void RenderContainer::renderObjects(IplImage* frame)
    CvRect dirtyRT;
    dirtyRT.x = -1;
    dirtyRT.y = -1;

    std::list<RenderObject *>::const_iterator itr = _objlist.begin();

    for (;itr != _objlist.end() ; ++itr) {
        RenderObject * current = *itr;

        if (!current->getVisible()) continue;

        CvRect ObjRect;
        ObjRect.x = current->getX();
        ObjRect.y = current->getY();
        ObjRect.width = current->getWidth();
        ObjRect.height = current->getHeight();

        if (!current->getDirtyFlag()) {
            CvRect intersect = cvRectIntersection(dirtyRT, ObjRect);

            if (intersect.width<=0 || intersect.height<=0) {


        dirtyRT.x = std::min(dirtyRT.x, ObjRect.x);
        dirtyRT.y = std::min(dirtyRT.y, ObjRect.y);
        int mergedRight = std::max(dirtyRT.x + dirtyRT.width, ObjRect.x + ObjRect.width);
        int mergedBottom = std::max(dirtyRT.y + dirtyRT.height, ObjRect.y + ObjRect.height);
        dirtyRT.width = mergedRight - dirtyRT.x;
        dirtyRT.height = mergedBottom - dirtyRT.y;

/* cvDetectNewBlobs
 * Return 1 and fill blob pNewBlob  with
 * blob parameters if new blob is detected:
int CvBlobDetectorCC::DetectNewBlob(IplImage* /*pImg*/, IplImage* pFGMask, CvBlobSeq* pNewBlobList, CvBlobSeq* pOldBlobList)
    int         result = 0;
    CvSize      S = cvSize(pFGMask->width,pFGMask->height);

    /* Shift blob list: */
        int     i;
        if(m_pBlobLists[SEQ_SIZE-1]) delete m_pBlobLists[SEQ_SIZE-1];

        for(i=SEQ_SIZE-1; i>0; --i)  m_pBlobLists[i] = m_pBlobLists[i-1];

        m_pBlobLists[0] = new CvBlobSeq;

    }   /* Shift blob list. */

    /* Create contours and add new blobs to blob list: */
    {   /* Create blobs: */
        CvBlobSeq       Blobs;
        CvMemStorage*   storage = cvCreateMemStorage();

        {   /* Glue contours: */
            cvFindBlobsByCCClasters(pFGMask, &Blobs, storage );
        }   /* Glue contours. */
        { /**/
            IplImage*       pIB = cvCloneImage(pFGMask);
            CvSeq*          cnts = NULL;
            CvSeq*          cnt = NULL;
            cvFindContours(pIB,storage, &cnts, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL);

            /* Process each contour: */
            for(cnt = cnts; cnt; cnt=cnt->h_next)
                CvBlob  NewBlob;
                /* Image moments: */
                double      M00,X,Y,XX,YY;
                CvMoments   m;
                CvRect      r = ((CvContour*)cnt)->rect;
                CvMat       mat;
                if(r.height < S.height*m_HMin || r.width < S.width*m_WMin) continue;
                cvMoments( cvGetSubRect(pFGMask,&mat,r), &m, 0 );
                M00 = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 0 );
                if(M00 <= 0 ) continue;
                X = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 1, 0 )/M00;
                Y = cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 1 )/M00;
                XX = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 2, 0 )/M00) - X*X;
                YY = (cvGetSpatialMoment( &m, 0, 2 )/M00) - Y*Y;
                NewBlob = cvBlob(r.x+(float)X,r.y+(float)Y,(float)(4*sqrt(XX)),(float)(4*sqrt(YY)));

            }   /* Next contour. */


        }   /* One contour - one blob. */

        {   /* Delete small and intersected blobs: */
            int i;
            for(i=Blobs.GetBlobNum(); i>0; i--)
                CvBlob* pB = Blobs.GetBlob(i-1);

                if(pB->h < S.height*m_HMin || pB->w < S.width*m_WMin)

                    int j;
                    for(j=pOldBlobList->GetBlobNum(); j>0; j--)
                        CvBlob* pBOld = pOldBlobList->GetBlob(j-1);
                        if((fabs(pBOld->x-pB->x) < (CV_BLOB_RX(pBOld)+CV_BLOB_RX(pB))) &&
                           (fabs(pBOld->y-pB->y) < (CV_BLOB_RY(pBOld)+CV_BLOB_RY(pB))))
                        {   /* Intersection detected, delete blob from list: */
                    }   /* Check next old blob. */
                }   /*  if pOldBlobList. */
            }   /*  Check next blob. */
        }   /*  Delete small and intersected blobs. */

        {   /* Bubble-sort blobs by size: */
            int N = Blobs.GetBlobNum();
            int i,j;
            for(i=1; i<N; ++i)
                for(j=i; j>0; --j)
                    CvBlob  temp;
                    float   AreaP, AreaN;
                    CvBlob* pP = Blobs.GetBlob(j-1);
                    CvBlob* pN = Blobs.GetBlob(j);
                    AreaP = CV_BLOB_WX(pP)*CV_BLOB_WY(pP);
                    AreaN = CV_BLOB_WX(pN)*CV_BLOB_WY(pN);
                    if(AreaN < AreaP)break;
                    temp = pN[0];
                    pN[0] = pP[0];
                    pP[0] = temp;

            /* Copy only first 10 blobs: */
            for(i=0; i<MIN(N,10); ++i)

        }   /* Sort blobs by size. */


    }   /* Create blobs. */

    {   /* Shift each track: */
        int j;
        for(j=0; j<m_TrackNum; ++j)
            int     i;
            DefSeq* pTrack = m_TrackSeq+j;

            for(i=SEQ_SIZE-1; i>0; --i)
                pTrack->pBlobs[i] = pTrack->pBlobs[i-1];

            pTrack->pBlobs[0] = NULL;
            if(pTrack->size == SEQ_SIZE)pTrack->size--;
    }   /* Shift each track. */

    /* Analyze blob list to find best blob trajectory: */
        double      BestError = -1;
        int         BestTrack = -1;;
        CvBlobSeq*  pNewBlobs = m_pBlobLists[0];
        int         i;
        int         NewTrackNum = 0;
        for(i=pNewBlobs->GetBlobNum(); i>0; --i)
            CvBlob* pBNew = pNewBlobs->GetBlob(i-1);
            int     j;
            int     AsignedTrack = 0;
            for(j=0; j<m_TrackNum; ++j)
                double  dx,dy;
                DefSeq* pTrack = m_TrackSeq+j;
                CvBlob* pLastBlob = pTrack->size>0?pTrack->pBlobs[1]:NULL;
                if(pLastBlob == NULL) continue;
                dx = fabs(CV_BLOB_X(pLastBlob)-CV_BLOB_X(pBNew));
                dy = fabs(CV_BLOB_Y(pLastBlob)-CV_BLOB_Y(pBNew));
                if(dx > 2*CV_BLOB_WX(pLastBlob) || dy > 2*CV_BLOB_WY(pLastBlob)) continue;

                {   /* Fill existed track: */
                    pTrack->pBlobs[0] = pBNew;
                else if((m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum)<SEQ_NUM)
                {   /* Duplicate existed track: */
                    m_TrackSeq[m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum] = pTrack[0];
                    m_TrackSeq[m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum].pBlobs[0] = pBNew;
            }   /* Next track. */

            if(AsignedTrack==0 && (m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum)<SEQ_NUM )
            {   /* Initialize new track: */
                m_TrackSeq[m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum].size = 1;
                m_TrackSeq[m_TrackNum+NewTrackNum].pBlobs[0] = pBNew;
        }   /* Next new blob. */

        m_TrackNum += NewTrackNum;

        /* Check each track: */
        for(i=0; i<m_TrackNum; ++i)
            int     Good = 1;
            DefSeq* pTrack = m_TrackSeq+i;
            CvBlob* pBNew = pTrack->pBlobs[0];
            if(pTrack->size != SEQ_SIZE) continue;
            if(pBNew == NULL ) continue;

            /* Check intersection last blob with existed: */
            if(Good && pOldBlobList)
                int k;
                for(k=pOldBlobList->GetBlobNum(); k>0; --k)
                    CvBlob* pBOld = pOldBlobList->GetBlob(k-1);
                    if((fabs(pBOld->x-pBNew->x) < (CV_BLOB_RX(pBOld)+CV_BLOB_RX(pBNew))) &&
                       (fabs(pBOld->y-pBNew->y) < (CV_BLOB_RY(pBOld)+CV_BLOB_RY(pBNew))))
                        Good = 0;
            }   /* Check intersection last blob with existed. */

            /* Check distance to image border: */
            {   /* Check distance to image border: */
                float    dx = MIN(pBNew->x,S.width-pBNew->x)/CV_BLOB_RX(pBNew);
                float    dy = MIN(pBNew->y,S.height-pBNew->y)/CV_BLOB_RY(pBNew);
                if(dx < m_MinDistToBorder || dy < m_MinDistToBorder) Good = 0;
            }   /* Check distance to image border. */

            /* Check uniform motion: */
            {   /* Check uniform motion: */
                double      Error = 0;
                int         N = pTrack->size;
                CvBlob**    pBL = pTrack->pBlobs;
                float       sum[2] = {0,0};
                float       jsum[2] = {0,0};
                float       a[2],b[2]; /* estimated parameters of moving x(t) = a*t+b*/
                int         j;

                for(j=0; j<N; ++j)
                    float   x = pBL[j]->x;
                    float   y = pBL[j]->y;
                    sum[0] += x;
                    jsum[0] += j*x;
                    sum[1] += y;
                    jsum[1] += j*y;

                a[0] = 6*((1-N)*sum[0]+2*jsum[0])/(N*(N*N-1));
                b[0] = -2*((1-2*N)*sum[0]+3*jsum[0])/(N*(N+1));
                a[1] = 6*((1-N)*sum[1]+2*jsum[1])/(N*(N*N-1));
                b[1] = -2*((1-2*N)*sum[1]+3*jsum[1])/(N*(N+1));

                for(j=0; j<N; ++j)
                    Error +=

                Error = sqrt(Error/N);

                if( Error > S.width*0.01 ||
                    fabs(a[0])>S.width*0.1 ||
                    Good = 0;

                /* New best trajectory: */
                if(Good && (BestError == -1 || BestError > Error))
                {   /* New best trajectory: */
                    BestTrack = i;
                    BestError = Error;
                }   /* New best trajectory. */
            }   /*  Check uniform motion. */
        }   /*  Next track. */

        #if 0
        {   /**/
            printf("BlobDetector configurations = %d [",m_TrackNum);
            int i;
            for(i=0; i<SEQ_SIZE; ++i)

        if(BestTrack >= 0)
        {   /* Put new blob to output and delete from blob list: */
            assert(m_TrackSeq[BestTrack].size == SEQ_SIZE);
            m_TrackSeq[BestTrack].pBlobs[0] = NULL;
            result = 1;
        }   /* Put new blob to output and mark in blob list to delete. */
    }   /*  Analyze blod list to find best blob trajectory. */

    {   /* Delete bad tracks: */
        int i;
        for(i=m_TrackNum-1; i>=0; --i)
        {   /* Delete bad tracks: */
            if(m_TrackSeq[i].pBlobs[0]) continue;
                m_TrackSeq[i] = m_TrackSeq[--m_TrackNum];
        }   /* Delete bad tracks: */

    if( m_split_detector && pNewBlobList->GetBlobNum() > 0 )
        int num_new_blobs = pNewBlobList->GetBlobNum();
        int i = 0;

        if( m_roi_seq ) cvClearSeq( m_roi_seq );
        for( i = 0; i < num_new_blobs; ++i )
            CvBlob* b = pNewBlobList->GetBlob(i);
            CvMat roi_stub;
            CvMat* roi_mat = 0;
            CvMat* scaled_roi_mat = 0;

            CvDetectedBlob d_b = cvDetectedBlob( CV_BLOB_X(b), CV_BLOB_Y(b), CV_BLOB_WX(b), CV_BLOB_WY(b), 0 );

            float scale = m_param_roi_scale * m_min_window_size.height / CV_BLOB_WY(b);

            float b_width =   MAX(CV_BLOB_WX(b), m_min_window_size.width / scale)
                            + (m_param_roi_scale - 1.0F) * (m_min_window_size.width / scale)
                            + 2.0F * m_max_border / scale;
            float b_height = CV_BLOB_WY(b) * m_param_roi_scale + 2.0F * m_max_border / scale;

            CvRect roi = cvRectIntersection( cvRect( cvFloor(CV_BLOB_X(b) - 0.5F*b_width),
                                                     cvFloor(CV_BLOB_Y(b) - 0.5F*b_height),
                                                     cvCeil(b_width), cvCeil(b_height) ),
                                             cvRect( 0, 0, pImg->width, pImg->height ) );
            if( roi.width <= 0 || roi.height <= 0 )

            if( m_roi_seq ) cvSeqPush( m_roi_seq, &roi );

            roi_mat = cvGetSubRect( pImg, &roi_stub, roi );
            scaled_roi_mat = cvCreateMat( cvCeil(scale*roi.height), cvCeil(scale*roi.width), CV_8UC3 );
            cvResize( roi_mat, scaled_roi_mat );

            m_split_detector->Detect( scaled_roi_mat, &m_detected_blob_seq );
            cvReleaseMat( &scaled_roi_mat );

            for( int k = 0; k < m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlobNum(); ++k )
                CvDetectedBlob* b = (CvDetectedBlob*) m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlob(k);

                /* scale and shift each detected blob back to the original image coordinates */
                CV_BLOB_X(b) = CV_BLOB_X(b) / scale + roi.x;
                CV_BLOB_Y(b) = CV_BLOB_Y(b) / scale + roi.y;
                CV_BLOB_WX(b) /= scale;
                CV_BLOB_WY(b) /= scale;

                CvDetectedBlob d_b = cvDetectedBlob( CV_BLOB_X(b), CV_BLOB_Y(b), CV_BLOB_WX(b), CV_BLOB_WY(b), 1,
                        b->response );

            if( m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlobNum() > 1 )
                 * Split blob.
                 * The original blob is replaced by the first detected blob,
                 * remaining detected blobs are added to the end of the sequence:
                CvBlob* first_b = m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlob(0);
                CV_BLOB_X(b)  = CV_BLOB_X(first_b);  CV_BLOB_Y(b)  = CV_BLOB_Y(first_b);
                CV_BLOB_WX(b) = CV_BLOB_WX(first_b); CV_BLOB_WY(b) = CV_BLOB_WY(first_b);

                for( int j = 1; j < m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlobNum(); ++j )
                    CvBlob* detected_b = m_detected_blob_seq.GetBlob(j);
        }   /* For each new blob. */

        for( i = 0; i < pNewBlobList->GetBlobNum(); ++i )
            CvBlob* b = pNewBlobList->GetBlob(i);
            CvDetectedBlob d_b = cvDetectedBlob( CV_BLOB_X(b), CV_BLOB_Y(b), CV_BLOB_WX(b), CV_BLOB_WY(b), 2 );
    }   // if( m_split_detector )

    return result;

}   /* cvDetectNewBlob */