static void showTableFieldsCt(char *db, char *table, boolean withGetButton) /* Put up html table with a check box for each field of custom * track. */ { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); char *type = ct->dbTrackType; if (type == NULL) type = ct->tdb->type; struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); struct asObject *asObj = asForTdb(conn, ct->tdb); if (asObj) { struct slName *fieldList = NULL; if (ct->dbTableName != NULL) { if (isVcfTable(table, NULL)) fieldList = vcfGetFields(); else fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, ct->dbTableName); } if (fieldList == NULL) fieldList = asColNames(asObj); showTableFieldsOnList(db, table, asObj, fieldList, FALSE, withGetButton); asObjectFree(&asObj); slNameFreeList(&fieldList); } else showBedTableFields(db, table, ct->fieldCount, withGetButton); hFreeConn(&conn); }
struct dataVector *bedGraphDataVector(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region) /* Read in bedGraph as dataVector and return it. Filtering, subtrack merge * and intersection are handled. */ { struct dataVector *dv = NULL; if (anySubtrackMerge(database, table)) dv = mergedWigDataVector(table, conn, region); else { struct trackDb *tdb; if (isCustomTrack(table)) { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); tdb = ct->tdb; conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); } else { tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(database, table); } struct trackTable *tt1 = trackTableNew(tdb, table, conn); dv = dataVectorFetchOneRegion(tt1, region, conn); intersectDataVector(table, dv, region, conn); if (isCustomTrack(table)) hFreeConn(&conn); } return dv; }
static boolean canIntersect(char *db, char *table) /* Return true if table exists and is positional. */ { if (isCustomTrack(table) && ctLookupName(table) != NULL) return TRUE; if (sameWord(table, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE)) return TRUE; if (hTableOrSplitExists(db, table)) return isPositional(db, table); return FALSE; }
static char *vcfFileName(struct trackDb *tdb, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *chrom) // Look up the vcf or vcfTabix file name, using CUSTOM_TRASH if necessary. { boolean isCt = isCustomTrack(table); char *dbTable = table; struct sqlConnection *dbConn = conn; if (isCt) { dbConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); dbTable = ct->dbTableName; } char *fileName = bbiNameFromSettingOrTableChrom(tdb, dbConn, dbTable, chrom); if (isCt) hFreeConn(&dbConn); return fileName; }
char *bigFileNameFromCtOrHub(char *table, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* If table is a custom track or hub track, return the bigDataUrl setting; * otherwise return NULL. Do a freeMem on returned string when done. */ { char *fileName = NULL; if (isCustomTrack(table)) { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); if (ct != NULL) fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(ct->tdb, "bigDataUrl")); } else if (isHubTrack(table)) { struct trackDb *tdb = hashFindVal(fullTableToTdbHash, table); assert(tdb != NULL); fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(tdb, "bigDataUrl")); assert(fileName != NULL); } return fileName; }
boolean isWiggle(char *db, char *table) /* Return TRUE if db.table is a wiggle. */ { boolean typeWiggle = FALSE; if (db != NULL && table != NULL) { if (isCustomTrack(table)) { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); if (ct != NULL && ct->wiggle) typeWiggle = TRUE; } else { struct hTableInfo *hti = maybeGetHtiOnDb(db, table); typeWiggle = (hti != NULL && HTI_IS_WIGGLE); } } return(typeWiggle); }
boolean canIntersect(char *db, char *table) /* Return true if table exists and is positional. */ { if (isCustomTrack(table) && ctLookupName(table) != NULL) return TRUE; if (isBamTable(table)) return TRUE; if (isBigWigTable(table)) return TRUE; if (isBigBed(database, table, curTrack, ctLookupName)) return TRUE; if (isVcfTable(table, NULL)) return TRUE; if (isHubTrack(table)) return TRUE; if (sameWord(table, WIKI_TRACK_TABLE)) return TRUE; if (hTableOrSplitExists(db, table)) return isPositional(db, table); return FALSE; }
static void makeCtOrderedCommaFieldList(struct joinerDtf *dtfList, struct dyString *dy) /* Make comma-separated field list in same order as fields are in * custom track. */ { char *track = dtfList->table; struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(track); char *type = ct->dbTrackType; struct slName *fieldList = NULL; if (startsWithWord("makeItems", type) || sameWord("bedDetail", type) || sameWord("pgSnp", type)) { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); fieldList = sqlListFields(conn, ct->dbTableName); hFreeConn(&conn); } else { fieldList = getBedFields(15); } makeOrderedCommaFieldList(fieldList, dtfList, dy); slFreeList(&fieldList); }
struct bed *getRegionAsBed( char *db, char *table, /* Database and table. */ struct region *region, /* Region to get data for. */ char *filter, /* Filter to add to SQL where clause if any. */ struct hash *idHash, /* Restrict to id's in this hash if non-NULL. */ struct lm *lm, /* Where to allocate memory. */ int *retFieldCount) /* Number of fields. */ /* Return a bed list of all items in the given range in table. * Cleanup result via lmCleanup(&lm) rather than bedFreeList. */ { char *fields = NULL; struct sqlResult *sr; struct hTableInfo *hti; struct bed *bedList=NULL, *bed; char **row; int fieldCount; boolean isPsl, isGenePred, isBedWithBlocks; boolean pslKnowIfProtein = FALSE, pslIsProtein = FALSE; struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; char *dbTable = NULL; if (isCustomTrack(table)) { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); dbTable = ct->dbTableName; conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); hti = hFindTableInfo(CUSTOM_TRASH, region->chrom, dbTable); } else { dbTable = table; struct trackDb *tdb; if(sameWord(db, database)) tdb = tdbForTrack(db, table, &fullTrackList); else tdb = hTrackDbForTrack(db, table); conn = (tdb ? hAllocConnTrack(db, tdb) : hAllocConn(db)); hti = hFindTableInfo(db, region->chrom, table); } if (hti == NULL) errAbort("Could not find table info for table %s.%s", db,table); if (isWiggle(db, table)) { bedList = getWiggleAsBed(db, table, region, filter, idHash, lm, conn); fieldCount = 4; } else { bedSqlFieldsExceptForChrom(hti, &fieldCount, &fields); isPsl = htiIsPsl(hti); isGenePred = sameString("exonEnds", hti->endsSizesField); isBedWithBlocks = ( (sameString("chromStarts", hti->startsField) || sameString("blockStarts", hti->startsField)) && sameString("blockSizes", hti->endsSizesField)); /* All beds have at least chrom,start,end. We omit the chrom * from the query since we already know it. */ sr = regionQuery(conn, dbTable, fields, region, TRUE, filter); while (sr != NULL && (row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { /* If have a name field apply hash filter. */ if (fieldCount >= 4 && idHash != NULL) if (!hashLookup(idHash, row[2])) continue; bed = bedFromRow(region->chrom, row, fieldCount, isPsl, isGenePred, isBedWithBlocks, &pslKnowIfProtein, &pslIsProtein, lm); slAddHead(&bedList, bed); } freez(&fields); sqlFreeResult(&sr); slReverse(&bedList); } hFreeConn(&conn); if (retFieldCount) *retFieldCount = fieldCount; return(bedList); }
char *filterClause(char *db, char *table, char *chrom, char *extraClause) /* Get filter clause (something to put after 'where') * for table */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL; char varPrefix[128]; int varPrefixSize, fieldNameSize; struct hashEl *varList, *var; struct dyString *dy = NULL; boolean needAnd = FALSE; char oldDb[128]; char dbTableBuf[256]; char explicitDb[128]; char splitTable[256]; char explicitDbTable[512]; /* Return just extraClause (which may be NULL) if no filter on us. */ if (! (anyFilter() && filteredOrLinked(db, table))) return cloneString(extraClause); safef(oldDb, sizeof(oldDb), "%s", db); dbOverrideFromTable(dbTableBuf, &db, &table); if (!sameString(oldDb, db)) safef(explicitDb, sizeof(explicitDb), "%s.", db); else explicitDb[0] = 0; /* Cope with split table and/or custom tracks. */ if (isCustomTrack(table)) { conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); safef(explicitDbTable, sizeof(explicitDbTable), "%s", ct->dbTableName); } else { conn = hAllocConn(db); safef(splitTable, sizeof(splitTable), "%s_%s", chrom, table); if (!sqlTableExists(conn, splitTable)) safef(splitTable, sizeof(splitTable), "%s", table); safef(explicitDbTable, sizeof(explicitDbTable), "%s%s", explicitDb, splitTable); } /* Get list of filter variables for this table. */ safef(varPrefix, sizeof(varPrefix), "%s%s.%s.", hgtaFilterVarPrefix, db, table); varPrefixSize = strlen(varPrefix); varList = cartFindPrefix(cart, varPrefix); if (varList == NULL) { hFreeConn(&conn); return cloneString(extraClause); } /* Create filter clause string, stepping through vars. */ dy = dyStringNew(0); for (var = varList; var != NULL; var = var->next) { /* Parse variable name into field and type. */ char field[64], *s, *type; s = var->name + varPrefixSize; type = strchr(s, '.'); if (type == NULL) internalErr(); fieldNameSize = type - s; if (fieldNameSize >= sizeof(field)) internalErr(); memcpy(field, s, fieldNameSize); field[fieldNameSize] = 0; sqlCkId(field); type += 1; /* rawLogic and rawQuery are handled below; * filterMaxOutputVar is not really a filter variable and is handled * in wiggle.c. */ if (startsWith("raw", type) || sameString(filterMaxOutputVar, type)) continue; /* Any other variables that are missing a name: * <varPrefix>..<type> * are illegal */ if (fieldNameSize < 1) { warn("Missing name in cart variable: %s\n", var->name); continue; } if (sameString(type, filterDdVar)) { char *patVar = filterPatternVarName(db, table, field); struct slName *patList = cartOptionalSlNameList(cart, patVar); normalizePatList(&patList); if (slCount(patList) > 0) { char *ddVal = cartString(cart, var->name); boolean neg = sameString(ddVal, ddOpMenu[1]); char *fieldType = getSqlType(conn, explicitDbTable, field); boolean needOr = FALSE; if (needAnd) dyStringAppend(dy, " and "); needAnd = TRUE; if (neg) dyStringAppend(dy, "not "); boolean composite = (slCount(patList) > 1); if (composite || neg) dyStringAppendC(dy, '('); struct slName *pat; for (pat = patList; pat != NULL; pat = pat->next) { char *sqlPat = sqlLikeFromWild(pat->name); if (needOr) dyStringAppend(dy, " OR "); needOr = TRUE; if (isSqlSetType(fieldType)) { sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(dy, "FIND_IN_SET('%s', %s.%s)>0 ", sqlPat, explicitDbTable , field); } else { sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(dy, "%s.%s ", explicitDbTable, field); if (sqlWildcardIn(sqlPat)) dyStringAppend(dy, "like "); else dyStringAppend(dy, "= "); sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "'%s'", sqlPat); } freez(&sqlPat); } if (composite || neg) dyStringAppendC(dy, ')'); } } else if (sameString(type, filterCmpVar)) { char *patVar = filterPatternVarName(db, table, field); char *pat = trimSpaces(cartOptionalString(cart, patVar)); char *cmpVal = cartString(cart, var->name); if (cmpReal(pat, cmpVal)) { if (needAnd) dyStringAppend(dy, " and "); needAnd = TRUE; if (sameString(cmpVal, "in range")) { char *words[2]; int wordCount; char *dupe = cloneString(pat); wordCount = chopString(dupe, ", \t\n", words, ArraySize(words)); if (wordCount < 2) /* Fake short input */ words[1] = "2000000000"; if (strchr(pat, '.')) /* Assume floating point */ { double a = atof(words[0]), b = atof(words[1]); sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(dy, "%s.%s >= %f && %s.%s <= %f", explicitDbTable, field, a, explicitDbTable, field, b); } else { int a = atoi(words[0]), b = atoi(words[1]); sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(dy, "%s.%s >= %d && %s.%s <= %d", explicitDbTable, field, a, explicitDbTable, field, b); } freez(&dupe); } else { // cmpVal has been checked already above in cmpReal for legal values. sqlDyStringPrintfFrag(dy, "%s.%s %-s ", explicitDbTable, field, cmpVal); if (strchr(pat, '.')) /* Assume floating point. */ dyStringPrintf(dy, "%f", atof(pat)); else dyStringPrintf(dy, "%d", atoi(pat)); } } } } /* Handle rawQuery if any */ { char *varName; char *logic, *query; varName = filterFieldVarName(db, table, "", filterRawLogicVar); logic = cartUsualString(cart, varName, logOpMenu[0]); varName = filterFieldVarName(db, table, "", filterRawQueryVar); query = trimSpaces(cartOptionalString(cart, varName)); if (query != NULL && query[0] != 0) { if (needAnd) dyStringPrintf(dy, " %s ", logic); sqlSanityCheckWhere(query, dy); } } /* Clean up and return */ hFreeConn(&conn); hashElFreeList(&varList); if (dy->stringSize == 0) { dyStringFree(&dy); return cloneString(extraClause); } else { if (isNotEmpty(extraClause)) dyStringPrintf(dy, " and %s", extraClause); return dyStringCannibalize(&dy); } }
static void filterControlsForTableCt(char *db, char *table) /* Put up filter controls for a custom track. */ { struct customTrack *ct = ctLookupName(table); char *type = ct->dbTrackType; puts("<TABLE BORDER=0>"); if (type != NULL && startsWithWord("maf", type)) { stringFilterOption(db, table, "chrom", " AND "); integerFilter(db, table, "chromStart", "chromStart", " AND "); integerFilter(db, table, "chromEnd", "chromEnd", " AND "); } else if (type != NULL && (startsWithWord("makeItems", type) || sameWord("bedDetail", type) || sameWord("pgSnp", type))) { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH); struct sqlFieldType *ftList = sqlListFieldsAndTypes(conn, ct->dbTableName); printSqlFieldListAsControlTable(ftList, db, table, ct->tdb, FALSE); hFreeConn(&conn); } else if (ct->wiggle || isBigWigTable(table)) { if ((ct->tdb != NULL) && (ct->tdb != NULL)) { double min, max; wiggleMinMax(ct->tdb,&min,&max); numericFilterWithLimits("ct", table, filterDataValueVar, filterDataValueVar,min,max,""); hPrintf("<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=RIGHT> (dataValue range: [%g,%g]) " "</TD></TR>\n", min, max); } else { numericFilter("ct", table, filterDataValueVar, filterDataValueVar,""); } } else if (isBigBed(db, table, curTrack, ctLookupName)) { struct sqlFieldType *ftList = bigBedListFieldsAndTypes(ct->tdb, NULL); printSqlFieldListAsControlTable(ftList, db, table, ct->tdb, FALSE); } else if (isBamTable(table)) { struct sqlFieldType *ftList = bamListFieldsAndTypes(); printSqlFieldListAsControlTable(ftList, db, table, ct->tdb, FALSE); } else if (isVcfTable(table, NULL)) { struct sqlFieldType *ftList = vcfListFieldsAndTypes(); printSqlFieldListAsControlTable(ftList, db, table, ct->tdb, FALSE); } else { if (ct->fieldCount >= 3) { stringFilterOption(db, table, "chrom", " AND "); integerFilter(db, table, "chromStart", "chromStart", " AND "); integerFilter(db, table, "chromEnd", "chromEnd", " AND "); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 4) { stringFilterOption(db, table, "name", " AND "); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 5) { numericFilter(db, table, "score", "score", " AND "); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 6) { stringFilterOption(db, table, "strand", " AND "); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 8) { integerFilter(db, table, "thickStart", "thickStart", " AND "); integerFilter(db, table, "thickEnd", "thickEnd", " AND "); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 12) { integerFilter(db, table, "blockCount", "blockCount", " AND "); } /* These are not bed fields, just extra constraints that we offer: */ if (ct->fieldCount >= 3) { integerFilter(db, table, "chromLength", "(chromEnd - chromStart)", (ct->fieldCount >= 8) ? " AND " : ""); } if (ct->fieldCount >= 8) { integerFilter( db, table, "thickLength", "(thickEnd - thickStart)", " AND "); eqFilterOption(db, table, "compareStarts","chromStart","thickStart", " AND "); eqFilterOption(db, table, "compareEnds", "chromEnd", "thickEnd", ""); } } puts("</TABLE>"); if (ct->wiggle || isBigWigTable(table) || isBamTable(table) || isVcfTable(table, NULL)) { char *name; hPrintf("<TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD> Limit data output to: \n"); name = filterFieldVarName("ct", table, "_", filterMaxOutputVar); cgiMakeDropList(name, maxOutMenu, maxOutMenuSize, cartUsualString(cart, name, maxOutMenu[0])); hPrintf(" lines</TD></TR></TABLE>\n"); } hPrintf("<BR>\n"); cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoFilterSubmit, "submit"); hPrintf(" "); cgiMakeButton(hgtaDoMainPage, "cancel"); }