void MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_tolerance (const ErrorVector & error_per_cell_in)

  libmesh_assert_greater (_coarsen_threshold, 0);

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // How much error per cell will we tolerate?
  const Real local_refinement_tolerance =
    _absolute_global_tolerance / std::sqrt(static_cast<Real>(_mesh.n_active_elem()));
  const Real local_coarsening_tolerance =
    local_refinement_tolerance * _coarsen_threshold;

  // Prepare another error vector if we need to sum parent errors
  ErrorVector error_per_parent;
  if (_coarsen_by_parents)
      Real parent_error_min, parent_error_max;


  for (auto & elem : _mesh.active_element_ptr_range())
      Elem * parent = elem->parent();
      const dof_id_type elem_number    = elem->id();
      const ErrorVectorReal elem_error = error_per_cell_in[elem_number];

      if (elem_error > local_refinement_tolerance &&
          elem->level() < _max_h_level)

      if (!_coarsen_by_parents && elem_error <

      if (_coarsen_by_parents && parent)
          ErrorVectorReal parent_error = error_per_parent[parent->id()];
          if (parent_error >= 0.)
              const Real parent_coarsening_tolerance =
                std::sqrt(parent->n_children() *
                          local_coarsening_tolerance *
              if (parent_error < parent_coarsening_tolerance)
void MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_elem_fraction (const ErrorVector& error_per_cell,
						     const Real refine_frac,
						     const Real coarsen_frac,
						     const unsigned int max_l)

  // The function arguments are currently just there for
  // backwards_compatibility
  if (!_use_member_parameters)
    // If the user used non-default parameters, lets warn
    // that they're deprecated
    if (refine_frac != 0.3 ||
	coarsen_frac != 0.0 ||
	max_l != libMesh::invalid_uint)

    _refine_fraction = refine_frac;
    _coarsen_fraction = coarsen_frac;
    _max_h_level = max_l;

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // The number of active elements in the mesh
  const unsigned int n_active_elem  = _mesh.n_elem();

  // The number of elements to flag for coarsening
  const unsigned int n_elem_coarsen =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_coarsen_fraction * n_active_elem);

  // The number of elements to flag for refinement
  const unsigned int n_elem_refine =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_refine_fraction  * n_active_elem);

  // Clean up the refinement flags.  These could be left
  // over from previous refinement steps.

  // This vector stores the error and element number for all the
  // active elements.  It will be sorted and the top & bottom
  // elements will then be flagged for coarsening & refinement
  std::vector<float> sorted_error;

  sorted_error.reserve (n_active_elem);

  // Loop over the active elements and create the entry
  // in the sorted_error vector
  MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
    sorted_error.push_back (error_per_cell[(*elem_it)->id()]);


  // Now sort the sorted_error vector
  std::sort (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());

  // If we're coarsening by parents:
  // Create a sorted error vector with coarsenable parent elements
  // only, sorted by lowest errors first
  ErrorVector error_per_parent, sorted_parent_error;
  if (_coarsen_by_parents)
    Real parent_error_min, parent_error_max;


    sorted_parent_error = error_per_parent;
    std::sort (sorted_parent_error.begin(), sorted_parent_error.end());

    // All the other error values will be 0., so get rid of them.
    sorted_parent_error.erase (std::remove(sorted_parent_error.begin(),
					   sorted_parent_error.end(), 0.),

  float top_error= 0., bottom_error = 0.;

  // Get the maximum error value corresponding to the
  // bottom n_elem_coarsen elements
  if (_coarsen_by_parents && n_elem_coarsen)
      const unsigned int dim = _mesh.mesh_dimension();
      unsigned int twotodim = 1;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i!=dim; ++i)
        twotodim *= 2;

      unsigned int n_parent_coarsen = n_elem_coarsen / (twotodim - 1);

      if (n_parent_coarsen)
	bottom_error = sorted_parent_error[n_parent_coarsen - 1];
  else if (n_elem_coarsen)
      bottom_error = sorted_error[n_elem_coarsen - 1];

  if (n_elem_refine)
    top_error = sorted_error[sorted_error.size() - n_elem_refine];

  // Finally, let's do the element flagging
  elem_it  = _mesh.active_elements_begin();
  for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
      Elem* elem = *elem_it;
      Elem* parent = elem->parent();

      if (_coarsen_by_parents && parent && n_elem_coarsen &&
          error_per_parent[parent->id()] <= bottom_error)

      if (!_coarsen_by_parents && n_elem_coarsen &&
          error_per_cell[elem->id()] <= bottom_error)

      if (n_elem_refine &&
          elem->level() < _max_h_level &&
          error_per_cell[elem->id()] >= top_error)
// Mesh refinement methods
void MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_error_fraction (const ErrorVector& error_per_cell,
						      const Real refine_frac,
						      const Real coarsen_frac,
						      const unsigned int max_l)

  // The function arguments are currently just there for
  // backwards_compatibility
  if (!_use_member_parameters)
    // If the user used non-default parameters, lets warn
    // that they're deprecated
    if (refine_frac != 0.3 ||
	coarsen_frac != 0.0 ||
	max_l != libMesh::invalid_uint)

    _refine_fraction = refine_frac;
    _coarsen_fraction = coarsen_frac;
    _max_h_level = max_l;

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // Clean up the refinement flags.  These could be left
  // over from previous refinement steps.

  // We're getting the minimum and maximum error values
  // for the ACTIVE elements
  Real error_min = 1.e30;
  Real error_max = 0.;

  // And, if necessary, for their parents
  Real parent_error_min = 1.e30;
  Real parent_error_max = 0.;

  // Prepare another error vector if we need to sum parent errors
  ErrorVector error_per_parent;
  if (_coarsen_by_parents)

  // We need to loop over all active elements to find the minimum
  MeshBase::element_iterator       el_it  =
  const MeshBase::element_iterator el_end =

  for (; el_it != el_end; ++el_it)
    const unsigned int id  = (*el_it)->id();
    libmesh_assert_less (id, error_per_cell.size());

    error_max = std::max (error_max, error_per_cell[id]);
    error_min = std::min (error_min, error_per_cell[id]);

  // Compute the cutoff values for coarsening and refinement
  const Real error_delta = (error_max - error_min);
  const Real parent_error_delta = parent_error_max - parent_error_min;

  const Real refine_cutoff  = (1.- _refine_fraction)*error_max;
  const Real coarsen_cutoff = _coarsen_fraction*error_delta + error_min;
  const Real parent_cutoff = _coarsen_fraction*parent_error_delta + error_min;

//   // Print information about the error
//   libMesh::out << " Error Information:"                     << std::endl
// 	    << " ------------------"                     << std::endl
// 	    << "   min:              " << error_min      << std::endl
// 	    << "   max:              " << error_max      << std::endl
// 	    << "   delta:            " << error_delta    << std::endl
// 	    << "     refine_cutoff:  " << refine_cutoff  << std::endl
// 	    << "     coarsen_cutoff: " << coarsen_cutoff << std::endl;

  // Loop over the elements and flag them for coarsening or
  // refinement based on the element error

  MeshBase::element_iterator       e_it  =
  const MeshBase::element_iterator e_end =
  for (; e_it != e_end; ++e_it)
    Elem* elem             = *e_it;
    const unsigned int id  = elem->id();

    libmesh_assert_less (id, error_per_cell.size());

    const float elem_error = error_per_cell[id];

    if (_coarsen_by_parents)
      Elem* parent           = elem->parent();
      if (parent)
	const unsigned int parentid  = parent->id();
	if (error_per_parent[parentid] >= 0. &&
	    error_per_parent[parentid] <= parent_cutoff)
    // Flag the element for coarsening if its error
    // is <= coarsen_fraction*delta + error_min
    else if (elem_error <= coarsen_cutoff)

    // Flag the element for refinement if its error
    // is >= refinement_cutoff.
    if (elem_error >= refine_cutoff)
      if (elem->level() < _max_h_level)
bool MeshRefinement::flag_elements_by_nelem_target (const ErrorVector& error_per_cell)

  // Check for valid fractions..
  // The fraction values must be in [0,1]
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_refine_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_refine_fraction, 1);
  libmesh_assert_greater_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 0);
  libmesh_assert_less_equal (_coarsen_fraction, 1);

  // This function is currently only coded to work when coarsening by
  // parents - it's too hard to guess how many coarsenings will be
  // performed otherwise.
  libmesh_assert (_coarsen_by_parents);

  // The number of active elements in the mesh - hopefully less than
  // 2 billion on 32 bit machines
  const unsigned int n_active_elem  = _mesh.n_active_elem();

  // The maximum number of active elements to flag for coarsening
  const unsigned int max_elem_coarsen =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_coarsen_fraction * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // The maximum number of elements to flag for refinement
  const unsigned int max_elem_refine  =
    static_cast<unsigned int>(_refine_fraction  * n_active_elem) + 1;

  // Clean up the refinement flags.  These could be left
  // over from previous refinement steps.

  // The target number of elements to add or remove
  const int n_elem_new = _nelem_target - n_active_elem;

  // Create an vector with active element errors and ids,
  // sorted by highest errors first
  const unsigned int max_elem_id = _mesh.max_elem_id();
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_error;

  sorted_error.reserve (n_active_elem);

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to active elements.
    std::vector<bool> is_active(max_elem_id, false);

    MeshBase::element_iterator       elem_it  = _mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::element_iterator elem_end = _mesh.active_local_elements_end();
    for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        const unsigned int eid = (*elem_it)->id();
        is_active[eid] = true;
        libmesh_assert_less (eid, error_per_cell.size());
          (std::make_pair(error_per_cell[eid], eid));



  // Default sort works since pairs are sorted lexicographically
  std::sort (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());
  std::reverse (sorted_error.begin(), sorted_error.end());

  // Create a sorted error vector with coarsenable parent elements
  // only, sorted by lowest errors first
  ErrorVector error_per_parent;
  std::vector<std::pair<float, unsigned int> > sorted_parent_error;
  Real parent_error_min, parent_error_max;


  // create_parent_error_vector sets values for non-parents and
  // non-coarsenable parents to -1.  Get rid of them.
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != error_per_parent.size(); ++i)
    if (error_per_parent[i] != -1)
      sorted_parent_error.push_back(std::make_pair(error_per_parent[i], i));

  std::sort (sorted_parent_error.begin(), sorted_parent_error.end());

  // Keep track of how many elements we plan to coarsen & refine
  unsigned int coarsen_count = 0;
  unsigned int refine_count = 0;

  const unsigned int dim = _mesh.mesh_dimension();
  unsigned int twotodim = 1;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=dim; ++i)
    twotodim *= 2;

  // First, let's try to get our element count to target_nelem
  if (n_elem_new >= 0)
    // Every element refinement creates at least
    // 2^dim-1 new elements
    refine_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),
    // Every successful element coarsening is likely to destroy
    // 2^dim-1 net elements.
    coarsen_count =
      std::min(static_cast<unsigned int>(-n_elem_new / (twotodim-1)),

  // Next, let's see if we can trade any refinement for coarsening
  while (coarsen_count < max_elem_coarsen &&
         refine_count < max_elem_refine &&
         coarsen_count < sorted_parent_error.size() &&
         refine_count < sorted_error.size() &&
         sorted_error[refine_count].first >
	 sorted_parent_error[coarsen_count].first * _coarsen_threshold)

  // On a ParallelMesh, we need to communicate to know which remote ids
  // correspond to refinable elements
  unsigned int successful_refine_count = 0;
    std::vector<bool> is_refinable(max_elem_id, false);

    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (elem && elem->level() < _max_h_level)
	  is_refinable[eid] = true;

    if (refine_count > max_elem_refine)
      refine_count = max_elem_refine;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_error.size(); ++i)
        if (successful_refine_count >= refine_count)

        unsigned int eid = sorted_error[i].second;
        Elem *elem = _mesh.query_elem(eid);
        if (is_refinable[eid])
            if (elem)

  // If we couldn't refine enough elements, don't coarsen too many
  // either
  if (coarsen_count < (refine_count - successful_refine_count))
    coarsen_count = 0;
    coarsen_count -= (refine_count - successful_refine_count);

  if (coarsen_count > max_elem_coarsen)
    coarsen_count = max_elem_coarsen;

  unsigned int successful_coarsen_count = 0;
  if (coarsen_count)
      for (unsigned int i=0; i != sorted_parent_error.size(); ++i)
          if (successful_coarsen_count >= coarsen_count * twotodim)

          unsigned int parent_id = sorted_parent_error[i].second;
          Elem *parent = _mesh.query_elem(parent_id);

          // On a ParallelMesh we skip remote elements
          if (!parent)

          for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
              Elem *elem = parent->child(c);
              if (elem && elem != remote_elem)

  // Return true if we've done all the AMR/C we can
  if (!successful_coarsen_count &&
    return true;
  // And false if there may still be more to do.
  return false;