__host__ __device__
cudaError_t triple_chevrons(void* kernel, ::dim3 grid_dim, ::dim3 block_dim, int shared_memory_size, cudaStream_t stream, const Args&... args)
  // reference the kernel to encourage the compiler not to optimize it away

#if __cuda_lib_has_cudart
#  ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
  cudaConfigureCall(grid_dim, block_dim, shared_memory_size, stream);
  setup_kernel_arguments(0, args...);
  return cudaLaunch(kernel);
#  else
  // XXX generalize to multiple arguments
  if(sizeof...(Args) != 1)
    return cudaErrorNotSupported;

  using Arg = typename first_type<Args...>::type;

  void *param_buffer = cudaGetParameterBuffer(std::alignment_of<Arg>::value, sizeof(Arg));
  std::memcpy(param_buffer, &first_parameter(args...), sizeof(Arg));
  return cudaLaunchDevice(kernel, param_buffer, grid_dim, block_dim, shared_memory_size, stream);
#  endif // __CUDA_ARCH__
#else // __cuda_lib_has_cudart
  return cudaErrorNotSupported;
        __host__ __device__
        static void supported_path(unsigned int num_blocks, unsigned int block_size, size_t num_dynamic_smem_bytes, cudaStream_t stream, task_type task)
#  ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
          cudaConfigureCall(dim3(num_blocks), dim3(block_size), num_dynamic_smem_bytes, stream);
          cudaSetupArgument(task, 0);
          bulk::detail::throw_on_error(cudaLaunch(super_t::global_function_pointer()), "after cudaLaunch in triple_chevron_launcher::launch()");
#  else
          void *param_buffer = cudaGetParameterBuffer(alignment_of<task_type>::value, sizeof(task_type));
          std::memcpy(param_buffer, &task, sizeof(task_type));
          bulk::detail::throw_on_error(cudaLaunchDevice(reinterpret_cast<void*>(super_t::global_function_pointer()), param_buffer, dim3(num_blocks), dim3(block_size), num_dynamic_smem_bytes, stream),
                                       "after cudaLaunchDevice in triple_chevron_launcher::launch()");
#  endif // __CUDA_ARCH__
#endif // __BULK_HAS_CUDART__
void masterKendall(const float * x, size_t nx, 
                   const float * y, size_t ny,
                   size_t sampleSize, double * results)
		outputLength = nx * ny, outputBytes = outputLength*sizeof(double),
		xBytes = nx*sampleSize*sizeof(float), 
		yBytes = ny*sampleSize*sizeof(float); 
		* gpux, * gpuy; 
		* gpuResults;
		grid(nx, ny), block(NUMTHREADS, NUMTHREADS);

	cudaMalloc((void **)&gpux, xBytes);
	cudaMalloc((void **)&gpuy, yBytes);
	checkCudaError("input vector space allocation");

	cudaMemcpy(gpux, x, xBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
	cudaMemcpy(gpuy, y, yBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
	checkCudaError("copying input vectors to gpu");

	cudaMalloc((void **)&gpuResults, outputBytes);
	checkCudaError("allocation of space for result matrix");

  void *args[] =
    { &gpux
    , &nx
    , &gpuy
    , &ny
    , &sampleSize
    , &gpuResults
  cudaLaunch("gpuKendall", args,
      grid, block);

  cudaMemcpy(results, gpuResults, outputBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  checkCudaError("copying results from gpu and cleaning up");
cudaError_t WINAPI wine_cudaLaunch(const char *entry) {
    WINE_TRACE("%p\n", entry);

    if (QUEUE_MAX == numQueued) {
        cudaError_t evtErr;

        if (WINE_TRACE_ON(cuda)) {
            /* print out if event was recorded or not */
            WINE_TRACE("check event recorded %s\n", debug_cudaError(cudaEventQuery(event)));

        /* wait for event */
        unsigned int sleepCount = 0;

        char * SLTIME = getenv("SLEEPTIME");
        if ( SLTIME == NULL ) {
            sleep = 300000;
        else {
            sleep = atoi ( SLTIME );

        while (cudaEventQuery(event) != cudaSuccess) {
            nanosleep(sleep, NULL);

        WINE_TRACE("slept %u times\n", sleepCount);

        WINE_TRACE("event recorded, continuing\n");

        /* record a new event and subtract HALF_QUEUE_MAX from numQueued */
        numQueued = HALF_QUEUE_MAX;
        evtErr = cudaEventRecord(event, 0);

        if (evtErr) {
            WINE_ERR("cudaEventRecord: %s\n", debug_cudaError(evtErr));

    cudaError_t err = cudaLaunch(entry);

    if (!eventInitialized) {
        /* Create an event on the first cudaLaunch call.  This is done here so the calling program
         * has a chance to select the GPU device with cudaSetDevice if desired. */
        cudaError_t evtErr = cudaEventCreate(&event);

        if (evtErr) {
            WINE_ERR("cudaEventCreate: %s\n", debug_cudaError(evtErr));

        /* cudaEventCreate can WINE_TRACE("\n");
        return errors from previous asynchronous calls, so an error here does
                    * not necessarily mean the event wasn't created.  Assume it was created for now. */
        eventInitialized = TRUE;
        WINE_TRACE("created event %d\n", event);

    /* record an event at HALF_QUEUE_MAX */
    if (HALF_QUEUE_MAX == ++numQueued) {
        cudaError_t evtErr = cudaEventRecord(event, 0);  /* Assuming everything using stream 0 */

        if (evtErr) {
            WINE_ERR("cudaEventRecord: %s\n", debug_cudaError(evtErr));

    if (err) {
        WINE_TRACE("return %s\n", debug_cudaError(err));

    return err;