int daemon_updatefilter(pcap_t *fp, uint32 plen)
struct rpcap_header header;			// keeps the answer to the updatefilter command
unsigned int nread;

	if ( daemon_unpackapplyfilter(fp, &nread, &plen, fp->errbuf) )
		goto error;

	// Check if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess
	if (nread != plen)
		if (sock_discard(fp->rmt_sockctrl, plen - nread, fakeerrbuf) )
			nread= plen;		// just to avoid to call discard again in the 'error' section
			goto error;

	// A response is needed, otherwise the other host does not know that everything went well
	rpcap_createhdr( &header, RPCAP_MSG_UPDATEFILTER_REPLY, 0, 0);

	if ( sock_send(fp->rmt_sockctrl, (char *) &header, sizeof (struct rpcap_header), fp->errbuf) )
		goto error;

	return 0;

	if (nread != plen)
		sock_discard(fp->rmt_sockctrl, plen - nread, fakeerrbuf);

	rpcap_senderror(fp->rmt_sockctrl, fp->errbuf, PCAP_ERR_UPDATEFILTER, fakeerrbuf);

	return -1;
	\param plen: the length of the current message (needed in order to be able
	to discard excess data in the message, if present)
pcap_t *daemon_startcapture(SOCKET sockctrl, pthread_t *threaddata, char *source, int active, struct rpcap_sampling *samp_param, uint32 plen, char *errbuf)
char portdata[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];		// temp variable needed to derive the data port
char peerhost[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];		// temp variable needed to derive the host name of our peer
pcap_t *fp= NULL;					// pcap_t main variable
unsigned int nread;					// number of bytes of the payload read from the socket
char sendbuf[RPCAP_NETBUF_SIZE];	// temporary buffer in which data to be sent is buffered
int sendbufidx= 0;					// index which keeps the number of bytes currently buffered

// socket-related variables
SOCKET sockdata= 0;					// socket descriptor of the data connection
struct addrinfo hints;				// temp, needed to open a socket connection
struct addrinfo *addrinfo;			// temp, needed to open a socket connection
struct sockaddr_storage saddr;		// temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine
socklen_t saddrlen;					// temp, needed to retrieve the network data port chosen on the local machine

pthread_attr_t detachedAttribute;	// temp, needed to set the created thread as detached

// RPCAP-related variables
struct rpcap_startcapreq startcapreq;		// start capture request message
struct rpcap_startcapreply *startcapreply;	// start capture reply message
int serveropen_dp;							// keeps who is going to open the data connection

	addrinfo= NULL;

	if ( (nread= sock_recv(sockctrl, (char *) &startcapreq, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreq), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == -1)
		return NULL;

	startcapreq.flags= ntohs(startcapreq.flags);

	// Open the selected device
	if ( (fp= pcap_open(source, 
			(startcapreq.flags & RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_PROMISC) ? PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS : 0 /* local device, other flags not needed */, 
			NULL /* local device, so no auth */,
			errbuf)) == NULL)
		rpcap_senderror(sockctrl, errbuf, PCAP_ERR_OPEN, NULL);
		return NULL;

	// Apply sampling parameters
	fp->rmt_samp.method= samp_param->method;
	fp->rmt_samp.value= samp_param->value;

	We're in active mode if:
	- we're using TCP, and the user wants us to be in active mode
	- we're using UDP
	serveropen_dp= (startcapreq.flags & RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_SERVEROPEN) || (startcapreq.flags & RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_DGRAM) || active;

	Gets the sockaddr structure referred to the other peer in the ctrl connection

	We need that because:
	- if we're in passive mode, we need to know the address family we want to use 
	(the same used for the ctrl socket)
	- if we're in active mode, we need to know the network address of the other host 
	we want to connect to
	saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
	if (getpeername(sockctrl, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
		sock_geterror("getpeername(): ", errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
		goto error;

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo) );
	hints.ai_socktype = (startcapreq.flags & RPCAP_STARTCAPREQ_FLAG_DGRAM) ? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
	hints.ai_family = saddr.ss_family;

	// Now we have to create a new socket to send packets
	if (serveropen_dp)		// Data connection is opened by the server toward the client
		sprintf(portdata, "%d", ntohs(startcapreq.portdata) );

		// Get the name of the other peer (needed to connect to that specific network address)
		if (getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, peerhost, 
				sizeof(peerhost), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) )
			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
			goto error;

		if (sock_initaddress(peerhost, portdata, &hints, &addrinfo, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
			goto error;

		if ( (sockdata= sock_open(addrinfo, SOCKOPEN_CLIENT, 0, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == -1)
			goto error;
	else		// Data connection is opened by the client toward the server
		hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;

		// Let's the server socket pick up a free network port for us
		if (sock_initaddress(NULL, "0", &hints, &addrinfo, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
			goto error;

		if ( (sockdata= sock_open(addrinfo, SOCKOPEN_SERVER, 1 /* max 1 connection in queue */, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)) == -1)
			goto error;

		// get the complete sockaddr structure used in the data connection
		saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
		if (getsockname(sockdata, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen) == -1)
			sock_geterror("getsockname(): ", errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
			goto error;

		// Get the local port the system picked up
		if (getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, saddrlen, NULL, 
				0, portdata, sizeof(portdata), NI_NUMERICSERV) )
			sock_geterror("getnameinfo(): ", errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
			goto error;

	// addrinfo is no longer used
	addrinfo= NULL;

	// save the socket ID for the next calls
	fp->rmt_sockctrl= sockctrl;	// Needed to send an error on the ctrl connection

	// Now I can set the filter
	if ( daemon_unpackapplyfilter(fp, &nread, &plen, errbuf) )
		goto error;

	// Now, I can send a RPCAP start capture reply message
	if ( sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_header), NULL, &sendbufidx,
		goto error;

	rpcap_createhdr( (struct rpcap_header *) sendbuf, RPCAP_MSG_STARTCAP_REPLY, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreply) );

	startcapreply= (struct rpcap_startcapreply *) &sendbuf[sendbufidx];
	if ( sock_bufferize(NULL, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreply), NULL,
		goto error;

	memset(startcapreply, 0, sizeof(struct rpcap_startcapreply) );
	startcapreply->bufsize= htonl(fp->bufsize);

	if (!serveropen_dp)
		unsigned short port = (unsigned short)strtoul(portdata,NULL,10);
		startcapreply->portdata= htons(port);

	if ( sock_send(sockctrl, sendbuf, sendbufidx, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
		goto error;

	if (!serveropen_dp)
	SOCKET socktemp;	// We need another socket, since we're going to accept() a connection

		// Connection creation
		saddrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);

		socktemp= accept(sockdata, (struct sockaddr *) &saddr, &saddrlen);
		if (socktemp == -1)
			sock_geterror("accept(): ", errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
			goto error;

		// Now that I accepted the connection, the server socket is no longer needed
		sock_close(sockdata, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);
		sockdata= socktemp;

	fp->rmt_sockdata= sockdata;

	/* GV we need this to create the thread as detached. */
	/* GV otherwise, the thread handle is not destroyed  */
	pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&detachedAttribute, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
	// Now we have to create a new thread to receive packets
	if ( pthread_create(threaddata, &detachedAttribute, (void *) daemon_thrdatamain, (void *) fp) )
		snprintf(errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE, "Error creating the data thread");
		goto error;

	// Check if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess
	if (nread != plen)
		sock_discard(sockctrl, plen - nread, NULL, 0);

	return fp;

	rpcap_senderror(sockctrl, errbuf, PCAP_ERR_STARTCAPTURE, NULL);

	if (addrinfo)

	if (threaddata)

	if (sockdata)
		sock_close(sockdata, NULL, 0);

	// Check if all the data has been read; if not, discard the data in excess
	if (nread != plen)
		sock_discard(sockctrl, plen - nread, NULL, 0);

	if (fp)
		fp= NULL;

	return NULL;