void scanConverter(GzRender *render, GzCoord *vertexList)
	GzCoord top, mid, btm;
	GzCoord vtx1, vtx2, vtx3;

	/* Find a bounding box of the tri, and sort 3 verts */
	/* Find max and min x values */
	float minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
	if (vertexList[0][0] >= vertexList[1][0])
		maxx = vertexList[0][0];
		minx = vertexList[1][0];
		maxx = vertexList[1][0];
		minx = vertexList[0][0];
	if (vertexList[2][0] > maxx) maxx = vertexList[2][0];
	if (vertexList[2][0] < minx) minx = vertexList[2][0];

	/* Find max and min y values*/
	if (vertexList[0][1] >= vertexList[1][1])
		top[0] = vertexList[0][0]; top[1] = vertexList[0][1]; top[2] = vertexList[0][2];
		btm[0] = vertexList[1][0]; btm[1] = vertexList[1][1]; btm[2] = vertexList[1][2];
		top[0] = vertexList[1][0]; top[1] = vertexList[1][1]; top[2] = vertexList[1][2];
		btm[0] = vertexList[0][0]; btm[1] = vertexList[0][1]; btm[2] = vertexList[0][2];
	if (vertexList[2][1] > top[1])
		mid[0] = top[0]; mid[1] = top[1]; mid[2] = top[2];
		top[0] = vertexList[2][0]; top[1] = vertexList[2][1]; top[2] = vertexList[2][2];
	else if (vertexList[2][1] < btm[1])
		mid[0] = btm[0]; mid[1] = btm[1]; mid[2] = btm[2];
		btm[0] = vertexList[2][0]; btm[1] = vertexList[2][1]; btm[2] = vertexList[2][2];
		mid[0] = vertexList[2][0]; mid[1] = vertexList[2][1]; mid[2] = vertexList[2][2];

	maxx = ceil(maxx);
	maxy = ceil(top[1]);
	minx = floor(minx);
	miny = floor(btm[1]);

	if (top[1] == mid[1]) // Top edge exits
		if (top[0] < mid[0])
			vtx1[0] = top[0]; vtx1[1] = top[1]; vtx1[2] = top[2];
			vtx2[0] = mid[0]; vtx2[1] = mid[1]; vtx2[2] = mid[2];
			vtx2[0] = top[0]; vtx2[1] = top[1]; vtx2[2] = top[2];
			vtx1[0] = mid[0]; vtx1[1] = mid[1]; vtx1[2] = mid[2];
		vtx3[0] = top[0]; vtx1[1] = top[1]; vtx1[2] = top[2];
	else if (btm[1] == mid[1]) // Bottom edge exits
		if (btm[0] < mid[0])
			vtx3[0] = btm[0]; vtx3[1] = btm[1]; vtx3[2] = btm[2];
			vtx2[0] = mid[0]; vtx2[1] = mid[1]; vtx2[2] = mid[2];
			vtx2[0] = btm[0]; vtx2[1] = btm[1]; vtx2[2] = btm[2];
			vtx3[0] = mid[0]; vtx3[1] = mid[1]; vtx3[2] = mid[2];
		vtx1[0] = top[0]; vtx1[1] = top[1]; vtx1[2] = top[2];
		float deltax = top[0] - btm[0];
		float deltay = top[1] - btm[1];
		float slope = deltax / deltay;
		float x = mid[1] * slope - top[1] * slope + top[0];
		vtx1[0] = top[0]; vtx1[1] = top[1]; vtx1[2] = top[2];
		if (x < mid[0])
			vtx2[0] = mid[0]; vtx2[1] = mid[1]; vtx2[2] = mid[2];
			vtx3[0] = btm[0]; vtx3[1] = btm[1]; vtx3[2] = btm[2];
			vtx2[0] = btm[0]; vtx2[1] = btm[1]; vtx2[2] = btm[2];
			vtx3[0] = mid[0]; vtx3[1] = mid[1]; vtx3[2] = mid[2];

	for (int i = (int)minx; i < (int)maxx; i++)
		for (int j = (int)miny; j < (int)maxy; j++)
			GzCoord point;
			point[0] = i;
			point[1] = j;
			point[2] = 0;
			if (LEE(vtx1, vtx2, point) >= 0 && LEE(vtx2, vtx3, point) >= 0 && LEE(vtx3, vtx1, point) >= 0)
				/* Interpolate Z */
				float vector1[3], vector2[3];
				float *result = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)* 3);
				vector1[0] = vtx1[0] - vtx2[0]; vector1[1] = vtx1[1] - vtx2[1]; vector1[2] = vtx1[2] - vtx2[2];
				vector2[0] = vtx3[0] - vtx2[0]; vector2[1] = vtx3[1] - vtx2[1]; vector2[2] = vtx3[2] - vtx2[2];
				result = crossProduct(vector1, vector2);
				if (result[0] * vtx2[0] + result[1] * vtx2[1] + result[2] * vtx2[2] == result[0] * vtx3[0] + result[1] * vtx3[1] + result[2] * vtx3[2])
					int a = 3;
				point[2] = (result[0] * vtx1[0] + result[1] * vtx1[1] + result[2] * vtx1[2] - result[0] * i - result[1] * j) / result[2];
				///* Do the transformation */
				//transform(render, point);
				Rasterize(render->display, point[0], point[1],
					1, point[2]);
void vertexshade(void){
  int nx,ny;
  float cx,cy,cz;
  for (nx=0;nx<n;nx++){
    for (ny=0;ny<n;ny++){
      cpx[n*nx+ny] = 0;
      cpz[n*nx+ny] = 0;
      cpy[n*nx+ny] = 0;
  cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
  cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
  cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
  cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
  cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
  cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
  cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
  cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
  cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
  cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
  cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
  cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;

  for (ny=1;ny<n-1;ny++){
    nx = 0;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    nx = n-1;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;

  for (nx=1;nx<n-1;nx++){
    ny = 0;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    ny = n-1;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
    cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
    cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
    cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;

  for (nx=1;nx<n-1;nx++){
    for (ny=1;ny<n-1;ny++){
      cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
      cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
      cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
      cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
      cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
      cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;		crossProduct(x[nx*n+ny],y[nx*n+ny],z[nx*n+ny],x[(nx+1)*n+ny],y[(nx+1)*n+ny],z[(nx+1)*n+ny],x[nx*n+ny-1],y[nx*n+ny-1],z[nx*n+ny-1],cx,cy,cz);
      cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
      cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
      cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
      cpx[n*nx+ny] -= cx;
      cpz[n*nx+ny] -= cy;
      cpy[n*nx+ny] -= cz;
  for (nx=0;nx<n-1;nx++){
    for (ny=0;ny<n-1;ny++){
文件: qvector3d.cpp 项目: maxxant/qt
    Returns the normal vector of a plane defined by vectors \a v1 and \a v2,
    normalized to be a unit vector.

    Use crossProduct() to compute the cross-product of \a v1 and \a v2 if you
    do not need the result to be normalized to a unit vector.

    \sa crossProduct(), distanceToPlane()
QVector3D QVector3D::normal(const QVector3D& v1, const QVector3D& v2)
    return crossProduct(v1, v2).normalized();
void Frustum::computePerspective(const Vec3& position,
	const Vec3& direction,
	const Vec3& up,
	float fov,
	float ratio,
	float near_distance,
	float far_distance)
	ASSERT(near_distance > 0);
	ASSERT(far_distance > 0);
	ASSERT(near_distance < far_distance);
	ASSERT(fov > 0);
	ASSERT(ratio > 0);
	float tang = (float)tan(fov * 0.5f);
	float near_height = near_distance * tang;
	float near_width = near_height * ratio;

	Vec3 z = direction;

	Vec3 x = crossProduct(up, z);

	Vec3 y = crossProduct(z, x);

	Vec3 near_center = position - z * near_distance;
	Vec3 far_center = position - z * far_distance;
	m_center = position - z * ((near_distance + far_distance)* 0.5f);

	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::NEAR_PLANE].set(-z, near_center);
	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::FAR_PLANE].set(z, far_center);

	Vec3 aux = (near_center + y * near_height) - position;
	Vec3 normal = crossProduct(aux, x);
	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::TOP_PLANE].set(normal, near_center + y * near_height);

	aux = (near_center - y * near_height) - position;
	normal = crossProduct(x, aux);
	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::BOTTOM_PLANE].set(normal, near_center - y * near_height);

	aux = (near_center - x * near_width) - position;
	normal = crossProduct(aux, y);
	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::LEFT_PLANE].set(normal, near_center - x * near_width);

	aux = (near_center + x * near_width) - position;
	normal = crossProduct(y, aux);
	m_plane[(uint32)Sides::RIGHT_PLANE].set(normal, near_center + x * near_width);

	float far_height = far_distance * tang;
	float far_width = far_height * ratio;

	Vec3 corner1 = near_center + x * near_width + y * near_height;
	Vec3 corner2 = far_center + x * far_width + y * far_height;

	float size = (corner1 - corner2).length();
	size = Math::maxValue(sqrt(far_width * far_width * 4 + far_height * far_height * 4), size);
	m_radius = size * 0.5f;
	m_position = position;
	m_direction = direction;
	m_up = up;
	m_fov = fov;
	m_ratio = ratio;
	m_near_distance = near_distance;
	m_far_distance = far_distance;
double areaTriangle(const Vector3D& vecA, const Vector3D& vecB, const Vector3D& vecC) {
    return 0.5 * crossProduct(vecA-vecB, vecC-vecB).Length();
/// Draw the shadow for a shape
static void pie_DrawShadow(iIMDShape *shape, int flag, int flag_data, Vector3f* light)
	unsigned int i, j, n;
	Vector3f *pVertices;
	iIMDPoly *pPolys;
	unsigned int edge_count = 0;
	static EDGE *edgelist = NULL;
	static unsigned int edgelistsize = 256;
	EDGE *drawlist = NULL;

		edgelist = (EDGE*)malloc(sizeof(EDGE)*edgelistsize);
	pVertices = shape->points;
	if( flag & pie_STATIC_SHADOW && shape->shadowEdgeList )
		drawlist = shape->shadowEdgeList;
		edge_count = shape->nShadowEdges;

		for (i = 0, pPolys = shape->polys; i < shape->npolys; ++i, ++pPolys) {
			Vector3f p[3];
			int current, first;
			for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				current = pPolys->pindex[j];
				p[j] = Vector3f(pVertices[current].x, scale_y(pVertices[current].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[current].z);

			Vector3f normal = crossProduct(p[2] - p[0], p[1] - p[0]);
			if (normal * *light > 0)
				first = pPolys->pindex[0];
				for (n = 1; n < pPolys->npnts; n++) {
					// link to the previous vertex
					addToEdgeList(pPolys->pindex[n-1], pPolys->pindex[n], edgelist, &edge_count, pVertices);
					// check if the edgelist is still large enough
					if(edge_count >= edgelistsize-1)
						// enlarge
						EDGE* newstack;
						edgelistsize *= 2;
						newstack = (EDGE *)realloc(edgelist, sizeof(EDGE) * edgelistsize);
						if (newstack == NULL)
							debug(LOG_FATAL, "pie_DrawShadow: Out of memory!");

						edgelist = newstack;

						debug(LOG_WARNING, "new edge list size: %u", edgelistsize);
				// back to the first
				addToEdgeList(pPolys->pindex[pPolys->npnts-1], first, edgelist, &edge_count, pVertices);
		//debug(LOG_WARNING, "we have %i edges", edge_count);
		drawlist = edgelist;

		if(flag & pie_STATIC_SHADOW)
			// first compact the current edgelist
			for(i = 0, j = 0; i < edge_count; i++)
				if(edgelist[i].from < 0)
				edgelist[j] = edgelist[i];
			edge_count = j;
			// then store it in the imd
			shape->nShadowEdges = edge_count;
			shape->shadowEdgeList = (EDGE *)realloc(shape->shadowEdgeList, sizeof(EDGE) * shape->nShadowEdges);
			memcpy(shape->shadowEdgeList, edgelist, sizeof(EDGE) * shape->nShadowEdges);

	// draw the shadow volume
	glNormal3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		int a = drawlist[i].from, b = drawlist[i].to;
		if(a < 0)

		glVertex3f(pVertices[b].x, scale_y(pVertices[b].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[b].z);
		glVertex3f(pVertices[b].x+light->x, scale_y(pVertices[b].y, flag, flag_data)+light->y, pVertices[b].z+light->z);
		glVertex3f(pVertices[a].x+light->x, scale_y(pVertices[a].y, flag, flag_data)+light->y, pVertices[a].z+light->z);
		glVertex3f(pVertices[a].x, scale_y(pVertices[a].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[a].z);


	glColor4ub(0xFF, 0, 0, 0xFF);
	for(i = 0; i < edge_count; i++)
		int a = drawlist[i].from, b = drawlist[i].to;
		if(a < 0)

		glVertex3f(pVertices[b].x, scale_y(pVertices[b].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[b].z);
		glVertex3f(pVertices[a].x, scale_y(pVertices[a].y, flag, flag_data), pVertices[a].z);
bool F_OrientedHistogram::getFeatureVector(osvm_node *x, Slice3d* slice3d, int sid, int nsid)
  node cs;
  node cn;
  node ct;
  float v1[3];
  float v2[3];
  float v2p[3];

  // B=(v1,vn,vn2) basis used to project vectors
  float B[9];
  int angleXY;
  int angleXZ;
  int idx = 0;

  supernode* s = slice3d->getSupernode(sid);
  supernode* n = slice3d->getSupernode(nsid);

  // compute vector sn
  v1[0] = cs.x - cn.x;
  v1[1] = cs.y - cn.y;
  v1[2] = cs.z - cn.z;

  // Compute B basis
  B[0] = v1[0];
  B[1] = v1[1];
  B[2] = v1[2];
  B[3] = -v1[1];
  B[4] = v1[0];
  B[5] = 0;
  crossProduct(&B[0], &B[3], &B[6]);

  Histogram hist(nOrientation*nOrientation);
  float angleToIdx = (float)nOrientation/360.0f;

  vector < supernode* >* lNeighbors = &(s->neighbors);
  supernode* t;
  for(vector < supernode* >::iterator itN = lNeighbors->begin();
      itN != lNeighbors->end(); itN++)
      //if(t->id == n->id)
      //  continue;

      t = *itN;

      // compute vector st
      v2[0] = cs.x - ct.x;
      v2[1] = cs.y - ct.y;
      v2[2] = cs.z - ct.z;

      n1 = sqrt(v1[0]*v1[0]+v1[1]*v1[1]+v1[2]*v1[2]);
      n2 = sqrt(v2[0]*v2[0]+v2[1]*v2[1]+v2[2]*v2[2]);
      if(n1 != 0 && n2 != 0)
          fCos = (v1[0]*v2[0]+v1[1]*v2[1]+v1[2]*v2[2])/(n1*n2);
          if(fCos < -1.0)
            fCos = -1.0;
            if(fCos > 1.0f)
              fCos = 1.0f;

          angle = acos(fCos)*180.0/PI;

          fSin = l2Norm(vc, 3)/(l2Norm(v1, 3)*l2Norm(v2, 3));
          if(fSin < -1.0)
            fSin = -1.0;
            if(fSin > 1.0f)
              fSin = 1.0f;

          printf("[F_OrientedHistogram] 1 angle=%d asin=%f\n",

          angle = asin(fSin)*180.0/PI;

          printf("[F_OrientedHistogram] 2 fSin=%f, fCos=%f, angle=%d\n",

          angle = atan2(fSin, fCos)*180.0/PI;
        angle = 0;

      idx = (int)(angle*angleToIdx+0.5);

      // Project v2 in B
      matMulVec_3(B, v2, v2p);
      // compute angle in x-y plane
      angleXY = atan2(v2p[1], v2p[0])*180.0/PI;
      angleXY += 180.0;
      // compute angle in x-z plane
      angleXZ = atan2(v2p[2], v2p[0])*180.0/PI;
      angleXZ += 180.0;

      if(angleXY > 360.0 || angleXZ > 360.0)
          printf("[F_OrientedHistogram] Error : angleXY=%d > 360.0 || angleXZ=%d > 360.0\n", angleXY, angleXZ);

      idx = (int)(angleXY*angleToIdx)*nOrientation

      if(idx >= hist.nBins)
        idx = hist.nBins - 1;

      if(hist.histData[idx] < 0.1)
        hist.histData[idx] = slice3d->getAvgIntensity(t->id);
        hist.histData[idx] = (hist.histData[idx]+slice3d->getAvgIntensity(t->id))/2;

      if(t->id == n->id)
          printf("[F_OrientedHistogram] v2p=(%f,%f,%f)\n", v2p[0],v2p[1],v2p[2]);
          printf("[F_OrientedHistogram] angleXY=%d angleXZ=%d angleToIdx=%f idx=%d bin[idx]=%f\n",
                 angleXY,angleXZ,angleToIdx,idx, hist.histData[idx]);

  for(int i = 0;i < hist.nBins; i++)
    x[i].value = hist.histData[i];

  return true;
 * This sub-routine computes the velocity vector, given a magnitude, a unit normal vector from the
 * point on the surface where the regolith is lofted from, and the two conic angles which describe
 * the velocity vector's direction relative to the normal vector. A backwards approach is used
 * to go from the velocity vector in the final rotated intermediate frame back to the body fixed
 * frame. More details are given in the thesis report and author's personal notes.
void computeRegolithVelocityVector( std::vector< double > regolithPositionVector,
                                    const double velocityMagnitude,
                                    const double coneAngleAzimuth,
                                    const double coneAngleDeclination,
                                    std::vector< double > &unitNormalVector,
                                    std::vector< double > &regolithVelocityVector )
    // form the velocity vector, assuming that the intermediate frame's z-axis, on the surface of
    // the asteroid, is along the final velocity vector
    regolithVelocityVector[ 0 ] = 0.0;
    regolithVelocityVector[ 1 ] = 0.0;
    regolithVelocityVector[ 2 ] = velocityMagnitude;

    // get the rotatin matrix to go from the rotated intermediate frame back to the initial
    // frame where the z-axis was along the normal axis and the x-axis was pointing towards north
    // direction
    std::vector< std::vector< double > > zBasicRotationMatrix
            { { std::cos( coneAngleAzimuth ), std::sin( coneAngleAzimuth ), 0.0 },
              { -std::sin( coneAngleAzimuth ), std::cos( coneAngleAzimuth ), 0.0 },
              { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } };

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > yBasicRotationMatrix
            { { std::cos( coneAngleDeclination ), 0.0, -std::sin( coneAngleDeclination ) },
              { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
              { std::sin( coneAngleDeclination ), 0.0, std::cos( coneAngleDeclination ) } };

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > nonTransposedRotationMatrix( 3, std::vector< double > ( 3 ) );

    matrixMultiplication( yBasicRotationMatrix,
                          3 );

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > intermediateFrameRotationMatrix( 3, std::vector< double > ( 3 ) );

    matrixTranspose( nonTransposedRotationMatrix, intermediateFrameRotationMatrix );

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > rotatedIntermediateFrameVelocityVector
                { { regolithVelocityVector[ 0 ] },
                  { regolithVelocityVector[ 1 ] },
                  { regolithVelocityVector[ 2 ] } };

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > intermediateFrameVelocityVector( 3, std::vector< double > ( 1 ) );

    matrixMultiplication( intermediateFrameRotationMatrix,
                          1 );

    // now obtain the basis vectors for the intermediate frame expressed in the
    // body fixed frame coordinates
    std::vector< double > xUnitVector( 3 );
    std::vector< double > yUnitVector( 3 );
    std::vector< double > zUnitVector( 3 );

    zUnitVector = unitNormalVector;

    std::vector< double > bodyFrameZUnitVector { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };

    // get the intermediate RTN frame at the surface point
    std::vector< double > unitR = normalize( regolithPositionVector );

    std::vector< double > unitT = normalize( crossProduct( unitR, bodyFrameZUnitVector ) );

    // get the x basis vector, pointing to north
    xUnitVector = normalize( crossProduct( unitT, zUnitVector ) );

    // get the y basis vector
    yUnitVector = normalize( crossProduct( zUnitVector, xUnitVector ) );

    std::vector< double > zPrincipalAxisBodyFrame { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
    std::vector< double > zNegativePrincipalAxisBodyFrame { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 };

    // check if the position vector is along the poles
    const double positionDotPrincipalZ
            = dotProduct( normalize( regolithPositionVector ), zPrincipalAxisBodyFrame );
    const double positionDotNegativePrincipalZ
            = dotProduct( normalize( regolithPositionVector ), zNegativePrincipalAxisBodyFrame );
    if( positionDotPrincipalZ == 1.0 )
        // the position vector is pointing to the poles, hence x basis vector pointing to the north
        // direction wouldn't work
        xUnitVector = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        yUnitVector = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
    else if( positionDotNegativePrincipalZ == 1.0 )
        xUnitVector = { -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        yUnitVector = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };

    // put the basis vectors in a 3x3 matrix
    std::vector< std::vector< double > > intermediateFrameBasisMatrix
            { { xUnitVector[ 0 ], yUnitVector[ 0 ], zUnitVector[ 0 ] },
              { xUnitVector[ 1 ], yUnitVector[ 1 ], zUnitVector[ 1 ] },
              { xUnitVector[ 2 ], yUnitVector[ 2 ], zUnitVector[ 2 ] } };

    std::vector< std::vector< double > > bodyFrameVelocityVector( 3, std::vector< double >( 1 ) );

    matrixMultiplication( intermediateFrameBasisMatrix,
                          1 );

    // return the final regolith velocity vector, expressed in body frame coordinates
    regolithVelocityVector[ 0 ] = bodyFrameVelocityVector[ 0 ][ 0 ];
    regolithVelocityVector[ 1 ] = bodyFrameVelocityVector[ 1 ][ 0 ];
    regolithVelocityVector[ 2 ] = bodyFrameVelocityVector[ 2 ][ 0 ];
// Input: M (3x3 mtx)
// Output: Q (3x3 rotation mtx), S (3x3 symmetric mtx)
double PolarDecomposition::Compute(const double * M, double * Q, double * S, double tolerance)
    double Mk[9];
    double Ek[9];
    double det, M_oneNorm, M_infNorm, E_oneNorm;

    // Mk = M^T
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
            Mk[3 * i + j] = M[3 * j + i];

    M_oneNorm = oneNorm(Mk);
    M_infNorm = infNorm(Mk);

        double MadjTk[9];

        // row 2 x row 3
        crossProduct(&(Mk[3]), &(Mk[6]), &(MadjTk[0]));
        // row 3 x row 1
        crossProduct(&(Mk[6]), &(Mk[0]), &(MadjTk[3]));
        // row 1 x row 2
        crossProduct(&(Mk[0]), &(Mk[3]), &(MadjTk[6]));

        det = Mk[0] * MadjTk[0] + Mk[1] * MadjTk[1] + Mk[2] * MadjTk[2];
        if (det == 0.0)
            printf("Warning (polarDecomposition) : zero determinant encountered.\n");

        double MadjT_one = oneNorm(MadjTk);
        double MadjT_inf = infNorm(MadjTk);

        double gamma = sqrt(sqrt((MadjT_one * MadjT_inf) / (M_oneNorm * M_infNorm)) / fabs(det));
        double g1 = gamma * 0.5;
        double g2 = 0.5 / (gamma * det);

        for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
            Ek[i] = Mk[i];
            Mk[i] = g1 * Mk[i] + g2 * MadjTk[i];
            Ek[i] -= Mk[i];

        E_oneNorm = oneNorm(Ek);
        M_oneNorm = oneNorm(Mk);
        M_infNorm = infNorm(Mk);
    while ( E_oneNorm > M_oneNorm * tolerance );

    // Q = Mk^T
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
            Q[3*i+j] = Mk[3*j+i];

    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
            S[3*i+j] = 0;
            for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                S[3*i+j] += Mk[3*i+k] * M[3*k+j];

    // S must be symmetric; enforce the symmetry
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for (int j=i; j<3; j++)
            S[3 * i + j] = S[3 * j + i] = 0.5 * (S[3 * i + j] + S[3 * j + i]);

    return (det);
float Math::area(FloatVector3d v1,FloatVector3d v2, FloatVector3d v3){
	float f=0.5*crossProduct( v2-v1, v3-v1).magnitude();
	return f;
void computeRegolithVelocityVector2( std::vector< double > regolithPositionVector,
                                     const double velocityMagnitude,
                                     const double coneAngleAzimuth,
                                     const double coneAngleDeclination,
                                     std::vector< double > &unitNormalVector,
                                     std::vector< double > &regolithVelocityVector )
    // get the z basis vector of the surface frame
    std::vector< double > zUnitVector = unitNormalVector;

    std::vector< double > xUnitVector( 3 );
    std::vector< double > yUnitVector( 3 );

    // body frame principal axis Z
    std::vector< double > zPrincipalAxisBodyFrame { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
    std::vector< double > zNegativePrincipalAxisBodyFrame { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 };

    // check if the position vector is along the poles
    const double positionDotPrincipalZ
            = dotProduct( normalize( regolithPositionVector ), zPrincipalAxisBodyFrame );
    const double positionDotNegativePrincipalZ
            = dotProduct( normalize( regolithPositionVector ), zNegativePrincipalAxisBodyFrame );

    if( positionDotPrincipalZ == 1.0 )
        // the position vector is pointing to the poles, hence x basis vector pointing to the north
        // direction wouldn't work
        xUnitVector = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        yUnitVector = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
    else if( positionDotNegativePrincipalZ == 1.0 )
        xUnitVector = { -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
        yUnitVector = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
        // do the regular thing where the x basis is pointing to north
        // get the intermediate RTN frame at the surface point
        std::vector< double > unitR = normalize( regolithPositionVector );

        std::vector< double > unitT = normalize( crossProduct( unitR, zPrincipalAxisBodyFrame ) );

        // get the x basis vector, pointing to north
        xUnitVector = normalize( crossProduct( unitT, zUnitVector ) );

        // get the y basis vector
        yUnitVector = normalize( crossProduct( zUnitVector, xUnitVector ) );

    const double cosDelta = std::cos( coneAngleDeclination );
    const double sinDelta = std::sin( coneAngleDeclination );
    const double cosGamma = std::cos( coneAngleAzimuth );
    const double sinGamma = std::sin( coneAngleAzimuth );

    regolithVelocityVector[ 0 ] = velocityMagnitude * ( cosDelta * zUnitVector[ 0 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * cosGamma * xUnitVector[ 0 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * sinGamma * yUnitVector[ 0 ] );

    regolithVelocityVector[ 1 ] = velocityMagnitude * ( cosDelta * zUnitVector[ 1 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * cosGamma * xUnitVector[ 1 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * sinGamma * yUnitVector[ 1 ] );

    regolithVelocityVector[ 2 ] = velocityMagnitude * ( cosDelta * zUnitVector[ 2 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * cosGamma * xUnitVector[ 2 ]
                                                        + sinDelta * sinGamma * yUnitVector[ 2 ] );

void Gizmo::renderQuarterRing(Pipeline& pipeline, const Matrix& mtx, const Vec3& a, const Vec3& b, uint32 color)
	Vertex vertices[1200];
	uint16 indices[1200];
	const float ANGLE_STEP = Math::degreesToRadians(1.0f / 100.0f * 360.0f);
	Vec3 n = crossProduct(a, b) * 0.05f;
	int offset = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
		float angle = i * ANGLE_STEP;
		float s = sinf(angle);
		float c = cosf(angle);
		float sn = sinf(angle + ANGLE_STEP);
		float cn = cosf(angle + ANGLE_STEP);

		Vec3 p0 = a * s + b * c - n * 0.5f;
		Vec3 p1 = a * sn + b * cn - n * 0.5f;

		vertices[offset].position = p0;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = p1;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = p0 + n;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = p1;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = p1 + n;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = p0 + n;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

	auto& renderer = static_cast<Lumix::Renderer&>(m_scene->getPlugin());
	Lumix::TransientGeometry ring_geom(vertices, offset, renderer.getBasicVertexDecl(), indices, offset);

	const int GRID_SIZE = 5;
	offset = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i <= GRID_SIZE; ++i)
		float t = 1.0f / GRID_SIZE * i;
		float ratio = sinf(acosf(t));

		vertices[offset].position = a * t;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = a * t + b * ratio;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = b * t + a * ratio;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

		vertices[offset].position = b * t;
		vertices[offset].color = color;
		indices[offset] = offset;

	Lumix::TransientGeometry plane_geom(vertices, offset, renderer.getBasicVertexDecl(), indices, offset);
 * Construction from a cube (axes aligned) and triangle
CubeTriangleIsect::CubeTriangleIsect(int64_t cube[2][3], int64_t tri[3][3], int64_t error, int triind)
	int i;
	inherit = new TriangleProjection;
	inherit->index = triind;

	int64_t axes[NUM_AXES][3];
	create_projection_axes(axes, tri);

	/* Normalize face normal and store */
	double dedge1[] = {(double)tri[1][0] - (double)tri[0][0],
					   (double)tri[1][1] - (double)tri[0][1],
					   (double)tri[1][2] - (double)tri[0][2]};
	double dedge2[] = {(double)tri[2][0] - (double)tri[1][0],
					   (double)tri[2][1] - (double)tri[1][1],
					   (double)tri[2][2] - (double)tri[1][2]};
	crossProduct(inherit->norm, dedge1, dedge2);

	int64_t cubeedge[3][3];
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			cubeedge[i][j] = 0;
		cubeedge[i][i] = cube[1][i] - cube[0][i];

	/* Project the cube on to each axis */
	for (int axis = 0; axis < NUM_AXES; axis++) {
		CubeProjection &cube_proj = cubeProj[axis];

		/* Origin */
		cube_proj.origin = dotProduct(axes[axis], cube[0]);

		/* 3 direction vectors */
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			cube_proj.edges[i] = dotProduct(axes[axis], cubeedge[i]);

		/* Offsets of 2 ends of cube projection */
		int64_t max = 0;
		int64_t min = 0;
		for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
			int64_t proj = (vertmap[i][0] * cube_proj.edges[0] +
							vertmap[i][1] * cube_proj.edges[1] +
							vertmap[i][2] * cube_proj.edges[2]);
			if (proj > max) {
				max = proj;
			if (proj < min) {
				min = proj;
		cube_proj.min = min;
		cube_proj.max = max;


	/* Project the triangle on to each axis */
	for (int axis = 0; axis < NUM_AXES; axis++) {
		const int64_t vts[3] = {dotProduct(axes[axis], tri[0]),
								dotProduct(axes[axis], tri[1]),
								dotProduct(axes[axis], tri[2])};

		// Triangle
		inherit->tri_proj[axis][0] = vts[0];
		inherit->tri_proj[axis][1] = vts[0];
		for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
			if (vts[i] < inherit->tri_proj[axis][0])
				inherit->tri_proj[axis][0] = vts[i];
			if (vts[i] > inherit->tri_proj[axis][1])
				inherit->tri_proj[axis][1] = vts[i];
文件: ERMSD.cpp 项目: JFDama/plumed2
void ERMSD::calcMat(const std::vector<Vector> & positions,const Pbc& pbc, std::vector<Vector4d> &mat, std::vector<TensorGeneric<4,3> > &Gderi) {

  std::vector<Vector3d> pos;

  std::vector<Tensor3d> deri;

  std::vector<Vector> centers;

  unsigned idx_deri = 0;

  Tensor da_dxa = (2./3.)*Tensor::identity();
  Tensor da_dxb = -(1./3.)*Tensor::identity();
  Tensor da_dxc = -(1./3.)*Tensor::identity();

  Tensor db_dxa = -(1./3.)*Tensor::identity();
  Tensor db_dxb = (2./3.)*Tensor::identity();
  Tensor db_dxc = -(1./3.)*Tensor::identity();

  // Form factors - should this be somewhere else?

  double w = 1./3.;
  Vector form_factor = Vector(2.0,2.0,1.0/0.3);

  for(unsigned res_idx=0; res_idx<natoms/3; res_idx++) {

    const unsigned at_idx = 3*res_idx;
    for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++) {
      centers[res_idx] += w*positions[at_idx+j];

    Vector3d a = delta(centers[res_idx],positions[at_idx]);
    Vector3d b = delta(centers[res_idx],positions[at_idx+1]);
    Vector3d d = crossProduct(a,b);
    double ianorm = 1./a.modulo();
    double idnorm = 1./d.modulo();

    // X vector: COM-C2
    pos[at_idx] = a*ianorm;
    // Z versor: C2 x (COM-C4/C6)
    pos[at_idx+2] = d*idnorm;
    // Y versor: Z x Y
    pos[at_idx+1] = crossProduct(pos[at_idx+2],pos[at_idx]);

    // Derivatives ////////
    Tensor3d t1 = ianorm*(Tensor::identity()-extProduct(pos[at_idx],pos[at_idx]));
    // dv1/dxa
    deri[idx_deri] = (2./3. )*t1;
    // dv1/dxb
    deri[idx_deri+3] = -(1./3.)*t1;
    // dv1/dxc
    deri[idx_deri+6] = -(1./3.)*t1;

    Tensor dd_dxa =  VcrossTensor(a,db_dxa) -VcrossTensor(b,da_dxa);
    Tensor dd_dxb =  VcrossTensor(a,db_dxb)-VcrossTensor(b,da_dxb);
    Tensor dd_dxc =  VcrossTensor(a,db_dxc)-VcrossTensor(b,da_dxc);

    // dv3/dxa
    deri[idx_deri+2] = deriNorm(d,dd_dxa);
    // dv3/dxb
    deri[idx_deri+5] = deriNorm(d,dd_dxb);
    // dv3/dxc
    deri[idx_deri+8] = deriNorm(d,dd_dxc);

    // dv2/dxa = dv3/dxa cross v1 + v3 cross dv1/dxa
    deri[idx_deri+1] =  (VcrossTensor(deri[idx_deri+2],pos[at_idx]) + \
    // dv2/dxb
    deri[idx_deri+4] =  (VcrossTensor(deri[idx_deri+5],pos[at_idx]) + \
    // dv2/dxc
    deri[idx_deri+7] =  (VcrossTensor(deri[idx_deri+8],pos[at_idx]) + \

    idx_deri += 9;
    // End derivatives ///////


  // Initialization (unnecessary?)
  for (unsigned i1=0; i1<nresidues*nresidues; i1++) {
    for (unsigned i2=0; i2<4; i2++) {
      mat[i1][i2] = 0.0;

  double maxdist = cutoff/form_factor[0];
  double gamma = pi/cutoff;
  unsigned idx;
  unsigned idx1 = 0;
  // Calculate mat
  for (unsigned i=0; i<nresidues; i++) {
    for (unsigned j=0; j<nresidues; j++) {

      // skip i==j
      if(inPair(i,j) and i != j) {

        // Calculate normal distance first
        Vector diff = delta(centers[i],centers[j]);
        double d1 = diff.modulo();
        //std::cout << inPair(i,j) << " " << i << " " << j << " "<< d1 <<"\n";
        //std::cout << inPair(i,j) << " " << i << " " << j << " "<< d1 <<"\n";
        if(d1<maxdist) {

          // calculate r_tilde_ij
          Vector3d rtilde;
          for (unsigned k=0; k<3; k++) {
            for (unsigned l=0; l<3; l++) {
              rtilde[l] += pos[3*i+l][k]*diff[k]*form_factor[l];
          double rtilde_norm = rtilde.modulo();

          double irnorm = 1./rtilde_norm;

          // ellipsoidal cutoff
          if(rtilde_norm < cutoff) {
            idx = i*nresidues + j;
            //std::cout << i << " " << j << " " << rtilde_norm << " " << idx <<"\n";

            // fill 4d matrix
            double dummy = sin(gamma*rtilde_norm)/(rtilde_norm*gamma);
            mat[idx][0] = dummy*rtilde[0];
            mat[idx][1] = dummy*rtilde[1];
            mat[idx][2] = dummy*rtilde[2];
            mat[idx][3] = (1.+ cos(gamma*rtilde_norm))/gamma;

            // Derivative (drtilde_dx)
            std::vector<Tensor3d> drtilde_dx;
            unsigned pos_idx = 3*i;
            unsigned deri_idx = 9*i;
            for (unsigned at=0; at<3; at++) {
              for (unsigned l=0; l<3; l++) {
                Vector3d rvec = form_factor[l]*((pos[pos_idx+l])/3.);
                Vector3d vvec = form_factor[l]*(matmul(deri[deri_idx+3*at+l],diff));

            //std::vector<TensorGeneric<4,3> > dG_dx;

            double dummy1 = (cos(gamma*rtilde_norm) - dummy);

            idx1 = i*nresidues*6 + j*6;

            for (unsigned l=0; l<6; l++) {
              //std::cout << i << " " << j << " " << idx1 << " " << idx1+l << "\n";

              // components 1,2,3
              // sin(gamma*|rtilde|)/gamma*|rtilde|*d_rtilde +
              // + ((d_rtilde*r_tilde/r_tilde^2) out r_tilde)*
              // (cos(gamma*|rtilde| - sin(gamma*|rtilde|)/gamma*|rtilde|))
              Vector3d rdr = matmul(rtilde,drtilde_dx[l]);
              Tensor tt = dummy*drtilde_dx[l] + (dummy1*irnorm*irnorm)*Tensor(rtilde,rdr);
              for (unsigned m=0; m<3; m++) {
                // Transpose here
              // component 4
              // - sin(gamma*|rtilde|)/|rtilde|*(r_tilde*d_rtilde)



/* implement touch ground pillar ( 4 faces ) to support roller coaster */	
void drawSupportedPillar()
	/* horizontal scale factor */
	float cross_step_size=0.08;
	/* vertical scale factor */
	float up_step_size=0.04;
	/* tube scale factor */
	float tube_step_size=0.006;
	/* parallel rail number (implement V shape so we have 3 parallel spline path and therefore for loop 3 times ) */
	for(int index=1;index<4;index++){

     	/* blue */
	   	glColor3f(0.1,0.1, 0.8); 

    	for (int spline_index = 0; spline_index < g_iNumOfSplines; spline_index++) {
    	    for(int i=-2;i<g_Splines[spline_index].numControlPoints-1;i++) {
    	        for(float u=0.0;u<1.0;u+=0.4) {
    	            p.x= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            p.y= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            p.z= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t.x= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            t.y= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            t.z= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t = unit(t);
    	            n = crossProduct(t, n);
    	            n = unit(n);
    	            b = crossProduct(t, n);
    	            b = unit(b);
					/* use u+0.02 to generate dense square cross-section 

						 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1) 						  		 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)
							   /    /|       						  			   /    /|
						(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)						  		(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)
							 / /  /  /       						  			 / /  /  /
							/_/__/  /        						  			/_/__/  /              
					  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)   						  	  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0) 
							|____|/          						  			|____|/
					  (P0)v3      v0(P0)     						  	  (P0)v3      v0(P0) 
                 	    p1 v3__ p1 v0            (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)  
                 	        /_/|                	   /    /|      	    p1 v3__ p1 v0                              
                 	  p0 v3 ||||p0 v0           (P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1	        /_/|                                   
 PILAR SUPPORT-->           | ||                	 / /  /  /      	  p0 v3 ||||p0 v0                            
                 	        ||||                	/_/__/  /       	        | ||              <--- PILAR SUPPORT   
                 p1 v3 ground|.|| p1 v0 ground(P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)  	        ||||                                   
                 	        |||/                	|____|/         p1 v3 ground|.|| p1 v0 ground                      
                 p0 v3 ground  p0 v0 ground       (P0)v3  v0(P0)    	        |||/                                
		                                                            p0 v3 ground  p0 v0 ground
											    p1 v3__ p1 v0
											  p0 v3 ||||p0 v0
											        | ||              <--- PILAR SUPPORT
									    p1 v3 ground|.|| p1 v0 ground 
				                        p0 v3 ground  p0 v0 ground
	                        PILAR SUPPORT right face:     p0 v0 - p1 v0 - p1 v0 ground - p0 v0 ground
	                        PILAR SUPPORT back face:      p0 v0 - p0 v3 - p0 v3 ground - p0 v0 ground
	                        PILAR SUPPORT left face:      p0 v3 - p1 v3 - p1 v3 ground - p0 v3 ground
	                        PILAR SUPPORT front face:     p1 v0 - p1 v3 - p1 v3 ground - p1 v0 ground	                                    
    	            p1.x= catmullRomSpline(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            p1.y= catmullRomSpline(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            p1.z= catmullRomSpline(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t1.x= tangent(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            t1.y= tangent(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            t1.z= tangent(u+0.02, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t1 = unit(t1);
    	            n1 = crossProduct(t1, arbitrary_point);
    	            n1 = unit(n1);
    	            b1 = crossProduct(t1, n1);
    	            b1 = unit(b1);
    	            /* implement V shape roller coaster rail */
    	            /* main bottom rail - Center (V bottom vetex)*/  
    	            /* side rail - Left-Top(V left vetex)*/

    	            /* side rail - Right-Top(V right vetex)*/
    	                p.x+=cross_step_size*n.x+ up_step_size*b.x*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p.y+=cross_step_size*n.y+ up_step_size*b.y*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p.z+=cross_step_size*n.z+ up_step_size*b.z*up_step_size_Factor;       
    	                p1.x+=cross_step_size*n1.x+ up_step_size*b1.x*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p1.y+=cross_step_size*n1.y+ up_step_size*b1.y*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p1.z+=cross_step_size*n1.z+ up_step_size*b1.z*up_step_size_Factor;
    	            /* implement 4 face of a pillar: right, backawrd, left, forward*/
    	            /* .v2(-n+b)   .v1(+n+b)
    	               .v3(-n-b)   .v0(+n-b)  
    	            /* pillar right face */		
					/* p0 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( n.z - b.z));
					/* p1 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v0 ground */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), -3);
					/* p0 v0 ground */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y - b.y), -3);
    	            /* pillar back face */		
					/* p0 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( n.z - b.z));
					/* p0 v3 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( -n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(- n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( -n.z - b.z));
					/* p0 v3 ground */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y - b.y), -3);
					/* p0 v0 ground */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(n.y - b.y), -3);
    	            /* pillar left face */		
					/* p0 v3 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*(-n.z - b.z));		
					/* p1 v3 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v3 ground */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), -3);
					/* p0 v3 ground */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y - b.y), -3);
    	            /* pillar front face */		
					/* p1 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z - b1.z));							
					/* p1 v3 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v3 ground */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), -3);
					/* p1 v0 ground */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), -3);
		        }/* end of for loop*/
    	    }/* end of for loop*/
    	}/* end of for loop*/
	}/* end of for loop*/
	bool isClockwiseOriented(sf::Vector2f v0, sf::Vector2f v1, sf::Vector2f v2)
		return crossProduct(v1 - v0, v2 - v0).z <= 0;
RayCastModelHit Model::castRay(const Vec3& origin,
							   const Vec3& dir,
							   const Matrix& model_transform)
	RayCastModelHit hit;
	hit.m_is_hit = false;
	if (!isReady())
		return hit;

	Matrix inv = model_transform;
	Vec3 local_origin = inv.multiplyPosition(origin);
	Vec3 local_dir = static_cast<Vec3>(inv * Vec4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0));

	const Array<Vec3>& vertices = m_vertices;
	const Array<int32_t>& indices = m_indices;
	int vertex_offset = 0;
	for (int mesh_index = 0; mesh_index < m_meshes.size(); ++mesh_index)
		int indices_end = m_meshes[mesh_index].getIndicesOffset() +
		for (int i = m_meshes[mesh_index].getIndicesOffset(); i < indices_end;
			 i += 3)
			Vec3 p0 = vertices[vertex_offset + indices[i]];
			Vec3 p1 = vertices[vertex_offset + indices[i + 1]];
			Vec3 p2 = vertices[vertex_offset + indices[i + 2]];
			Vec3 normal = crossProduct(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);
			float q = dotProduct(normal, local_dir);
			if (q == 0)
			float d = -dotProduct(normal, p0);
			float t = -(dotProduct(normal, local_origin) + d) / q;
			if (t < 0)
			Vec3 hit_point = local_origin + local_dir * t;

			Vec3 edge0 = p1 - p0;
			Vec3 VP0 = hit_point - p0;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge0, VP0)) < 0)

			Vec3 edge1 = p2 - p1;
			Vec3 VP1 = hit_point - p1;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge1, VP1)) < 0)

			Vec3 edge2 = p0 - p2;
			Vec3 VP2 = hit_point - p2;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge2, VP2)) < 0)

			if (!hit.m_is_hit || hit.m_t > t)
				hit.m_is_hit = true;
				hit.m_t = t;
				hit.m_mesh = &m_meshes[mesh_index];
		vertex_offset += m_meshes[mesh_index].getAttributeArraySize() /
	hit.m_origin = origin;
	hit.m_dir = dir;
	return hit;
文件: main.cpp 项目: bcgs/PG-Proj2
 void setNormal() {
     Vector u(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y, b.z - a.z);
     Vector v(c.x - a.x, c.y - a.y, c.z - a.z);
     normal = crossProduct(u, v);
//This finds a bearing, correcting for board tilt and roll as measured by the accelerometer
//This doesn't account for dynamic acceleration - ie accelerations other then gravity will throw off the calculation
// but we can help by feeding it low-pass filtered data
float compassBearingCompute(compassBearing_t * ptrCompassBearing){
    assert(ptrCompassBearing);    // Defensive Code: Prevent nulls
    float Xh = 0;
	float Yh = 0;
	//find the tilt of the board wrt gravity
	float gravity[4][2] = {};
	gravity[1][1] = ptrCompassBearing->ax;
	gravity[2][1] = ptrCompassBearing->az;
	gravity[3][1] = ptrCompassBearing->ay;
	float pitchAngle = asin(gravity[1][1]);
	float rollAngle = asin(gravity[3][1]);
	float yawAngle = atan2(ptrCompassBearing->cz * sin(rollAngle) - ptrCompassBearing->cy * cos(rollAngle) ,
                           ptrCompassBearing->cx + cos(pitchAngle) +
                           ptrCompassBearing->cy * sin(pitchAngle) * sin(rollAngle) +
                           ptrCompassBearing->cz * sin(pitchAngle) * cos(rollAngle)
	//The board is up-side down
	if (gravity[2][1] < 0)
		pitchAngle = -pitchAngle;
		rollAngle = -rollAngle;
	//Construct a rotation matrix for rotating vectors measured in the body frame, into the earth frame
	//this is done by using the angles between the board and the gravity vector.
	float xRotMatrix[4][4] = {};
	xRotMatrix[1][1] = cos(pitchAngle); xRotMatrix[2][1] = -sin(pitchAngle); xRotMatrix[3][1] = 0;
	xRotMatrix[1][2] = sin(pitchAngle); xRotMatrix[2][2] = cos(pitchAngle); xRotMatrix[3][2] = 0;
	xRotMatrix[1][3] = 0; xRotMatrix[2][3] = 0; xRotMatrix[3][3] = 1;
	float zRotMatrix[4][4] = {};
	zRotMatrix[1][1] = 1; zRotMatrix[2][1] = 0; zRotMatrix[3][1] = 0;
	zRotMatrix[1][2] = 0; zRotMatrix[2][2] = cos(rollAngle); zRotMatrix[3][2] = -sin(rollAngle);
	zRotMatrix[1][3] = 0; zRotMatrix[2][3] = sin(rollAngle); zRotMatrix[3][3] = cos(rollAngle);
	float rotMatrix[4][4] = {};
	crossProduct((float *)xRotMatrix, (float *)zRotMatrix, (float *)rotMatrix, 3, 3, 3, 3);
	//These represent the x and y components of the magnetic field vector in the earth frame
	Xh = -(rotMatrix[1][3] * ptrCompassBearing->cx + rotMatrix[2][3] * ptrCompassBearing->cz + rotMatrix[3][3] * -(ptrCompassBearing->cy));
	Yh = -(rotMatrix[1][1] * ptrCompassBearing->cx + rotMatrix[2][1] * ptrCompassBearing->cz + rotMatrix[3][1] * -(ptrCompassBearing->cy));
	//we use the computed X-Y to find a magnetic North bearing in the earth frame
	float _360inRads = (360 * M_PI / 180.0);
    // Note: If we don't initialize to '0.0f' then we get an xcode analyzer
    // warning saying: "The left operand of '!=' is a garbage value"
	float newBearing = 0.0f;
	if (Xh < 0)
		newBearing = M_PI - atan(Yh / Xh);
	else if (Xh > 0 && Yh < 0)
		newBearing = -atan(Yh / Xh);
	else if (Xh > 0 && Yh > 0)
		newBearing = M_PI * 2 - atan(Yh / Xh);
	else if (Xh == 0 && Yh < 0)
		newBearing = M_PI / 2.0;
	else if (Xh == 0 && Yh > 0)
		newBearing = M_PI * 1.5;
	//The board is up-side down
	if (gravity[2][1] < 0)
		newBearing = fabs(newBearing - _360inRads);
	//Add in declination
		newBearing = (newBearing + ptrCompassBearing->declination);
		if(newBearing > _360inRads)
			newBearing -= _360inRads;
		if(newBearing < 0)
			newBearing += _360inRads;
	if (fabs(newBearing - ptrCompassBearing->bearing) > 2) //2 radians == ~115 degrees
		if(newBearing > ptrCompassBearing->bearing)
			ptrCompassBearing->bearing += _360inRads;
			ptrCompassBearing->bearing -= _360inRads;
	ptrCompassBearing->bearing = newBearing * ptrCompassBearing->filterConstant + ptrCompassBearing->bearing * (1.0 - ptrCompassBearing->filterConstant);
	ptrCompassBearing->bearingDegrees = ptrCompassBearing->bearing * (180.0 / M_PI);
    ptrCompassBearing->pitchAngle = pitchAngle;
    ptrCompassBearing->rollAngle = rollAngle;
    ptrCompassBearing->yawAngle = yawAngle;
    return ptrCompassBearing->bearingDegrees;
文件: Vector2d.cpp 项目: wf225/MyCAD
// 判断两个矢量是否平行
bool Vector2d::isParallelTo(const Vector2d& vec, const Tol& tol) const
    float cosfz = dotProduct(vec);
    float sinfz = crossProduct(vec);
    return (fabs(sinfz) <= fabs(cosfz) * tol.equalVector());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
int Class_VolTri::ReturnSimplexID(
    a3vector1D  &P,
    int          S0
) {

// ========================================================================== //
// int Class_VolTri::ReturnSimplexID(                                         //
//     a3vector1D  &P,                                                        //
//     int          S0)                                                       //
//                                                                            //
// Return the ID of the simplex enclosing point P.                            //
// ========================================================================== //
// INPUT                                                                      //
// ========================================================================== //
// - P     : a3vector1D, point coordinates                                    //
// - S0    : int, seed for search procedure                                   //
// ========================================================================== //
// OUTPUT                                                                     //
// ========================================================================== //
// - S     : int, ID of simplex enclosing point P                             //
// ========================================================================== //

// ========================================================================== //
// VARIABLES DECLARATION                                                      //
// ========================================================================== //

// Local variables
bool                        check = false;
int                         n, m, p;
double                      max_dp, dp;
bvector1D                   visited(nSimplex, false);
ivector2D                   face_vlist;
a3vector1D                  x, y, xF, xS, dir;
a3vector2D                  face_normals;
bitpit::LIFOStack<int>              stack;

// Counters
int                         i, j, k, l, S, A;
/*debug*/int                         n_visited = 0;

// /*debug*/ofstream       log_file;
// /*debug*/log_file.open("SEARCH.log", ifstream::app);

// ========================================================================== //
// INITIALIZE PARAMETERS                                                      //
// ========================================================================== //
// x.fill(0.0);
// y.fill(0.0);

// /*debug*/log_file << "point coordinates: " << P << endl;

// ========================================================================== //
// BUILD ADJACENCY IF NOT ALREADY BUILT                                       //
// ========================================================================== //
if ((Adjacency.size() == 0) || (Adjacency.size() < nSimplex)) {

// ========================================================================== //
// LOOP UNTIL SIMPLEX IS FOUND                                                //
// ========================================================================== //
while ((stack.TOPSTK > 0) && (!check)) {

// /*debug*/n_visited++;

    // Pop item from stack -------------------------------------------------- //
    S = stack.pop();
    visited[S] = true;

// /*debug*/log_file << "  traversing simplex: " << S << endl;
// /*debug*/log_file << "  (visited: " << n_visited << " of " << nSimplex << endl;

    // Simplex infos -------------------------------------------------------- //
    n = infos[e_type[S]].n_vert;
    m = infos[e_type[S]].n_faces;

    // Get face vertices ---------------------------------------------------- //
        for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
            face_vlist[j] = FaceVertices(S, j);
        } //next j

    // Simplex baricenter --------------------------------------------------- //
        for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            for (l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
                xS[l] += Vertex[Simplex[S][j]][l];
            } //next l
        } //next j
        xS = xS/((double) n);

    // Compute face normals ------------------------------------------------- //
        for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
            if (face_vlist[j].size() == 2) {
                x = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]];
                x[2] = 0.0;
                y[0] = 0.0;
                y[1] = 0.0;
                y[2] = 1.0;
                face_normals[j] = crossProduct(x, y);
            else {
                x = Vertex[face_vlist[j][2]] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]];
                y = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]];
                face_normals[j] = crossProduct(x, y);
            face_normals[j] = face_normals[j]/max(norm2(face_normals[j]), 2.0e-16);
        } //next j
    // Check if Simplex S encloses point P ---------------------------------- //
        check = true;
        for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
            n = face_vlist[j].size();
            // Compute face center
            for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
                for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
                    xF[l] += Vertex[face_vlist[j][k]][l];
                } //next l
            } //next k
            xF = xF/((double) n);
            // Check if simplex encloses point
            dir = P - xF;
            dir = dir/max(norm2(dir), 2.0e-16);
            check = (check && (dotProduct(dir, face_normals[j]) <= 0.0));
        } //next j

// /*debug*/log_file << "    encloses point: " << check << endl;

    // Look for best direction (Euristic search of best path) --------------- //
    // NOTES:                                                                 //
    // - modificare il criterio euristico per la scelta del path migliore     //
    //   * congiungente P-xS attraversa una faccia.                           //
    //   * distanza minima dalle facce.                                       //
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
    if (!check) {

        // local direction of searching path
        dir = P - xS;
        dir = dir/max(norm2(dir), 2.0e-16);
        // Loop over simplex faces
        max_dp = -2.0;
        i = 0;
        j = -1;
        while (i < m) {
            dp = dotProduct(face_normals[i], dir);
            if (dp > max_dp) {
                j = i;
                max_dp = dp;
        } //next i
        // Alternative directions
        for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            A = Adjacency[S][i];
            if ((i != j) && (A >= 0) && (!visited[A])) {
        } //next i
        A = Adjacency[S][j];
        if ((A >= 0) && (!visited[A])) {

} //next simplex

// /*debug*/log_file << "  (visited: " << n_visited << " of " << nSimplex << ")" << endl;

// Old algorithm ============================================================ //
    // while ((n_visited <= nSimplex) && (!check) && (S0 >= 0)) {
        // // Update simplex ID ---------------------------------------------------- //
        // // cout << "    on simplex " << S0;
        // S = S0;
        // n_visited++;
        // visited[S] = true;
        // /*debug*/log_file << "  traversing simplex: " << S << endl;
        // /*debug*/log_file << "  (visited: " << n_visited << " of " << nSimplex << endl;
        // // Simplex infos -------------------------------------------------------- //
        // m = infos[e_type[S]].n_faces;
        // p = infos[e_type[S]].n_vert;
        // // Compute simplex baricenter ------------------------------------------- //
        // {
            // xS.fill(0.0);
            // for (j = 0; j < p; ++j) {
                // for (l = 0; l < dim; ++l) {
                    // xS[l] += Vertex[Simplex[S][j]][l];
                // } //next l
            // } //next j
            // xS = xS/((double) p);
        // }
        // // Get face vertices ---------------------------------------------------- //
        // {
            // face_vlist.resize(m);
            // for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                // face_vlist[j] = FaceVertices(S, j);
            // } //next j
        // }
        // // Compute face normals ------------------------------------------------- //
        // {
            // face_normals.resize(m);
            // for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                // if (face_vlist[j].size() == 2) {
                    // x[0] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][0] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]][0];
                    // x[1] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][1] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]][1];
                    // x[2] = 0.0;
                    // y[0] = 0.0;
                    // y[1] = 0.0;
                    // y[2] = 1.0;
                    // face_normals[j] = crossProduct(x, y);
                // }
                // else {
                    // x[0] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][2]][0] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][0];
                    // x[1] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][2]][1] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][1];
                    // x[2] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][2]][2] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][2];
                    // y[0] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][0] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]][0];
                    // y[1] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][1] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]][1];
                    // y[2] = Vertex[face_vlist[j][1]][2] - Vertex[face_vlist[j][0]][2];
                    // face_normals[j] = crossProduct(x, y);
                // }
                // face_normals[j] = face_normals[j]/max(norm2(face_normals[j]), 2.0e-16);
            // } //next j
        // }
        // // Check if P is enclosed in simplex S0 --------------------------------- //
        // {
            // check = true;
            // for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
                // n = face_vlist[j].size();
                // // Compute face center
                // xF.fill(0.0);
                // for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
                    // for (l = 0; l < dim; l++) {
                        // xF[l] += Vertex[face_vlist[j][k]][l];
                    // } //next l
                // } //next k
                // xF = xF/((double) n);
                // // Check if simplex encloses point
                // for (l = 0; l < dim; l++) {
                    // dir[l] = P[l] - xF[l];
                // } //next l
                // dir = dir/max(norm2(dir), 2.0e-16);
                // check = (check && (dotProduct(dir, face_normals[j]) <= 0.0));
                // // cout << " f " << j << ", c: " << check;
            // } //next j
        // }
        // // cout << ", check: " << check << endl;
        // /*debug*/log_file << "    encloses point: " << check << endl;
        // // Look for best direction (Euristic search) ---------------------------- //
        // if (!check) {
            // // Find face to be crossed (Euristic search of best path)
            // {
                // // path local direction
                // for (l = 0; l < dim; ++l) {
                    // dir[l] = P[l] - xS[l];
                // } //next l
                // dir = dir/max(norm2(dir), 2.0e-16);
                // // Loop over simplex faces
                // // WARNING: infinite loop at corner simplicies!!
                // max_dp = -2.0;
                // i = -1;
                // j = 0;
                // while (j < m) {
                    // dp = dotProduct(face_normals[j], dir);
                    // A = Adjacency[S][j];
                    // if ((dp > max_dp) && (A >= 0)) {//&& (!visited[A])) {
                        // i = j;
                        // max_dp = dp;
                    // }
                    // j++;
                // } //next j
            // }
            // // Move to adjacent simplex
            // if (i >= 0) { S0 = Adjacency[S][i]; }
            // else        { S0 = -1;}
        // }
        // /*debug*/log_file << "    next simplex: " << S0 << endl;
    // } //next simplex
// /*debug*/log_file.close();

return(S); };
RayCastModelHit Model::castRay(const Vec3& origin, const Vec3& dir, const Matrix& model_transform, const Pose* pose)
	RayCastModelHit hit;
	hit.m_is_hit = false;
	if (!isReady()) return hit;

	Matrix inv = model_transform;
	Vec3 local_origin = inv.transformPoint(origin);
	Vec3 local_dir = (inv * Vec4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0)).xyz();

	Matrix matrices[256];
	ASSERT(!pose || pose->count <= lengthOf(matrices));
	bool is_skinned = false;
	for (int mesh_index = m_lods[0].from_mesh; mesh_index <= m_lods[0].to_mesh; ++mesh_index)
		Mesh& mesh = m_meshes[mesh_index];
		is_skinned = pose && !mesh.skin.empty() && pose->count <= lengthOf(matrices);
	if (is_skinned)
		computeSkinMatrices(*pose, *this, matrices);

	for (int mesh_index = m_lods[0].from_mesh; mesh_index <= m_lods[0].to_mesh; ++mesh_index)
		Mesh& mesh = m_meshes[mesh_index];
		bool is_mesh_skinned = !mesh.skin.empty();
		u16* indices16 = (u16*)&mesh.indices[0];
		u32* indices32 = (u32*)&mesh.indices[0];
		bool is16 = mesh.flags.isSet(Mesh::Flags::INDICES_16_BIT);
		int index_size = is16 ? 2 : 4;
		for(int i = 0, c = mesh.indices.size() / index_size; i < c; i += 3)
			Vec3 p0, p1, p2;
			if (is16)
				p0 = mesh.vertices[indices16[i]];
				p1 = mesh.vertices[indices16[i + 1]];
				p2 = mesh.vertices[indices16[i + 2]];
				if (is_mesh_skinned)
					p0 = evaluateSkin(p0, mesh.skin[indices16[i]], matrices);
					p1 = evaluateSkin(p1, mesh.skin[indices16[i + 1]], matrices);
					p2 = evaluateSkin(p2, mesh.skin[indices16[i + 2]], matrices);
				p0 = mesh.vertices[indices32[i]];
				p1 = mesh.vertices[indices32[i + 1]];
				p2 = mesh.vertices[indices32[i + 2]];
				if (is_mesh_skinned)
					p0 = evaluateSkin(p0, mesh.skin[indices32[i]], matrices);
					p1 = evaluateSkin(p1, mesh.skin[indices32[i + 1]], matrices);
					p2 = evaluateSkin(p2, mesh.skin[indices32[i + 2]], matrices);

			Vec3 normal = crossProduct(p1 - p0, p2 - p0);
			float q = dotProduct(normal, local_dir);
			if (q == 0)	continue;

			float d = -dotProduct(normal, p0);
			float t = -(dotProduct(normal, local_origin) + d) / q;
			if (t < 0) continue;

			Vec3 hit_point = local_origin + local_dir * t;

			Vec3 edge0 = p1 - p0;
			Vec3 VP0 = hit_point - p0;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge0, VP0)) < 0) continue;

			Vec3 edge1 = p2 - p1;
			Vec3 VP1 = hit_point - p1;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge1, VP1)) < 0) continue;

			Vec3 edge2 = p0 - p2;
			Vec3 VP2 = hit_point - p2;
			if (dotProduct(normal, crossProduct(edge2, VP2)) < 0) continue;

			if (!hit.m_is_hit || hit.m_t > t)
				hit.m_is_hit = true;
				hit.m_t = t;
				hit.m_mesh = &m_meshes[mesh_index];
	hit.m_origin = origin;
	hit.m_dir = dir;
	return hit;
  void getNormals(GLfloat **hmX, GLfloat **hmY, GLfloat **hmZ, size_t row,size_t col,size_t height,size_t width, GLfloat **sum){

    (*sum)= (GLfloat*) malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
    GLfloat *n;
    GLfloat sumX, sumY, sumZ;

    GLfloat v1[3], v2[3];

    GLfloat curX = hmX[row][col];
    GLfloat curY = hmY[row][col];
    GLfloat curZ = hmZ[row][col];

   if( row+1 < height && col+1 < width ){
	v1[0] =  hmX[row+0][col+1] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row+0][col+1] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row+0][col+1] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row+1][col+0] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row+1][col+0] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row+1][col+0] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];

    if( row+1 < height && col > 0 ){	
	v1[0] =  hmX[row+1][col+0] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row+1][col+0] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row+1][col+0] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row+1][col-1] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row+1][col-1] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row+1][col-1] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];

    if( row+1 < height && col > 0 ){
	v1[0] =  hmX[row+1][col-1] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row+1][col-1] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row+1][col-1] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row+0][col-1] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row+0][col-1] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row+0][col-1] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];
    if( row > 0 && col > 0 ){
	v1[0] =  hmX[row+0][col-1] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row+0][col-1] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row+0][col-1] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row-1][col+0] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row-1][col+0] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row-1][col+0] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];
    if( row > 0 && col+1 < width ){
	v1[0] =  hmX[row-1][col+0] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row-1][col+0] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row-1][col+0] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row-1][col+1] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row-1][col+1] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row-1][col+1] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];
    if( row > 0 && col+1 < width ){
	v1[0] =  hmX[row-1][col+1] - curX;
	v1[1] =  hmY[row-1][col+1] - curY;
	v1[2] =  hmZ[row-1][col+1] - curZ;

	v2[0] =  hmX[row+0][col+1] - curX;
	v2[1] =  hmY[row+0][col+1] - curY;
	v2[2] =  hmZ[row+0][col+1] - curZ;
	crossProduct(v1, v2, &n);
	sumX += n[0];
	sumY += n[1];
	sumZ += n[2];
	(*sum)[0]= sumX;
	(*sum)[1]= sumY;
	(*sum)[2]= sumZ;

	(*sum)[0]= -((*sum)[0]);
	(*sum)[1]= -((*sum)[1]);
	(*sum)[2]= -((*sum)[2]);
TVector TPerturbationBump::perturbNormal (const TSurfaceData& rktDATA) const

  TVector   tNewNormal = rktDATA.unperturbedNormal();

  if ( fabs(tBumpFactor) > FX_EPSILON )
    TSurfaceData   tData;
    TColor         tColor;
    TColor         tBasisColor;
    TVector        tGradientU;
    TVector        tGradientV;
    TVector        r, s, t;
    TVector        tTemp;
    TScalar        tHeight;
    TScalar        tHeightDiff;
    TScalar        dx, dy;
    TScalar        x, y;
    TScalar        tRDamping;
    TScalar        tTDamping;
    TScalar        tRDampingAbs;
    TScalar        tTDampingAbs;
    TScalar        tRDampingTotal;
    TScalar        tTDampingTotal;
    TScalar        tRTotal;
    TScalar        tTTotal;
    TMatrix        tObjectTransform = *rktDATA.object()->transformMatrix();

    if ( !ptPattern )
      cout << ("Error: pattern must be set") << endl;
      exit (1);

    s = tNewNormal;

    r = crossProduct (s, TVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));

    if ( r.norm() < FX_EPSILON )
      r = TVector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      if ( fabs (s.y() - 1.0) < FX_EPSILON )
	s = TVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	s = TVector(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);

    t = crossProduct (r, s);

    tGradientU = r * tGradientDisplacement.x();
    tGradientV = t * tGradientDisplacement.y();

    tData = rktDATA;

    tColor = ptPattern->color (rktDATA);
    tHeight = tColor.average();

    dx = ( tSamples.x() > 1 ) ? (2.0 / (tSamples.x() - 1.0)) : 0;
    dy = ( tSamples.y() > 1 ) ? (2.0 / (tSamples.y() - 1.0)) : 0; 

    tRTotal = 0;
    tTTotal = 0;

    tRDampingTotal = 0;
    tTDampingTotal = 0;

    y = -1.0;

    for (size_t iy = 0; ( iy < (size_t) tSamples.y() ); iy++)

      tTDampingAbs = (1.0 - (y * y) * 0.8);

      if ( tTDampingAbs > (1.0 - FX_EPSILON) )
        tTDampingAbs = 0;

      tTDamping = ( y > 0 ) ? tTDampingAbs : -tTDampingAbs;

      x = -1.0;

      for (size_t ix = 0; ( ix < (size_t) tSamples.x() ); ix++)
        tTemp = ptPattern->warp (rktDATA.localPoint()) + (tGradientU * x) + (tGradientV * y);
        tData.setPoint (tObjectTransform * tTemp);
        tColor = ptPattern->color (tData);

        tHeightDiff = tHeight - tColor.average();

        tRDampingAbs = (1.0 - (x * x) * 0.8);

	if ( tRDampingAbs > (1.0 - FX_EPSILON) )
          tRDampingAbs = 0;
	tRDamping = ( x > 0 ) ? tRDampingAbs : -tRDampingAbs;

	tRDampingTotal += tRDampingAbs;
	tTDampingTotal += tTDampingAbs;
	tRTotal += tHeightDiff * tRDamping;
	tTTotal += tHeightDiff * tTDamping;

        x += dx;

      y += dy;

    r *= tRTotal / tRDampingTotal;
    t *= tTTotal / tTDampingTotal;

    tNewNormal = s + (r + t) * tBumpFactor;

  return tNewNormal;

}  /* perturbNormal() */
double distanceToLine(const Vector3D& pointP, const Vector3D& vecA, const Vector3D& vecB) {
    return crossProduct(pointP-vecA, vecB-vecA).Length() / Distance(vecA, vecB);
/* .     . side rails

      . bottom rail
void drawSplines()
	/* horizontal scale factor */
	float cross_step_size=0.08;
	/* vertical scale factor */
	float up_step_size=0.04;
	/* tube scale factor */
	float tube_step_size=0.006;
	/* parallel rail number (implement V shape so we have 3 parallel spline path and therefore for loop 3 times ) */
	for(int index=1;index<4;index++){

    	/* red */
      	glColor3f(1 , 0, 0); 	

    	for (int spline_index = 0; spline_index < g_iNumOfSplines; spline_index++) {
    	    for(int i=-2;i<g_Splines[spline_index].numControlPoints-1;i++) {
    	        for(float u=0.0;u<1.0;u+=0.04) {
    	            p.x= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            p.y= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            p.z= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t.x= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            t.y= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            t.z= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t = unit(t);
    	            n = crossProduct(t, arbitrary_point);
    	            n = unit(n);
    	            b = crossProduct(t, n);
    	            b = unit(b);
					/* use u+0.02 to generate dense square cross-section */
    	            p1.x= catmullRomSpline(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            p1.y= catmullRomSpline(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            p1.z= catmullRomSpline(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t1.x= tangent(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            t1.y= tangent(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            t1.z= tangent(u+0.04, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t1 = unit(t1);
    	            n1 = crossProduct(t1, arbitrary_point);
    	            n1 = unit(n1);
    	            b1 = crossProduct(t1, n1);
    	            b1 = unit(b1);
    	            /* implement V shape roller coaster rail */
    	            /* main bottom rail - Center (V bottom vetex)*/  
    	            /* side rail - Left-Top(V left vetex)*/

    	            /* side rail - Right-Top(V right vetex)*/
    	                p.x+=cross_step_size*n.x+ up_step_size*b.x*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p.y+=cross_step_size*n.y+ up_step_size*b.y*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p.z+=cross_step_size*n.z+ up_step_size*b.z*up_step_size_Factor;       
    	                p1.x+=cross_step_size*n1.x+ up_step_size*b1.x*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p1.y+=cross_step_size*n1.y+ up_step_size*b1.y*up_step_size_Factor;
    	                p1.z+=cross_step_size*n1.z+ up_step_size*b1.z*up_step_size_Factor;
	/*  SQUARE TUBE RAIL   	                   
											      TOP FACE
											 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)
												   /    /|
											(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)
												 / /  /  /
			      LEFT FACE --->				/_/__/  /            <--- RIGHT FACE
										  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0) 
										  (P0)v3      v0(P0)  
										  	BOTTOM FACE
									P0: current point, P1: next point 
									.v2(-n+b)   .v1(+n+b)
									.v3(-n-b)   .v0(+n-b)  	  
									RIGHT FACE : v0(P0) - v0(P1) - v1(P1) - v1(P0)
									LEFT FACE  : (P0)v3 - (P1)v3 - (P1)v2 -(P0)v2
									TOP FACE   : (P0)v2 - v1(P0) - v1(P1) - (P1)v2
									BOTTOM FACE: (P0)v3 - v0(P0) - v0(P1) - (P1)v3  
	/*  V-SHAPED SQUARE TUBE RAIL   	                   

						 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1) 			 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)
							   /    /|       				   /    /|
						(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)			(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)
							 / /  /  /       				 / /  /  /
TOP_LEFT RAIL -->			/_/__/  /        				/_/__/  /              <-- TOP-RIGHT RAIL
					  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)   		  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0) 
							|____|/          				|____|/
					  (P0)v3      v0(P0)     		  (P0)v3      v0(P0) 
									 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)  
										   /    /|              
									(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)       
										 / /  /  /         <-- BOTTOM RAIL     
										/_/__/  /               
								  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)          
								  (P0)v3      v0(P0)            
							In drawSplines()
							render tripe rail as a V-shpaed by using different start point of P0 
							BOTTOM RAIL:     like index==1 render the first rail which lies in the bottom of V-shaped
							TOP_LEFT RAIL:   like index==2 render the second rail which lies in the top-left of V-shaped
							TOP-RIGHT RAIL:  like index==3 render the third rail which lies in the top-right of V-shaped

					/* p0 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( n.z - b.z));
					/* p1 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v1 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(+n1.x + b.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y + b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z + b1.z));
					/* p0 v1 */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x + b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y + b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( n.z + b.z));

					/* p0 v3 */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*(-n.z - b.z));
					/* p1 v3 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v2 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x + b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y + b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z + b1.z));
					/* p0 v2 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x + b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y + b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*(-n.z + b.z));							
    	            /* left side rail form bottom quad */		
					/* p0 v2 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x + b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y + b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*(-n.z + b.z));							
					/* p0 v1 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v1 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(+n1.x + b.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y + b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z + b1.z));
					/* p1 v2 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x + b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y + b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z + b1.z));
    	            /* form top quad */		
					/* p0 v3 */
					glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*(-n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*(-n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*(-n.z - b.z));
					/* p0 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p.x + tube_step_size*( n.x - b.x), p.y + tube_step_size*( n.y - b.y), p.z + tube_step_size*( n.z - b.z));
					/* p1 v0 */
    	            glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*( n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*( n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*( n1.z - b1.z));
					/* p1 v3 */
					glVertex3f(p1.x + tube_step_size*(-n1.x - b1.x), p1.y + tube_step_size*(-n1.y - b1.y), p1.z + tube_step_size*(-n1.z - b1.z));
		        }/* end of for loop*/
    	    }/* end of for loop*/
    	}/* end of for loop*/
	}/* end of for loop*/
void makeTracks()
	Vector3 up = Vector3();
	Vector3 currentQuad[4] = { Vector3(), Vector3(), Vector3(), Vector3() };
	Vector3 right = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
	float trackWidth = 0.5f;
	float railSize = 0.025f;
	int crossIndex = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < totalPoints - 1; i++)
		Vector3 forward = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x - pointsList[i].x, pointsList[i + 1].y - pointsList[i].y, pointsList[i + 1].z - pointsList[i].z);
		crossProduct(forward, right, up);
		Multiply(right, railSize);
		Multiply(up, railSize);
		// Base vertices
		Vector3 point, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
		if (i == 0)
			point = Vector3(pointsList[i].x, pointsList[i].y, pointsList[i].z);
			v0 = Vector3(pointsList[i].x + up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i].y + up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i].z + up.z - right.z - 6);
			v1 = Vector3(pointsList[i].x - up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i].y - up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i].z - up.z - right.z - 6);
			v2 = Vector3(pointsList[i].x - up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i].y - up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i].z - up.z + right.z - 6);
			v3 = Vector3(pointsList[i].x + up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i].y + up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i].z + up.z + right.z - 6);
			v4 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x + up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y + up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z + up.z - right.z - 6);
			v5 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x - up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y - up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z - up.z - right.z - 6);
			v6 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x - up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y - up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z - up.z + right.z - 6);
			v7 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x + up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y + up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z + up.z + right.z - 6);

			currentQuad[0] = v4;
			currentQuad[1] = v5;
			currentQuad[2] = v6;
			currentQuad[3] = v7;
			v0 = currentQuad[0];
			v1 = currentQuad[1];
			v2 = currentQuad[2];
			v3 = currentQuad[3];
			v4 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x + up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y + up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z + up.z - right.z - 6);
			v5 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x - up.x - right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y - up.y - right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z - up.z - right.z - 6);
			v6 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x - up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y - up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z - up.z + right.z - 6);
			v7 = Vector3(pointsList[i + 1].x + up.x + right.x - 75, pointsList[i + 1].y + up.y + right.y - 30, pointsList[i + 1].z + up.z + right.z - 6);

			currentQuad[0] = v4;
			currentQuad[1] = v5;
			currentQuad[2] = v6;
			currentQuad[3] = v7;

		// Make the right rail vertices
		Vector3 r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7;
		Vector3 scale = right;
		Multiply(scale, -6.0f);
		r0 = Add(v0, scale);
		r1 = Add(v1, scale);
		r2 = Add(v2, scale);
		r3 = Add(v3, scale);
		r4 = Add(v4, scale);
		r5 = Add(v5, scale);
		r6 = Add(v6, scale);
		r7 = Add(v7, scale);
		// Make the left rail vertices
		scale = right;
		Vector3 left = right;
		Multiply(scale, 7.0f);
		Multiply(left, -1.0f);
		left = Add(left, scale);
		Vector3 l0, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7;
		l0 = Add(v0, left);
		l1 = Add(v1, left);
		l2 = Add(v2, left);
		l3 = Add(v3, left);
		l4 = Add(v4, left);
		l5 = Add(v5, left);
		l6 = Add(v6, left);
		l7 = Add(v7, left);
		glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		// Left Rail
		// Left face
		glVertex3f(l0.x, l0.y, l0.z);
		glVertex3f(l4.x, l4.y, l4.z);
		glVertex3f(l5.x, l5.y, l5.z);
		glVertex3f(l1.x, l1.y, l1.z);
		// Right face
		glVertex3f(l3.x, l3.y, l3.z);
		glVertex3f(l2.x, l2.y, l2.z);
		glVertex3f(l6.x, l6.y, l6.z);
		glVertex3f(l7.x, l7.y, l7.z);
		// Bottom face
		glVertex3f(l1.x, l1.y, l1.z);
		glVertex3f(l5.x, l5.y, l5.z);
		glVertex3f(l6.x, l6.y, l6.z);
		glVertex3f(l2.x, l2.y, l2.z);
		// Top face
		glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
		glVertex3f(l0.x, l0.y, l0.z);
		glVertex3f(l3.x, l3.y, l3.z);
		glVertex3f(l7.x, l7.y, l7.z);
		glVertex3f(l4.x, l4.y, l4.z);

		// Right Rail
		glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		// Left face
		glVertex3f(r0.x, r0.y, r0.z);
		glVertex3f(r4.x, r4.y, r4.z);
		glVertex3f(r5.x, r5.y, r5.z);
		glVertex3f(r1.x, r1.y, r1.z);
		// Right face
		glVertex3f(r3.x, r3.y, r3.z);
		glVertex3f(r2.x, r2.y, r2.z);
		glVertex3f(r6.x, r6.y, r6.z);
		glVertex3f(r7.x, r7.y, r7.z);
		// Bottom face
		glVertex3f(r1.x, r1.y, r1.z);
		glVertex3f(r5.x, r5.y, r5.z);
		glVertex3f(r6.x, r6.y, r6.z);
		glVertex3f(r2.x, r2.y, r2.z);
		// Top face
		glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
		glVertex3f(r0.x, r0.y, r0.z);
		glVertex3f(r3.x, r3.y, r3.z);
		glVertex3f(r7.x, r7.y, r7.z);
		glVertex3f(r4.x, r4.y, r4.z);

		// Cross beam every 7 sections
		if (crossIndex % 7 == 0)
			Multiply(forward, railSize);
			v0 = l3;
			v1 = l2;
			v2 = r1;
			v3 = r0;
			v4 = Add(v0, forward);
			v5 = Add(v1, forward);
			v6 = Add(v2, forward);
			v7 = Add(v3, forward);

			glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
			// Front cross face
			glVertex3f(v0.x, v0.y, v0.z);
			glVertex3f(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
			glVertex3f(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);
			glVertex3f(v3.x, v3.y, v3.z);
			// Back cross face
			glVertex3f(v7.x, v7.y, v7.z);
			glVertex3f(v6.x, v6.y, v6.z);
			glVertex3f(v5.x, v5.y, v5.z);
			glVertex3f(v4.x, v4.y, v4.z);
			// Bottom cross face
			glVertex3f(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
			glVertex3f(v5.x, v5.y, v5.z);
			glVertex3f(v6.x, v6.y, v6.z);
			glVertex3f(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);
			// Top cross face
			glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
			glVertex3f(v0.x, v0.y, v0.z);
			glVertex3f(v3.x, v3.y, v3.z);
			glVertex3f(v7.x, v7.y, v7.z);
			glVertex3f(v4.x, v4.y, v4.z);


		Multiply(up, 2.0f);
		Multiply(right, 2.0f);
		crossProduct(up, forward, right);
/* implement cross rail (45 degrss '/' and 135 degree '\') between two side rails and bottom rail respeactively */
void drawCrossRail()
	int factor=0;
	float cross_step_size=0.08;
	float up_step_size=0.035;
	/* parallel rail number */
	for(int index=2;index<4;index++){
    	/* white */
		glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
        for (int spline_index = 0; spline_index < g_iNumOfSplines; spline_index++) {
            for(int i=-2;i<g_Splines[spline_index].numControlPoints-1;i++) {     
                for(float u=0.0;u<1.0;u+=0.1) {
    	            p.x= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            p.y= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            p.z= catmullRomSpline(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t.x= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].x, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].x);
    	            t.y= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].y, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].y);
    	            t.z= tangent(u, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+1].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+2].z, g_Splines[spline_index].points[i+3].z);
    	            t = unit(t);
    	            n = crossProduct(t, arbitrary_point);
    	            n = unit(n);
    	            b = crossProduct(t, n);
    	            b = unit(b);
											 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1) 			 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)
												   /    /|       				   /    /|
											(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)			(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1)
												 / /  /  /       				 / /  /  /
												/_/__/  /        				/_/__/  /              
										  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)   		  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0) 
												|____|/          				|____|/
										  (P0)v3      v0(P0)     		  (P0)v3      v0(P0) 
								                 \ \                              / /
									              \ \                            / /
												   \ \	 (P1)v2 _____ v1(P1)    / /
					CROSS RAIL SUPPORT-->			\ \		   /    /|         / /    <--- CROSS RAIL SUPPORT
													 \ \(P1)v3/|___/_| v0(P1) / /       
													  \ \	 / /  /  /       / /      
															/_/__/  /       / /        
													  (P0)v2|/   | /v1(P0)          
													  (P0)v3      v0(P0)   
                    /* top*/
						factor = 1;
                    /* top-right*/
                        p.x+=cross_step_size*n.x+ up_step_size*b.x*up_step_size_Factor;
                        p.y+=cross_step_size*n.y+ up_step_size*b.y*up_step_size_Factor;
                        p.z+=cross_step_size*n.z+ up_step_size*b.z*up_step_size_Factor;
						factor = -1;
                   	/* side rail */
                    glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);
                    /* main bottom rail*/
                    glVertex3f(p.x-up_step_size*b.x*up_step_size_Factor+factor*cross_step_size*n.x/2, p.y-up_step_size*b.y*up_step_size_Factor+factor*cross_step_size*n.y/2, p.z-up_step_size*b.z*up_step_size_Factor+factor*cross_step_size*n.z/2);
	            }/* end of for loop*/
            }/* end of for loop*/
        }/* end of for loop*/
	}/* end of for loop*/
文件: qvector3d.cpp 项目: maxxant/qt

    Returns the normal vector of a plane defined by vectors
    \a v2 - \a v1 and \a v3 - \a v1, normalized to be a unit vector.

    Use crossProduct() to compute the cross-product of \a v2 - \a v1 and
    \a v3 - \a v1 if you do not need the result to be normalized to a
    unit vector.

    \sa crossProduct(), distanceToPlane()
QVector3D QVector3D::normal
        (const QVector3D& v1, const QVector3D& v2, const QVector3D& v3)
    return crossProduct((v2 - v1), (v3 - v1)).normalized();
int GzBeginRender(GzRender *render)
- set up for start of each frame - clear frame buffer 
- compute Xiw and projection xform Xpi from camera definition 
- init Ximage - put Xsp at base of stack, push on Xpi and Xiw 
- now stack contains Xsw and app can push model Xforms if it want to. 

	/* Compoute Xiw */
	GzCoord CamX, CamY, CamZ, C;

	// Calculate CamZ
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		C[i] = render->camera.position[i];
		//CamY[i] = render->camera.worldup[i];
		CamZ[i] = render->camera.lookat[i] - render->camera.position[i];
	float lenZ = length(CamZ);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		CamZ[i] = CamZ[i] / lenZ;

	// Calculate CamY
	float dotUpZ = dotProduct(render->camera.worldup, CamZ);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		CamY[i] = render->camera.worldup[i] - dotUpZ * CamZ[i];
	float lenY = length(CamY);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		CamY[i] = CamY[i] / lenY;

	// Calculate CamX
	float *ptr = crossProduct(CamY, CamZ);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		CamX[i] = ptr[i];
	float lenX = length(CamX);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		CamX[i] = CamX[i] / lenX;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		render->camera.Xiw[0][i] = CamX[i];
		render->camera.Xiw[1][i] = CamY[i];
		render->camera.Xiw[2][i] = CamZ[i];
		render->camera.Xiw[3][i] = 0;
	render->camera.Xiw[0][3] = -(CamX[0] * C[0] + CamX[1] * C[1] + CamX[2] * C[2]);
	render->camera.Xiw[1][3] = -(CamY[0] * C[0] + CamY[1] * C[1] + CamY[2] * C[2]);
	render->camera.Xiw[2][3] = -(CamZ[0] * C[0] + CamZ[1] * C[1] + CamZ[2] * C[2]);
	render->camera.Xiw[3][3] = 1;

	/* Compute Xpi */
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		memset(render->camera.Xpi[i], 0, sizeof(float)*4);
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		render->camera.Xpi[i][i] = 1;
	render->camera.Xpi[3][2] = tan((render->camera.FOV/2)*3.14159265/180);

	/* Init Ximage */
	render->matlevel = 0; // initial position of the stack
	GzPushMatrix(render, render->Xsp);			// push Xsp
	GzPushMatrix(render, render->camera.Xpi);	// push Xpi
	GzPushMatrix(render, render->camera.Xiw);	// push Xiw

	return GZ_SUCCESS;