int maoni_main(int argc, char* argv[], RenderAlgorithm* algorithm_stack) { boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv); QApplication app(argc, argv); Q_INIT_RESOURCE( Resources); QPixmap pixmap(":/Maoni/Splashscreen.jpg"); QSplashScreen splash(pixmap, Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); FrameDataIceT framedata(algorithm_stack); RenderWidgetIceT* icet_widget = new RenderWidgetIceT(framedata); QWidget* main_window; if (framedata.master()) { MainWindow* mw = new MainWindow(framedata, icet_widget); TilesWidget* tiles_widget = new TilesWidget(framedata); mw->connect(mw, SIGNAL(data_updated()), tiles_widget, SLOT( update_browser())); mw->add_dock("Tile Config", Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, // tiles_widget); main_window = mw;; } else { main_window = icet_widget; } QString window_title("Maoni using IceT Parallel Rendering; Rank %1"); main_window->setWindowTitle(window_title.arg(framedata.myrank())); QTimer::singleShot(1000, main_window, SLOT(show())); QTimer::singleShot(1337, &splash, SLOT(close())); env.abort(app.exec()); return 0; }
//Timer call to animate the graph bars. void MonthView::on_growth_animation_timer_update() { if (prev_source_name != SOURCE_OTHER ) { if((opacity <= 255) && (opacity >= 20 )) { opacity -= 25; }else { if (opacity <= 20 ) { opacity =20; } if (opacity >= 255) { opacity = 255; } } } bool isAnimationinProgress = false; all_week_data = 0; int data; int sourceData; int weekly_total = 0; for(int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { weekly_total = 0; for(int col = 0; col < 7; col++) { if ( m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values.size() != 42) { break; } QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->tblDates->item(row,col); QVariant v = item->data(0); StarRating r = v.value<StarRating>(); // int data; // int sourceData; if (ResetAnimation) { data = 0; sourceData =0; } else { data = r.data_total; sourceData = r.data_from_source; } if (opacity> 20 && prev_source_name != SOURCE_OTHER ) { isAnimationinProgress = true; sourceData = ((int)((qreal)(50 * ( m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][prev_source_name] )))/MaxUnit ); if (opacity < 50) { sourceData =0; } } else if(data < ((int)((qreal)(50 * ( m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][0] + m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][1] + m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][2] + m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][3] + m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][4] )))/MaxUnit ) ) { data++; isAnimationinProgress = true; } else if(sourceData < ((int)((qreal)(50 * ( m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][currentSource] )))/MaxUnit )) { sourceData++; isAnimationinProgress= true; } QDate dt = QDate::fromString(item->whatsThis()); bool isfuturedate = false; if(dt.operator <= (QDate::currentDate())) { isfuturedate = true; } item->setData(0, qVariantFromValue(StarRating(, data, sourceData, currentSource,r.max_data_total,r.max_source_data, opacity, prev_source_name, (qreal)((qreal)(50 * ( m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][prev_source_name] )))/MaxUnit , isfuturedate))); if (opacity <= 20) { opacity= 255; prev_source_name = SOURCE_OTHER; } if(sourceData >0 && isfuturedate) { weekly_total += m_vector_vector_view_selected_day_usage_values[(row * 7) + col ][currentSource] ; } } // if(weekly_total > 0) { all_week_data += weekly_total; QTableWidgetItem *item_total = ui->tblDates->item(row, 7); item_total->setData(0, qVariantFromValue(StarRating(100,weekly_total,0, source_name,data,sourceData))); } } ResetAnimation= false; if (isAnimationinProgress == false ) { prev_source_name =currentSource; m_ptr_growth_animation_timer->stop(); } emit(data_updated(all_week_data)); }