static int diary_handle_feed_rss(request_rec *r, diary_conf *conf) { HDF *hdf; CSPARSE *cs; NEOERR *cs_err; STRING cs_err_str; ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "diary_handle_feed_rss()"); hdf_init(&hdf); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.1", conf->path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.title", conf->title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.uri", conf->uri); cs_err = hdf_read_file(hdf, INDEX_HDF); if(cs_err){ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "cannot read index.hdf."); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } //hdf_dump(hdf, NULL); cs_err = cs_init(&cs, hdf); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error at cs_init(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); cs_err = cs_parse_string(cs, strdup(RSS_TMPL), RSS_TMPL_LEN); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error in cs_parse_string(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } r->content_type = "application/rss+xml"; cs_render(cs, r, diary_cs_render_cb); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return OK; }
void savesrc(char* templatedir, char* csfname, char* outfname, HDF* hdf) { CSPARSE* parse; NEOERR* err; FILE* fp; nerr_init(); chdir(templatedir); printf("reading %s ... ", csfname); err = cs_init(&parse, hdf); if( nerr_match(err, NERR_PASS) ) { printf("NG\n"); nerr_log_error(err); exit(41); } err = cs_parse_file(parse, csfname); if( nerr_match(err, NERR_PASS) ) { printf("NG\n"); nerr_log_error(err); exit(42); } printf("OK\n"); chdir(boot_path); chdir(CODEGEN_DIRNAME); printf("writing %s ... ", outfname); fp = fopen(outfname, "w"); if( fp != NULL ) { err = cs_render(parse, (void*)fp, render); fclose(fp); if( nerr_match(err, NERR_PASS) ) { printf("NG\n"); exit(43); } printf("OK\n"); }else{ printf("can't open file"); } cs_destroy(&parse); }
int process_template(HDF *hdf, char *infile, char *outfile) { int ret = 0; FILE *outfh = NULL; NEOERR *err; CSPARSE *parse = NULL; if (!make_dirs(outfile)) { ret = -1; } else { if ((outfh = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) { perror("fopen"); ret = -2; } else { err = cs_init(&parse, hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_log_error(err); ret = -5; } else { err = cs_parse_file(parse, infile); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_log_error(err); ret = -6; } err = cs_render(parse, outfh, csoutfunc); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_log_error(err); ret = -7; } cs_destroy(&parse); } fclose(outfh); } } return ret; }
void formatter_kml_split_output(formatter_split_t *obj, char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w"); CSPARSE *csparse; HDF *hdf; NEOERR *err; int stage = 0; if ((err = hdf_init(&hdf)) != STATUS_OK) { goto error; } coordinate_subset_t *subset = obj->set->first_subset; int16_t i = 0; while (subset) { _cs_set_valuef(hdf, "tracks.%d.colour=%s", i, kml_colours[i % 9]); coordinate_t *coordinate = subset->first; int16_t j = 0; while (coordinate && coordinate != subset->last) { _cs_set_valuef(hdf, "tracks.%d.points.%d.lng=%f", i, j, coordinate->lng); _cs_set_valuef(hdf, "", i, j, coordinate->lat); _cs_set_valuef(hdf, "tracks.%d.points.%d.ele=%d", i, j, coordinate->ele); _cs_set_valuef(hdf, "tracks.%d.points.%d.time=%f", i, j, coordinate->timestamp); coordinate = coordinate->next; j++; } subset = subset->next; i++; } if ((err = cs_init(&csparse, hdf)) != STATUS_OK || (err = cs_parse_file(csparse, "formatter/templates/flight.split.kml.cs.xml")) != STATUS_OK || (err = cs_render(csparse, fp, cs_fwrite)) != STATUS_OK) { goto error; } goto end; error: nerr_log_error(err); goto end; end: hdf_destroy(&hdf); cs_destroy(&csparse); fclose(fp); }
int main(void) { GC_INIT(); TF_Buffer *buffer = TF_GetAllOpList(); Tensorflow__OpList *op_list = tensorflow__op_list__unpack(NULL, buffer->length, buffer->data); HDF *hdf; hdf_init(&hdf); for (int i=0; i<op_list->n_op; i++) { struct _Tensorflow__OpDef *op = op_list->op[i]; char variable[256]; char value[256]; snprintf(variable, 256, "", op->name); snprintf(value, 256, "tf-%s", kebab_case(op->name)); hdf_set_value(hdf, variable, value); for (int j=0; j<op->n_input_arg; j++) { Tensorflow__OpDef__ArgDef *arg = op->input_arg[j]; snprintf(variable, 256, "Op.%s.input_arg.%s", op->name, arg->name); const char *multiple = arg->number_attr && *arg->number_attr ? "list" : "single"; hdf_set_value(hdf, variable, multiple); }; for (int j=0; j<op->n_attr; j++) { Tensorflow__OpDef__AttrDef *attr = op->attr[j]; snprintf(variable, 256, "Op.%s.attr.%s", op->name, attr->name); snprintf(value, 256, "%s", attr->type); hdf_set_value(hdf, variable, value); }; snprintf(variable, 256, "Op.%s.n_output", op->name); snprintf(value, 256, "%d", op->n_output_arg); hdf_set_value(hdf, variable, value); }; CSPARSE *parse; cs_init(&parse, hdf); cs_parse_file(parse, ""); cs_render(parse, stdout, output); cs_destroy(&parse); hdf_destroy(&hdf); tensorflow__op_list__free_unpacked(op_list, NULL); TF_DeleteBuffer(buffer); }
static void wiki_output(MMIOT *doc, request_rec *r) { char *title; int ret; int size; char *p; wiki_conf *conf; list_t *css; HDF *hdf; CSPARSE *cs; int i; conf = (wiki_conf *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &wiki_module); ret = mkd_compile(doc, MKD_TOC | MKD_AUTOLINK); hdf_init(&hdf); if(conf->name){ hdf_set_value(hdf, "wikiname", conf->name); } title = mkd_doc_title(doc); if(title == NULL){ title = "notitle"; } hdf_set_value(hdf, "title", title); for(i=0, css = conf->css; css; i++, css = (list_t *) css->next){ hdf_set_valuef(hdf, "css.%d=%s", i, (char *)css->data); } if ((size = mkd_document(doc, &p)) != EOF) { hdf_set_value(hdf, "document", p); } cs_init(&cs, hdf); cs_parse_string(cs, strdup(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE), strlen(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE)); cs_render(cs, r, cs_output); hdf_destroy(&hdf); cs_destroy(&cs); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { NEOERR *err; CSPARSE *parse; HDF *hdf; int verbose = 0; char *hdf_file, *cs_file; if (argc < 3) { ne_warn ("Usage: cstest [-v] <file.hdf> <file.cs>"); return -1; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) { verbose = 1; if (argc < 4) { ne_warn ("Usage: cstest [-v] <file.hdf> <file.cs>"); return -1; } hdf_file = argv[2]; cs_file = argv[3]; } else { hdf_file = argv[1]; cs_file = argv[2]; } err = hdf_init(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } err = hdf_read_file(hdf, hdf_file); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } printf ("Parsing %s\n", cs_file); err = cs_init (&parse, hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } err = cgi_register_strfuncs(parse); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } err = cs_parse_file (parse, cs_file); if (err != STATUS_OK) { err = nerr_pass(err); nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } err = cs_render(parse, NULL, output); if (err != STATUS_OK) { err = nerr_pass(err); nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } if (verbose) { printf ("\n-----------------------\nCS DUMP\n"); err = cs_dump(parse, NULL, output); } cs_destroy (&parse); if (verbose) { printf ("\n-----------------------\nHDF DUMP\n"); hdf_dump (hdf, NULL); } hdf_destroy(&hdf); return 0; }
bool Tree::RenderTemplateInternal(const std::string &tmpl, bool file_or_string, std::ostream *out, std::string *error) const { if (!out) { return false; } CSPARSE *csparse = NULL; HDF *hdf = NULL; NEOERR *err; do { err = hdf_init(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } if (!SerializeToHdfInternal(hdf, true)) { hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (error) { *error = "SerializationError: serializing to HDF failed"; } return false; } err = cs_init(&csparse, hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } err = cgi_register_strfuncs(csparse); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } if (file_or_string) { err = cs_parse_file(csparse, tmpl.c_str()); } else { char *ctmpl = strdup(tmpl.c_str()); if (!ctmpl) { cs_destroy(&csparse); hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (error) { *error = "MemoryError: allocating buffer for template"; } break; } err = cs_parse_string(csparse, ctmpl, tmpl.length()); } if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } err = cs_render(csparse, out, RenderCallback); if (err != STATUS_OK) { break; } } while (false); cs_destroy(&csparse); hdf_destroy(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK && error) { STRING str; string_init(&str); nerr_error_string(err, &str); *error = str.buf; string_clear(&str); nerr_ignore(&err); return false; } return true; }
static int diary_handle_entry(request_rec *r, diary_conf *conf, const char *filename) { FILE *fp; CSPARSE *cs; NEOERR *cs_err; HDF *hdf; MMIOT *doc; char *title; char *author; char *date; int size; char *p; int flag = 0; int github_flavoured = conf->github_flavoured; calendar_info cal; char *theme_path; char *theme_file; theme_path = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, conf->path, "/themes/", conf->theme, NULL); theme_file = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, theme_path, "/index.cst", NULL); fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp == NULL){ switch (errno) { case ENOENT: return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; case EACCES: return HTTP_FORBIDDEN; default: ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "diary_parse_entry error: errno=%d\n", errno); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } doc = github_flavoured ? gfm_in(fp, 0) : mkd_in(fp, 0); fclose(fp); if (doc == NULL) { return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } title = mkd_doc_title(doc); if(title == NULL){ title = "notitle"; } date = mkd_doc_date(doc); author = mkd_doc_author(doc); if(conf->autolink){ flag = MKD_AUTOLINK; } mkd_compile(doc, flag); if ((size = mkd_document(doc, &p)) == EOF) { return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } hdf_init(&hdf); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.1", conf->path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.2", theme_path); cs_err = hdf_read_file(hdf, INDEX_HDF); if(cs_err){ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "cannot read index.hdf."); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.title", conf->title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.uri", conf->uri); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.theme", conf->theme); hdf_set_value(hdf, "entry.uri", r->uri); hdf_set_value(hdf, "entry.title", title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "", author); hdf_set_value(hdf, "", date); hdf_set_value(hdf, "entry.desc", p); //hdf_dump(hdf, NULL); if (conf->calendar) { diary_set_calendar_info(&cal, r->args); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.year", cal.year); hdf_set_value(hdf, "cal.month", cal.month); hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.lastdayofmonth", cal.lastdayofmonth); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth", cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth); } cs_err = cs_init(&cs, hdf); if(cs_err){ return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); mkd_cleanup(doc); cs_parse_file(cs, theme_file); r->content_type = "text/html"; cs_render(cs, r, diary_cs_render_cb); hdf_destroy(&hdf); cs_destroy(&cs); return 0; }
static int diary_handle_index(request_rec *r, diary_conf *conf) { HDF *hdf; CSPARSE *cs; NEOERR *cs_err; STRING cs_err_str; calendar_info cal; char *theme_path; char *theme_file; theme_path = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, conf->path, "/themes/", conf->theme, NULL); theme_file = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, theme_path, "/index.cst", NULL); hdf_init(&hdf); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "index", 1); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.1", conf->path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.2", theme_path); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.title", conf->title); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.uri", conf->uri); hdf_set_value(hdf, "diary.theme", conf->theme); if (conf->calendar) { diary_set_calendar_info(&cal, r->args); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.year", cal.year); hdf_set_value(hdf, "cal.month", cal.month); hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_value(hdf, "",; hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.lastdayofmonth", cal.lastdayofmonth); hdf_set_int_value(hdf, "cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth", cal.dayofweek_1stdayofmonth); } cs_err = hdf_read_file(hdf, INDEX_HDF); if(cs_err){ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "cannot read index.hdf."); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } //hdf_dump(hdf, NULL); cs_err = cs_init(&cs, hdf); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "error at cs_init(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); cs_err = cs_parse_file(cs, theme_file); if(cs_err){ string_init(&cs_err_str); nerr_error_string(cs_err, &cs_err_str); ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, "hoge error in cs_parse_file(): %s", cs_err_str.buf); // TODO: no need to free cs_err and cs_err_str? cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } r->content_type = "text/html"; cs_render(cs, r, diary_cs_render_cb); cs_destroy(&cs); hdf_destroy(&hdf); return OK; }
NEOERR* ltpl_parse_file(HASH *dbh, HASH *evth, void *lib, char *dir, char *name, HASH *outhash) { char *tp = NULL, *tpl = NULL, *val = NULL; HDF *node = NULL, *dhdf = NULL, *child = NULL, *thdf = NULL; CSPARSE *cs = NULL; STRING str; char fname[_POSIX_PATH_MAX], tok[64], *outfile; NEOERR* (*data_handler)(HDF *hdf, HASH *dbh, HASH *evth); NEOERR *err; memset(fname, 0x0, sizeof(fname)); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", dir, name); err = hdf_init(&node); if (err != STATUS_OK) return nerr_pass(err); err = hdf_read_file(node, fname); if (err != STATUS_OK) return nerr_pass(err); child = hdf_obj_child(node); while (child != NULL) { mtc_dbg("parse node %s", hdf_obj_name(child)); string_init(&str); val = mcs_obj_attr(child, "merge"); if (val) { ULIST *list; string_array_split(&list, val, ",", 10); ITERATE_MLIST(list) { snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", dir, neos_strip((char*)list->items[t_rsv_i])); err = hdf_init(&dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_read_file(dhdf, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_copy(child, NULL, dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); } uListDestroy(&list, ULIST_FREE); } /* * can't use dataset directly, because we'll destroy the whole node */ err = hdf_init(&dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_get_node(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET, &thdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_copy(dhdf, NULL, thdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = cs_init(&cs, dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); hdf_set_value(cs->hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.tpl", PATH_TPL); hdf_set_value(cs->hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.local", dir); err = cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_register_bitop_functions(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_register_mkd_functions(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_register_string_uslice(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); tpl = hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_LAYOUT, "null.html"); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", PATH_TPL, tpl); err = cs_parse_file(cs, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); if (outhash != NULL) { /* * store template for rend stage use */ hdf_set_value(cs->hdf, PRE_RESERVE"."PRE_CFG_LAYOUT, tpl); /* * strdup the key, baby, because we'll free the hdf later */ err = hash_insert(outhash, (void*)strdup(hdf_obj_name(child)), (void*)cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); snprintf(tok, sizeof(tok), "%s_hdf", hdf_obj_name(child)); err = hash_insert(outhash, (void*)strdup(tok), (void*)cs->hdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); } if ((outfile = hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_OUTPUT, NULL)) != NULL) { ltpl_prepare_rend(cs->hdf, tpl); /* * get_data */ val = hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_DATAER, NULL); if (val != NULL && lib) { data_handler = dlsym(lib, val); if( (tp = dlerror()) != NULL) { mtc_err("%s", tp); //continue; } else { err = (*data_handler)(cs->hdf, dbh, evth); TRACE_NOK(err); } } err = cs_render(cs, &str, mcs_strcb); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); /* * produce output filename */ val = mcs_hdf_attr(child, PRE_CFG_OUTPUT, "ftime"); if (val) { char tm[LEN_TM]; mutil_getdatetime(tm, sizeof(tm), val, 0); outfile = mstr_repstr(1, outfile, "$ftime$", tm); } snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), PATH_DOC"%s", outfile); /* * output file */ err = mfile_makesure_dir(fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_str2file(str, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); #ifdef DEBUG_HDF snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/hdf.%s", TC_ROOT, hdf_obj_name(child)); hdf_write_file(child, fname); #endif } wnext: if (cs != NULL && outhash == NULL) cs_destroy(&cs); string_clear(&str); child = hdf_obj_next(child); } if (node != NULL) hdf_destroy(&node); return STATUS_OK; }
NEOERR* ltpl_parse_file(HASH *dbh, void *lib, char *dir, char *name, HASH *outhash) { char *tp = NULL, *tpl = NULL, *val = NULL; HDF *node = NULL, *dhdf = NULL, *child = NULL; CSPARSE *cs = NULL; STRING str; char fname[_POSIX_PATH_MAX], tok[64]; NEOERR* (*data_handler)(HDF *hdf, HASH *dbh); NEOERR *err; memset(fname, 0x0, sizeof(fname)); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", dir, name); err = hdf_init(&node); if (err != STATUS_OK) return nerr_pass(err); err = hdf_read_file(node, fname); if (err != STATUS_OK) return nerr_pass(err); child = hdf_obj_child(node); while (child != NULL) { mtc_dbg("parse node %s", hdf_obj_name(child)); string_init(&str); val = mutil_obj_attr(child, "merge"); if (val) { snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", dir, val); err = hdf_init(&dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_read_file(dhdf, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_copy(child, NULL, dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); } err = cs_init(&cs, hdf_get_obj(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET)); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); hdf_set_value(cs->hdf, "hdf.loadpaths.local", dir); err = cgi_register_strfuncs(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_register_bitop_functions(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_register_mkd_functions(cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); tpl = hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_LAYOUT, "null.html"); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s", PATH_TPL, tpl); err = cs_parse_file(cs, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); if (outhash != NULL) { /* * strdup the key, baby, because we'll free the hdf later */ err = hash_insert(outhash, (void*)strdup(hdf_obj_name(child)), (void*)cs); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); if (hdf_get_obj(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET)) { err = hdf_init(&dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = hdf_copy(dhdf, NULL, hdf_get_obj(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET)); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); snprintf(tok, sizeof(tok), "%s_hdf", hdf_obj_name(child)); err = hash_insert(outhash, (void*)strdup(tok), (void*)dhdf); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); } } if (hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_OUTPUT, NULL) != NULL) { ltpl_prepare_rend(hdf_get_obj(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET), tpl); /* * get_data */ val = hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_DATAER, NULL); if (val != NULL && lib) { data_handler = dlsym(lib, val); if( (tp = dlerror()) != NULL) { mtc_err("%s", tp); //continue; } else { err = (*data_handler)(hdf_get_obj(child, PRE_CFG_DATASET), dbh); TRACE_NOK(err); } } err = cs_render(cs, &str, mcs_strcb); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), PATH_DOC"%s", hdf_get_value(child, PRE_CFG_OUTPUT, "null.html")); err = mutil_makesure_dir(fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); err = mcs_str2file(str, fname); JUMP_NOK(err, wnext); #ifdef DEBUG_HDF snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/hdf.%s", TC_ROOT, hdf_obj_name(child)); hdf_write_file(child, fname); #endif } wnext: if (cs != NULL && outhash == NULL) cs_destroy(&cs); string_clear(&str); child = hdf_obj_next(child); } if (node != NULL) hdf_destroy(&node); return STATUS_OK; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { NEOERR *err; CSPARSE *parse; HDF *hdf; int verbose = 0; char *hdf_file, *cs_file; char c; extern char *optarg; err = hdf_init(&hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } err = cs_init (&parse, hdf); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Hvh:c:")) != EOF ) switch (c) { case 'h': hdf_file=optarg; err = hdf_read_file(hdf, hdf_file); if (err != STATUS_OK) { nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } break; case 'c': cs_file=optarg; if ( verbose ) printf ("Parsing %s\n", cs_file); err = cs_parse_file (parse, cs_file); if (err != STATUS_OK) { err = nerr_pass(err); nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } break; case 'v': verbose=1; break; case 'H': fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-v] [-h <file.hdf>] [-c <file.cs>]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " -h <file.hdf> load hdf file file.hdf (multiple allowed)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c <file.cs> load cs file file.cs (multiple allowed)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v verbose output\n"); return -1; break; } err = cs_render(parse, NULL, output); if (err != STATUS_OK) { err = nerr_pass(err); nerr_warn_error(err); return -1; } if (verbose) { printf ("\n-----------------------\nCS DUMP\n"); err = cs_dump(parse, NULL, output); } cs_destroy (&parse); if (verbose) { printf ("\n-----------------------\nHDF DUMP\n"); hdf_dump (hdf, NULL); } return 0; }