 * [List] + [List]
 * Returns a new list, containing elements of itself and the other
 * list.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] + [Reeks] | Geeft de reeks die bestaat uit de samenvoeging van gegeven reeksen.
ctr_object* ctr_array_add(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* otherArray = argumentList->object;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	int i;
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	if (otherArray->info.type == CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTARRAY) {
		for(i = otherArray->value.avalue->tail; i<otherArray->value.avalue->head; i++) {
			ctr_argument* pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_argument* elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			ctr_object* elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
			elnumArg->object = elnum;
			pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(otherArray, elnumArg);
			ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
			ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
			ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;
 * @internal
 * Returns an array from the request, either for GET, POST or COOKIE.
ctr_object* ctr_request_array(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList, CGI_varlist* varlist) {
	ctr_object* cgiVarObject;
	ctr_object* list;
	char* cgiVar;
	const CGI_value* value;
	char* val;
	ctr_argument* arg;
	int i = 0;
	list = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);	
	cgiVarObject = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	cgiVar = ctr_heap_allocate_cstring( cgiVarObject );
	value = CGI_lookup_all(varlist, (const char*)cgiVar);
	ctr_heap_free( cgiVar );
	if (value == NULL) {
		return list;
	for (i = 0; value[i] != 0; i++) {
		arg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		val = (char*) value[i];
		arg->object = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(val);
		ctr_array_push(list, arg);
		ctr_heap_free( arg );
	return list;
文件: json.c 项目: probonopd/citron
ctr_object* ctr_json_create_object(json_t* root, ctr_object* gt) {
    switch(json_typeof(root)) {
        case JSON_OBJECT: {
            ctr_object* sub = ctr_internal_create_object(CTR_OBJECT_TYPE_OTOBJECT);
            ctr_set_link_all(sub, gt);
            // size_t size;
            const char *key;
            json_t *value;
            ctr_argument* argl = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(*argl));
            argl->next = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(*argl));
            // size = json_object_size(root);
            json_object_foreach(root, key, value) {
              char* k = (char*)key;
              ctr_object* ko = ctr_build_string_from_cstring(k);
              ctr_object* vo = ctr_json_create_object(value, gt);
              argl->object = vo;
              argl->next->object = ko;
              sub = ctr_map_put(sub, argl);
            return sub;
        case JSON_ARRAY: {
          ctr_object* arr = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
          ctr_argument* arg = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
          size_t i;
          size_t size = json_array_size(root);
          for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            arg->object = ctr_json_create_object(json_array_get(root, i), gt);
            ctr_array_push(arr, arg);
          return arr;
        case JSON_STRING: {
          ctr_object* str = ctr_build_string((char*)json_string_value(root), json_string_length(root));
          return str;
        case JSON_INTEGER: {
          return ctr_build_number_from_float(json_integer_value(root));
        case JSON_REAL: {
          return ctr_build_number_from_float(json_real_value(root));
        case JSON_FALSE: {
          return ctr_build_bool(0);
        case JSON_TRUE: {
          return ctr_build_bool(1);
        case JSON_NULL: {
          return ctr_build_nil();
        default: {
          CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("Unrecognized JSON type");
          return CtrStdNil;
 * [List] fill: [Number] with: [Object]
 * Fills the list with the specified number of objects.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List new fill: 42 with: 'x'.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] vul: [Getal] met: [Object]
 * Vult de reeks op met een gespecificeerd aantal elementen.
ctr_object* ctr_array_fill( ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList ) {
	size_t n;
	int i;
	ctr_argument* newArgumentList;
	n = ctr_internal_cast2number( argumentList->object )->value.nvalue;
	newArgumentList = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof(ctr_argument) );
	newArgumentList->object = argumentList->next->object;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i ++ ) {
		ctr_array_push( myself, newArgumentList );
	return myself;
 * [List] copy
 * Copies the list. The list object will answer this message by
 * returning a shallow copy of itself. This means that the values in the
 * newly returned list can be replaced or deleted without affecting
 * the original one. However, modifying the values in the list will
 * still cause their counterparts in the original list to be modified
 * as well.
 * In the example we replace the first item (1) in b with 999.
 * The first element in a will still be 1 though because we have created
 * copy b by sending the message 'copy' to a and assiging the result
 * to b.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ a := List ← 1 ; 2 ; 3.
 * ☞ b := a copy.
 * b put: 999 at: 1.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] kopieer | Maakt een kopie van de reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_copy(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_size i = 0;
	ctr_object* copy = ctr_array_new( CtrStdArray, argumentList );
	ctr_argument* arg = ctr_heap_allocate(sizeof(ctr_argument));
	ctr_argument* index   = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	for(i = myself->value.avalue->tail; i<myself->value.avalue->head; i++) {
		index->object = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		arg->object = ctr_array_get( myself, index );
		ctr_array_push( copy, arg );
	ctr_heap_free( arg );
	ctr_heap_free( index );
	return copy;
 * [Map] values
 * Returns an array containing all the keys in the map.
 * The order of the keys is undefined. Use the sort message
 * to enforce a specific order.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ city        := List ← 'London' ; 'Paris' ; 'Berlin'.
 * ☞ temperature := List ← '15' ; '16' ; '15'.
 * ☞ weather := temperature by: city.
 * temperatures := weather values sort: {
 * 	:a :b  ↲ (a compare: b).
 * }.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Lijst] waarden | Geeft alle waarden uit de lijst als een reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_map_values(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* list;
	ctr_mapitem* m;
	ctr_argument* element;
	list = ctr_array_new( CtrStdArray, argumentList );
	m = myself->properties->head;
	element = ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
	while( m ) {
		element->object = m->value;
		ctr_array_push( list, element );
		m = m->next;
	ctr_heap_free( element );
	return list;
 * StringSplit
 * Converts a string to an array by splitting the string using
 * the specified delimiter (also a string).
ctr_object* ctr_string_split(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	char* str = myself->value.svalue->value;
	long len = myself->value.svalue->vlen;
	ctr_object* delimObject  = ctr_internal_cast2string(argumentList->object);
	char* dstr = delimObject->value.svalue->value;
	long dlen = delimObject->value.svalue->vlen;
	ctr_argument* arg;
	char* elem;
	ctr_object* arr = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	long i;
	long j = 0;
	char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*len);
	for(i=0; i<len; i++) {
		buffer[j] = str[i];
		if (ctr_internal_memmem(buffer, j, dstr, dlen, 0)!=NULL) {
			elem = malloc(sizeof(char)*(j-dlen));
			arg = malloc(sizeof(ctr_argument));
			arg->object = ctr_build_string(elem, j-dlen);
			ctr_array_push(arr, arg);
	if (j>0) {
		elem = malloc(sizeof(char)*j);
		arg = malloc(sizeof(ctr_argument));
		arg->object = ctr_build_string(elem, j);
		ctr_array_push(arr, arg);
	return arr;
 * [Array] from: [Begin] to: [End]
 * Copies part of an array indicated by from and to and
 * returns a new array consisting of a copy of this region.
ctr_object* ctr_array_from_to(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_argument* pushArg;
	ctr_argument* elnumArg;
	ctr_object* elnum;
	ctr_object* startElement = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* count = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	int start = (int) startElement->value.nvalue;
	int len = (int) count->value.nvalue;
	int i = 0;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	for(i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
		elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
	return newArray;
 * [List] from: [Begin] length: [End]
 * Copies part of an array indicated by from and to and
 * returns a new array consisting of a copy of this region.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] van: [Getal] lengte: [Getal] | Geeft subreeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_from_length(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_argument* pushArg;
	ctr_argument* elnumArg;
	ctr_object* elnum;
	ctr_object* startElement = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->object);
	ctr_object* count = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	int start = (int) startElement->value.nvalue;
	int len = (int) count->value.nvalue;
	int i = 0;
	ctr_object* newArray = ctr_array_new(CtrStdArray, NULL);
	for(i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
		pushArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnumArg = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
		elnum = ctr_build_number_from_float((ctr_number) i);
		elnumArg->object = elnum;
		pushArg->object = ctr_array_get(myself, elnumArg);
		ctr_array_push(newArray, pushArg);
		ctr_heap_free( elnumArg );
		ctr_heap_free( pushArg );
	return newArray;
 * [List] put: [Object] at: [Number]
 * Puts an object (which can be anything) in the list
 * at the specified position.
 * The list will be automatically expanded if the position number
 * is higher than the maximum of the list.
 * Usage:
 * ☞ fruits := List new.
 * ☞ fruits put: 'apples' at: 5.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] zet: [Object] bij: [Getal]
 * Plaatst het object op de aangegeven positie in de reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_put(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {

	ctr_object* putValue = argumentList->object;
	ctr_object* putIndex = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	ctr_size putIndexNumber;
	ctr_size head;
	ctr_size tail;

	if (putIndex->value.nvalue < 0) {
		CtrStdFlow = ctr_build_string_from_cstring( CTR_ERR_BOUNDS );
		CtrStdFlow->info.sticky = 1;
		return myself;

	head = (ctr_size) myself->value.avalue->head;
	tail = (ctr_size) myself->value.avalue->tail;
	putIndexNumber = (ctr_size) putIndex->value.nvalue;
	if (head <= putIndexNumber) {
		ctr_size j;
		for(j = head; j <= putIndexNumber; j++) {
			ctr_argument* argument;
			argument = (ctr_argument*) ctr_heap_allocate( sizeof( ctr_argument ) );
			argument->object = CtrStdNil;
			ctr_array_push(myself, argument);
			ctr_heap_free( argument );
		myself->value.avalue->head = putIndexNumber + 1;
	if (putIndexNumber < tail) {
		ctr_size j;
		for(j = tail; j > putIndexNumber; j--) {
			*(myself->value.avalue->elements + j) = CtrStdNil;
		myself->value.avalue->tail = putIndexNumber;
	*(myself->value.avalue->elements + putIndexNumber) = putValue;
	return myself;
 * [Array] put: [Element] at: [Index]
 * Puts a value in the array at the specified index.
 * Array will be automatically expanded if the index is higher than
 * the maximum index of the array.
 * Usage:
 * fruits := Array new.
 * fruits put: 'apples' at: 5.
ctr_object* ctr_array_put(ctr_object* myself, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* putValue = argumentList->object;
	ctr_object* putIndex = ctr_internal_cast2number(argumentList->next->object);
	ctr_size putIndexNumber;
	ctr_size head;
	ctr_size tail;
	if (putIndex->value.nvalue < 0) {
		CtrStdError = ctr_build_string_from_cstring("Index out of bounds.\0");
		return myself;
	head = (ctr_size) myself->value.avalue->head;
	tail = (ctr_size) myself->value.avalue->tail;
	putIndexNumber = (ctr_size) putIndex->value.nvalue;
	if (head <= putIndexNumber) {
		ctr_size j;
		for(j = head; j <= putIndexNumber; j++) {
			ctr_argument* argument;
			argument = CTR_CREATE_ARGUMENT();
			argument->object = CtrStdNil;
			ctr_array_push(myself, argument);
		myself->value.avalue->head = putIndexNumber + 1;
	if (putIndexNumber < tail) {
		ctr_size j;
		for(j = tail; j > putIndexNumber; j--) {
			*(myself->value.avalue->elements + j) = CtrStdNil;
		myself->value.avalue->tail = putIndexNumber;
	*(myself->value.avalue->elements + putIndexNumber) = putValue;
	return myself;
 * [List] ← [Element1] ; [Element2] ; ...
 * Creates a new instance of a list and initializes this
 * array with a first element, useful for literal-like List
 * notations. In the example we create a new list consisting
 * of the numbers 1, 2 and 3.
 * Usage:
 * a := List ← 1 ; 2 ; 3.
 * In other languages:
 * Dutch: [Reeks] ← [Element1] ; [Element2] ; ... | De pijl maakt een nieuwe reeks en voegt het eerste
 * element direct toe, opvolgende elementen kunnen worden gescheiden door puntkomma's (;), hiermee
 * voegt men telkens een nieuw element toe aan de reeks.
ctr_object* ctr_array_new_and_push(ctr_object* myclass, ctr_argument* argumentList) {
	ctr_object* s = ctr_array_new(myclass, NULL);
	return ctr_array_push(s, argumentList);