Foam::cylindricalCS Foam::arcEdge::calcAngle()
    vector a = p2_ - p1_;
    vector b = p3_ - p1_;

    // find centre of arcEdge
    scalar asqr = a & a;
    scalar bsqr = b & b;
    scalar adotb = a & b;

    scalar denom = asqr*bsqr - adotb*adotb;

    if (mag(denom) < VSMALL)
            << denom
            << abort(FatalError);

    scalar fact = 0.5*(bsqr - adotb)/denom;

    point centre = 0.5*a + fact*((a ^ b) ^ a);

    centre += p1_;

    // find position vectors w.r.t. the arcEdge centre
    vector r1(p1_ - centre);
    vector r2(p2_ - centre);
    vector r3(p3_ - centre);

    // find angles
    angle_ = radToDeg(acos((r3 & r1)/(mag(r3) * mag(r1))));

    // check if the vectors define an exterior or an interior arcEdge
    if (((r1 ^ r2) & (r1 ^ r3)) < 0.0)
        angle_ = 360.0 - angle_;

    vector tempAxis;

    if (angle_ <= 180.0)
        tempAxis = r1 ^ r3;

        if (mag(tempAxis)/(mag(r1)*mag(r3)) < 0.001)
            tempAxis = r1 ^ r2;
        tempAxis = r3 ^ r1;

    radius_ = mag(r3);

    // set up and return the local coordinate system
    return cylindricalCS("arcEdgeCS", centre, tempAxis, r1);
Foam::cylindricalCS Foam::arcEdge::calcAngle()
    vector a = p2_ - p1_;
    vector b = p3_ - p1_;

    // find centre of arcEdge
    scalar asqr = a & a;
    scalar bsqr = b & b;
    scalar adotb = a & b;

    scalar denom = asqr*bsqr - adotb*adotb;

    if (mag(denom) < VSMALL)
        FatalErrorIn("cylindricalCS arcEdge::calcAngle()")
            << "Invalid arc definition - are the points co-linear?  Denom ="
            << denom
            << abort(FatalError);

    scalar fact = 0.5*(bsqr - adotb)/denom;

    vector centre = 0.5*a + fact*((a ^ b) ^ a);

    centre += p1_;

    // find position vectors w.r.t. the arcEdge centre
    vector r1(p1_ - centre);
    vector r2(p2_ - centre);
    vector r3(p3_ - centre);

    // find angles
    scalar tmp = (r3&r1)/(mag(r3)*mag(r1));
    angle_ = acos(tmp)*180.0/mathematicalConstant::pi;

    // check if the vectors define an exterior or an interior arcEdge
    if (((r1  ^ r2)&(r1 ^ r3)) < 0.0) angle_ = 360 - angle_;

    vector tempAxis(0.0,0.0,0.0);

    if (angle_ <= 180.0)
        tempAxis = r1 ^ r3;

        if (mag(tempAxis)/(mag(r1)*mag(r3)) < 0.001) tempAxis = r1 ^ r2;
        tempAxis = r3 ^ r1;

    radius_ = mag(r3);

    // set up and return the local coordinate system
    return cylindricalCS("tmpCS", centre, tempAxis, r1);