static int _getModifierMask(const char* accel)
   int ret = 0;
   if(dStrstr(accel, "ctrl"))
      ret |= kMenuControlModifier;
   if(dStrstr(accel, "shift"))
      ret |= kMenuShiftModifier;
   if(dStrstr(accel, "alt"))
      ret |= kMenuOptionModifier;
   if(!(dStrstr(accel, "cmd") || dStrstr(accel, "command")))
      ret |= kMenuNoCommandModifier;
   return ret;
// Destroy any fields.
void FieldBrushObject::destroyFields()
    // Fetch Dynamic-Field Dictionary.
    SimFieldDictionary* pFieldDictionary = getFieldDictionary();

    // Any Field Dictionary?
    if ( pFieldDictionary == NULL )
        // No, so we're done.

    // Iterate fields.
    for ( SimFieldDictionaryIterator itr(pFieldDictionary); *itr; ++itr )
        // Fetch Field Entry.
        SimFieldDictionary::Entry* fieldEntry = *itr;

        // Internal Field?
        if ( dStrstr( fieldEntry->slotName, INTERNAL_FIELD_PREFIX ) == fieldEntry->slotName )
            // Yes, so remove it.
            pFieldDictionary->setFieldValue( fieldEntry->slotName, "" );
bool DecalManager::_createDataFile()
   AssertFatal( !mData, "DecalManager::tried to create duplicate data file?" );

   // We need to construct a default file name
   char fileName[1024];
   fileName[0] = 0;

   // See if we know our current mission name
   char missionName[1024];
   dStrcpy( missionName, Con::getVariable( "$Client::MissionFile" ) );
   char *dot = dStrstr((const char*)missionName, ".mis");
      *dot = '\0';
   dSprintf( fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s.mis.decals", missionName );

   mDataFileName = StringTable->insert( fileName );

   if( !Torque::FS::IsFile( fileName ) )
      DecalDataFile *file = new DecalDataFile();
      file->write( mDataFileName );
      delete file;

   mData = ResourceManager::get().load( mDataFileName );
   return (bool)mData;
void initDisplayDeviceInfo()
   Con::printf( "Reading Display Device information..." );

   U8 i = 0;

   ddData.cb = sizeof( DISPLAY_DEVICEA );

   // Search for the primary display adapter, because that is what the rendering
   // context will get created on.
   while( EnumDisplayDevicesA( NULL, i, &ddData, 0 ) != 0 )
      // If we find the primary display adapter, break out
      if( ddData.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE )


   Con::printf( "   Primary Display Device Found:" );

   // Ok, now we have the primary display device. Parse the device information.
   char ven[9];
   char dev[9];

   ven[8] = dev[8] = '\0';

   // It may seem a bit silly here to cast, but there are two implimentations in Platform.h
   // This usage is the "const" version...
   char *pos = dStrstr( ddData.DeviceID, (const char *)"VEN_");

   dStrncpy( ven, ( pos ) ? pos : "VEN_0000", 8 );

   Con::printf( "      Vendor Id: %s", ven );

   pos = dStrstr( ddData.DeviceID, (const char *)"DEV_" );

   dStrncpy( dev, ( pos ) ? pos : "DEV_0000", 8 );

   Con::printf( "      Device Id: %s", dev );

   // We now have the information, set them to console variables so we can parse
   // the file etc in script using getField and so on.
   Con::setVariable( "$PCI_VEN", ven );
   Con::setVariable( "$PCI_DEV", dev );
// General operation
GenOp::GenOp( const char * statement, ... ) : Parent( NULL, NULL )

   va_list args;
   va_start(args, statement);

   char* lastEntry = (char*)statement;

   while( 1 )
      // search 'statement' for @ symbol
      char * str = dStrstr( lastEntry, (char *)"@" );

      if( !str )
         // not found, handle end of line
         str = (char*)&statement[ dStrlen( (char*)statement ) ];

         U64 diff = str - lastEntry + 1;
         if( diff == 1 ) break;

         char * newStr = new char[diff];

         dMemcpy( (void*)newStr, lastEntry, diff );

         mElemList.push_back( new EchoOp( newStr ) );


      // create and store statement fragment
      U64 diff = str - lastEntry + 1;

      if( diff == 1 )
         // store langElement
         LangElement *elem = va_arg(args, LangElement* );
         AssertFatal( elem, "NULL arguement." );
         mElemList.push_back( elem );

      char * newStr = new char[diff];

      dMemcpy( (void*)newStr, lastEntry, diff );
      newStr[diff-1] = '\0';

      lastEntry = str + 1;

      mElemList.push_back( new EchoOp( newStr ) );

      // store langElement
      LangElement *elem = va_arg(args, LangElement* );
      AssertFatal( elem, "NULL argument." );
      mElemList.push_back( elem );
static void dumpDoc( Stream& stream, const char* text, bool checkUngrouped = true )
   // Extract brief.
   String brief;
   if( text )
      const char* briefTag = dStrstr( text, "@brief" );
      if( !briefTag )
         const char* newline = dStrchr( text, '\n' );
         if( newline )
            brief = String( text, newline - text );
            text = newline + 1;
            brief = text;
            text = NULL;

   // Write doc comment.
   if( !brief.isEmpty() )
      stream.writeText( "@brief " );
      stream.writeText( brief );
      stream.writeText( "\r\n\r\n" );
   if( text )
      stream.writeText( text );
   if( checkUngrouped && ( !text || !dStrstr( text, "@ingroup" ) ) )
      smDocGroups.insertUnique( "UNDOCUMENTED", 0 );
      stream.writeText( "\r\n@ingroup UNDOCUMENTED\r\n" );
ASMShaderParameter* ASMShader::getNamedParameter(StringTableEntry name)
   for(U32 i = 0; i < mParameters.size(); i++)
      if(dStricmp(mParameters[i]->mName, name) == 0)
         return mParameters[i];
   //No parameter...
   const char* paramString;
   ASMShaderParameter* param = NULL;
   paramString = dStrstr(mVertexSourceString, name);
      param = new ASMShaderParameter;
      const char* openBracket = dStrstr(paramString, "[");
      const char* closeBracket = dStrstr(paramString, "]");
      char* num = (char *)dMalloc((closeBracket - openBracket + 1) * sizeof(U8));
      num = dStrncpy(num, openBracket + 1, (closeBracket - (openBracket + 1)));
      num[(closeBracket - (openBracket + 1))] = NULL;
      param->mName = StringTable->insert(name);
      param->mVertexId = dAtoi(num);
      const char* env = dStrstr(paramString, "program.env");
      param->mVertexIsEnv = (env != NULL && env < openBracket);
      param->mFragmentId = -1;
      param->mFragmentIsEnv = false;
   paramString = dStrstr(mPixelSourceString, name);
         param = new ASMShaderParameter;
         param->mVertexId = -1;
         param->mVertexIsEnv = false;
         param->mName = StringTable->insert(name);
      const char* openBracket = dStrstr(paramString, "[");
      const char* closeBracket = dStrstr(paramString, "]");
      char* num = (char *)dMalloc((closeBracket - openBracket + 1) * sizeof(U8));
      num = dStrncpy(num, openBracket + 1, (closeBracket - (openBracket + 1)));
      num[(closeBracket - (openBracket + 1))] = NULL;
      param->mFragmentId = dAtoi(num);
      const char* env = dStrstr(paramString, "program.env");
      param->mFragmentIsEnv = (env != NULL && env < openBracket);
   return param;
bool GFXInit::compareAdapterOutputDevice(const GFXAdapter* adapter, const char* outputDevice)
   // If the adapter doesn't have an output display device, then it supports all of them
      return true;

   // Try and match the first part of the output device display name.  For example,
   // an adapter->mOutputName of "\\.\DISPLAY1" might correspond to a display name
   // of "\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0".  If two monitors are set up in duplicate mode then
   // they will have the same 'display' part in their display name.
   return (dStrstr(outputDevice, adapter->mOutputName) == outputDevice);
bool hasExtension( const char *name, const char *extensions )
   // Extensions are compared against the extension strings
   if (extensions && *extensions) {
      const char* ptr = dStrstr(extensions,name);
      if (ptr) {
         char end = ptr[dStrlen(name)];
         if (end == ' ' || end == 0)
            return true;
   return false;
static void dumpEnum( Stream& stream, const EngineTypeInfo* type )
   if( !type->getEnumTable() ) // Sanity check.
   // Skip internals... don't export them.
   if (  type->getDocString() &&
         ( dStrstr( type->getDocString(), "@hide" ) || dStrstr( type->getDocString(), "@internal" ) ) )

   // Write documentation.
   stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );
   dumpDoc( stream, type->getDocString() );
   stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
   // Write definition.
   stream.writeText( "enum " );
   stream.writeText( type->getTypeName() );
   stream.writeText( " {\r\n" );
   const EngineEnumTable& table = *( type->getEnumTable() );
   const U32 numValues = table.getNumValues();
   for( U32 i = 0; i < numValues; ++ i )
      const EngineEnumTable::Value& value = table[ i ];
      stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );
      dumpDoc( stream, value.getDocString(), false );
      stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
      stream.writeText( value.getName() );
      stream.writeText( ",\r\n" );
   stream.writeText( "};\r\n" );
S32 Win32WindowManager::findFirstMatchingMonitor(const char* name)
   // Try and match the first part of the output device display name.  For example,
   // a Monitor name of "\\.\DISPLAY1" might correspond to a display name
   // of "\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0".  If two monitors are set up in duplicate mode then
   // they will have the same 'display' part in their display name.
   for(U32 i=0; i<mMonitors.size(); ++i)
      if(dStrstr(name, mMonitors[i].name) == name)
         return i;

   return -1;
bool Platform::stringToFileTime(const char * string, FileTime * time)
   if(!time || !string)

   char buf[80];
   dSprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (char *)string);

   char * sep = (char *)dStrstr((const char *)buf, (const char *)":");

   *sep = 0;

   time->v2 = dAtoi(buf);
   time->v1 = dAtoi(sep);

 // perform a modification on the specified file.  allowed modifications are
 // specified in the enum above.
 bool ModifyFile(const char * name, S32 modType)
    if(!name || (dStrlen(name) >= MaxPath) || dStrstr(name, "../") != NULL)

    // if its absolute skip it
    if (name[0]=='/' || name[0]=='\\')

    // only modify files in home directory
    char prefPathName[MaxPath];
    MungePath(prefPathName, MaxPath, name, GetPrefDir());

    if (modType == TOUCH)
       return(utime(prefPathName, 0) != -1);
    else if (modType == DELETE)
       return (remove(prefPathName) != -1);
       AssertFatal(false, "Unknown File Mod type");
    return false;
 bool Platform::getFileTimes(const char *filePath, FileTime *createTime, FileTime *modifyTime)
    char pathName[MaxPath];

    // if it starts with cwd, we need to strip that off so that we can look for
    // the file in the pref dir
    char cwd[MaxPath];
    getcwd(cwd, MaxPath);
    if (dStrstr(filePath, cwd) == filePath)
       filePath = filePath + dStrlen(cwd) + 1;

    // if its relative, first look in the pref dir
    if (filePath[0] != '/' && filePath[0] != '\\')
       MungePath(pathName, MaxPath, filePath, GetPrefDir());
       if (GetFileTimes(pathName, createTime, modifyTime))
          return true;

    // here if the path is absolute or not in the pref dir
    MungePath(pathName, MaxPath, filePath, cwd);
    return GetFileTimes(pathName, createTime, modifyTime);
void SimConsoleEvent::process(SimObject* object)
   // #ifdef DEBUG
   //    Con::printf("Executing schedule: %d", sequenceCount);
   // #endif
      Con::execute(object, mArgc, const_cast<const char**>( mArgv ));
      // Grab the function name. If '::' doesn't exist, then the schedule is
      // on a global function.
      char* func = dStrstr( mArgv[0], (char*)"::" );
      if( func )
         // Set the first colon to NULL, so we can reference the namespace.
         // This is okay because events are deleted immediately after
         // processing. Maybe a bad idea anyway?
         func[0] = '\0';

         // Move the pointer forward to the function name.
         func += 2;

         // Lookup the namespace and function entry.
         Namespace* ns = Namespace::find( StringTable->insert( mArgv[0] ) );
         if( ns )
            Namespace::Entry* nse = ns->lookup( StringTable->insert( func ) );
            if( nse )
               // Execute.
               nse->execute( mArgc, (const char**)mArgv, &gEvalState );

         Con::execute(mArgc, const_cast<const char**>( mArgv ));
PlatformFont::CharInfo& MacCarbFont::getCharInfo(const UTF16 ch) const
   // We use some static data here to avoid re allocating the same variable in a loop.
   // this func is primarily called by GFont::loadCharInfo(),
   Rect                 imageRect;
   CGContextRef         imageCtx;
   U32                  bitmapDataSize;
   ATSUTextMeasurement  tbefore, tafter, tascent, tdescent;
   OSStatus             err;

   // 16 bit character buffer for the ATUSI calls.
   // -- hey... could we cache this at the class level, set style and loc *once*, 
   //    then just write to this buffer and clear the layout cache, to speed up drawing?
   static UniChar chUniChar[1];
   chUniChar[0] = ch;

   // Declare and clear out the CharInfo that will be returned.
   static PlatformFont::CharInfo c;
   dMemset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
   // prep values for GFont::addBitmap()
   c.bitmapIndex = 0;
   c.xOffset = 0;
   c.yOffset = 0;

   // put the text in the layout.
   // we've hardcoded a string length of 1 here, but this could work for longer strings... (hint hint)
   // note: ATSUSetTextPointerLocation() also clears the previous cached layout information.
   ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( mLayout, chUniChar, 0, 1, 1);
   ATSUSetRunStyle( mLayout, mStyle, 0,1);
   // get the typographic bounds. this tells us how characters are placed relative to other characters.
   ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds( mLayout, 0, 1, &tbefore, &tafter, &tascent, &tdescent);
   c.xIncrement =  FixedToInt(tafter);
   // find out how big of a bitmap we'll need.
   // as a bonus, we also get the origin where we should draw, encoded in the Rect.
   ATSUMeasureTextImage( mLayout, 0, 1, 0, 0, &imageRect);
   U32 xFudge = 2;
   U32 yFudge = 1;
   c.width  = imageRect.right - imageRect.left + xFudge; // add 2 because small fonts don't always have enough room
   c.height = imageRect.bottom - imageRect.top + yFudge;
   c.xOrigin = imageRect.left; // dist x0 -> center line
   c.yOrigin = -imageRect.top; // dist y0 -> base line
   // kick out early if the character is undrawable
   if( c.width == xFudge || c.height == yFudge)
      return c;
   // allocate a greyscale bitmap and clear it.
   bitmapDataSize = c.width * c.height;
   c.bitmapData = new U8[bitmapDataSize];
   // get a graphics context on the bitmap
   imageCtx = CGBitmapContextCreate( c.bitmapData, c.width, c.height, 8, c.width, mColorSpace, kCGImageAlphaNone);
   if(!imageCtx) {
      Con::errorf("Error: failed to create a graphics context on the CharInfo bitmap! Drawing a blank block.");
      c.xIncrement = c.width;
      return c;

   // Turn off antialiasing for monospaced console fonts. yes, this is cheating.
   if(mSize < 12  && ( dStrstr(mName,"Monaco")!=NULL || dStrstr(mName,"Courier")!=NULL ))
      CGContextSetShouldAntialias(imageCtx, false);

   // Set up drawing options for the context.
   // Since we're not going straight to the screen, we need to adjust accordingly
   CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts(imageCtx, false);
   CGContextSetRenderingIntent(imageCtx, kCGRenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric);
   CGContextSetInterpolationQuality( imageCtx, kCGInterpolationNone);
   CGContextSetGrayFillColor( imageCtx, 1.0, 1.0);
   CGContextSetTextDrawingMode( imageCtx,  kCGTextFill);
   // tell ATSUI to substitute fonts as needed for missing glyphs
   ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(mLayout, true); 

   // set up three parrallel arrays for setting up attributes. 
   // this is how most options in ATSUI are set, by passing arrays of options.
   ATSUAttributeTag theTags[] = { kATSUCGContextTag };
   ByteCount theSizes[] = { sizeof(CGContextRef) };
   ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = { &imageCtx };
   // bind the layout to the context.
   ATSUSetLayoutControls( mLayout, 1, theTags, theSizes, theValues );

   // Draw the character!
   int yoff = c.height < 3 ? 1 : 0; // kludge for 1 pixel high characters, such as '-' and '_'
   int xoff = 1;
   err = ATSUDrawText( mLayout, 0, 1, IntToFixed(-imageRect.left + xoff), IntToFixed(imageRect.bottom + yoff ) );
   if(err != noErr) {
      Con::errorf("Error: could not draw the character! Drawing a blank box.");

//   Con::printf("Font Metrics: Rect = %2i %2i %2i %2i  Char= %C, 0x%x  Size= %i, Baseline= %i, Height= %i",imageRect.top, imageRect.bottom, imageRect.left, imageRect.right,ch,ch, mSize,mBaseline, mHeight);
//   Con::printf("Font Bounds:  left= %2i right= %2i  Char= %C, 0x%x  Size= %i",FixedToInt(tbefore), FixedToInt(tafter), ch,ch, mSize);
   return c;
void ShaderConnectorHLSL::sortVars()
   if ( GFX->getPixelShaderVersion() >= 2.0 ) 

   // Sort connector variables - They must be sorted on hardware that is running
   // ps 1.4 and below.  The reason is that texture coordinate registers MUST
   // map exactly to their respective texture stage.  Ie.  if you have fog
   // coordinates being passed into a pixel shader in texture coordinate register
   // number 4, the fog texture MUST reside in texture stage 4 for it to work.
   // The problem is solved by pushing non-texture coordinate data to the end
   // of the structure so that the texture coodinates are all at the "top" of the
   // structure in the order that the features are processed.

   // create list of just the texCoords, sorting by 'mapsToSampler'
   Vector< Var * > texCoordList;
   // - first pass is just coords mapped to a sampler
   for( U32 i=0; i<mElementList.size(); i++ )
      Var *var = mElementList[i];
      if( var->mapsToSampler )
         texCoordList.push_back( var );
   // - next pass is for the others
   for( U32 i=0; i<mElementList.size(); i++ )
      Var *var = mElementList[i];
      if( dStrstr( (const char *)var->connectName, "TEX" ) &&
          !var->mapsToSampler )
         texCoordList.push_back( var );
   // rename the connectNames
   for( U32 i=0; i<texCoordList.size(); i++ )
      char out[32];
      dSprintf( (char*)out, sizeof(out), "TEXCOORD%d", i );
      texCoordList[i]->setConnectName( out );

   // write new, sorted list over old one
   if( texCoordList.size() )
      U32 index = 0;
      for( U32 i=0; i<mElementList.size(); i++ )
         Var *var = mElementList[i];
         if( dStrstr( (const char *)var->connectName, "TEX" ) )
            mElementList[i] = texCoordList[index];
static void dumpVariable(  Stream& stream,
                           Dictionary::Entry* entry,
                           const char* inClass = NULL )
   // Skip variables defined in script.
   if( entry->type < 0 )
   // Skip internals... don't export them.
   if (  entry->mUsage &&
         ( dStrstr( entry->mUsage, "@hide" ) || dStrstr( entry->mUsage, "@internal" ) ) )

   // Split up qualified name.

   Vector< String > nameComponents;
   String( entry->name ).split( "::", nameComponents );
   if( !nameComponents.size() ) // Safety check.
   // Match filter.
   if( inClass )
      // Make sure first qualifier in name components is a
      // namespace qualifier matching the given class name.
      if( nameComponents.size() <= 1 || dStricmp( nameComponents.first().c_str() + 1, inClass ) != 0 ) // Skip '$'.
      // Make sure, this is *not* in a class namespace.
      if( nameComponents.size() > 1 && Con::lookupNamespace( nameComponents.first().c_str() + 1 )->mClassRep )
   // Skip variables for which we can't decipher their type.

   ConsoleBaseType* type = ConsoleBaseType::getType( entry->type );
   if( !type )
      Con::errorf( "Can't find type for variable '%s'", entry->name );

   // Write doc comment.
   stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );
   if( !inClass )
      stream.writeText( "@var " );
      stream.writeText( type->getTypeClassName() );
      stream.writeText( " " );
      stream.writeText( entry->name );
      stream.writeText( ";\r\n" );
   dumpDoc( stream, entry->mUsage );
   stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
   // Write definition.
   const U32 numNameComponents = nameComponents.size();
   if( !inClass && numNameComponents > 1 )
      for( U32 i = 0; i < ( numNameComponents - 1 ); ++ i )
         stream.writeText( "namespace " );
         stream.writeText( nameComponents[ i ] );
         stream.writeText( " { " );
   if( inClass )
      stream.writeText( "static " );
   if( entry->mIsConstant )
      stream.writeText( "const " );
   stream.writeText( type->getTypeClassName() );
   stream.writeText( " " );
   stream.writeText( nameComponents.last() );
   stream.writeText( ";" );
   if( !inClass && numNameComponents > 1 )
      for( U32 i = 0; i < ( numNameComponents - 1 ); ++ i )
         stream.writeText( " } " );
   stream.writeText( "\r\n" );
// Find out which extensions are available for this renderer. 
void getGLCapabilities( )
   AssertFatal(platState.engine, "getGLCapabilities() was called before a monitor was chosen!");

   // silently create an opengl context on the current display,
   // so that we can get valid renderer and capability info.
   // we save off the current context so that we can silently restore it.
   // the user should not be aware of this little shuffle.
   //CGLContextObj curr_ctx = CGLGetCurrentContext ();
   //CGLContextObj temp_ctx =  getContextForCapsCheck();
      Con::errorf("OpenGL may not be set up correctly!");

   // Get the OpenGL info strings we'll need
   const char* pVendString    = (const char*) glGetString( GL_VENDOR );
   const char* pRendString    = (const char*) glGetString( GL_RENDERER );
   const char* pVersString    = (const char*) glGetString( GL_VERSION );
   const char* pExtString     = (const char*) glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS );

   // Output some driver info to the console:
   Con::printf( "OpenGL driver information:" );
   if ( pVendString )
      Con::printf( "  Vendor: %s", pVendString );
   if ( pRendString )
      Con::printf( "  Renderer: %s", pRendString );
   if ( pVersString )
      Con::printf( "  Version: %s", pVersString );

   // pre-clear the structure
   dMemset(&gGLState, 0, sizeof(gGLState));

      // EXT_paletted_texture ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_paletted_texture") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppPalettedTexture = true;
      // EXT_compiled_vertex_array ========================================
      gGLState.suppLockedArrays = false;
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppLockedArrays = true;

      // ARB_multitexture ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_multitexture") != NULL)
		  gGLState.suppARBMultitexture = true;
      // EXT_blend_color
      if(dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_blend_color") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor = true;

      // EXT_blend_minmax
      if(dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_blend_minmax") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax = true;

      // NV_vertex_array_range ========================================
      // does not appear to be supported by apple, at all. ( as of 10.4.3 )
      // GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range is similar, and may be nearly identical.
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_NV_vertex_array_range") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange = true;

      // EXT_fog_coord ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_fog_coord") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppFogCoord = true;
      // ARB_texture_compression ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_compression") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppTextureCompression = true;

      // 3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppFXT1 = true;

      // EXT_texture_compression_S3TC ========================================
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppS3TC = true;

      // EXT_vertex_buffer ========================================
      // This extension is deprecated, and not supported by Apple. ( 10.4.3 )
      // Instead, the ARB Vertex Buffer extension is supported.
      // The new extension has a different API, so TGE should be updated to use it.
      if (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_vertex_buffer") != NULL)
         gGLState.suppVertexBuffer = true;

      // Anisotropic filtering ========================================
      gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic    = (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") != NULL);

      if (gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)
         glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &gGLState.maxAnisotropy);

      // Binary states, i.e., no supporting functions  ========================================
      // NOTE:
      // Some of these have multiple representations, via EXT and|or ARB and|or NV and|or SGIS ... etc.
      // Check all relative versions.
      gGLState.suppPackedPixels      = (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_packed_pixels") != NULL);
      gGLState.suppPackedPixels     |= (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_APPLE_packed_pixel") != NULL);

      gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine = (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_env_combine") != NULL);
      gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine|= (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_env_combine") != NULL);

      gGLState.suppEdgeClamp         = (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp") != NULL);
      gGLState.suppEdgeClamp        |= (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp") != NULL);
      gGLState.suppEdgeClamp        |= (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp") != NULL);
	   gGLState.suppEdgeClamp		= true;

      gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd         = (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_env_add") != NULL);
      gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd        |= (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_env_add") != NULL);

   // Texture combine units  ========================================
//   if (gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)
//      glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB, &gGLState.maxTextureUnits);
	  gGLState.suppARBMultitexture = false;
      gGLState.maxTextureUnits = 1;

   // Swap interval ========================================
   // Mac inherently supports a swap interval via AGL-set-integer.
   gGLState.suppSwapInterval = true;

   // FSAA support, TODO: check for ARB multisample support
   // multisample support should be checked via CGL
   gGLState.maxFSAASamples = 4;

   // dump found extensions to the console... 
   Con::printf("OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions");
   if (gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)    Con::printf("  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: %d)", gGLState.maxTextureUnits);
   if (gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor)      Con::printf("  EXT_blend_color");
   if (gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax)     Con::printf("  EXT_blend_minmax");
   if (gGLState.suppPalettedTexture)    Con::printf("  EXT_paletted_texture");
   if (gGLState.suppLockedArrays)       Con::printf("  EXT_compiled_vertex_array");
   if (gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange)   Con::printf("  NV_vertex_array_range");
   if (gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine)  Con::printf("  EXT_texture_env_combine");
   if (gGLState.suppPackedPixels)       Con::printf("  EXT_packed_pixels");
   if (gGLState.suppFogCoord)           Con::printf("  EXT_fog_coord");
   if (gGLState.suppTextureCompression) Con::printf("  ARB_texture_compression");
   if (gGLState.suppS3TC)               Con::printf("  EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
   if (gGLState.suppFXT1)               Con::printf("  3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1");
   if (gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd)          Con::printf("  (ARB|EXT)_texture_env_add");
   if (gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)     Con::printf("  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (Max anisotropy: %f)", gGLState.maxAnisotropy);
   if (gGLState.suppSwapInterval)       Con::printf("  Vertical Sync");
   if (gGLState.maxFSAASamples)         Con::printf("  ATI_FSAA");

   Con::warnf("OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions");
   if (!gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)    Con::warnf("  ARB_multitexture");
   if (!gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor)      Con::warnf("  EXT_blend_color");
   if (!gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax)     Con::warnf("  EXT_blend_minmax");
   if (!gGLState.suppPalettedTexture)    Con::warnf("  EXT_paletted_texture");
   if (!gGLState.suppLockedArrays)       Con::warnf("  EXT_compiled_vertex_array");
   if (!gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange)   Con::warnf("  NV_vertex_array_range");
   if (!gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine)  Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_env_combine");
   if (!gGLState.suppPackedPixels)       Con::warnf("  EXT_packed_pixels");
   if (!gGLState.suppFogCoord)           Con::warnf("  EXT_fog_coord");
   if (!gGLState.suppTextureCompression) Con::warnf("  ARB_texture_compression");
   if (!gGLState.suppS3TC)               Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
   if (!gGLState.suppFXT1)               Con::warnf("  3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1");
   if (!gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd)          Con::warnf("  (ARB|EXT)_texture_env_add");
   if (!gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)     Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");
   if (!gGLState.suppSwapInterval)       Con::warnf("  Vertical Sync");
   if (!gGLState.maxFSAASamples)         Con::warnf("  ATI_FSAA");

   // Set some console variables:
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$FogCoordSupported", gGLState.suppFogCoord );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$TextureCompressionSupported", gGLState.suppTextureCompression );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$AnisotropySupported", gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$PalettedTextureSupported", gGLState.suppPalettedTexture );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$SwapIntervalSupported", gGLState.suppSwapInterval );

   if (!gGLState.suppPalettedTexture && Con::getBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture",false))
      Con::setBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture", false);
      Con::setBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture", true);

   // get fsaa samples. default to normal, no antialiasing
   // TODO: clamp this against ARB_multisample capabilities.
   gFSAASamples = Con::getIntVariable("$pref::OpenGL::numFSAASamples", 1);

static void dumpFunction(  Stream &stream,
                           bool isClassMethod,
                           Namespace::Entry* entry )
   String doc = entry->getDocString().trim();
   String prototype = entry->getPrototypeString().trim();
   // If the doc string contains @hide, skip this function.
   if( dStrstr( doc.c_str(), "@hide" ) || dStrstr( doc.c_str(), "@internal" ) )
   // Make sure we have a valid function prototype.
   if( prototype.isEmpty() )
      Con::errorf( "Function '%s::%s' has no prototype!", entry->mNamespace->mName, entry->mFunctionName );
   // See if it's a static method.
   bool isStaticMethod = false;
   if( entry->mHeader )
      isStaticMethod = entry->mHeader->mIsStatic;
   // Emit the doc comment.

   if( !doc.isEmpty() )
      stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );

      // If there's no @brief, take the first line of the doc text body
      // as the description.

      const char* brief = dStrstr( doc, "@brief" );
      if( !brief )
         String brief = entry->getBriefDescription( &doc );
         if( !brief.isEmpty() )
            stream.writeText( "@brief " );
            stream.writeText( brief );
            stream.writeText( "\r\n\r\n" );

      stream.writeText( doc );
      // Emit @ingroup if it's not a class method.

      if ( !isClassMethod && !isStaticMethod ) // Extra static method check for static classes (which will come out as non-class namespaces).
         const char *group = dStrstr( doc, "@ingroup" );
         if( group )
            char groupName[ 256 ] = { 0 };
            dSscanf( group, "@ingroup %s", groupName );
            smDocGroups.insertUnique( groupName, 0 );
            smDocGroups.insertUnique( "UNDOCUMENTED", 0 );
            stream.writeText( "\r\n@ingroup UNDOCUMENTED\r\n" );
      stream.writeText( "*/\r\n" );
   else if( !isClassMethod )
      smDocGroups.insertUnique( "UNDOCUMENTED", 0 );
      stream.writeText( "/*! UNDOCUMENTED!\r\n@ingroup UNDOCUMENTED\r\n */\r\n" );
   if( isStaticMethod )
      stream.writeText( "static " );
   stream.writeText( prototype );
   stream.writeText( ";\r\n" );
static void dumpClassHeader(  Stream &stream, 
                              const char *usage, 
                              const char *className, 
                              const char *superClassName )
   if ( usage )
      stream.writeText( "/*!\r\n" );
      stream.writeText( usage );

      const char *group = dStrstr( usage, "@ingroup" );
      if ( group )
         char groupName[256] = { 0 };
         dSscanf( group, "@ingroup %s", groupName );
         smDocGroups.insertUnique( groupName, 0 );
         smDocGroups.insertUnique( "UNDOCUMENTED", 0 );
         stream.writeText( "\r\n@ingroup UNDOCUMENTED\r\n" );
      stream.writeText( "\r\n*/\r\n" );
      // No documentation string.  Check whether ther is a separate
      // class doc fragement.
      bool haveClassDocFragment = false;
      if( className )
         char buffer[ 1024 ];
         dSprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "@class %s", className );
         for(  ConsoleDocFragment* fragment = ConsoleDocFragment::smFirst;
               fragment != NULL; fragment = fragment->mNext )
            if( !fragment->mClass && dStrstr( fragment->mText, buffer ) != NULL )
               haveClassDocFragment = true;
      if( !haveClassDocFragment )
         smDocGroups.insertUnique( "UNDOCUMENTED", 0 );
         stream.writeText( "/*! UNDOCUMENTED!\r\n@ingroup UNDOCUMENTED\r\n */\r\n" );

   // Print out appropriate class header
   if ( superClassName )
      stream.writeText( String::ToString( "class %s : public %s {\r\npublic:\r\n", className, superClassName ? superClassName : "" ) );
   else if ( className )
      stream.writeText( String::ToString( "class %s {\r\npublic:\r\n", className ) );
      stream.writeText( "namespace {\r\n" );
static void dumpClasses( Stream &stream )

   VectorPtr<Namespace*> vec;
   vec.reserve( 1024 );

   // We use mHashSequence to mark if we have traversed...
   // so mark all as zero to start.
   for ( Namespace *walk = Namespace::mNamespaceList; walk; walk = walk->mNext )
      walk->mHashSequence = 0;

   for(Namespace *walk = Namespace::mNamespaceList; walk; walk = walk->mNext)
      VectorPtr<Namespace*> stack;
      stack.reserve( 1024 );

      // Get all the parents of this namespace... (and mark them as we go)
      Namespace *parentWalk = walk;
         if(parentWalk->mHashSequence != 0)
         if(parentWalk->mPackage == 0)
            parentWalk->mHashSequence = 1;   // Mark as traversed.
         parentWalk = parentWalk->mParent;

      // Load stack into our results vector.
         vec.push_back(stack[stack.size() - 1]);

   // Go through previously discovered classes
   U32 i;
   for(i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
      const char *className = vec[i]->mName;
      const char *superClassName = vec[i]->mParent ? vec[i]->mParent->mName : NULL;

      // Skip the global namespace, that gets dealt with in dumpFunctions

      // We're just dumping engine functions, then we don't want to dump
      // a class that only contains script functions. So, we iterate over 
      // all the functions.
      bool found = false;
      for( Namespace::Entry *ewalk = vec[i]->mEntryList; ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->mNext )
         if( ewalk->mType != Namespace::Entry::ConsoleFunctionType )
            found = true;

      // If we don't have engine functions and the namespace name
      // doesn't match the class name... then its a script class.
      if ( !found && !vec[i]->isClass() )
      // If we hit a class with no members and no classRep, do clever filtering.
      if(vec[i]->mEntryList == NULL && vec[i]->mClassRep == NULL)
         // Print out a short stub so we get a proper class hierarchy.
         if ( superClassName )  
            // Filter hack; we don't want non-inheriting classes...
            dumpClassHeader( stream, NULL, className, superClassName );
            dumpClassFooter( stream );

      // Skip over hidden or internal classes.
      if(   vec[i]->mUsage &&
            ( dStrstr( vec[i]->mUsage, "@hide" ) || dStrstr( vec[i]->mUsage, "@internal" ) ) )

      // Print the header for the class..
      dumpClassHeader( stream, vec[i]->mUsage, className, superClassName );
      // Dump all fragments for this class.
      for( ConsoleDocFragment* fragment = ConsoleDocFragment::smFirst; fragment != NULL; fragment = fragment->mNext )
         if( fragment->mClass && dStricmp( fragment->mClass, className ) == 0 )
            dumpFragment( stream, fragment );

      // Dump member functions.
      dumpNamespaceEntries( stream, vec[ i ], false );
      // Dump callbacks.
      dumpGroupStart( stream, "Callbacks" );
      dumpNamespaceEntries( stream, vec[ i ], true );
      dumpGroupEnd( stream );
      // Dump static member variables.
      dumpVariables( stream, className );

      // Deal with the classRep (to get members)...
      AbstractClassRep *rep = vec[i]->mClassRep;
      AbstractClassRep::FieldList emptyList;
      AbstractClassRep::FieldList *parentList = &emptyList;
      AbstractClassRep::FieldList *fieldList = &emptyList;
      if ( rep )
         // Get information about the parent's fields...
         AbstractClassRep *parentRep = vec[i]->mParent ? vec[i]->mParent->mClassRep : NULL;
            parentList = &(parentRep->mFieldList);

         // Get information about our fields
         fieldList = &(rep->mFieldList);

         // Go through all our fields...
         for(U32 j = 0; j < fieldList->size(); j++)
            const AbstractClassRep::Field &field = (*fieldList)[j];

            switch( field.type )
            case AbstractClassRep::StartArrayFieldType:
            case AbstractClassRep::EndArrayFieldType:
            case AbstractClassRep::StartGroupFieldType:
               dumpGroupStart( stream, field.pGroupname, field.pFieldDocs );
            case AbstractClassRep::EndGroupFieldType:
               dumpGroupEnd( stream );
            case AbstractClassRep::DeprecatedFieldType:
               // Skip over fields that are already defined in
               // our parent class.
               if ( parentRep && parentRep->findField( field.pFieldname ) )
               dumpClassMember( stream, field );

      // Close the class/namespace.
      dumpClassFooter( stream );
char* GFXGLShader::_handleIncludes( const Torque::Path& path, FileStream *s )
   // TODO:  The #line pragma on GLSL takes something called a
   // "source-string-number" which it then never explains.
   // Until i resolve this mystery i disabled this.
   //String linePragma = String::ToString( "#line 1 \r\n");
   //U32 linePragmaLen = linePragma.length();

   U32 shaderLen = s->getStreamSize();
   char* buffer = (char*)dMalloc(shaderLen + 1);
   //dStrncpy( buffer, linePragma.c_str(), linePragmaLen );
   s->read(shaderLen, buffer);
   buffer[shaderLen] = 0;
   char* p = dStrstr(buffer, "#include");
      char* q = p;
      p += 8;
         U32 n = 0;
         while(dIsspace(*p)) ++p;
         AssertFatal(*p == '"', "Bad #include directive");
         static char includeFile[256];
         while(*p != '"')
            AssertFatal(*p != 0, "Bad #include directive");
            includeFile[n++] = *p++;
            AssertFatal(n < sizeof(includeFile), "#include directive too long");
         includeFile[n] = 0;

         // First try it as a local file.
         Torque::Path includePath = Torque::Path::Join(path.getPath(), '/', includeFile);
         includePath = Torque::Path::CompressPath(includePath);
         FileStream includeStream;

         if ( !includeStream.open( includePath, Torque::FS::File::Read ) )
            // Try again assuming the path is absolute 
            // and/or relative.
            includePath = String( includeFile );
            includePath = Torque::Path::CompressPath(includePath);
            if ( !includeStream.open( includePath, Torque::FS::File::Read ) )
               AssertISV(false, avar("failed to open include '%s'.", includePath.getFullPath().c_str()));

               if ( smLogErrors )
                  Con::errorf( "GFXGLShader::_handleIncludes - Failed to open include '%s'.", 
                     includePath.getFullPath().c_str() );

               // Fail... don't return the buffer.
               return NULL;

         char* includedText = _handleIncludes(includePath, &includeStream);
         // If a sub-include fails... cleanup and return.
         if ( !includedText )
            return NULL;
         // TODO: Disabled till this is fixed correctly.
         // Count the number of lines in the file 
         // before the include.
         U32 includeLine = 0;
            char* nl = dStrstr( buffer, "\n" );
            while ( nl )
               nl = dStrstr( nl, "\n" );
               if(nl) ++nl;

         String manip(buffer);
         manip.erase(q-buffer, p-q);
         String sItx(includedText);

         // TODO: Disabled till this is fixed correctly.
         // Add a new line pragma to restore the proper
         // file and line number after the include.
         //sItx += String::ToString( "\r\n#line %d \r\n", includeLine );
         manip.insert(q-buffer, sItx);
         char* manipBuf = dStrdup(manip.c_str());
         p = manipBuf + (p - buffer);
         buffer = manipBuf;
      p = dStrstr(p, "#include");
   return buffer;
/// Spawn the default Operating System web browser with a URL
/// @param webAddress URL to pass to browser
/// @return true if browser successfully spawned
bool Platform::openWebBrowser( const char* webAddress )
   static bool sHaveKey = false;
   static wchar_t sWebKey[512];
   char utf8WebKey[512];

      HKEY regKey;
      DWORD size = sizeof( sWebKey );

      if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, dT("\\http\\shell\\open\\command"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &regKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
         Con::errorf( ConsoleLogEntry::General, "Platform::openWebBrowser - Failed to open the HKCR\\http registry key!!!");
         return( false );

      if ( RegQueryValueEx( regKey, dT(""), NULL, NULL, (U8 *)sWebKey, &size ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) 
         Con::errorf( ConsoleLogEntry::General, "Platform::openWebBrowser - Failed to query the open command registry key!!!" );
         return( false );

      RegCloseKey( regKey );
      sHaveKey = true;


#ifdef UNICODE
      char *p = dStrstr((const char *)utf8WebKey, "%1"); 
      char *p = strstr( (const char *) sWebKey  , "%1"); 
      if (p) *p = 0; 


   dMemset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
   si.cb = sizeof( si );

   char buf[1024];
#ifdef UNICODE
   dSprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", utf8WebKey, webAddress );   
   UTF16 b[1024];
   convertUTF8toUTF16((UTF8 *)buf, b, sizeof(b));
   dSprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s %s", sWebKey, webAddress );   

   //Con::errorf( ConsoleLogEntry::General, "** Web browser command = %s **", buf );

   dMemset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) );
   CreateProcess( NULL,
#ifdef UNICODE
      &pi );

   return( true );
// JMQTODO: really need a platform-shared version of this nastiness
bool GL_EXT_Init( )
   // Load extensions...
   const char* pExtString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));
   gGLState.primMode = 0;
   U32 extBitMask = 0;

   // GL_EXT_paletted_texture
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_paletted_texture") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= EXT_paletted_texture;
      gGLState.suppPalettedTexture = true;
      gGLState.suppPalettedTexture = false;

   // EXT_compiled_vertex_array
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= EXT_compiled_vertex_array;
      gGLState.suppLockedArrays = true;
      gGLState.suppLockedArrays = false;

   // ARB_multitexture
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_multitexture") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= ARB_multitexture;
      gGLState.suppARBMultitexture = true;
   } else {
      gGLState.suppARBMultitexture = false;
   // EXT_blend_color
   if(pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_blend_color") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= EXT_blend_color;
      gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor = true;
   } else {
      gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor = false;

   // EXT_blend_minmax
   if(pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_blend_minmax") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= EXT_blend_color;
      gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax = true;
   } else {
      gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax = false;

   // EXT_fog_coord
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_fog_coord") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= EXT_fog_coord;
      gGLState.suppFogCoord = true;
   } else {
      gGLState.suppFogCoord = false;

   // EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") != NULL)
      gGLState.suppS3TC = true;
      gGLState.suppS3TC = false;

   // ARB_texture_compression
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_compression") != NULL)
      extBitMask |= ARB_texture_compression;
      gGLState.suppTextureCompression = true;
   } else {
      gGLState.suppTextureCompression = false;

   // NV_vertex_array_range (not on *nix)
   gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange = false;

   // 3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
   if (pExtString && dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1") != NULL)
      gGLState.suppFXT1 = true;
      gGLState.suppFXT1 = false;

   if (!bindEXTFunctions(extBitMask))
      Con::warnf("You are missing some OpenGL Extensions.  You may experience rendering problems.");

   // Binary states, i.e., no supporting functions
   // EXT_packed_pixels
   // EXT_texture_env_combine
   // dhc note: a number of these can have multiple matching 'versions', private, ext, and arb.
   gGLState.suppPackedPixels      = pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_packed_pixels") != NULL) : false;
   gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine = pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_env_combine") != NULL) : false;
   gGLState.suppEdgeClamp         = pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp") != NULL) : false;
   gGLState.suppEdgeClamp        |= pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp") != NULL) : false;
   gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd         = pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_ARB_texture_env_add") != NULL) : false;
   gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd        |= pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_env_add") != NULL) : false;

   // Anisotropic filtering
   gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic    = pExtString? (dStrstr(pExtString, (const char*)"GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") != NULL) : false;
   if (gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)
      glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &gGLState.maxAnisotropy);
   if (gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)
      glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB, &gGLState.maxTextureUnits);
      gGLState.maxTextureUnits = 1;

   // JMQ: vsync/swap interval skipped
   gGLState.suppSwapInterval = false;

   Con::printf("OpenGL Init: Enabled Extensions");
   if (gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)    Con::printf("  ARB_multitexture (Max Texture Units: %d)", gGLState.maxTextureUnits);
   if (gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor)        Con::printf("  EXT_blend_color");
   if (gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax)       Con::printf("  EXT_blend_minmax");
   if (gGLState.suppPalettedTexture)    Con::printf("  EXT_paletted_texture");
   if (gGLState.suppLockedArrays)       Con::printf("  EXT_compiled_vertex_array");
   if (gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange)   Con::printf("  NV_vertex_array_range");
   if (gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine)  Con::printf("  EXT_texture_env_combine");
   if (gGLState.suppPackedPixels)       Con::printf("  EXT_packed_pixels");
   if (gGLState.suppFogCoord)           Con::printf("  EXT_fog_coord");
   if (gGLState.suppTextureCompression) Con::printf("  ARB_texture_compression");
   if (gGLState.suppS3TC)               Con::printf("  EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
   if (gGLState.suppFXT1)               Con::printf("  3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1");
   if (gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd)          Con::printf("  (ARB|EXT)_texture_env_add");
   if (gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)     Con::printf("  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (Max anisotropy: %f)", gGLState.maxAnisotropy);
   if (gGLState.suppSwapInterval)       Con::printf("  WGL_EXT_swap_control");

   Con::warnf("OpenGL Init: Disabled Extensions");
   if (!gGLState.suppARBMultitexture)    Con::warnf("  ARB_multitexture");
   if (!gGLState.suppEXTblendcolor)      Con::warnf("  EXT_blend_color");
   if (!gGLState.suppEXTblendminmax)     Con::warnf("  EXT_blend_minmax");
   if (!gGLState.suppPalettedTexture)    Con::warnf("  EXT_paletted_texture");
   if (!gGLState.suppLockedArrays)       Con::warnf("  EXT_compiled_vertex_array");
   if (!gGLState.suppVertexArrayRange)   Con::warnf("  NV_vertex_array_range");
   if (!gGLState.suppTextureEnvCombine)  Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_env_combine");
   if (!gGLState.suppPackedPixels)       Con::warnf("  EXT_packed_pixels");
   if (!gGLState.suppFogCoord)           Con::warnf("  EXT_fog_coord");
   if (!gGLState.suppTextureCompression) Con::warnf("  ARB_texture_compression");
   if (!gGLState.suppS3TC)               Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_compression_s3tc");
   if (!gGLState.suppFXT1)               Con::warnf("  3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1");
   if (!gGLState.suppTexEnvAdd)          Con::warnf("  (ARB|EXT)_texture_env_add");
   if (!gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic)     Con::warnf("  EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");
   if (!gGLState.suppSwapInterval)       Con::warnf("  WGL_EXT_swap_control");
   Con::printf(" ");

   // Set some console variables:
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$FogCoordSupported", gGLState.suppFogCoord );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$TextureCompressionSupported", gGLState.suppTextureCompression );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$AnisotropySupported", gGLState.suppTexAnisotropic );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$PalettedTextureSupported", gGLState.suppPalettedTexture );
   Con::setBoolVariable( "$SwapIntervalSupported", gGLState.suppSwapInterval );

   if (!gGLState.suppPalettedTexture && Con::getBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture",false))
      Con::setBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture", false);
      Con::setBoolVariable("$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture", true);

   return true;