static FloatPointGraph::Polygon walkGraphAndExtractPolygon(FloatPointGraph::Node* startNode)
    FloatPointGraph::Polygon outPoly;

    FloatPointGraph::Node* currentNode = startNode;
    FloatPointGraph::Node* previousNode = startNode;

    do {

        FloatPoint currentVec(*previousNode - *currentNode);

        // Walk the graph, at each node choosing the next non-visited
        // point with the greatest internal angle.
        FloatPointGraph::Node* nextNode = nullptr;
        float nextNodeAngle = 0;
        for (auto potentialNextNode : currentNode->nextPoints()) {
            if (potentialNextNode == currentNode)

            // If we can get back to the start, we should, ignoring the fact that we already visited it.
            // Otherwise we'll head inside the shape.
            if (potentialNextNode == startNode) {
                nextNode = startNode;

            if (potentialNextNode->isVisited())

            FloatPoint nextVec(*potentialNextNode - *currentNode);

            float angle = acos(nextVec.dot(currentVec));
            float crossZ = nextVec.x() * currentVec.y() - nextVec.y() * currentVec.x();

            if (crossZ < 0)
                angle = (2 * piFloat) - angle;

            if (!nextNode || angle > nextNodeAngle) {
                nextNode = potentialNextNode;
                nextNodeAngle = angle;

        // If we don't end up at a node adjacent to the starting node,
        // something went wrong (there's probably a hole in the shape),
        // so bail out. We'll use a bounding box instead.
        if (!nextNode)
            return FloatPointGraph::Polygon();

        outPoly.append(std::make_pair(currentNode, nextNode));

        previousNode = currentNode;
        currentNode = nextNode;
    } while (currentNode != startNode);

    return outPoly;
int ofxGifEncoder::getClosestToGreenScreenPaletteColorIndex(){
    ofLog() << "computing closest palete color";

    float minDistance = 100000;
    int closestIndex = 0;
    ofVec3f greenScreenVec(greenScreenColor.r, greenScreenColor.g, greenScreenColor.b);
    for (int i = 0; i < palette.size(); i++) {
        ofVec3f currentVec(palette.at(i).r, palette.at(i).g, palette.at(i).b);
        float currentDistance = currentVec.distance(greenScreenVec);
        if (currentDistance < minDistance){
            minDistance = currentDistance;
            closestIndex = i;
    return closestIndex;