    // In order to correctly extract skinweights we first
    // need to go into bindpose. (and we need to remember the current
    // pose, to be able to undo it).
    // I know: nearly no error-checking.
		MStatus status;
        std::cout << " Going into bindpose ";
        // == turn IK off
        // save current state
        undoInfo.ikSnap = MIkSystem::isGlobalSnap(&status);
        undoInfo.ikSolve = MIkSystem::isGlobalSolve();
        // turn it off

        // == put joints into bindPose
        for (MItDag dagIt(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kJoint);
            std::cout << ".";
            MDagPath jointPath;
            if (jointPath.isInstanced())
            { // we only work on the first instance of an instanced joint.
                if (jointPath.instanceNumber() != 0)

            BindPoseUndoInformation::JointMatrixVector::value_type joint2transform;

            MFnIkJoint joint(jointPath.node());

            MTransformationMatrix currentTransform = joint.transformation(&status);

            joint2transform.first = jointPath.node();
            joint2transform.second = currentTransform;

            MMatrix bindPoseMatrix = getBindPoseMatrix(joint);
        std::cout << std::endl;

        //cout << "bindPose end" << endl;
        // don't know, if this is really necessary, but MS xporttranslator
        // does it...

	// remember the change
	inBindPose = true;
// Get the starting list of objects to export
MStatus CVstSmdIOCmd::GetOptSelection(
	const MArgDatabase &mArgDatabase,
	MSelectionList &mSelectionList )
	if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptSelection ) )
		// Get the user's specified selection of stuff to export
		if ( !mArgDatabase.getObjects( mSelectionList ) )
			MGlobal::displayError( "Cannot get list of specified objects to export" );
			return MS::kFailure;
		else if ( mSelectionList.isEmpty() )
			MGlobal::displayError( "-export -selection specified but nothing is selected" );
			return MS::kFailure;
		MDagPath mDagPath;
		const bool exportInvisible( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptExportInvisible ) );

		for ( MItDag dagIt( MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kDagNode ); !dagIt.isDone() && dagIt.depth() <= 1; dagIt.next() )
			if ( dagIt.depth() == 1)
				if ( dagIt.getPath( mDagPath ) )
					if ( exportInvisible || ValveMaya::IsPathVisible( mDagPath ) )
						mSelectionList.add( mDagPath, MObject::kNullObj, true );

	if ( mSelectionList.isEmpty() )
		MGlobal::displayError( "Cannot find anything to export" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	return MS::kSuccess;
    // I'm not even sure, if this is necessary. but MS's x-exporter does it.
    // and it shouldn't hurt.
    BindPoseTool::syncMeshes() const
		MStatus status;
       std:: cout << "  Syncing meshes ";
        for (MItDag dagIt(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kMesh, &status);
            std::cout << ".";
            MDagPath meshPath;
            MFnMesh mesh(meshPath.node());
        std::cout << std::endl;
MStatus NifDefaultImportingFixture::ReadNodes( const MFileObject& file )
	try {
		//out << "Reading NIF File..." << endl;
		//Read NIF file
		NiObjectRef root = ReadNifTree( file.fullName().asChar() );

		//out << "Importing Nodes..." << endl;
		//Import Nodes, starting at each child of the root
		NiNodeRef root_node = DynamicCast<NiNode>(root);
		if ( root_node != NULL ) {
			//Root is a NiNode and may have children

			this->translatorData->importedSceneRoot = root_node;

			//Check if the user wants us to try to find the bind pose
			if ( this->translatorOptions->importBindPose ) {
				SendNifTreeToBindPos( root_node );

			//Check if the user wants us to try to combine new skins with
			//an existing skeleton
			if ( this->translatorOptions->importCombineSkeletons ) {
				//Enumerate existing nodes by name
				MItDag dagIt( MItDag::kDepthFirst);

				for ( ; !dagIt.isDone(); dagIt.next() ) {
					MFnTransform transFn( dagIt.item() );
					//out << "Adding " << transFn.name().asChar() << " to list of existing nodes" << endl;
					MDagPath nodePath;
					dagIt.getPath( nodePath );
					this->translatorData->existingNodes[ transFn.name().asChar() ] = nodePath;

				//Adjust NiNodes in the original file that match names
				//in the maya scene to have the same transforms before
				//importing the new mesh over the top of the old one
				NiAVObjectRef rootAV = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
				if ( rootAV != NULL ) {
					this->translatorUtils->AdjustSkeleton( rootAV );

			//Check if the root node has a non-identity transform
			if ( root_node->GetLocalTransform() == Matrix44::IDENTITY ) {
				//Root has no transform, so treat it as the scene root
				vector<NiAVObjectRef> root_children = root_node->GetChildren();

				bool reserved = MProgressWindow::reserve();

				if(reserved == true) {
					MProgressWindow::setProgressMax(root_children.size() - 1);
					MProgressWindow::setTitle("Importing nodes");

					for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < root_children.size(); ++i ) {
						this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( root_children[i], this->translatorData->importedNodes );

				} else {
					for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < root_children.size(); ++i ) {
						this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( root_children[i], this->translatorData->importedNodes );
			} else {
				//Root has a transform, so it's probably part of the scene
				this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( StaticCast<NiAVObject>(root_node), this->translatorData->importedNodes );
		} else {
			NiAVObjectRef rootAVObj = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
			if ( rootAVObj != NULL ) {
				//Root is importable, but has no children
				this->nodeImporter->ImportNodes( rootAVObj, this->translatorData->importedNodes );
			} else {
				//Root cannot be imported
				MGlobal::displayError( "The root of this NIF file is not derived from the NiAVObject class.  It cannot be imported." );
				return MStatus::kFailure;

		//--Import Materials--//
		//out << "Importing Materials..." << endl;

		NiAVObjectRef rootAVObj = DynamicCast<NiAVObject>(root);
		if ( rootAVObj != NULL ) {
			//Root is importable
			this->materialImporter->ImportMaterialsAndTextures( rootAVObj );

		//--Import Meshes--//
		//out << "Importing Meshes..." << endl;

		//Iterate through all meshes that were imported.
		//This had to be deffered because all bones must exist
		//when attaching skin

		bool reserved;

		reserved = MProgressWindow::reserve();

		if(reserved == true) {
			MProgressWindow::setProgressMax(this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size() - 1);
			MProgressWindow::setTitle("Importing meshes");

			for ( unsigned i = 0; i < this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size(); ++i ) {
				//out << "Importing mesh..." << endl;
				//Import Mesh
				MDagPath meshPath = this->meshImporter->ImportMesh( this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].first, this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].second);


		} else {
			for ( unsigned i = 0; i < this->translatorData->importedMeshes.size(); ++i ) {
				//out << "Importing mesh..." << endl;
				//Import Mesh
				MDagPath meshPath = this->meshImporter->ImportMesh( this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].first, this->translatorData->importedMeshes[i].second);

		//out << "Done importing meshes." << endl;

		//--Import Animation--//
		//out << "Importing Animation keyframes..." << endl;

		//Iterate through all imported nodes, looking for any with animation keys

		//for ( map<NiAVObjectRef,MDagPath>::iterator it = this->translatorData->importedNodes.begin(); it != this->translatorData->importedNodes.end(); ++it ) {
		//	//Check to see if this node has any animation controllers
		//	if ( it->first->IsAnimated() ) {
		//		this->animationImporter->ImportControllers( it->first, it->second );
		//	}

		//out << "Deselecting anything that was selected by MEL commands" << endl;

		//Clear temporary data
		//out << "Clearing temporary data" << endl;
	catch( exception & e ) {
		MGlobal::displayError( e.what() );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	catch( ... ) {
		MGlobal::displayError( "Error:  Unknown Exception." );
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	return MStatus::kSuccess;