double runoff_getTimeStep(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current simulation date/time
//  Output:  time step (sec)
//  Purpose: computes a time step to use for runoff calculations.
    int  j;
    long timeStep;
    long maxStep = DryStep;

    // --- find shortest time until next evaporation or rainfall value
    //     (this represents the maximum possible time step)
    timeStep = datetime_timeDiff(climate_getNextEvap(currentDate), currentDate);
    if ( timeStep < maxStep ) maxStep = timeStep;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[GAGE]; j++)
        timeStep = datetime_timeDiff(gage_getNextRainDate(j, currentDate),
        if ( timeStep > 0 && timeStep < maxStep ) maxStep = timeStep;

    // --- determine whether wet or dry time step applies
    if ( IsRaining || HasSnow || HasRunoff ) timeStep = WetStep;
    else timeStep = DryStep;

    // --- limit time step if necessary
    if ( timeStep > maxStep ) timeStep = maxStep;
    return (double)timeStep;
void saveAccumRainfall(Project* project, DateTime date1, int hour, int minute, long v)
//  Input:   date1 = date of latest rainfall reading (in DateTime format)
//           hour = hour of day of latest rain reading
//           minute = minute of hour of latest rain reading
//           v = accumulated rainfall reading in hundreths of inches
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: divides accumulated rainfall evenly into individual recording
//           periods over the accumulation period and writes each period's
//           rainfall to the binary rainfall file.
    DateTime date2;
    int      n, j;
    float    x;

    // --- return if accumulated start date is missing
    if ( project->AccumStartDate == NO_DATE ) return;

    // --- find number of recording intervals over accumulation period
    date2 = date1 + datetime_encodeTime(hour, minute, 0);
    n = (datetime_timeDiff(date2, project->AccumStartDate) / project->Interval) + 1;

    // --- update count of rain or missing periods
    if ( v == 99999 )
        project->RainStats.periodsMissing += n;
    project->RainStats.periodsRain += n;

    // --- divide accumulated amount evenly into each period
    x = (float)v / (float)n / 100.0f;

    // --- save this amount to file for each period
    if ( x > 0.0f )
        date2 = datetime_addSeconds(project->AccumStartDate, -project->TimeOffset);
        if ( project->RainStats.startDate == NO_DATE ) project->RainStats.startDate = date2;
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            fwrite(&date2, sizeof(DateTime), 1, project->Frain.file);
            fwrite(&x, sizeof(float), 1, project->Frain.file);
            date2 = datetime_addSeconds(date2, project->Interval);
            project->RainStats.endDate = date2;

    // --- reset start of accumulation period
    project->AccumStartDate = NO_DATE;