Dijkstra(int** adj_matrix, int num, int start, int dist[]) {
	int i, u, v;
	int id, key;
	bool* access = malloc(sizeof(bool) * num);
	struct PQueue* pq = create_pqueue(num);
	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		if (i == start) {
			dist[i] = 0;
		else {
			dist[i] = infinite;
		access[i] = false;
		insert(pq, i, dist[i]);

	for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		extract_min(pq, &u, &key);
		access[u] = true;
		for (v = 0; v < num; v++) {
			if (!access[v] && adj_matrix[u][v] && dist[v] > dist[u] + adj_matrix[u][v]) {
				dist[v] = dist[u] + adj_matrix[u][v];
				decrease_key(pq, v, dist[v]);


 * Create process list
 * @param pnum Number of processes in the system
 * @return List of processes of the system
process init_processes(int pnum)
    process plist = malloc(sizeof(struct process_t) * pnum);

    if (plist == NULL) return NULL;

    for(int i = 0; i < pnum; ++i) {
        plist[i].state = ST_RELEASED;
        plist[i].timestamp = 0;
        plist[i].request_timestamp = 0;
        plist[i].recv_queue = facility("recvq", 2 * pnum);
        plist[i].recvd_from = create_pqueue(2 * pnum);
        plist[i].nreplies = 0;
        plist[i].pending = malloc(sizeof(int) * pnum);
        memset(plist[i].pending, 0, sizeof(int) * pnum);

    return plist;
int main() {

	p_queue * priority_Q = create_pqueue();													//sets up a priority queue

    int i, n, pid = 0, dequeue_Count;
    // Queue count
    int queue_count = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {																// Creates the PCB's and puts them in the Priority Queue.

        // Create and add 10 pcb's to enqueue
        for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
			PCB * pcb = create();
			pcb->priority = rand() % 32;; // Assign random priority (0-31 range)
			add(priority_Q, pcb);
			pcb->pid = pid++;

        // Print off current state of priority queue:
		display(priority_Q, 0, queue_count);												//displays the current state of the priority queue after ten additions
		printf("\n\n");																		//gives gap in display

        // Print off PCB's that have been dequeued:
        printf("PCB's that have been dequeued:\n");
        for (dequeue_Count = rand() %3 + 4; dequeue_Count > 0; dequeue_Count--) {	    	//creates a loop for a random number between 4 and 6
			PCB * removed = pop_pcb(priority_Q);											//pops a pcb from the priority queue
			toString(removed);																//prints the contents of the removed pcb
		printf("\n\n");																		//gives a gap in the display

	display(priority_Q, 1, queue_count);													//displays the priority queue

	return 0;
