static void printGeom (PrintingContext &c, dxGeom *g)
    unsigned long category = dGeomGetCategoryBits (g);
    if (category != (unsigned long)(~0)) {
        fprintf (c.file,"category_bits = %lu\n",category);
    unsigned long collide = dGeomGetCollideBits (g);
    if (collide != (unsigned long)(~0)) {
        fprintf (c.file,"collide_bits = %lu\n",collide);
    if (!dGeomIsEnabled (g)) {
        c.print ("disabled",1);
    switch (g->type) {
        case dSphereClass: printSphere (c,g); break;
        case dBoxClass: printBox (c,g); break;
        case dCapsuleClass: printCapsule (c,g); break;
        case dCylinderClass: printCylinder (c,g); break;
        case dPlaneClass: printPlane (c,g); break;
        case dRayClass: printRay (c,g); break;
        case dConvexClass: printConvex (c,g); break;
        case dTriMeshClass: printTriMesh (c,g); break;
        case dHeightfieldClass: printHeightfieldClass (c,g); break;
bool EOSOdeCollisionObject::isActive()
	if(this->collisionGeometry != 0)
		return dGeomIsEnabled(this->collisionGeometry);
	return false;
bool Construction::IsGeomActive()
	for(int i=0; i<nObjects; i++)
		if(ObjectList[i].HasGeom )
			if(dGeomIsEnabled( ObjectList[i].Geom ) )
				return true;
	return false;
static void nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
	//make sure both of the geom's are enabled (otherwise this is
	//a waste of our time
	if( !dGeomIsEnabled( o1 ) || !dGeomIsEnabled (o2 ))

	//collide spaces if neccesary
	if (dGeomIsSpace (o1) || dGeomIsSpace (o2)) 
		// collide the space(s?)
		dSpaceCollide2 (o1,o2,data,&nearCallback);

		// collide all geoms/spaces within the spaces
		//if (dGeomIsSpace (o1)) dSpaceCollide ((dSpaceID)o1,data,&nearCallback);
		//if (dGeomIsSpace (o2)) dSpaceCollide ((dSpaceID)o2,data,&nearCallback);

	//otherwise no spaces, just collide geoms

		//make sure one of the geoms has a body
		dBodyID body1 = dGeomGetBody( o1 );
		dBodyID body2 = dGeomGetBody( o2 );
		//if( body1 == 0 && body2 == 0)
		//make sure that the bodies are enabled

		DynamicsObject* dynobj=NULL, *dynobj2=NULL;
		int n;

		DynamicsSolver* solver = (DynamicsSolver*)data; 


		//Get 64 contacts
		const int N = 64;
		dContact contact[N];
		n = dCollide (o1,o2,N,&contact[0].geom,sizeof(dContact));

		//Sort all the contacts
		dContact* sortedContacts[N];
		for( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) sortedContacts[i] = &contact[i];
		qsort( sortedContacts, n,sizeof( dContact*), compareContacts );

		//determine how many contacts to actually care about
		//if( n > 8 )
		//	n = 8;
		if (n > 0) 
			//figure out surface desc stuff
			DynamicsSurfaceDesc* sd1, *sd2;
			DynamicsSurfaceDesc finaldesc;
			sd1 = (DynamicsSurfaceDesc*)dGeomGetData(contact[0].geom.g1);
			sd2 = (DynamicsSurfaceDesc*)dGeomGetData(contact[0].geom.g2);
 			finaldesc.Combine( sd1, sd2);

			//Get the bodies involved in the collision
			dBodyID b1, b2;
			b1 = dGeomGetBody(contact[0].geom.g1);
			b2 = dGeomGetBody(contact[0].geom.g2);

			//Inform objects of the collision that occured.
			if(b1) 	dynobj = (DynamicsObject*)dBodyGetData(b1);
			if(b2)	dynobj2 = (DynamicsObject*)dBodyGetData(b2);
			if( dynobj ) dynobj->OnCollide ( dynobj2 );
			if( dynobj2) dynobj2->OnCollide( dynobj);

			//Generate contact joints
			for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 
				contact[i].surface.mode =  dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM | dContactApprox1;// | dContactBounce;
				//contact[i].surface.mu = 0.5f;
				contact[i].surface.mu = finaldesc.mu;
				if(contact[i].geom.normal[1] < .8f )
					contact[i].surface.mu = 0.1f;

				contact[i].surface.slip1 = finaldesc.ContactSlip1 ;
				contact[i].surface.slip2 = finaldesc.ContactSlip2 ;
				contact[i].surface.soft_erp = finaldesc.SoftERP ;
				contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = finaldesc.SoftCFM;
				contact[i].surface.bounce = finaldesc.Bounce;
					contact[i].surface.bounce_vel = finaldesc.BounceVelocity ;
				dJointID c = dJointCreateContact (solver->WorldID,solver->ContactGroup,&contact[i]);

				//Insert friction anisotropy code here
				fixFrictionVector( b1, b2, contact[i] );

				dJointAttach (c,


bool CollidableObject::GetCanCollide()
	return dGeomIsEnabled(mGeom) != 0;