static PyObject*
pydat_index(HDSObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject* pobj;
    int index;
    if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:pydat_index", &index))
        return NULL;

    // Recover C-pointer passed via Python
    HDSLoc* loc1 = HDS_retrieve_locator(self);
    HDSLoc* loc2 = NULL;

    int status = SAI__OK;
    datIndex(loc1, index+1, &loc2, &status);
    if(raiseHDSException(&status)) return NULL;
    return HDS_create_object(loc2);
void smf_ext2km( int indf, const char *xname, AstKeyMap *keymap,
                 int mode, int *status ){

/* Local Variables */
   HDSLoc *cloc = NULL;
   HDSLoc *sloc = NULL;
   HDSLoc *xloc = NULL;
   const char *key = NULL;
   hdsdim diml[NDF__MXDIM];
   hdsdim dimu[NDF__MXDIM];
   int dim[ NDF__MXDIM ];
   int i;
   int idim;
   int lbnd[ NDF__MXDIM ];
   int ncomp;
   int ndim;
   int nentry;
   int ntime = 0;
   int prim;
   int there;
   int ubnd[ NDF__MXDIM ];

/* Check the inherited status */
   if( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

/* Get the shape of the NDF. */
   ndfBound( indf, 3, lbnd, ubnd, &ndim, status );

/* Get a locator to the named extension. */
   ndfXloc( indf, xname, "READ", &xloc, status );

/* Select the name of the prototype component that determines the length
   of the arrays to be copied. */
   if( !strcmp( xname, "JCMTSTATE" ) ) {
      key = "RTS_NUM";
   } else if( !strcmp( xname, "ACSIS" ) ) {
      key = "TSYS";
   } else {
      cloc = NULL;
      msgSetc( "X", xname );
      errRep( "", "smf_ext2km: Unknown extension specified - '^X'. "
              "Must be 'JCMTSTATE' or 'ACSIS'.", status );

/* Check the prorotype component is present in the extension. Report an
   error if not. */
   datThere( xloc, key, &there, status );
   if( !there && *status == SAI__OK ) {
      msgSetc( "C", key );
      msgSetc( "X", xname );
      errRep( "", "smf_ext2km: Component '^C' not found in extension "
              "^X", status );

/* If it is present, get the length of its last pixel axis. This is the
   length of the arrays to be copied. */
   } else {
      datFind( xloc, key, &cloc, status );
      datShape( cloc, NDF__MXDIM, dim, &ndim, status );
      ntime = dim[ ndim - 1 ];
      datAnnul( &cloc, status );

/* First deal with mode 1... */
/* ========================= */
   if( mode == 1 ) {

/* Loop round every component in the extension. */
      datNcomp( xloc, &ncomp, status );
      for( i = 1; i <= ncomp; i++ ) {
         datIndex( xloc, i, &cloc, status );

/* Check the component has primitive values. */
         datPrim( cloc, &prim, status );
         if( prim ) {

/* Get the shape of the component. */
            datShape( cloc, NDF__MXDIM, dim, &ndim, status );

/* Skip over this component if the length of its final axis is not equal
   to the expected number of time slices. */
            if( ndim > 0 && dim[ ndim - 1 ] == ntime ) {

/* Also skip if we are dealing with the ACSIS extension and the array has
   only 1 (or zero) axes. */
               if( ndim > 1 || strcmp( xname, "ACSIS" ) ) {

/* Cut a section from the HDS array so that it matches the pixel bounds of
   the NDF . */
                  for( idim = 0; idim < ndim - 1; idim++ ) {
                     diml[ idim ] = 1;
                     dimu[ idim ] = dim[ idim ];
                  diml[ idim ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
                  dimu[ idim ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
                  datSlice( cloc, ndim, diml, dimu, &sloc, status );

/* Store the values as a new entry in "keymap". */
                  kpg1Hdsky( sloc, keymap, 2, 1, status );

/* Annul the locator for the slice. */
                  datAnnul( &sloc, status );
         datAnnul( &cloc, status );

/* Now deal with mode 2... */
/* ========================= */
   } else if( mode == 2 ) {

/* Loop round every entry in the KeyMap. */
      nentry = astMapSize( keymap );
      for( i = 0; i < nentry; i++ ) {
         key = astMapKey( keymap, i );

/* See if the supplied extension has a component with the same name. */
         datThere( xloc, key, &there, status );

/* If it did, check the component is primitive. */
         if( there && *status == SAI__OK ) {
            datFind( xloc, key, &cloc, status );
            datPrim( cloc, &prim, status );
            if( prim ) {

/* Check the final axis of the primitive array has a length equal to the
   expected number of time slices. */
               datShape( cloc, NDF__MXDIM, dim, &ndim, status );
               if( ndim > 0 && dim[ ndim - 1 ] == ntime ) {

/* Also skip if we are dealing with the ACSIS extension and the array has
   only 1 (or zero) axes. */
                  if( ndim > 1 || strcmp( xname, "ACSIS" ) ) {

/* Cut a section from the HDS array so that it matches the pixel bounds of
   the NDF . */
                     for( idim = 0; idim < ndim - 1; idim++ ) {
                        diml[ idim ] = 1;
                        dimu[ idim ] = dim[ idim ];
                     diml[ idim ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
                     dimu[ idim ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
                     datSlice( cloc, ndim, diml, dimu, &sloc, status );

/* Append the values to the end of the existing KeyMap entry. */
                     kpg1Hdsky( sloc, keymap, 1, 3, status );

/* Annul the locator for the slice. */
                     datAnnul( &sloc, status );


               } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
                  *status = SAI__ERROR;
                  msgSetc( "X", xname );
                  msgSetc( "K", key );
                  ndfMsg( "F", indf );
                  errRep( "", "The ^X.^K array has an unexpected shape in "
                          "\"^F\".", status );

            } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
               *status = SAI__ERROR;
               msgSetc( "X", xname );
               msgSetc( "K", key );
               ndfMsg( "F", indf );
               errRep( "", "The ^X.^K array has an unexpected data type in "
                       "\"^F\".", status );

            datAnnul( &cloc, status );

         } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
            *status = SAI__ERROR;
            msgSetc( "X", xname );
            msgSetc( "K", key );
            ndfMsg( "F", indf );
            errRep( "", "The ^X.^K array is missing in \"^F\".", status );


/* Now tidy up. */
/* ============ */

/* Report an error if the "mode" value was illegal. */
   } else if( *status == SAI__OK ) {
      *status = SAI__ERROR;
      msgSeti( "MODE", mode );
      errRep( "", "smf_ext2km: Illegal value (^MODE) supplied for "
              "argument MODE (programming error).", status );

/* Free resources. */
   datAnnul( &xloc, status );