (game_loop()) { flush_callback(0); quit_callback(0); } else exit_callback(0); } else { int joined; if (createserver) create_game(); else joined = join_game(ip); while (1) { // If connected then start the game if (ss == SS_CONNECTED) { new_game(true, GM_MULTIPLAYER, false); ReadThread = SDL_CreateThread(multi_player_loop, "ReadThread", NULL); game_loop(); //SDL_KillThread(ReadThread); SDL_WaitThread(ReadThread, NULL); break; } if (ss == SS_ERROR || (SDL_PollEvent(&event) && ((event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED && (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F4 || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F5 || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F6)) || event.type == SDL_QUIT || (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && event.button.x >= BACK_OFFSETX && event.button.y >= BACK_OFFSETY && event.button.x < BACK_OFFSETX2 && event.button.y < BACK_OFFSETY2)))) { SDL_WaitThread(ThreadConnect, NULL); SDL_WaitThread(ThreadAccept, NULL); //if (ThreadConnect) SDL_KillThread(ThreadConnect); //if (ThreadAccept) SDL_KillThread(ThreadAccept); break; } // Update screen draw_waiting_screen(); } quit_callback(0); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct game *game = create_game(); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &help_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); // 8192 apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); print_game(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &attack_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); // 16384 apply_cs(&K_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&S_value, 100, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &get_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(100, &zero_value, game); print_game(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(©_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); print_game(game); apply_cs(&put_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_sc(0, &zero_value, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&dbl_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&succ_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); apply_cs(&revive_value, 0, game); switch_turn(game); print_game(game); destroy_game(game); return 0; }
/* true return value indicates that connection must be closed */ int process_msg(int fd, char* msg) { int client_proto_major; int client_proto_minor; char * args; char * ptr, * ptr2; char * msg_orig; /* check for leading protocol tag */ if (!str_begins_static_str(msg, "FB/") || strlen(msg) < 8) { // 8 stands for "FB/M.m f"(oo) send_line_log(fd, fl_line_unrecognized, msg); return 1; } /* check if client protocol is compatible; for simplicity, we don't support client protocol more recent * than server protocol, we suppose that our servers are upgraded when a new release appears (but of * course client protocol older is supported within the major protocol) */ client_proto_major = charstar_to_int(msg + 3); client_proto_minor = charstar_to_int(msg + 5); if (client_proto_major != proto_major || client_proto_minor > proto_minor) { send_line_log(fd, fl_proto_mismatch, msg); return 1; } if (remote_proto_minor[fd] == -1) remote_proto_minor[fd] = client_proto_minor; msg_orig = strdup(msg); /* after protocol, first word is command, then possible args */ current_command = msg + 7; // 7 stands for "FB/M.m " if ((ptr = strchr(current_command, ' '))) { *ptr = '\0'; args = current_command + strlen(current_command) + 1; } else args = NULL; if (streq(current_command, "PING")) { send_line_log(fd, ok_pong, msg_orig); } else if (streq(current_command, "NICK")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { if ((ptr = strchr(args, ' '))) *ptr = '\0'; if (strlen(args) > 10) args[10] = '\0'; if (!is_nick_ok(args)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_nick_invalid, msg_orig); } else { if (nick[fd] != NULL) { free(nick[fd]); } nick[fd] = strdup(args); calculate_list_games(); send_ok(fd, msg_orig); } } } else if (streq(current_command, "GEOLOC")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { if ((ptr = strchr(args, ' '))) *ptr = '\0'; if (strlen(args) > 13) // sign, 4 digits, dot, colon, sign, 4 digits, dot args[13] = '\0'; if (geoloc[fd] != NULL) { free(geoloc[fd]); } geoloc[fd] = strdup(args); calculate_list_games(); send_ok(fd, msg_orig); } } else if (streq(current_command, "CREATE")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { if ((ptr = strchr(args, ' '))) *ptr = '\0'; if (strlen(args) > 10) args[10] = '\0'; if (!is_nick_ok(args)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_nick_invalid, msg_orig); } else if (!nick_available(args)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_nick_in_use, msg_orig); } else if (already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_already_in_game, msg_orig); } else if (games_open == 16) { // FB client can display 16 max send_line_log(fd, wn_max_open_games, msg_orig); } else { create_game(fd, strdup(args)); send_ok(fd, msg_orig); } } } else if (streq(current_command, "JOIN")) { if (!args || !(ptr = strchr(args, ' '))) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { struct game * g; char* nick = ptr + 1; *ptr = '\0'; if ((ptr2 = strchr(ptr, ' '))) *ptr2 = '\0'; if (strlen(nick) > 10) nick[10] = '\0'; if (!is_nick_ok(nick)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_nick_invalid, msg_orig); } else if (!nick_available(nick)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_nick_in_use, msg_orig); } else if (already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_already_in_game, msg_orig); } else if (!(g = find_game_by_nick(args))) { send_line_log(fd, wn_no_such_game, msg_orig); } else { if (add_player(g, fd, strdup(nick))) send_ok(fd, msg_orig); else send_line_log(fd, wn_game_full, msg_orig); } } } else if (streq(current_command, "KICK")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { if ((ptr = strchr(args, ' '))) *ptr = '\0'; if (strlen(args) > 10) args[10] = '\0'; if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { struct game * g = find_game_by_fd(fd); if (g->players_conn[0] != fd) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_creator, msg_orig); } else { kick_player(fd, g, args); } } } } else if (streq(current_command, "PART")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { player_part_game(fd); send_ok(fd, msg_orig); } } else if (streq(current_command, "LIST")) { send_line_log(fd, list_games_str, msg_orig); } else if (streq(current_command, "STATUS")) { // 1.0 command if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { status(fd, msg_orig); } } else if (streq(current_command, "STATUSGEO")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { status_geo(fd, msg_orig); } } else if (streq(current_command, "PROTOCOL_LEVEL")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { protocol_level(fd, msg_orig); } } else if (streq(current_command, "TALK")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else { talk(fd, args); } } else if (streq(current_command, "START")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { start_game(fd); } } else if (streq(current_command, "CLOSE")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { close_game(fd); } } else if (streq(current_command, "SETOPTIONS")) { if (!args) { send_line_log(fd, wn_missing_arguments, msg_orig); } else if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { setoptions(fd, args); } } else if (streq(current_command, "LEADER_CHECK_GAME_START")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { leader_check_game_start(fd); } } else if (streq(current_command, "OK_GAME_START")) { if (!already_in_game(fd)) { send_line_log(fd, wn_not_in_game, msg_orig); } else { ok_start_game(fd); } } else if (streq(current_command, "ADMIN_REREAD")) { if (!admin_authorized[fd]) { send_line_log(fd, wn_denied, msg_orig); } else { reread(); send_ok(fd, "ADMIN_REREAD"); } } else { send_line_log(fd, wn_unknown_command, msg); } free(msg_orig); current_command = NULL; return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // Allowing server to gracefully handle SIGINT and SIGTERM. signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler); signal(SIGTERM, interrupt_handler); // Making a buffer for the log file and setting it to null. char log_buf[LOG_MSG_LEN]; memset(log_buf, '\0', LOG_MSG_LEN); // Stuff for making, binding and then listening on the socket. struct sockaddr_in server, client; char *host; socklen_t len; int s, new_s, count, server_port; // Setting the correct code to NULL. This will be set for the whole // server execution if it was passed as an arg. char *correct = NULL; // Code for reading in the port number (and code if supplied). if (argc == 2) { server_port = atoi(argv[1]); } else if (argc == 3) { server_port = atoi(argv[1]); correct = argv[2]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [port_number] <code>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } // Initialising the file pointer for writing to log. log_f = fopen("log.txt", "w"); if (log_f == NULL) { printf("Error opening file!\n"); exit(1); } // Setting up the mutex log for writing to log / collecting stats. if (pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL) != 0) { printf("\n mutex init failed\n"); exit(1); } printf("Server port %i\n",server_port); /* Building data structures for sockets */ /* Identify two end points; one for the server and the other for the client when it connects to the server socket */ memset (&server, 0, sizeof (server)); memset (&client, 0, sizeof (client)); /* ** Server socket initializations. ** AF_INET: specifies the connection to Internet. In our example we use ** TCP port 5431 as the known server port; Any client needs to connect to ** this port. INADDR_ANY specifies the server is willing to accept ** connections on any of the local host's IP addresses. */ server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons (server_port); // Preliminary server steps: Setup: creation of passive open socket. if ((s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { perror ("Error creating socket"); exit (1); } printf("Socket descriptor: %d\n", s); // Bind the socket to local address. if (bind (s, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof (server)) < 0) { perror ("Error in binding to the specified port"); exit (1); } printf("sock: family = %d\n", server.sin_family); printf(" saddr = %d\n", server.sin_addr.s_addr); printf(" port = %d\n", ntohs(server.sin_port)); // Sets the maximum number of pending connections to be allowed. if (listen (s, LISTEN_QUEUE) < 0) { perror("listen() failed with error"); exit(1); } else { printf("Listening on port %d...\n", ntohs(server.sin_port)); } // Creating the struct that will keep track of all the instances. StateInfo *state_info = create_state_info_struct(MAX_PLAYERS); // Build tge welcome message in game.c so we only have to do it once. build_welcome(); // Creating the struct for file descriptors to be polled. struct pollfd poll_list[1]; poll_list[0].fd = s; poll_list[0].events = POLLIN|POLLPRI; // The return value of poll, which runs each POLL_INTERVAL milliseconds. int poll_res; // Main server loop. while (1) { len = sizeof(client); /* ** We use the poll() function outside of the accept so that we can ** properly handle incoming signal interrupts. accept() is a blocking ** function, it wouldn't process the SIGINT/SIGTERM until a connection ** had been accepted. poll() checks if there is anything to be read on ** the socket first (every POLL_INTERVAL) before running the accept(). ** ** A fork could also have been used to catch the SIGINT/SIGTERM. ** The polling solution however gives you a greater degree of fine tuned ** control both due to the non-blocking nature and the programmer ** defined checking interval, which also reduces computational expense. ** ** poll_res >= 0: Something ready to be read on the target fd/socket. ** poll_res == 0: Nothing ready to be read on the target fd/socket. ** poll_res <= 0: An error occurred, hopefully just because the SIGINT/ ** SIGTERM interrupted the poll. We catch this and ** gracefully shutdown the server. */ poll_res = poll(poll_list, 1, POLL_INTERVAL); // This block runs if there is something to be read on the socket. if (poll_res > 0) { // Accepting the new connection and assigning the socket number. if ((new_s = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &len)) < 0) { printf("errno = %d, new_s = %d\n", errno, new_s); perror ("Accept failed"); exit (1); } else { // Preparing ip4 for the ipv4 address. char ip4[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET,&(client.sin_addr), ip4, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); // Creating the individual game instance. if (create_game(new_s, ip4, correct, state_info) < 0){ sprintf(log_buf, "( Max players (%d) reached. \ Connection from %s rejected.\n", MAX_PLAYERS, ip4); write_log(log_buf); } else { num_connections += 1; } memset(ip4, '\0', INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } } else if (poll_res == 0) {
void server_base::handle_message(send_function send_fn, boost::function<void(client_info&)> close_fn, boost::function<socket_info&(void)> socket_info_fn, int session_id, const variant& msg) { const std::string& type = msg["type"].as_string(); if(session_id == -1) { if(type == "create_game") { game_info_ptr g(create_game(msg)); if(!g) { send_fn(json::parse("{ \"type\": \"create_game_failed\" }")); return; } send_fn(json::parse(formatter() << "{ \"type\": \"game_created\", \"game_id\": " << g->game_state->game_id() << " }")); status_change(); return; } else if(type == "get_status") { const int last_status = msg["last_seen"].as_int(); if(last_status == status_id_) { status_fns_.push_back(send_fn); } else { send_fn(create_lobby_msg()); } return; } else if(type == "get_server_info") { send_fn(get_server_info()); return; } else { std::map<variant,variant> m; m[variant("type")] = variant("unknown_message"); m[variant("msg_type")] = variant(type); send_fn(variant(&m)); return; } } if(type == "observe_game") { fprintf(stderr, "ZZZ: RECEIVE observe_game\n"); const int id = msg["game_id"].as_int(-1); const std::string user = msg["user"].as_string(); game_info_ptr g; foreach(const game_info_ptr& gm, games_) { if(id == -1 || gm->game_state->game_id() == id) { g = gm; break; } } if(!g) { fprintf(stderr, "ZZZ: SEND unknown_game\n"); send_fn(json::parse("{ \"type\": \"unknown_game\" }")); return; } if(clients_.count(session_id)) { fprintf(stderr, "ZZZ: SEND reuse_ssoin_id\n"); send_fn(json::parse("{ \"type\": \"reuse_session_id\" }")); return; } client_info& cli_info = clients_[session_id]; cli_info.user = user; = g; cli_info.nplayer = -1; cli_info.last_contact = nheartbeat_; cli_info.session_id = session_id; g->clients.push_back(session_id); send_fn(json::parse(formatter() << "{ \"type\": \"observing_game\" }")); fprintf(stderr, "ZZZ: RESPONDED TO observe_game\n"); return; }