  if (m_pConDens) {
    m_pConDens = NULL;
/** Initialize the Condensation data structure and state dynamics
void OpticalFlow::InitCondensation(int condens_num_samples)
  // initialize Condensation data structure and set the
  // system dynamics
  if (m_pConDens) {
  m_pConDens = cvCreateConDensation(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, condens_num_samples);
  CvMat dyn = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, CV_32FC1, m_pConDens->DynamMatr);
//  CvMat dyn = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, CV_MAT3x3_32F, m_pConDens->DynamMatr);
  cvmSet(&dyn, 0, 1, 0.0);
  cvmSet(&dyn, 2, 3, 0.0);

  // initialize bounds for state
  float lower_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
  float upper_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
  // velocity bounds highly depend on the frame rate that we will achieve,
  // increase the factor for lower frame rates;
  // it states how much the center can move in either direction in a single
  // frame, measured in terms of the width or height of the initial match size
  double velocity_factor = .25; 
  double cx = (m_condens_init_rect.left+m_condens_init_rect.right)/2.0;
  double cy = (m_condens_init_rect.top+m_condens_init_rect.bottom)/2.0;
  double width = (m_condens_init_rect.right-m_condens_init_rect.left)*velocity_factor;
  double height = (m_condens_init_rect.bottom-m_condens_init_rect.top)*velocity_factor;
  lower_bound[0] = (float) (cx-width);
  upper_bound[0] = (float) (cx+width);
  lower_bound[1] = (float) (-width);
  upper_bound[1] = (float) (+width);
  lower_bound[2] = (float) (cy-height);
  upper_bound[2] = (float) (cy+height);
  lower_bound[3] = (float) (-height);
  upper_bound[3] = (float) (+height);
  lower_bound[4] = (float) (-10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
  upper_bound[4] = (float) (+10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
  CvMat lb = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, lower_bound);
  CvMat ub = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, upper_bound);
  cvConDensInitSampleSet(m_pConDens, &lb, &ub);

  // set the state that will later be computed by condensation to
  // the currently observed state
  m_condens_state.x = cx;
  m_condens_state.y = cy;
  m_condens_state.vx = 0;
  m_condens_state.vy = 0;
  m_condens_state.angle = 0;

  // debugging:
//  DbgSetModuleLevel(LOG_CUSTOM1, 3);
} // ~CCondens
void particleFilter()
	int i, c;
	double w = 0.0, h = 0.0;
	cv::VideoCapture capture(0);
	//CvCapture *capture = 0;
	//capture = cvCreateCameraCapture (0);

	  int n_stat = 4;
	  int n_particle = 4000;
	  CvConDensation *cond = 0;
	  CvMat *lowerBound = 0;
	  CvMat *upperBound = 0;
	  int xx, yy;

	  capture >> capframe;

	//frame = cvQueryFrame (capture);
	w = capframe.cols;
	h = capframe.rows;
	//w = frame->width;
    //h = frame->height;
	cv::namedWindow("Condensation", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cv::setMouseCallback("Condensation", on_mouse, 0);
	//cvNamedWindow ("Condensation", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	//CvFont dfont;
	//float hscale      = 0.7f;
	//float vscale      = 0.7f;
	//float italicscale = 0.0f;
	//int  thickness    = 1;
	//char text[255] = "";
	//cvInitFont (&dfont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , hscale, vscale, italicscale, thickness, CV_AA); 

	cond = cvCreateConDensation (n_stat, 0, n_particle);

	lowerBound = cvCreateMat (4, 1, CV_32FC1);
	upperBound = cvCreateMat (4, 1, CV_32FC1);
	cvmSet (lowerBound, 0, 0, 0.0);
	cvmSet (lowerBound, 1, 0, 0.0);
	cvmSet (lowerBound, 2, 0, -20.0);
	cvmSet (lowerBound, 3, 0, -20.0);
	cvmSet (upperBound, 0, 0, w);
	cvmSet (upperBound, 1, 0, h);
	cvmSet (upperBound, 2, 0, 20.0);
	cvmSet (upperBound, 3, 0, 20.0);
	cvConDensInitSampleSet (cond, lowerBound, upperBound);

	cond->DynamMatr[0] = 1.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[1] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[2] = 1.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[3] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[4] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[5] = 1.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[6] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[7] = 1.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[8] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[9] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[10] = 1.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[11] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[12] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[13] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[14] = 0.0;
	cond->DynamMatr[15] = 1.0;
	cvRandInit (&(cond->RandS[0]), -25, 25, (int) cvGetTickCount ());
	cvRandInit (&(cond->RandS[1]), -25, 25, (int) cvGetTickCount ());
	cvRandInit (&(cond->RandS[2]), -5, 5, (int) cvGetTickCount ());
	cvRandInit (&(cond->RandS[3]), -5, 5, (int) cvGetTickCount ());
	while (1) 
		capture >> capframe;
		//frame = cvQueryFrame (capture);

		for (i = 0; i < n_particle; i++)
			xx = (int) (cond->flSamples[i][0]);
			yy = (int) (cond->flSamples[i][1]);
			 if (xx < 0 || xx >= w || yy < 0 || yy >= h) 
					cond->flConfidence[i] = 0.0;
					cond->flConfidence[i] = calc_likelihood (capframe, xx, yy);
					//cond->flConfidence[i] = calc_likelihood (frame, xx, yy);
					cv::circle(capframe, cv::Point(xx, yy), 1, CV_RGB(0, 255, 200));
					//cvCircle (frame, cvPoint (xx, yy), 1, CV_RGB (0, 255, 200), -1);

		double wx = 0, wy = 0;
		double sumWeight = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < n_particle; i++)
			sumWeight += cond->flConfidence[i];
		for (i = 0; i < n_particle; i++)
			wx += (int) (cond->flSamples[i][0]) * (cond->flConfidence[i] / sumWeight);
			wy += (int) (cond->flSamples[i][1]) * (cond->flConfidence[i] / sumWeight);

		cv::circle(capframe, cv::Point((int)wx, (int)wy), 10, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
		cv::circle(capframe, cv::Point(20, 20), 10, CV_RGB(red, green, blue), 6);
		cv::putText(capframe, "target", cv::Point(0, 50), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, CV_RGB(red, green, blue));
		cv::imshow("Condensation", capframe);

		//cvShowImage ("Condensation", frame);
		c = cv::waitKey(30);
		//c = cvWaitKey (30);
		if (c == 27)      break;
		cvConDensUpdateByTime (cond);


	//cvDestroyWindow ("Condensation");
	//cvReleaseCapture (&capture);

	cvReleaseConDensation (&cond);

	cvReleaseMat (&lowerBound);
	cvReleaseMat (&upperBound);