WebWheelEvent WebEventFactory::createWebWheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e, const QTransform& fromItemTransform)
    float deltaX                            = 0;
    float deltaY                            = 0;
    float wheelTicksX                       = 0;
    float wheelTicksY                       = 0;
    WebWheelEvent::Granularity granularity  = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers           = modifiersForEvent(e->modifiers());
    double timestamp                        = currentTimeForEvent(e);

    if (e->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
        deltaX = e->delta();
        wheelTicksX = deltaX / 120.0f;
    } else {
        deltaY = e->delta();
        wheelTicksY = deltaY / 120.0f;

    // Since we report the scroll by the pixel, convert the delta to pixel distance using standard scroll step.
    // Use the same single scroll step as QTextEdit (in QTextEditPrivate::init [h,v]bar->setSingleStep)
    static const float cDefaultQtScrollStep = 20.f;
    // ### FIXME: Default from QtGui. Should use Qt platform theme API once configurable.
    const int wheelScrollLines = 3;
    deltaX = wheelTicksX * wheelScrollLines * cDefaultQtScrollStep;
    deltaY = wheelTicksY * wheelScrollLines * cDefaultQtScrollStep;

    // Transform the position and the pixel scrolling distance.
    QLineF transformedScroll = fromItemTransform.map(QLineF(e->posF(), e->posF() + QPointF(deltaX, deltaY)));
    IntPoint transformedPoint = transformedScroll.p1().toPoint();
    IntPoint globalPoint = e->globalPosF().toPoint();
    FloatSize transformedDelta(transformedScroll.dx(), transformedScroll.dy());
    FloatSize wheelTicks(wheelTicksX, wheelTicksY);
    return WebWheelEvent(WebEvent::Wheel, transformedPoint, globalPoint, transformedDelta, wheelTicks, granularity, modifiers, timestamp);
WebWheelEvent WebEventFactory::createWebWheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e)
    float deltaX                            = 0;
    float deltaY                            = 0;
    float wheelTicksX                       = 0;
    float wheelTicksY                       = 0;
    WebWheelEvent::Granularity granularity  = WebWheelEvent::ScrollByPixelWheelEvent;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers           = modifiersForEvent(e->modifiers());
    double timestamp                        = currentTimeForEvent(e);

    // A delta that is not mod 120 indicates a device that is sending
    // fine-resolution scroll events, so use the delta as number of wheel ticks
    // and number of pixels to scroll.See also webkit.org/b/29601
    bool fullTick = !(e->delta() % 120);

    if (e->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) {
        deltaX = (fullTick) ? e->delta() / 120.0f : e->delta();
        wheelTicksX = deltaX;
    } else {
        deltaY = (fullTick) ? e->delta() / 120.0f : e->delta();
        wheelTicksY = deltaY;

    // Use the same single scroll step as QTextEdit
    // (in QTextEditPrivate::init [h,v]bar->setSingleStep)
    static const float cDefaultQtScrollStep = 20.f;
    deltaX *= (fullTick) ? QApplication::wheelScrollLines() * cDefaultQtScrollStep : 1;
    deltaY *= (fullTick) ? QApplication::wheelScrollLines() * cDefaultQtScrollStep : 1;

    return WebWheelEvent(WebEvent::Wheel, e->posF().toPoint(), e->globalPosF().toPoint(), FloatSize(deltaX, deltaY), FloatSize(wheelTicksX, wheelTicksY), granularity, modifiers, timestamp);
WebMouseEvent WebEventFactory::createWebMouseEvent(QMouseEvent* event, const QTransform& fromItemTransform, int eventClickCount)
    static FloatPoint lastPos = FloatPoint(0, 0);

    WebEvent::Type type             = webEventTypeForEvent(event);
    WebMouseEvent::Button button    = mouseButtonForEvent(event);
    float deltaX                    = event->pos().x() - lastPos.x();
    float deltaY                    = event->pos().y() - lastPos.y();
    int clickCount                  = eventClickCount;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers   = modifiersForEvent(event->modifiers());
    double timestamp                = currentTimeForEvent(event);
    lastPos.set(event->localPos().x(), event->localPos().y());

    return WebMouseEvent(type, button, fromItemTransform.map(event->localPos()).toPoint(), event->screenPos().toPoint(), deltaX, deltaY, 0.0f, clickCount, modifiers, timestamp);
WebKeyboardEvent WebEventFactory::createWebKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
    const int state                 = event->modifiers();
    WebEvent::Type type             = webEventTypeForEvent(event);
    const String text               = event->text();
    const String unmodifiedText     = event->text();
    bool isAutoRepeat               = event->isAutoRepeat();
    bool isSystemKey                = false; // FIXME: No idea what that is.
    bool isKeypad                   = (state & Qt::KeypadModifier);
    const String keyIdentifier      = keyIdentifierForQtKeyCode(event->key());
    int windowsVirtualKeyCode       = windowsKeyCodeForKeyEvent(event->key(), isKeypad);
    int nativeVirtualKeyCode        = event->nativeVirtualKey();
    int macCharCode                 = 0;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers   = modifiersForEvent(event->modifiers());
    double timestamp                = currentTimeForEvent(event);

    return WebKeyboardEvent(type, text, unmodifiedText, keyIdentifier, windowsVirtualKeyCode, nativeVirtualKeyCode, macCharCode, isAutoRepeat, isKeypad, isSystemKey, modifiers, timestamp);
WebTouchEvent WebEventFactory::createWebTouchEvent(const QTouchEvent* event, const QTransform& fromItemTransform)
    WebEvent::Type type  = webEventTypeForEvent(event);
    WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPointState state = static_cast<WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPointState>(0);
    unsigned int id;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers   = modifiersForEvent(event->modifiers());
    double timestamp                = currentTimeForEvent(event);

    const QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint>& points = event->touchPoints();
    Vector<WebPlatformTouchPoint, 6> m_touchPoints;
    for (int i = 0; i < points.count(); ++i) {
        const QTouchEvent::TouchPoint& touchPoint = points.at(i);
        id = static_cast<unsigned>(touchPoint.id());
        switch (touchPoint.state()) {
        case Qt::TouchPointReleased: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased; 
        case Qt::TouchPointMoved: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchMoved; 
        case Qt::TouchPointPressed: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPressed; 
        case Qt::TouchPointStationary: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchStationary; 

        // Qt does not have a Qt::TouchPointCancelled point state, so if we receive a touch cancel event,
        // simply cancel all touch points here.
        if (type == WebEvent::TouchCancel)
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled;

        IntSize radius(touchPoint.rect().width()/ 2, touchPoint.rect().height() / 2);
        m_touchPoints.append(WebPlatformTouchPoint(id, state, touchPoint.screenPos().toPoint(), fromItemTransform.map(touchPoint.pos()).toPoint(), radius, 0.0, touchPoint.pressure()));

    return WebTouchEvent(type, m_touchPoints, modifiers, timestamp);
WebTouchEvent WebEventFactory::createWebTouchEvent(const QTouchEvent* event)
    WebEvent::Type type  = webEventTypeForEvent(event);
    WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPointState state = static_cast<WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPointState>(0);
    unsigned int id;
    WebEvent::Modifiers modifiers   = modifiersForEvent(event->modifiers());
    double timestamp                = currentTimeForEvent(event);

    const QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint>& points = event->touchPoints();
    Vector<WebPlatformTouchPoint> m_touchPoints;
    for (int i = 0; i < points.count(); ++i) {
        id = static_cast<unsigned>(points.at(i).id());
        switch (points.at(i).state()) {
        case Qt::TouchPointReleased: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased; 
        case Qt::TouchPointMoved: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchMoved; 
        case Qt::TouchPointPressed: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchPressed; 
        case Qt::TouchPointStationary: 
            state = WebPlatformTouchPoint::TouchStationary; 

        m_touchPoints.append(WebPlatformTouchPoint(id, state, points.at(i).screenPos().toPoint(), points.at(i).pos().toPoint()));

    return WebTouchEvent(type, m_touchPoints, modifiers, timestamp);